Professor Dean Stroud
PhD (Cardiff) FHEA MSc B.Sc. (Econ) Wales
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Dean Stroud
Professor of Social Sciences
I am a Professor teaching and researching in the area of skills and workforce development. I have a particular interest in the political economy of skill and skill systems, especially in relation to the workplace and the organisation of vocational education and training, and the role of trade unions therein. Other research interests include the greening of skills, jobs and the economy and processes of technological change and digitalisation. Heavy industry, and the European steel industry particularly, provides the context for much of my research. My recent research includes the ESSA project on the European steel industry's future skill needs and currently I am involved in the ALCHIMIA project Alchimia Project | ( focusing on optimising the efficiency of steel production in Electric Arc Furnaces.
Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future | SpringerLink
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Vannucci, M., Matino, R., Murri, M. M., Piancaldini, R., Schroeder, A. and Stroud, D. 2024. Robotic systems in the European steel industry: state-of-art and use cases. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 77-96., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_5)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2023. Education, vocational training and labour markets in Vietnam: mutual distrust and the supply-side approach. In: Lee, W. O. et al. eds. International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-25., (10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_58-1)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2021. Skills policy for growth and development: the merits of local approaches in Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development 83, article number: 102386. (10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102386)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- White Research, . et al. 2020. Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: towards an EU strategy addressing the skills needs of the steel sector. European vision on steel-related skills and supporting actions to solve the skills gap today and tomorrow in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. Available at:
- Stroud, D. 2020. Building the right skills for the European steel industry: two road maps. Presented at: Steel Careers Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 15 May 2020.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Stroud, D. 2019. Our changing environment and the prospects for decent and sustainable work. Presented at: ILO Future of Work Centenary, Debating the Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects, Sheffield, England, 28-29 May 2019.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2018. Governments matter for capitalist economies: Regeneration and transition to green and decent jobs. Economic and Industrial Democracy 39(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1177/0143831X15601731)
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D. and OECD Green Growth Studies, . 2017. Greening the blue economy in Pomorskie, Poland. Paris: OECD Publishing. (10.1787/9789264281509-en)
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism and the 'greening' of skills. Journal of Education and Work 29(3), pp. 263-283. (10.1080/13639080.2014.907487)
- Stroud, D. A. and Hopkins, A. 2016. Aspects of mutual engagement: school of engineering and industry collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies 1(1), pp. 30-41. (10.1080/23752696.2015.1134203)
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2014. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism, the environmental agenda and innovating for the greening of the labour process. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 118-138.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2014. Skill development in the transition to a 'green economy': A 'varieties of capitalism' analysis. Economic and Labour Relations Review 25(1), pp. 10-27. (10.1177/1035304613517457)
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2014. Organized capitalism? Explaining variation in the skills regimes of liberal market economies. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Kings College, London, London, UK, 7-9 April 2014.
- Evans, C., Blake, J., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2013. Jobs and skills: 'Green' jobs and decent Jobs. Presented at: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ 2013), Fremantle, Western Australia, 6-8 February, 2013 Presented at Rainnie, A. and Todd, P. eds.Work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world: Proceedings of the 27th AIRAANZ Conference. pp. 101-111.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Jobs and skills transition for the Latrobe Valley: Phase 1: Benchmark occupations and skill sets. Project Report. RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Skilling the Bay: Geelong regional labour market profile: final report. Project Report. Centre for Sustainable Work and Organisations, RMIT.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2013. An international study of comparator cases, skilling the bay Geelong - regional labour market profile - Attachment to final report. Working paper. Melbourne: Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(4), pp. 649-668. (10.1177/0143831X11425542)
- Stroud, D. A. 2012. Organizing training for union renewal: a case study analysis of the European Union steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(2), pp. 225-244. (10.1177/0143831X11404577)
- Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2012. Greening steel work: Varieties of capitalism, the green skills agenda and the 'greening' of the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C., Blake, J. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. Developing green jobs and skills in the transition from high to low carbon economies: an international comparison. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Gardner, D. and Stroud, D. 2012. Feedback: What do students want? A comparative study of students' expectations of assessment feedback. Presented at: The Seventh AECEF International Symposium, London, UK, 13-14 September 2012.
