Yr Athro Fabio Vighi
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Fabio Vighi
Athro Eidaleg a Theori Feirniadol
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar theori feirniadol, beirniadaeth ideolegol, athroniaeth cyfandirol, seicoddadansoddiad damcaniaethol a ffilm, fel yr adlewyrchir yn fy nghyhoeddiadau diweddar, gan gynnwys y cyfrolau canlynol: Cyfalafiaeth Frys: Hubrisiaeth Ariannol, Cwymp Economaidd, a Thrin Systemig (Sublation Media, 2024); Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: a Philosophy of Immanence (Bloomsbury, 2023, a gyd-olygwyd gyda Riccardo Panattoni); Unymarferol: Delusions of an Imploding Civilization (SUNY Press, 2022); Crisi di valore: Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro (Mimesis, 2018); Critical Theory and the Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism (Bloomsbury, 2015; cyd-ysgrifennwyd gyda Heiko Feldner), States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios (Ashgate, 2014; cyd-olygwyd gyda Heiko Feldner a Slavoj Žižek), Critical Theory and Film: Rethinking Ideology through Film Noir (Continuum, 2012), On Žižižek's Dialectics: Surplus, Subtraction, Sublimation (Continuum, 2010).
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar ideoleg 'cyfalafiaeth frys' mewn cysylltiad â'r dadansoddiad o heriau byd-eang sy'n wynebu'r dull cyfalafol o gynhyrchu. Rwy'n gyd-gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Newyddiaduraeth ar gyfer Beirniadaeth Ideoleg ac rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau a chynigion ar gyfer ymchwil ôl-raddedig ar unrhyw un o'r themâu a'r disgyblaethau uchod.
- Vighi, F. 2025. South Korea's crisis is a warning. [Online]. Compact: Compact Magazine. Available at: https://www.compactmag.com/article/south-koreas-crisis-is-a-warning/
- Vighi, F. 2025. Wargames and fartcoins. The Philosophical Salon 2025(6 Jan)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation. [Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation]. Sublation Media.
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2024. El Estado es el ángel guardián del capital financiero? [Interview]. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 36-38.
- Vighi, F. 2024. A Chiara: Self-discovery as radical alienation. The European Psychoanalytic Film Festival Online Magazine epff12
- Vighi, F. 2024. Who's Winning?. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/whos-winning/
- Vighi, F. 2024. Manipolazione e barbarie: la deriva totalitaria del capitalismo ultra-finanziario. In: Marini, L. and Rodríguez-Blanco, V. eds. La transizione totalitaria: demolizione (in)controllata della civiltà globale. Edizioni La Vela
- Vighi, F. 2024. Macabre liturgie di fine impero. La Fionda 2024(19 Jul)
- Vighi, F. 2024. The enemy and the libidinal economy of the apocalypse. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/the-enemy-and-the-libidinal-economy-of-the-apocalypse/
- Vighi, F. 2024. COVID- 19 and the emergency loop of implosive capitalism. In: Lange, E. L. and Shullenberger, G. eds. COVID-19 and the Left: The Tyranny of Fear. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 95-114., (10.4324/9781003390183-9)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Our zone of interest: the noise of permanent warfare. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/our-zone-of-interest-the-noise-of-permanent-warfare/
- Vighi, F. 2024. Trust in institutions and the war dividend. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/trust-in-institutions-and-the-war-dividend/
- Vighi, F. 2024. La fiducia nelle istituzioni e i dividendi di guerra. [Online]. La Fionda: Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2024/02/29/la-fiducia-nelle-istituzioni-e-i-dividendi-di-guerra/
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2024. 批判理论与当代资本主义危机.Xu, J. and Huang, M. Shanghai: Orient Publishing.
- Vighi, F. 2024. Una profecía cumplida: Colapso sistémico y pandemia simulada. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 41-49.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. In: Paolucci, G. ed. Il governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 51-79.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Baudrillard, hyperreality, and emergency capitalism. In: Wang, J., Shen, Z. and De la Garza, A. eds. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Transcultural Aesthetics Vol. 2. Brill, pp. 59-79., (10.1163/9789004685925_007)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Un "nuovo 11 settembre": il paradigma della guerra permanente come deterrenza finanziaria. [Online]. La Fonda: Rogas Edizioni. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/11/02/un-nuovo-11-settembre-il-paradigma-della-guerra-permanente-come-deterrenza-finanziaria/
- Vighi, F. 2023. A "new 9/11": the stage is set. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-new-9-11-the-stage-is-set/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Welcome to "low energy capitalism". [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/welcome-to-low-energy-capitalism-or-proletarians-of-the-world-wear-facemasks/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Meta-emergenza e transizione ideologica del capitalismo senile. In: Marini, L. ed. Ecotruffa. Le Mani Sul Clima. Contravento La Vela, pp. 114-140.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo di crisi e automatismi del declino – viva il capitalismo!. [Online]. Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/07/03/capitalismo-di-crisi-e-automatismi-del-declino-viva-il-capitalismo/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Gradually, then suddenly? Crisis capitalism and its disavowals. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/gradually-then-suddenly-crisis-capitalism-and-its-disavowals/
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2023. Der Staat ist Schutzengel des Finanzkapitals. OXI: Wirtschaft anders denken 23(2)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Financial delusions and the persistence of capital. Finance and Society 9(1), pp. 76-79. (10.2218/finsoc.8099)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Die Untergangsschleife: COVID-19 und das Zeitalter der kapitalistischen Dauerkrise. In: Urban, A. ed. Schwerer Verlauf: Corona als Krisensymptom. Promedia, pp. 21-46.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo senile e demolizione controllata. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/03/13/capitalismo-senile-e-demolizione-controllata/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Senile economics: Bubble ontology and the pull of gravity. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/senile-economics-bubble-ontology-and-the-pull-of-gravity/
- Cusani, A., Porta, S. and Vighi, F. 2023. Emergenze da fine del mondo. Transeuropa.
- Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. 2023. Capitalism and the new political unconscious: a philosophy of immanence. Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2023. The perfect crime? Baudrillard, covid-19 and capitalist virulence. In: Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: A Philosophy of Immanence. Bloomsbury, pp. 195-216.
- Vighi, F. 2022. A system on life support. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-system-on-life-support/
- Vighi, F. 2022. Capital with science: COVID-19 as a case of successful paranoia. In: Wallace, M. A. and Principe, C. V. eds. From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth”. The Palgrave Lacan Series Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-160.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Pause for thought: Money without value in a rapidly disintegrating world. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/pause-for-thought-money-without-value-in-a-rapidly-disintegrating-world/
- Vighi, F. and Servadio, F. 2022. Dalla pandemia alla guerra: la crisi raccontata da Fabio Vighi. [Online]. BGS News. Available at: http://www.buongiornosuedtirol.it/2022/03/esclusivo-dalla-pandemia-alla-guerra-la-crisi-raccontata-dal-professor-fabio-vighi-cardiff-university/
- Vighi, F. 2022. From Covid-19 to Putin-22: who needs friends with enemies like these?. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/from-covid-19-to-putin-22-who-needs-friends-with-enemies-like-these/
- Vighi, F. 2022. Unworkable. Delusions of an imploding civilization. SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature. SUNY Press.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Red pill or blue pill? Variants, inflation and the controlled demolition of society. [Online]. thephilosophicalsalon.com: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/red-pill-or-blue-pill-variants-inflation-and-the-controlled-demolition-of-society/
- Vighi, F. 2021. The central bankers' Long Covid: A incurable condition. The Philosophical Salon 2021(18 Oct)
- Vighi, F. 2021. A self-fulfilling prophecy: systemic collapse and pandemic simulation. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books Channel. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Paradigma Covid: collasso sistemico e fantasma pandemico. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2021/06/22/paradigma-covid-collasso-sistemico-e-fantasma-pandemico/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Slavoj Žižek, emergency capitalism, and the capitulation of the Left. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/slavoj-zizek-emergency-capitalism-and-the-capitulation-of-the-left/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomena to a Franciscan capitalism. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/prolegomena-to-a-franciscan-capitalism/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomeni a un capitalismo francescano. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at: http://filosofiainmovimento.it/prolegomeni-a-un-capitalismo-francescano/
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7(3), pp. 447-459.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at: https://sinistrainrete.info/teoria/18970-fabio-vighi-homo-pandemicus.html
- Vighi, F. 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam
- Vighi, F. 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus.. MR Online
- Tinelli, G. and Vighi, F. 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. In: Summerfield, G. ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland, pp. 100-117.
- Vighi, F. 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8, pp. 45-70.
- Vighi, F. 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
- Vighi, F. 2019. The Hegelian moment: from the withering away of labour to the concrete universality of work. Continental Thought and Theory 2(4), pp. 83-107.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Genie out of the bottle: Lacan and the loneliness of global capitalism. Crisis and Critique 6(1), pp. 390-415.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Populist symptoms and the curse of the capitalist fetish. Third Text 32(5-6), pp. 674-681. (10.1080/09528822.2018.1558652)
- Vighi, F. 2019. Ontologia della supercazzola: resistenza inconscia del linguaggio comico dal Witz al sintomo. In: Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. Resistance in Italian Culture: from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore, pp. 245-266.
- Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. 2019. Resistance in Italian culture from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Capture and symptom in Leos Carax's 'Holy Motors'. In: Leger, M. J. ed. The Idea of the Avant Garde, and What it Means Today 2. Intellect, pp. 363-372.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. Finitude of capitalism and the perverse charm of denial. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(2), pp. 99-130.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Structurally bent on self-destruction: Paul Schrader and the decomposition of contemporary society.. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(1), pp. 5-31.
- Vighi, F. 2018. From Utopia to Endgame: What is left of capitalist metaphysics. In: Gualtieri, C. ed. Utopia in the Present. Cultural Politics and Change. Peter Lang, pp. 27-41.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Crisi di valore. Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro.. Milan: Mimesis.
- Vighi, F. 2018. The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious. In: Reading Lacan's Ecrits: from 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'. Routledge
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. ‘ 资 本 主 义 的 有 限 性 及 对 此 的 倒 错 性 否 认. In: Wang, J. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. 20. Oriental Publishing Center, pp. 15-34.
- Vighi, F. 2017. L-D-L', or: Lacan's dialectics of love (in loveless times). In: Zeiher, C. and McGowan, T. eds. Can Philosophy Love? Reflections and Encounters.. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 67-86.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2017. “Distruzione creativa” o terra bruciata? La crisi del capitalismo nel XXI secolo. In: Ponzi, M. ed. Karl Marx e la Crisi. Quodlibet, pp. 187-214.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Neo-noir dialectics and the subject of crisis.. In: Ricci, G. R. ed. The Persistence of Crititcal Theory.., Vol. 8. Culture & Civilization. New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315133782)
- Vighi, F. 2016. Belief as fetish: the religion of capitalism in Elio Petri's cinema. In: Cavallini, R. ed. Requiem for a Nation: Religion and Politics in Post-War Italian Cinema. Mimesis International
- Vighi, F. 2016. Capitalist Bulimia: Lacan on Marx and crisis. Crisis and Critique 3(3), pp. 415-432.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Retroactive rupture: the place of the subject in Jane Campion's "In the Cut". In: Kunkle, S. ed. Cinematic Cuts: Theorizing Film Endings. Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature New York: SUNY Press, pp. 81-98.
