Professor Fabio Vighi
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Fabio Vighi
Professor of Italian and Critical Theory
My research focuses on critical theory, ideology critique, continental philosophy, theoretical psychoanalysis and film, as reflected in my recent publications, including the following volumes: Emergency Capitalism: Financial Hubris, Economic Collapse, and Systemic Manipulation (Sublation Media, 2024); Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: a Philosophy of Immanence (Bloomsbury, 2023, co-edited with Riccardo Panattoni); Unworkable: Delusions of an Imploding Civilization (SUNY Press, 2022); Crisi di valore: Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro (Mimesis, 2018); Critical Theory and the Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism (Bloomsbury, 2015; co-authored with Heiko Feldner), States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios (Ashgate, 2014; co-edited with Heiko Feldner and Slavoj Žižek), Critical Theory and Film: Rethinking Ideology through Film Noir (Continuum, 2012), On Žižek's Dialectics: Surplus, Subtraction, Sublimation (Continuum, 2010).
I am currently working on the ideology of 'emergency capitalism' in connection with the analysis of global challenges faced by the capitalist mode of production. I am co-director of the 'Žižek Centre for Ideology Critique' and warmly welcome enquiries and proposals for postgraduate research on any of the above themes and disciplines.
- Vighi, F. 2025. South Korea's crisis is a warning. [Online]. Compact: Compact Magazine. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2025. Wargames and fartcoins. The Philosophical Salon 2025(6 Jan)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation. [Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation]. Sublation Media.
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2024. El Estado es el ángel guardián del capital financiero? [Interview]. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 36-38.
- Vighi, F. 2024. A Chiara: Self-discovery as radical alienation. The European Psychoanalytic Film Festival Online Magazine epff12
- Vighi, F. 2024. Who's Winning?. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Manipolazione e barbarie: la deriva totalitaria del capitalismo ultra-finanziario. In: Marini, L. and Rodríguez-Blanco, V. eds. La transizione totalitaria: demolizione (in)controllata della civiltà globale. Edizioni La Vela
- Vighi, F. 2024. Macabre liturgie di fine impero. La Fionda 2024(19 Jul)
- Vighi, F. 2024. The enemy and the libidinal economy of the apocalypse. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. COVID- 19 and the emergency loop of implosive capitalism. In: Lange, E. L. and Shullenberger, G. eds. COVID-19 and the Left: The Tyranny of Fear. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 95-114., (10.4324/9781003390183-9)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Our zone of interest: the noise of permanent warfare. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Trust in institutions and the war dividend. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. La fiducia nelle istituzioni e i dividendi di guerra. [Online]. La Fionda: Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2024. 批判理论与当代资本主义危机.Xu, J. and Huang, M. Shanghai: Orient Publishing.
- Vighi, F. 2024. Una profecía cumplida: Colapso sistémico y pandemia simulada. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 41-49.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. In: Paolucci, G. ed. Il governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 51-79.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Baudrillard, hyperreality, and emergency capitalism. In: Wang, J., Shen, Z. and De la Garza, A. eds. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Transcultural Aesthetics Vol. 2. Brill, pp. 59-79., (10.1163/9789004685925_007)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Un "nuovo 11 settembre": il paradigma della guerra permanente come deterrenza finanziaria. [Online]. La Fonda: Rogas Edizioni. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. A "new 9/11": the stage is set. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Welcome to "low energy capitalism". [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Meta-emergenza e transizione ideologica del capitalismo senile. In: Marini, L. ed. Ecotruffa. Le Mani Sul Clima. Contravento La Vela, pp. 114-140.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo di crisi e automatismi del declino – viva il capitalismo!. [Online]. Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Gradually, then suddenly? Crisis capitalism and its disavowals. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2023. Der Staat ist Schutzengel des Finanzkapitals. OXI: Wirtschaft anders denken 23(2)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Financial delusions and the persistence of capital. Finance and Society 9(1), pp. 76-79. (10.2218/finsoc.8099)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Die Untergangsschleife: COVID-19 und das Zeitalter der kapitalistischen Dauerkrise. In: Urban, A. ed. Schwerer Verlauf: Corona als Krisensymptom. Promedia, pp. 21-46.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo senile e demolizione controllata. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Senile economics: Bubble ontology and the pull of gravity. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Cusani, A., Porta, S. and Vighi, F. 2023. Emergenze da fine del mondo. Transeuropa.
- Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. 2023. Capitalism and the new political unconscious: a philosophy of immanence. Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2023. The perfect crime? Baudrillard, covid-19 and capitalist virulence. In: Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: A Philosophy of Immanence. Bloomsbury, pp. 195-216.
- Vighi, F. 2022. A system on life support. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. Capital with science: COVID-19 as a case of successful paranoia. In: Wallace, M. A. and Principe, C. V. eds. From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth”. The Palgrave Lacan Series Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-160.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Pause for thought: Money without value in a rapidly disintegrating world. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. and Servadio, F. 2022. Dalla pandemia alla guerra: la crisi raccontata da Fabio Vighi. [Online]. BGS News. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. From Covid-19 to Putin-22: who needs friends with enemies like these?. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. Unworkable. Delusions of an imploding civilization. SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature. SUNY Press.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Red pill or blue pill? Variants, inflation and the controlled demolition of society. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. The central bankers' Long Covid: A incurable condition. The Philosophical Salon 2021(18 Oct)
- Vighi, F. 2021. A self-fulfilling prophecy: systemic collapse and pandemic simulation. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books Channel. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Paradigma Covid: collasso sistemico e fantasma pandemico. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Slavoj Žižek, emergency capitalism, and the capitulation of the Left. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomena to a Franciscan capitalism. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomeni a un capitalismo francescano. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7(3), pp. 447-459.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam
- Vighi, F. 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.
- Vighi, F. 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus.. MR Online
- Tinelli, G. and Vighi, F. 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. In: Summerfield, G. ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland, pp. 100-117.
- Vighi, F. 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8, pp. 45-70.
- Vighi, F. 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
- Vighi, F. 2019. The Hegelian moment: from the withering away of labour to the concrete universality of work. Continental Thought and Theory 2(4), pp. 83-107.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Genie out of the bottle: Lacan and the loneliness of global capitalism. Crisis and Critique 6(1), pp. 390-415.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Populist symptoms and the curse of the capitalist fetish. Third Text 32(5-6), pp. 674-681. (10.1080/09528822.2018.1558652)
- Vighi, F. 2019. Ontologia della supercazzola: resistenza inconscia del linguaggio comico dal Witz al sintomo. In: Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. Resistance in Italian Culture: from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore, pp. 245-266.
- Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. 2019. Resistance in Italian culture from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Capture and symptom in Leos Carax's 'Holy Motors'. In: Leger, M. J. ed. The Idea of the Avant Garde, and What it Means Today 2. Intellect, pp. 363-372.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. Finitude of capitalism and the perverse charm of denial. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(2), pp. 99-130.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Structurally bent on self-destruction: Paul Schrader and the decomposition of contemporary society.. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(1), pp. 5-31.
- Vighi, F. 2018. From Utopia to Endgame: What is left of capitalist metaphysics. In: Gualtieri, C. ed. Utopia in the Present. Cultural Politics and Change. Peter Lang, pp. 27-41.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Crisi di valore. Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro.. Milan: Mimesis.
- Vighi, F. 2018. The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious. In: Reading Lacan's Ecrits: from 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'. Routledge
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. ‘ 资 本 主 义 的 有 限 性 及 对 此 的 倒 错 性 否 认. In: Wang, J. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. 20. Oriental Publishing Center, pp. 15-34.
- Vighi, F. 2017. L-D-L', or: Lacan's dialectics of love (in loveless times). In: Zeiher, C. and McGowan, T. eds. Can Philosophy Love? Reflections and Encounters.. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 67-86.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2017. “Distruzione creativa” o terra bruciata? La crisi del capitalismo nel XXI secolo. In: Ponzi, M. ed. Karl Marx e la Crisi. Quodlibet, pp. 187-214.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Neo-noir dialectics and the subject of crisis.. In: Ricci, G. R. ed. The Persistence of Crititcal Theory.., Vol. 8. Culture & Civilization. New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315133782)
- Vighi, F. 2016. Belief as fetish: the religion of capitalism in Elio Petri's cinema. In: Cavallini, R. ed. Requiem for a Nation: Religion and Politics in Post-War Italian Cinema. Mimesis International
- Vighi, F. 2016. Capitalist Bulimia: Lacan on Marx and crisis. Crisis and Critique 3(3), pp. 415-432.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Retroactive rupture: the place of the subject in Jane Campion's "In the Cut". In: Kunkle, S. ed. Cinematic Cuts: Theorizing Film Endings. Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature New York: SUNY Press, pp. 81-98.