- Stroud, D. A. and Evans, C. 2011. Environmental legislation, policy and practice: the UK steel industry. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. 2011. Towards a European Steel Council on jobs and skills- Identifying the actors. Working paper.
- Stroud, D. A. 2010. A report for Corus, Port Talbot: an evaluation of the basics of gas combustion training. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J. and Fairbrother, P. 2010. Workforce (gender) re-composition in ‘traditional’ industry: lessons from European port and steel sectors. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers, New York, USA, 2010.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Labour union strategies in the European Union steel sector. In: Gall, G. ed. The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 114-130.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Changing experiences of (steel)work: capitalism, technology and the question of skill. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6 - 8 April, 2009.
- Stroud, D. A. 2009. Dilemmas for contemporary trade unionism: lessons from the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J., Fairbrother, P., Heery, E. J. and Martinez Lucio, M. 2009. Report for the ITF/ETF: women in ports. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Trade union strategies in the European Union steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, University College Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 20 March, 2008.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: questions for public policy1. Policy Studies 29(2), pp. 145-161. (10.1080/01442870802033423)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. The importance of workplace learning for trade unions: a study of the steel industry. Studies in Continuing Education 30(3), pp. 231-245. (10.1080/01580370802439920)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Workplace learning: a trade union failure to service needs. Journal of Workplace Learning 20(1), pp. 6-20. (10.1108/13665620810843610)
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2008. Equality and diversity learning in the European steel industry. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: Questions for public policy. Presented at: CRIMT International Conference: What Public Policies for Work in a Global Era?, Montréal, QC, Canada, 24-26 May 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Beck, V. 2007. Employability of the mature aged unemployed: An unrealistic goal for the East Midlands. Presented at: European Sociological Association, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Workforce transformation in the new European steel industry: A case study analysis of the consequences of structural change for workforce composition in a "traditional" industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 April 2007.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2006. Workplace Learning: Dilemmas for the European Steel Industry. Journal of Education and Work 19(5), pp. 455-480. (10.1080/13639080600988731)
- Stroud, D., Taylor, C. and Smetherham, C. 2005. Independent study into the devolution of the student support system and tuition fee regime: a review of research on student support systems and tuition fee regimes, with a special focus on Wales. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2005. Addressing employability: Questions for trade unions. Presented at: Conference on Training, Employment and Employability, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 22-23 September 2005. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. The question of pan-European qualifications. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. New steel industry challenges. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The internationalisation of the world steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The changing European steel workforce. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Training and qualifications in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The European Union steel industry: from a national to a regional industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Coffey, A., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2004. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in the United Kingdom. Working paper. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Netherlands. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Italy. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Germany. Project Report. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Workforce transformation and equal opportunities in the new European steel industry: a case study analysis of the effects of recent structural changes. Presented at: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands, 26-28 August 2004.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Poland. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Parken, A., Fairbrother, P., Davies, S., Hamner, M., Jephcote, M. and Stroud, D. A. 2004. Equal opportunities and diversity changing employment patterns in the European electricity industry: A Report for EPSU, EMCEF and EURELECTRIC. Project Report. [Online]. European Commission. Available at:
- Stroud, D. 2002. The social construction of labour markets by students in higher education. PhD Thesis, University of Wales.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Learning Steel Work in a Globalising Industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Rees, G. M. and Stroud, D. A. 2001. Creating a mass system of higher education: participation, the economy and citizenship. In: Phillips, R., Furlong, J. and , ,. eds. Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 72-86.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Student financial hardship in Further and Higher Education: With special reference to Wales: A research review. Working paper. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Further and Higher Education participation and student support arrangements: With special reference to Wales: A description and evaluation. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Rees, G. and Stroud, D. 2001. Regenerating the coalfields: the South Wales Experience. Working paper. Bevan Foundation.