- Qu, Y., Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2016. An interview with Fabio Vighi and Heiko Feldner. In: Jie, W. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. vol. 1. Beijing: Oriental Publishing, pp. 227-237.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Ontology of crisis and Lacan's discourse of the capitalist. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1057/pcs.2015.13)
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. From subject to politics: The Žižekian field today. Subjectivity 3(1), pp. 31-52. (10.1057/sub.2009.32)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. A subject that matters: Žižek’s ideology critique today. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-22.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. 2010. In the clouds: a dialogue. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 177-192.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder, Lacan: on surplus and brotherhood. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 20-36.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2010. Žižek’s Notion of Ideology Critique in Context [Editorial Introduction]. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-7.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On practicing theory. Some remarks on Adrian Johnston's 'Badiou, Zizek and political transformations'. International Journal of Zizek Studies 4(1)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Slavoj Žižek's Bartleby Politics and the Economic Crisis. The Exception Magazine
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Pathological attachments: Slavoj Žižek on anticapitalism and liberal democracy. Rethinking Marxism 21(2), pp. 290-297. (10.1080/08935690902743591)
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Il dolore della liberazione: violenza, masochismo e anti-capitalismo secondo Pasolini. In: Patti, E. ed. La nuova gioventù? L'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Novi Ligure: Joker Edizioni, pp. 63-87.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2008. The Challenge of Power in Žižek and Foucault. European Journal of Psychoanalysis(26-27), pp. 35-66.
- Vighi, F. 2008. Fractious Companions: Psychoanalysis, Italian Cinema, and Sexual Difference. Italian Studies 63(2), pp. 235-254. (10.1179/007516308X344379)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. 2007. Did somebody say ideology? On Slavoj Žižek and consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Ideology critique or discourse analysis? Žižek against Foucault. European Journal of Political Theory 6(2), pp. 141-159. (10.1177/1474885107074347)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Liberation hurts: violence, masochism and anti-capitalism according to Pasolini. Italian Studies 62(1), pp. 61-77. (10.1179/007516307X174856)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Sexual difference in and out of European Cinema: Zizek as a reader of Truffaut. In: Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. Did Somebody Say Ideology? : On Slavoj Zizek And Consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 250-276.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. United States of Europe or free trade zone? No thanks! Slavoj Žižek on the future of Europe. European Journal for Social Theory 9(3), pp. 337-355. (10.1177/1368431006065716)
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. Resistant and radical agency: Traversing Foucault with Slavoj Žižek. Journal for Lacanian Studies 4(2), pp. 300-324.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2006. Beyond liberal democracy: Slavoj Žižek and the politics of ideology critique. New Formations(58), pp. 53-62.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Lacan for cinema today: on the uncanny Pouvoir de la Vérité. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 10(3), pp. 232-251. (10.1057/palgrave.pcs.2100046)
- Vighi, F. 2005. On the real limits of self-consciousness: gazing back at the subversive subject with Marco Bellocchio. Culture, Theory and Critique 46(2), pp. 147-161. (10.1080/14735780500314364)
- Vighi, F. 2005. Nanni Moretti: trauma, hysteria, and freedom. In: Hope, W. ed. Italian cinema: new directions. New Studies in European Cinema Vol. 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 79-106.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Sublime accattone: Žižek, Pasolini e la critica dell'ideologia. Rivista di Studi Italiani XXII(1), pp. 195-215.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Encounters in the real: subjectivity and its excess in Roberto Rossellini. Studies in European Cinema 1(3), pp. 185-197. (10.1386/seci.1.3.185/0)
- Vighi, F. 2003. Pasolini and exclusion: Žižek, Agamben and the modern sub-proletariat. Theory Culture & Society 20(5), pp. 99-121. (10.1177/02632764030205005)
- Vighi, F. 2003. On torture, passionate attachment and diabolical evil: ethics in Rossellini's Open City and Pasolini's Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Journal for Lacanian Studies 1(1), pp. 85-109.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Mimesis and the un-reconciled condition: a theoretical approach to Antonioni's cinema. New Formations(47), pp. 144-154.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Beyond objectivity: the utopian in Pasolini's documentaries. Textual Practice 16(3), pp. 491-510. (10.1080/09502360210163444)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Pasolini con Adorno: fascismo rivisitato. Italian Studies 56(1), pp. 129-147. (10.1179/its.2001.56.1.129)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Le ragioni dell'altro: La formazione intellettuale di Pasolini tra saggistica, letteratura e cinema. Temi e profili del Novecento. Ravenna: Longo Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2000. Lo sperimentalismo di Pasolini: impegno come existenz. The Italianist 20(1), pp. 229-252. (10.1179/ita.2000.20.1.229)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Adorati toponimi: tracking ideological space in Pier Paolo Pasolini. New Readings 5, pp. 30-48. (10.18573/newreadings.38)
- Vighi, F. 2025. Wargames and fartcoins. The Philosophical Salon 2025(6 Jan)
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2024. El Estado es el ángel guardián del capital financiero? [Interview]. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 36-38.
- Vighi, F. 2024. A Chiara: Self-discovery as radical alienation. The European Psychoanalytic Film Festival Online Magazine epff12
- Vighi, F. 2024. Macabre liturgie di fine impero. La Fionda 2024(19 Jul)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Una profecía cumplida: Colapso sistémico y pandemia simulada. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 41-49.
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2023. Der Staat ist Schutzengel des Finanzkapitals. OXI: Wirtschaft anders denken 23(2)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Financial delusions and the persistence of capital. Finance and Society 9(1), pp. 76-79. (10.2218/finsoc.8099)
- Vighi, F. 2021. The central bankers' Long Covid: A incurable condition. The Philosophical Salon 2021(18 Oct)
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7(3), pp. 447-459.
- Vighi, F. 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam
- Vighi, F. 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus.. MR Online
- Vighi, F. 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8, pp. 45-70.
- Vighi, F. 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
- Vighi, F. 2019. The Hegelian moment: from the withering away of labour to the concrete universality of work. Continental Thought and Theory 2(4), pp. 83-107.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Genie out of the bottle: Lacan and the loneliness of global capitalism. Crisis and Critique 6(1), pp. 390-415.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Populist symptoms and the curse of the capitalist fetish. Third Text 32(5-6), pp. 674-681. (10.1080/09528822.2018.1558652)
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. Finitude of capitalism and the perverse charm of denial. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(2), pp. 99-130.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Structurally bent on self-destruction: Paul Schrader and the decomposition of contemporary society.. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(1), pp. 5-31.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Capitalist Bulimia: Lacan on Marx and crisis. Crisis and Critique 3(3), pp. 415-432.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Ontology of crisis and Lacan's discourse of the capitalist. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1057/pcs.2015.13)
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. From subject to politics: The Žižekian field today. Subjectivity 3(1), pp. 31-52. (10.1057/sub.2009.32)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. A subject that matters: Žižek’s ideology critique today. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-22.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2010. Žižek’s Notion of Ideology Critique in Context [Editorial Introduction]. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-7.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On practicing theory. Some remarks on Adrian Johnston's 'Badiou, Zizek and political transformations'. International Journal of Zizek Studies 4(1)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Slavoj Žižek's Bartleby Politics and the Economic Crisis. The Exception Magazine
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Pathological attachments: Slavoj Žižek on anticapitalism and liberal democracy. Rethinking Marxism 21(2), pp. 290-297. (10.1080/08935690902743591)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2008. The Challenge of Power in Žižek and Foucault. European Journal of Psychoanalysis(26-27), pp. 35-66.
- Vighi, F. 2008. Fractious Companions: Psychoanalysis, Italian Cinema, and Sexual Difference. Italian Studies 63(2), pp. 235-254. (10.1179/007516308X344379)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Ideology critique or discourse analysis? Žižek against Foucault. European Journal of Political Theory 6(2), pp. 141-159. (10.1177/1474885107074347)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Liberation hurts: violence, masochism and anti-capitalism according to Pasolini. Italian Studies 62(1), pp. 61-77. (10.1179/007516307X174856)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. United States of Europe or free trade zone? No thanks! Slavoj Žižek on the future of Europe. European Journal for Social Theory 9(3), pp. 337-355. (10.1177/1368431006065716)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. Resistant and radical agency: Traversing Foucault with Slavoj Žižek. Journal for Lacanian Studies 4(2), pp. 300-324.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2006. Beyond liberal democracy: Slavoj Žižek and the politics of ideology critique. New Formations(58), pp. 53-62.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Lacan for cinema today: on the uncanny Pouvoir de la Vérité. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 10(3), pp. 232-251. (10.1057/palgrave.pcs.2100046)
- Vighi, F. 2005. On the real limits of self-consciousness: gazing back at the subversive subject with Marco Bellocchio. Culture, Theory and Critique 46(2), pp. 147-161. (10.1080/14735780500314364)
- Vighi, F. 2004. Sublime accattone: Žižek, Pasolini e la critica dell'ideologia. Rivista di Studi Italiani XXII(1), pp. 195-215.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Encounters in the real: subjectivity and its excess in Roberto Rossellini. Studies in European Cinema 1(3), pp. 185-197. (10.1386/seci.1.3.185/0)
- Vighi, F. 2003. Pasolini and exclusion: Žižek, Agamben and the modern sub-proletariat. Theory Culture & Society 20(5), pp. 99-121. (10.1177/02632764030205005)
- Vighi, F. 2003. On torture, passionate attachment and diabolical evil: ethics in Rossellini's Open City and Pasolini's Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Journal for Lacanian Studies 1(1), pp. 85-109.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Mimesis and the un-reconciled condition: a theoretical approach to Antonioni's cinema. New Formations(47), pp. 144-154.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Beyond objectivity: the utopian in Pasolini's documentaries. Textual Practice 16(3), pp. 491-510. (10.1080/09502360210163444)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Pasolini con Adorno: fascismo rivisitato. Italian Studies 56(1), pp. 129-147. (10.1179/its.2001.56.1.129)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Lo sperimentalismo di Pasolini: impegno come existenz. The Italianist 20(1), pp. 229-252. (10.1179/ita.2000.20.1.229)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Adorati toponimi: tracking ideological space in Pier Paolo Pasolini. New Readings 5, pp. 30-48. (10.18573/newreadings.38)
Book sections
- Vighi, F. 2024. Manipolazione e barbarie: la deriva totalitaria del capitalismo ultra-finanziario. In: Marini, L. and Rodríguez-Blanco, V. eds. La transizione totalitaria: demolizione (in)controllata della civiltà globale. Edizioni La Vela
- Vighi, F. 2024. COVID- 19 and the emergency loop of implosive capitalism. In: Lange, E. L. and Shullenberger, G. eds. COVID-19 and the Left: The Tyranny of Fear. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 95-114., (10.4324/9781003390183-9)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. In: Paolucci, G. ed. Il governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 51-79.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Baudrillard, hyperreality, and emergency capitalism. In: Wang, J., Shen, Z. and De la Garza, A. eds. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Transcultural Aesthetics Vol. 2. Brill, pp. 59-79., (10.1163/9789004685925_007)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Meta-emergenza e transizione ideologica del capitalismo senile. In: Marini, L. ed. Ecotruffa. Le Mani Sul Clima. Contravento La Vela, pp. 114-140.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Die Untergangsschleife: COVID-19 und das Zeitalter der kapitalistischen Dauerkrise. In: Urban, A. ed. Schwerer Verlauf: Corona als Krisensymptom. Promedia, pp. 21-46.