- Stroud, D. A. 2001. The independent investigation group on student hardship and funding in Wales. The Welsh Journal of Education, pp. 92-104.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Vannucci, M., Matino, R., Murri, M. M., Piancaldini, R., Schroeder, A. and Stroud, D. 2024. Robotic systems in the European steel industry: state-of-art and use cases. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 77-96., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_5)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2023. Education, vocational training and labour markets in Vietnam: mutual distrust and the supply-side approach. In: Lee, W. O. et al. eds. International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-25., (10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_58-1)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2014. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism, the environmental agenda and innovating for the greening of the labour process. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 118-138.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Labour union strategies in the European Union steel sector. In: Gall, G. ed. The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 114-130.
- Rees, G. M. and Stroud, D. A. 2001. Creating a mass system of higher education: participation, the economy and citizenship. In: Phillips, R., Furlong, J. and , ,. eds. Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 72-86.
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D. 2020. Building the right skills for the European steel industry: two road maps. Presented at: Steel Careers Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 15 May 2020.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Stroud, D. 2019. Our changing environment and the prospects for decent and sustainable work. Presented at: ILO Future of Work Centenary, Debating the Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects, Sheffield, England, 28-29 May 2019.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2014. Organized capitalism? Explaining variation in the skills regimes of liberal market economies. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Kings College, London, London, UK, 7-9 April 2014.
- Evans, C., Blake, J., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2013. Jobs and skills: 'Green' jobs and decent Jobs. Presented at: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ 2013), Fremantle, Western Australia, 6-8 February, 2013 Presented at Rainnie, A. and Todd, P. eds.Work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world: Proceedings of the 27th AIRAANZ Conference. pp. 101-111.
- Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2012. Greening steel work: Varieties of capitalism, the green skills agenda and the 'greening' of the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C., Blake, J. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. Developing green jobs and skills in the transition from high to low carbon economies: an international comparison. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Gardner, D. and Stroud, D. 2012. Feedback: What do students want? A comparative study of students' expectations of assessment feedback. Presented at: The Seventh AECEF International Symposium, London, UK, 13-14 September 2012.
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J. and Fairbrother, P. 2010. Workforce (gender) re-composition in ‘traditional’ industry: lessons from European port and steel sectors. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers, New York, USA, 2010.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Changing experiences of (steel)work: capitalism, technology and the question of skill. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6 - 8 April, 2009.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Trade union strategies in the European Union steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, University College Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 20 March, 2008.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: Questions for public policy. Presented at: CRIMT International Conference: What Public Policies for Work in a Global Era?, Montréal, QC, Canada, 24-26 May 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Beck, V. 2007. Employability of the mature aged unemployed: An unrealistic goal for the East Midlands. Presented at: European Sociological Association, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Workforce transformation in the new European steel industry: A case study analysis of the consequences of structural change for workforce composition in a "traditional" industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 April 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2005. Addressing employability: Questions for trade unions. Presented at: Conference on Training, Employment and Employability, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 22-23 September 2005. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Workforce transformation and equal opportunities in the new European steel industry: a case study analysis of the effects of recent structural changes. Presented at: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands, 26-28 August 2004.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Learning Steel Work in a Globalising Industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2021. Skills policy for growth and development: the merits of local approaches in Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development 83, article number: 102386. (10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102386)
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2018. Governments matter for capitalist economies: Regeneration and transition to green and decent jobs. Economic and Industrial Democracy 39(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1177/0143831X15601731)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism and the 'greening' of skills. Journal of Education and Work 29(3), pp. 263-283. (10.1080/13639080.2014.907487)