- Vighi, F. 2023. The perfect crime? Baudrillard, covid-19 and capitalist virulence. In: Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: A Philosophy of Immanence. Bloomsbury, pp. 195-216.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Capital with science: COVID-19 as a case of successful paranoia. In: Wallace, M. A. and Principe, C. V. eds. From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth”. The Palgrave Lacan Series Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-160.
- Tinelli, G. and Vighi, F. 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. In: Summerfield, G. ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland, pp. 100-117.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Ontologia della supercazzola: resistenza inconscia del linguaggio comico dal Witz al sintomo. In: Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. Resistance in Italian Culture: from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore, pp. 245-266.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Capture and symptom in Leos Carax's 'Holy Motors'. In: Leger, M. J. ed. The Idea of the Avant Garde, and What it Means Today 2. Intellect, pp. 363-372.
- Vighi, F. 2018. From Utopia to Endgame: What is left of capitalist metaphysics. In: Gualtieri, C. ed. Utopia in the Present. Cultural Politics and Change. Peter Lang, pp. 27-41.
- Vighi, F. 2018. The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious. In: Reading Lacan's Ecrits: from 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'. Routledge
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. ‘ 资 本 主 义 的 有 限 性 及 对 此 的 倒 错 性 否 认. In: Wang, J. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. 20. Oriental Publishing Center, pp. 15-34.
- Vighi, F. 2017. L-D-L', or: Lacan's dialectics of love (in loveless times). In: Zeiher, C. and McGowan, T. eds. Can Philosophy Love? Reflections and Encounters.. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 67-86.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2017. “Distruzione creativa” o terra bruciata? La crisi del capitalismo nel XXI secolo. In: Ponzi, M. ed. Karl Marx e la Crisi. Quodlibet, pp. 187-214.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Neo-noir dialectics and the subject of crisis.. In: Ricci, G. R. ed. The Persistence of Crititcal Theory.., Vol. 8. Culture & Civilization. New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315133782)
- Vighi, F. 2016. Belief as fetish: the religion of capitalism in Elio Petri's cinema. In: Cavallini, R. ed. Requiem for a Nation: Religion and Politics in Post-War Italian Cinema. Mimesis International
- Vighi, F. 2016. Retroactive rupture: the place of the subject in Jane Campion's "In the Cut". In: Kunkle, S. ed. Cinematic Cuts: Theorizing Film Endings. Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature New York: SUNY Press, pp. 81-98.
- Qu, Y., Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2016. An interview with Fabio Vighi and Heiko Feldner. In: Jie, W. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. vol. 1. Beijing: Oriental Publishing, pp. 227-237.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. 2010. In the clouds: a dialogue. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 177-192.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder, Lacan: on surplus and brotherhood. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 20-36.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Il dolore della liberazione: violenza, masochismo e anti-capitalismo secondo Pasolini. In: Patti, E. ed. La nuova gioventù? L'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Novi Ligure: Joker Edizioni, pp. 63-87.
- Vighi, F. 2007. Sexual difference in and out of European Cinema: Zizek as a reader of Truffaut. In: Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. Did Somebody Say Ideology? : On Slavoj Zizek And Consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 250-276.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Nanni Moretti: trauma, hysteria, and freedom. In: Hope, W. ed. Italian cinema: new directions. New Studies in European Cinema Vol. 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 79-106.
- Vighi, F. 2024. Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation. [Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation]. Sublation Media.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2024. 批判理论与当代资本主义危机.Xu, J. and Huang, M. Shanghai: Orient Publishing.
- Cusani, A., Porta, S. and Vighi, F. 2023. Emergenze da fine del mondo. Transeuropa.
- Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. 2023. Capitalism and the new political unconscious: a philosophy of immanence. Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Unworkable. Delusions of an imploding civilization. SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature. SUNY Press.
- Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. 2019. Resistance in Italian culture from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Crisi di valore. Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro.. Milan: Mimesis.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. 2007. Did somebody say ideology? On Slavoj Žižek and consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
- Vighi, F. 2001. Le ragioni dell'altro: La formazione intellettuale di Pasolini tra saggistica, letteratura e cinema. Temi e profili del Novecento. Ravenna: Longo Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2025. South Korea's crisis is a warning. [Online]. Compact: Compact Magazine. Available at: https://www.compactmag.com/article/south-koreas-crisis-is-a-warning/
- Vighi, F. 2024. Who's Winning?. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/whos-winning/
- Vighi, F. 2024. The enemy and the libidinal economy of the apocalypse. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/the-enemy-and-the-libidinal-economy-of-the-apocalypse/
- Vighi, F. 2024. Our zone of interest: the noise of permanent warfare. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/our-zone-of-interest-the-noise-of-permanent-warfare/
- Vighi, F. 2024. Trust in institutions and the war dividend. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/trust-in-institutions-and-the-war-dividend/
- Vighi, F. 2024. La fiducia nelle istituzioni e i dividendi di guerra. [Online]. La Fionda: Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2024/02/29/la-fiducia-nelle-istituzioni-e-i-dividendi-di-guerra/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Un "nuovo 11 settembre": il paradigma della guerra permanente come deterrenza finanziaria. [Online]. La Fonda: Rogas Edizioni. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/11/02/un-nuovo-11-settembre-il-paradigma-della-guerra-permanente-come-deterrenza-finanziaria/
- Vighi, F. 2023. A "new 9/11": the stage is set. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-new-9-11-the-stage-is-set/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Welcome to "low energy capitalism". [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/welcome-to-low-energy-capitalism-or-proletarians-of-the-world-wear-facemasks/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo di crisi e automatismi del declino – viva il capitalismo!. [Online]. Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/07/03/capitalismo-di-crisi-e-automatismi-del-declino-viva-il-capitalismo/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Gradually, then suddenly? Crisis capitalism and its disavowals. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/gradually-then-suddenly-crisis-capitalism-and-its-disavowals/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo senile e demolizione controllata. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2023/03/13/capitalismo-senile-e-demolizione-controllata/
- Vighi, F. 2023. Senile economics: Bubble ontology and the pull of gravity. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/senile-economics-bubble-ontology-and-the-pull-of-gravity/
- Vighi, F. 2022. A system on life support. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-system-on-life-support/
- Vighi, F. 2022. Pause for thought: Money without value in a rapidly disintegrating world. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/pause-for-thought-money-without-value-in-a-rapidly-disintegrating-world/
- Vighi, F. and Servadio, F. 2022. Dalla pandemia alla guerra: la crisi raccontata da Fabio Vighi. [Online]. BGS News. Available at: http://www.buongiornosuedtirol.it/2022/03/esclusivo-dalla-pandemia-alla-guerra-la-crisi-raccontata-dal-professor-fabio-vighi-cardiff-university/
- Vighi, F. 2022. From Covid-19 to Putin-22: who needs friends with enemies like these?. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/from-covid-19-to-putin-22-who-needs-friends-with-enemies-like-these/
- Vighi, F. 2022. Red pill or blue pill? Variants, inflation and the controlled demolition of society. [Online]. thephilosophicalsalon.com: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/red-pill-or-blue-pill-variants-inflation-and-the-controlled-demolition-of-society/
- Vighi, F. 2021. A self-fulfilling prophecy: systemic collapse and pandemic simulation. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books Channel. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Paradigma Covid: collasso sistemico e fantasma pandemico. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at: https://www.lafionda.org/2021/06/22/paradigma-covid-collasso-sistemico-e-fantasma-pandemico/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Slavoj Žižek, emergency capitalism, and the capitulation of the Left. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/slavoj-zizek-emergency-capitalism-and-the-capitulation-of-the-left/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomena to a Franciscan capitalism. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/prolegomena-to-a-franciscan-capitalism/
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomeni a un capitalismo francescano. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at: http://filosofiainmovimento.it/prolegomeni-a-un-capitalismo-francescano/
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at: https://sinistrainrete.info/teoria/18970-fabio-vighi-homo-pandemicus.html
- Vighi, F. 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
Ymrwymiadau siarad diweddar:
- 16-20 Chwefror 2025: darlithoedd gwadd a chyfweliadau podlediad yn Ysgol Alliance of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Bangalore, India.
- 14 Chwefror 2025: 'The Intersection of Politics and Culture', trafodaeth bord gron yng Ngŵyl Lenyddol Alliance Bangalore, India.
- 14 Chwefror 2025: 'Cwestiynau Cyfoes, Syniadau Di-amser', trafodaeth bord gron yng Ngŵyl Lenyddol yr Alliance, Bangalore, India.
- 14 Rhagfyr 2024: 'Virus economico e pandemia simulata. La deriva totalitaria del capitalismo di crisi', papur gwahoddedig at ll governo della pandemia. Cynhadledd Uno sguardo critico, Università di Pisa, Yr Eidal.
- 4 Rhagfyr 2024: 'Oes Aur Trump?' Cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 16 Tachwedd 2024: siaradwr gwadd yng Ngŵyl Ffilm Seicodadansoddol Ewropeaidd 12th, Llundain, 14-16 Tachwedd, Sefydliad Seicdreiddiad.
- 31 Hydref 2024: 'Apocalypse dyled: Surviving Capitalism's Last Hurrah', cyfweliad podlediad yn Parallal Systems.
- 18 Hydref 2024: 'Do We Need a Paranoid Politics?', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 27 Medi 2024: 'Zizek and Emergency Capitalism', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 14 Mehefin 2024: 'How Wars are Propping Up the System', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 17 Mai 2024: 'A yw Western Finance to Blame?', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 29 Mawrth 2024: 'Pam mae Popeth yn Sydyn yn Argyfwng?', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media.
- 1 Rhagfyr 2023: Cyfweliad yn Byoblu TV, '7 notizie in 7 giorni'.
- 27 Tachwedd 2023: 'Llythyrau o'r Cyfnod Clo', papur gwahoddedig mewn Practisau Cefnogol? Llythyrau at Fudiad Cymdeithasol Cynhadledd Actifyddion , Prifysgol Fienna.
- 24 Tachwedd 2023: 'Le ragioni dell'emergenza permanente', gwahoddiad i siarad yn Dall'emergenza alla catastrofe? Il futuro, la guerra e la fine dell'informazione conference (Commissione DuPre), Prifysgol Rhufain, La Sapienza.
- 27 Medi 2023: 'Chocking on Credit & the Final Days of Capitalism', cyfweliad podlediad ar gyfer Systemau Cyfochrog.
- 31 Mai 2023: 'Chwyddiant a dymchwel cymdeithas dan reolaeth', cyfweliad podlediad yn Sublation Media gyda Doug Lain.