- Stroud, D. A. and Hopkins, A. 2016. Aspects of mutual engagement: school of engineering and industry collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies 1(1), pp. 30-41. (10.1080/23752696.2015.1134203)
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2014. Skill development in the transition to a 'green economy': A 'varieties of capitalism' analysis. Economic and Labour Relations Review 25(1), pp. 10-27. (10.1177/1035304613517457)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(4), pp. 649-668. (10.1177/0143831X11425542)
- Stroud, D. A. 2012. Organizing training for union renewal: a case study analysis of the European Union steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(2), pp. 225-244. (10.1177/0143831X11404577)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: questions for public policy1. Policy Studies 29(2), pp. 145-161. (10.1080/01442870802033423)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. The importance of workplace learning for trade unions: a study of the steel industry. Studies in Continuing Education 30(3), pp. 231-245. (10.1080/01580370802439920)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Workplace learning: a trade union failure to service needs. Journal of Workplace Learning 20(1), pp. 6-20. (10.1108/13665620810843610)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2006. Workplace Learning: Dilemmas for the European Steel Industry. Journal of Education and Work 19(5), pp. 455-480. (10.1080/13639080600988731)
- Stroud, D. A. 2001. The independent investigation group on student hardship and funding in Wales. The Welsh Journal of Education, pp. 92-104.
- Stroud, D. 2002. The social construction of labour markets by students in higher education. PhD Thesis, University of Wales.
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Stroud, D. and OECD Green Growth Studies, . 2017. Greening the blue economy in Pomorskie, Poland. Paris: OECD Publishing. (10.1787/9789264281509-en)
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- White Research, . et al. 2020. Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: towards an EU strategy addressing the skills needs of the steel sector. European vision on steel-related skills and supporting actions to solve the skills gap today and tomorrow in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. Available at:
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Jobs and skills transition for the Latrobe Valley: Phase 1: Benchmark occupations and skill sets. Project Report. RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Skilling the Bay: Geelong regional labour market profile: final report. Project Report. Centre for Sustainable Work and Organisations, RMIT.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2013. An international study of comparator cases, skilling the bay Geelong - regional labour market profile - Attachment to final report. Working paper. Melbourne: Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT.
- Stroud, D. A. and Evans, C. 2011. Environmental legislation, policy and practice: the UK steel industry. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. 2011. Towards a European Steel Council on jobs and skills- Identifying the actors. Working paper.
- Stroud, D. A. 2010. A report for Corus, Port Talbot: an evaluation of the basics of gas combustion training. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A. 2009. Dilemmas for contemporary trade unionism: lessons from the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J., Fairbrother, P., Heery, E. J. and Martinez Lucio, M. 2009. Report for the ITF/ETF: women in ports. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2008. Equality and diversity learning in the European steel industry. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D., Taylor, C. and Smetherham, C. 2005. Independent study into the devolution of the student support system and tuition fee regime: a review of research on student support systems and tuition fee regimes, with a special focus on Wales. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. The question of pan-European qualifications. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. New steel industry challenges. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The internationalisation of the world steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The changing European steel workforce. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Training and qualifications in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The European Union steel industry: from a national to a regional industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Coffey, A., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2004. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in the United Kingdom. Working paper. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Netherlands. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Italy. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Germany. Project Report. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Poland. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Parken, A., Fairbrother, P., Davies, S., Hamner, M., Jephcote, M. and Stroud, D. A. 2004. Equal opportunities and diversity changing employment patterns in the European electricity industry: A Report for EPSU, EMCEF and EURELECTRIC. Project Report. [Online]. European Commission. Available at:
- Stroud, D. 2001. Student financial hardship in Further and Higher Education: With special reference to Wales: A research review. Working paper. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Further and Higher Education participation and student support arrangements: With special reference to Wales: A description and evaluation. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Rees, G. and Stroud, D. 2001. Regenerating the coalfields: the South Wales Experience. Working paper. Bevan Foundation.