- 27 Mai 2023: 'Cyfalafiaeth Argyfwng', cyweirnod yng Nghyngres Ryngwladol y Chwith Rhydd, Fienna, 27-29 Mai 2023.
- 25 Mawrth 2023: 'Yr achos gwleidyddol ac economaidd yn erbyn y WEF', gwahoddodd bapur yn yr achos chwith yn erbyn cynhadledd Fforwm Economaidd y Byd , Llundain (panel gyda CJ Hopkins).
- 3 Chwefror 2023: 'Am Leben erhalten. Implodierender Kapitalismus und die Barbarei der Notlage' (yn Saesneg gyda dehongliad ar yr un pryd), gwahoddodd ddarlith gyhoeddus a drefnwyd gan grŵp Linksbündig , Volkshaus, Zurich.
- 23 Tachwedd 2022: 'Meta-emergenza e distruzione controllata di un mondo', papur gwahoddedig yn Poli-Covid-22: Salute, Società, e Scienza alla prova della Cynhadledd Pandemia , Prifysgol Turin (21-25 Tachwedd 2022).
- 22 Mehefin 2022: 'Capitalismo emergenziale: la vera crisi e le sue simulazioni', darlith wahoddedig yn ysgol haf Il governo della pandemia , Napoli, 20-23 Mehefin 2022.
- 9 Mehefin 2022: Cyfweliad podlediad yn sianel Italia che cambia .
- 24 Mai 2022: Cyfweliad podlediad yn sianel persone da raccontare .
- 1 Mai 2022: 'A cosa serve lo stato di emergenza?', gwahoddiad i siarad yn nigwyddiad cyhoeddus Il nostro primo maggio , Terni.
- 11 Ebrill 2022: 'Macerie su macerie: iperrealtà', cyfweliad podlediad yn Radio Black Out.
- 7 Ebrill 2022: Cyfweliad podlediad a dadl yn Visione TV.
- 6 Ebrill 2022: 'Cyfnod clo fesul sempre', cyfweliad podlediad yn www.money.it
- 1 Ebrill 2022: 'A colloquio con Fabio Vighi', cyfweliad podlediad yn Il pensiero che c'è sianel.
- 25 Mawrth 2022: 'Golygu dilyniant di-dor yn y ffilm gyfalafol brys', cyfweliad podlediad gyda Rusere Shoniwa ar sianel Holding the Line .
- 4 Mawrth 2022: 'Pasolini 2022: Pŵer, Otherness, and the Rise of Emergency Capitalism', cyweirnod yn One Hundred Years of Pasolini conference, California State University.
- 2 Mawrth 2022: gweminar ar-lein gyda'r Athro Ulrike Guerot yn sianel Spaesamento .
- 16 Chwef 2022: 'The Tyranny of Big Money', cyfweliad podlediad ar gyfer podlediad The Aubrey Marcus Podcast.
- 13 Chwefror 2022: Cyfweliad podlediad a dadl yn sianel Come don Chisciotte .
- 4 Chwefror 2022: Cyfweliadau podlediad TNT Radio (gwestai rheolaidd bob pythefnos/mis).
- 25 Ionawr 2022: 'A oedd Covid yn Glawio?' cyfweliad podlediad gyda Ashely Frawley, Diet Soap Media.
- 16 Ionawr 2022: Cyfweliad podlediad ar ôl Orthodoxy sianel.
- 11 Ion 2022: 'Die öhonomische Logik hinter Covid-19', cyfweliad podlediad gyda Markus Antler yn allesaufdentisch.tv.
- 27 Rhag 2021: 'Kontrollierte Zerstörung und der Wunsch, nicht zu wissen'. Cyfweliad gyda Uwe Alschner Im Klartext (Saesneg gyda subs Almaeneg).
- 14 Rhag 2021: 'Covid hir ariannol', cyfweliad podlediad gyda Geoff Shullenberger yn Theori Outsider.
- 12 Rhag 2021: 'A krízis, pánik és örök félelem kora', cyfweliad podlediad yn Szkeptikuskerekasztal sianel.
- 15 Hyd 2021: 'Cyfalaf, rheolaeth, ac economi wleidyddol Covid', cyfweliad podlediad gyda sianel Rokfin Max Blumenthal.
- 7 Hyd 2021: 'Y gwir di-Gymraeg y tu ôl i'r argyfwng Covid', cyfweliad podlediad a dadl yn Resistance TV.
- 30 Medi 2021: 'Pa ddisgwrs Covid? Lacan, Cyfalafiaeth Frys, a Paranoia Llwyddiannus', yn Lacan yn yr Alban seminar.
- 13 Medi 2021: 'Economi wleidyddol Covid', cyfweliad podlediad a dadl ar sianel Black Power Media .
- 25 Awst 2021: 'Cwymp Systemig ac Efelychiad Pandemig', cyfweliad podlediad yn sianel Crossroads .
- 19 Rhag 2020: 'Jean Baudrillard and the Ideology of Simulation', a wahoddwyd papur yn Controversy ac Adeiladu Symposiwm Estheteg Cyfoes , Prifysgol Zhejiang.
- 7 Mehefin 2020: 'Critique of Surplus-Value', cyfweliad podlediad yn sianel Todd McGowan.
- 18 Chwefror 2020: 'Da plusvalore a plusgodere', gwahoddiad i sgwrs ar gyfer cyfres seminarau Al di là del principio di piacere. Politica, economia e clinica del godimento, Università La Sapienza, Roma.