Dean Stroud is a Professor in Skills and Workforce Development at the Cardiff School of Social Sciences. The principal focus of his research is skills and training needs and workplace learning. Other areas of interest include the labour process and industrial relations, workforce reconfiguration and equality and diversity. More recently his research has focused on 'green' and sustainability issues, particularly with regard to 'green' skills and jobs and transitions from high to low carbon economies and processes of technological change and digitalisation.
Current Research
€3.5M ALCHIMIA: Data and decentralised Artificial Intelligence for a competitive and green European metallurgy industry The project aims to build a platform based on Federated Learning and Continual Learning to help large European metallurgy industries unlock the full potential of AI to support transformation to high quality, competitive, green and efficient industry. Horizon Europe - Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITIAL-EMERGING-01 Alchimia Project | (
Duration: 2022-2025
European Training Foundation Exploring the Sectoral Skills Balance Research Approach: Insights from Poland and Wales and its Implemetation Potential in Türkiye This project aims to draw methdolological lessons from sectoral research in Poland and Wales for application of sector skills analysis in Türkiye
Duration: 2023-2024
Past Projects
€3.9M European Steel Skills Agenda (ESSA) The project aims to develop a Blueprint for a sustainable, steel industry driven and coordinated European Steel Skills Agenda (ESSA). The Agenda will present a strategy for meeting current and future skills demands, and pilot the development of modules and tools for building awareness and implementing new skills for a globally competitive industry. The aim is to be ready to anticipate new skills demands and to develop pro-active practical activities to meet the future requirements of the industry.
“New Skills Agenda Steel”: Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy (ESSA) is an Erasmus+ Call: Sector Skills Alliances (Lot 3) Action: Sector Skills Alliances in vocational education and training Action type: Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills
Project Number: 600886-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA-B
Agreement Number: 2018-3059/001-001
Duration: 2019-2023
Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future | SpringerLink
£12,647K Preparing for Just Transition: Meeting Green Skill Needs for a Sustainable Steel Industry, Funder: Community Union July-October 2021: The aim of this project is to understand better steelworkers' preparedness for decarbonisation and the greening of the steel industry.
Access the report here: Meeting the green skills need - Community Trade Union (
€1.7M Dromosplan, Funder: European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel 2016-2020: The aim of this project is to evaluate the benefits arising from the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in steelworks
€738K Expert Role: “Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: towards an EU strategy addressing the skills needs of the steel sector” Funder: European Commission – Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) Programme: COSME – EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2019-2020
€1.7M WaterWatt, Funder: European Commission Horizon 2020 (2016-18 lead UK partner/co-applicant with DECHEMA, of 24 month research project, with full RA pt6, plus research costs). The Project WaterWatt “Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support”, which started at 1st of April 2016, has the main objective of increasing energy efficiency in industrial water circuits.
€2K The Sector Social Dialogue Committee Steel – Training Working Group: Workforce Development, Recruitment and Retention: Mapping Social Demographics, Funder: European Commission (2015-2016/7: Engagement as international expert and principal investigator)
€3K + expenses Boosting Skills Eco-systems for Greener Jobs in the Pomeranian Region in Poland Funder: OECD LEED programme (2014: engagement as international expert)
$20K (AUS) Skilling the Bay Geelong – Regional Labour Market Profile, Funder: Victoria State Government and RMIT Melbourne (2012-13: consultant on 12 month research project, with part-time RA pt6)
€530K – Greening Technical VET - Sustainable Training Module for the Funder: European Steel Industry Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects: Development of Innovation (2011-2013: lead UK partner/co-applicant with sfs Dortmund, of 24 month research project, with full RA pt6, plus research costs).