- 28 Hyd 2019: 'Cyfalafiaeth heb Lafur. Gwahoddodd Hegel, Marx and the Vanishing Dialectic of Capital', ddarlith ym Mhrifysgol Vermont, Burlington.
- 4 Mawrth 2019: 'L'estraneità: cinema e psicoanalisi', sgwrs a drefnir gan Jonas Onlus Monza, Capital Cinema, Monza, Yr Eidal.
- 28 Tach 2018: 'Theori Feirniadol a'r Ffilmiau', darlith wahoddedig yng Nghanolfan Rhufain John Felice, Prifysgol Loyola Chicago.
- 12 Mehefin 2018: 'Gwerth Marx, 200 mlynedd ar ôl ei eni', yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, a drefnwyd gan Felin Drafod Gorwel.
- 26 Mai 2018: 'Da movimento a istituzione', yn Periferie dell'inconscio e legami sociali conference, 24-26 Mai, Florence.
- 10 Mai 2018: 'Rhesymoledd technolegol ac argyfwng economaidd-gymdeithasol: penderfyniaeth neu dafodieitheg?', yn 11eg cynhadledd Theori Feirniadol Ryngwladol , Canolfan John Felice Prifysgol Loyola Chicago, Rhufain, 10-12 Mai.
- 23 Tach 2017: 'The Feminine Gaze in Michelangelo Antonioni's Cinema', yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter, Antonioni Day, Gŵyl Ffilm Eidalaidd Caerdydd 2017, Caerdydd.
- 6 Hyd 2017: 'Psicoanalisi e Istituzioni', yng Nghanolfan Jonas (Clinig Seicoddadansoddol ar gyfer Symptomau Newydd), Milan.
- 14-15 Gorffennaf 2017: 'Cyfalafiaeth am byth! Persbectif Economaidd-Ddadansoddol ar Argyfwng 2008 a'i Ganlyniadau', yn 6ed Fforwm Estheteg Marcsaidd Rhyngwladol, Prifysgol Caerdydd (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 25-26 Hydref 2016: 'Utopia mewn cyfnod o argyfwng: craidd gwrthdro Homo Economicus' yn Ymarfer Utopia yn y gynhadledd Bresennol Ryngddiwylliannol , Università Statale di Milano, Milan.
- 23-25 Medi 2016: 'Feidredd cyfalafiaeth a swyn gwrthdro gwadiad iwtopaidd', yn 5ed Fforwm Estheteg Marcsaidd Rhyngwladol, Prifysgol Zhejiang (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 26 Medi 2016: 'The Great Denial: Finitude of Capitalism and the Necessity of Work', darlith gyhoeddus, 'Ysgol y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu', Prifysgol Zhejiang (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 1-2 Mehefin 2016: 'Argyfwng: fel y digwyddodd' yng nghynhadledd Thinking of(f) Crisis , Prifysgol Ljubljana (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 22-23 Ebrill 2016: 'Y Wadiad Mawr', yng nghynhadledd Psychoanalysis and Freedom , Colorado Springs (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 7 Ebr 2016: '''C'è un vuoto nel cosmo': Pasolini tra Adorno e Lacan'; Darlith gyhoeddus, Universita' Statale di Milano, Milan.
- 15 Mawrth 2016: 'Pasolini fel beirniad moderniaeth'; Cyfweliad cyhoeddus, Prifysgol Sussex.
- 9 Mawrth 2016: 'Damcaniaeth Feirniadol ac Argyfwng Cyfalafiaeth Gyfoes', seminar, Prifysgol Caerdydd (gyda Heiko Feldner).
- 27-28 Hyd 2015: 'Pasolini e la crisi della modernità', yng nghynhadledd Senza Pasolini , Universita' di Messina, Yr Eidal.
- 5-6 Mehefin 2015: 'Mwynhewch eich ymrwymiad: darllen impegno rhwng y llinellau', ar Pa Ymrwymiad? Ail-lunio Impegno yng nghynhadledd yr Eidal Gyfoes , Prifysgol Caint.
- 8 Ebr 2015: 'Discorso del capitalista e plusgodere'; siarad cyhoeddus a thrafodaeth gyda'r seicoddadansoddwr Eidalaidd Massimo Recalcati, Università di Padova, Padua.
- 19 Mawrth 2015: 'Zizek and exclusion', yn Zizek, allgáu, gweithdy ymfudo , Prifysgol Brunel.
- 20-22 Tachwedd 2014: 'Palu ei fedd ei hun: Marx, Lacan a blinder y gyriant cyfalafol', yng nghynhadledd Karl Marx ac Argyfwng , Universita' La Sapienza, Rhufain.
- 13 Tach 2014: 'Damcaniaeth Lacan a disgwrs '; seminar, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Canolfan Theori Feirniadol a Diwylliannol.
Topics routinely taught
- Borders and Identities in Post-War European Cinema
- Italian Cinema
- Pier Paolo Pasolini and postwar Italian culture
- Adaptations from Literature to Film
- Postwar Italian history
- European Cinema (postgraduate)
- Adaptation Theory (postgraduate)
- Ideology Critique (postgraduate)
- Critiques of Capitalist Globalisation (postgraduate)
- Psychoanalysis & Translation (postgraduate)
I came to Cardiff in 2000 from the University of Portsmouth, where I was lecturer in Italian Studies. I obtained my PhD from Reading University in 1999.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Damcaniaeth Feirniadol (ESP Ysgol Frankfurt)
- Athroniaeth cyfandirol
- Marcsiaeth ac ôl-Farcsiaeth
- Psychoanalysis (esp. Lacan)
- Beirniadaeth o gyfalafiaeth gyfoes (esp. beirniadaeth gwerth)
- Astudiaethau ffilm