$8K (AUS) Latrobe Valley Skills and Transition Study Funder: Victoria State Government and RMIT Melbourne (2011-12: consultant on 6 month research project, with part-time RA pt6)
€25K Towards a European Steel council on Jobs and Skill: Identifying the Actors, Funder: European Commission (2010-2011, lead UK partner as invited expert)
£2K Evaluation of Basics of Gas Combustion Training Funder: Tata Steel (2009-10: consultant on 6 month research/evaluation project)
£5K Women in Ports, Funder: International Transport Workers’ Federation & European Transport Workers’ Federation (2009: Researcher)
£14.5K The Practices and Process of Workplace learning in the British Steel Industry Funder: SKOPE ESRC Research Centre (2007-08: co-applicant with Peter Fairbrother)
£6K Workplace Education: Exploring the efficacy of work based learning strategies Funder: Nuffield Social Science Awards Scheme (2007-08: Principal Investigator)
£10K An Investigation of the Re-training of Redundant Steelworkers in Steel Communities in Wales Funder: Cardiff University, Cardiff Young Researcher Initiative (2007-08: Principal Investigator)
Independent Study into the Devolution of Student Support System and Tuition Fee Regime in Wales, Funder: Welsh Assembly Government (2005: Researcher)
€572K Equality and Diversity Learning in the European Steel Industry Funder: Leonardo Da Vinci Pilot Project (2004-2007: lead UK partner/co-applicant with Peter Fairbrother of 36 month research project)
€25K Equality and Diversity in the European Electricity Industry Funder: European Commission (2004: Researcher)
€540K New Steel Industry Challenges Funder: Leonardo Da Vinci Pilot Project (2001-2004: Project Manager and Researcher)
€31K Future Skills Needs in the European Electricity Sector, Funder: European Commission (2003: Researcher)
Independent Investigation Group on Student Hardship and Funding, Funder: Welsh Assembly Government (2000: Researcher)
ESRC PhD Scholarship An investigation of the social construction of labour markets by students in higher education’ (1997-2000).
I teach on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the fields of work, employment, labour markets and skills, including on the MSc Social Science Research Methods, MSc Education & MSc Sociology programmes.
I was Programme Director for the MSc Skills and Workforce Development, which was a collaboration with the Institute of Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences and ran between 2014-2022
I supervise PhD research in the areas of education and training, skills development, work, employment and industrial relations. I am Cardiff School of Social Sciences' education pathway lead for the ESRC Wales Graduate School of Social Sciences (WGSSS)
Since 2015 I have organised an annual Erasmus+ placement with my research partners at Sozialforschungsstelle, Technical University of Dortmund for second year undergraduates.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- PhD in Sociology of Education and Sociology of Labour Markets (School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University) Title: 'The Social Construction of Labour Markets by Students in Higher Education'.
- MSc Econ. Social Science Research Methods (School of Social and Administrative Studies, Cardiff University).
- BSc Econ. Sociology (School of Social and Administrative Studies, Cardiff University)
I completed my ESRC sponsored PhD in 2002. Between 2001 and 2008 I was employed at Cardiff University on a number of research projects, the majority of which explored worker experiences of education and training in the workplace. In 2008 I was appointed as Lecturer (Education), Cardiff School of Social Sciences, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2016, Reader in 2022 and Professor in 2024.
Honours and awards
- Greening Technical Vocational Education and Training (GT-VET) - European Commission's Leonardo da Vinci Vocational Education and Training Programme (Lifelong Learning Programme) 2011 - Awarded EC's Best Project
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Expert Advisor – European Metalworkers' Federation Steel Select Social Dialogue Committee on Workforce Development, Recruitment and Retention (2009-2012)
- Associate member of SKOPE
- Member of BUIRA
- European Training Foundation (ETF) Open Badge – Skills Lab Network of Experts
Speaking engagements
Since 2003 I have been invited to speak at various events and forums, including:
- Presented on the workforce implications of the internationalisation of the steel industry at the Eurosteelmaster professional programme in Terni, Italy. (2003)
- Since 2005 I have attended on invitation the European Commission's Sector Social Dialogue Committee Steel to speak on skills and training, Brussels.
- Invited discussant to the ESRC Waste of the World Programme roundtable, Sheffield University. (2007)
- Presented UK evidence on the case for a European Steel Council on jobs and skills, Brussels. (2011)
- Presented the findings of the 'Skilling the Bay' (Regional Geelong Area) project to Victoria State government (Education Department), Geelong. (2013)
- Invited by Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT to speak on greening regions, Melbourne. (2013)
- Submission to the Welsh Government consultation on co-investment on adult skills (2014)
- Invited expert to a workshop organised as part of the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) programme project on the greening of the Pomerskie region’s blue economy, Gdansk. (2015)
- Invited discussant to a roundtable organsied by Jean Lambert MEP on developing a green economy for a report to Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs Committee, London. (2015)
- Workshop: A volatile political economy: Climate Change and work - International perspectives, Donald Lafleur, Vice President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Bela Galgoczi from the European Trade Union Institute, Carla Lipsig Mummé, of York University, Toronto, John Calvert, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Graham Petersen, UCU and Greener Jobs Alliance; Dean Stroud and Claire Evans of Cardiff University; Linda Clarke and Colin Gleeson, ProBE, University of Westminster; Martin Mayer, Sheffield TUC; Sheffield 4 April (2017)
- Conference Panel: Prof. Carla Lipsig Mummé (Chair) (York University, Canada); Dean Stroud (Cardiff University); Donald Lafleur (Executive VC, Canadian Labour Congress); Lisa Schulte (University of Middlesex). Green Issues: Climate change and digitalisation, International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, 5 April (2017)
- Invited panel speaker at the ILO Future of Work Centenary, Debating the Future of Work, Sheffield. (2019)
- Invited expert to ESRC/EPSRC/Innovate UK workshop on the UKRI’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund proposed new areas, ‘Transforming the Foundation Industries’ (2019)
- Invited discussant to the University of Glasgow and Alex Ferry Foundation RoundTable on 'The research and policy opportunities and challenges around the issues of 'good work', TUC Congress House, London. (2019)
- Invited presentation on industry road maps to the 'Building the right skills for the European steel industry', Steel Sector Careers Conference, Brussels. (2020)
- Invited discussant to the Policy Connext and Manufacturing Commission's Parliamentary Roundtable on Skills for Sustainable Manufacturing, 27 January, 2021
- Invited presentation on 'Innovating for energy efficiency: Digital gamification in the European steel industry', at the ETUI-ETUC Conference: Towards a new socio-ecological contract - Panel 1: A new social contract for a zero-carbon world, 4 February, 2021
- Invited presentation on 'Preparing workers for a green and digital future: a European VET Perspective' at the European Institute of Public Affairs (EIPA) & German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer: Skills for a Modern and Digital Working Environment, 25th February, 2021
- Invited presentation on 'The Impact of Transitioning to a Green Economy on Skill Development' at the ETUI Reskilling Workers at Sectoral Level for a Green Economy training event, 25th February, 2021
- Workshop: Invitation to participate in Innovate UK's Transforming Foundation Industries Workshop on Technical Skills Provision in the UK (organised by SQW Consultants), 23rd April, 2021
- Invited presentation on 'Securing skills and talent for the UK Steel Industry' at EPSRC research centre 'Sustain bi-annual conference: Sustainability in Steel'. 2nd December, 2021 Steel industry gathers to discuss sustainability - News - The Chemical Engineer
- Invited presentation on 'Digital Technology and Well-being: A Sociological Perspective' at Celsa Group Innovation 2022 Webinar - Enhancing Well-Being Through Artificial Intelligence. 16th February, 2022
- Invited presentation on 'European Steel Skills Agenda' at SPIRE-SAIS Mid-term Conference, session on 'Implementation and Roll-Out', 3rd/4th March, 2022
- Invited expert evidence - Welsh Government: Mainstreaming Equality and a Just Transition to Net Zero, 22nd March 2022
- Invited presentation on 'Defining and adjusting skills and jobs for a future proven steel industry' at 5th Just Transition Platform Meeting: Reskilling and Future-proof jobs, 12th May 2022
- Expert contribution to green skills strategy for the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) published the report online 13 October 2023
- Invited evidence to the Senedd Enquiry 'Future of Welsh Steel' Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee February 29th 2024
- Invited speaker and discussant on 'European Steel Industry Skill Needs: Lessons from the ESSA Project' at Sustainability in Steel Conference 8th-10th July 2024, Swansea University SUSTAIN Steel - EPSRC Future Steel Manufacturing Research Hub — SUSTAIN Conference 2024
- Invited evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee into 'The Environmental Impact and Economic Legacy of Wales' Industrial Past', 20th January 2025.
Committees and reviewing
- Australian Research Council (ARC) Proposal Assessor
- ESRC Proposal Assessor
- Journal reviewer:
- Economic and Industrial Democracy
- International Journal of Educational Development
- Sociology
- Globalisations
- Relations Industrielles
- British Educational Research Journal
- European Journal of Industrial Relations (special issue)
- Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
- Energy and Environment
- Transfer
- Information and Organization
- Applied Economics
- PLOS One
- Scientific Reports
- Current Sociology
- Industrial Relations
- Regulation and Governance
- International Journal of Occupational Safety and Governance
- Book proposal reviewer: Polity Press; Springer.
I am interested in supervising PhD and Prof Doc students in the areas of:
- Comparative political economy
- Skills and workforce development
- Industrial relations
- Greening of jobs, skills and the economy
- Technology and digitalisation
Currently supervising:
- Tracy Eastment - The Myths, the Magic and the Melancholy: The professionalisation and credentialization of surfing instructors
- Emma Chivers - How can HEI’s increase the retention and progression of Foundation Year Students within HE in Wales?
- Gareth Downey - The reform of vocational qualifications in Wales - the role and influence of learning providers in the reform process
- Andrew Burnett - The impact of professional teacher training on the professional identity of the medical professions
- Francisco Pando Junco - A mixed methods investigation into the workers attitudes to Industry 4.0 in the Food and Drink Industry: A comparison between Spain and UK.
- Scovia Adrupio - Building just and sustainable food systems: a case of female small-scale farming in Uganda
- Mater Hadadi - Using Robotics for STEM Education in High Schools - Teachers' and Students' Perceptions
Current supervision
Past projects
Co-supervisor (50%) for Jean Pia - “nangangamuhan”: An analysis of the standard employment contract (POEA-SEC) for Filipino seafarers (Awarded 2018)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Junichi Mori - Dynamic Skill Formation in Vietnam: Beyond a ‘Skill Mismatch’ Paradigm (Awarded 2019)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Issa Al Shabibi - Planning for Entrepreneurialism in a Rentier State Economy: Entrepreneurship Education for Economic Diversification in Oman (Awarded 2020)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Scott McKenzie - The utility of area-based policies and practices in the university access agenda in Wales (Awarded 2022)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Khalifa Al Hatmi - The Impact of Credentials and Social Capital on Employment Outcomes (Awarded 2022)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Faisal Al Balushi - The Role Student Advisory Councils play in the Development of Citizenship and Civic participation Skills Among Higher Education Students in Oman (Awarded 2023)
Co-supervisor (50%) for Geena Whiteman - Youth Digital-Social Entrepreneurship in the Post-Socialist Context: A Comparative Case Study of Kosovo and Slovenia (Awarded 2024)
Co-Supervisor (50%) for Andrew Burnett - How do professional identities impact upon how postgraduate students of education within healthcare 'make sense' of learning to become teachers? (Awarded 2025)
Contact Details
+44 29208 74000 ext 77406
Glamorgan Building, Room 2.39, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA
Research themes
- Industrial and employee relations
- Workforce