- Qu, Y., Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2016. An interview with Fabio Vighi and Heiko Feldner. In: Jie, W. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. vol. 1. Beijing: Oriental Publishing, pp. 227-237.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Ontology of crisis and Lacan's discourse of the capitalist. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1057/pcs.2015.13)
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. From subject to politics: The Žižekian field today. Subjectivity 3(1), pp. 31-52. (10.1057/sub.2009.32)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. A subject that matters: Žižek’s ideology critique today. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-22.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. 2010. In the clouds: a dialogue. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 177-192.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder, Lacan: on surplus and brotherhood. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 20-36.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2010. Žižek’s Notion of Ideology Critique in Context [Editorial Introduction]. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-7.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On practicing theory. Some remarks on Adrian Johnston's 'Badiou, Zizek and political transformations'. International Journal of Zizek Studies 4(1)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Slavoj Žižek's Bartleby Politics and the Economic Crisis. The Exception Magazine
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Pathological attachments: Slavoj Žižek on anticapitalism and liberal democracy. Rethinking Marxism 21(2), pp. 290-297. (10.1080/08935690902743591)
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Il dolore della liberazione: violenza, masochismo e anti-capitalismo secondo Pasolini. In: Patti, E. ed. La nuova gioventù? L'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Novi Ligure: Joker Edizioni, pp. 63-87.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2008. The Challenge of Power in Žižek and Foucault. European Journal of Psychoanalysis(26-27), pp. 35-66.
- Vighi, F. 2008. Fractious Companions: Psychoanalysis, Italian Cinema, and Sexual Difference. Italian Studies 63(2), pp. 235-254. (10.1179/007516308X344379)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. 2007. Did somebody say ideology? On Slavoj Žižek and consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Ideology critique or discourse analysis? Žižek against Foucault. European Journal of Political Theory 6(2), pp. 141-159. (10.1177/1474885107074347)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Liberation hurts: violence, masochism and anti-capitalism according to Pasolini. Italian Studies 62(1), pp. 61-77. (10.1179/007516307X174856)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Sexual difference in and out of European Cinema: Zizek as a reader of Truffaut. In: Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. Did Somebody Say Ideology? : On Slavoj Zizek And Consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 250-276.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. United States of Europe or free trade zone? No thanks! Slavoj Žižek on the future of Europe. European Journal for Social Theory 9(3), pp. 337-355. (10.1177/1368431006065716)
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. Resistant and radical agency: Traversing Foucault with Slavoj Žižek. Journal for Lacanian Studies 4(2), pp. 300-324.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2006. Beyond liberal democracy: Slavoj Žižek and the politics of ideology critique. New Formations(58), pp. 53-62.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Lacan for cinema today: on the uncanny Pouvoir de la Vérité. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 10(3), pp. 232-251. (10.1057/palgrave.pcs.2100046)
- Vighi, F. 2005. On the real limits of self-consciousness: gazing back at the subversive subject with Marco Bellocchio. Culture, Theory and Critique 46(2), pp. 147-161. (10.1080/14735780500314364)
- Vighi, F. 2005. Nanni Moretti: trauma, hysteria, and freedom. In: Hope, W. ed. Italian cinema: new directions. New Studies in European Cinema Vol. 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 79-106.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Sublime accattone: Žižek, Pasolini e la critica dell'ideologia. Rivista di Studi Italiani XXII(1), pp. 195-215.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Encounters in the real: subjectivity and its excess in Roberto Rossellini. Studies in European Cinema 1(3), pp. 185-197. (10.1386/seci.1.3.185/0)
- Vighi, F. 2003. Pasolini and exclusion: Žižek, Agamben and the modern sub-proletariat. Theory Culture & Society 20(5), pp. 99-121. (10.1177/02632764030205005)
- Vighi, F. 2003. On torture, passionate attachment and diabolical evil: ethics in Rossellini's Open City and Pasolini's Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Journal for Lacanian Studies 1(1), pp. 85-109.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Mimesis and the un-reconciled condition: a theoretical approach to Antonioni's cinema. New Formations(47), pp. 144-154.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Beyond objectivity: the utopian in Pasolini's documentaries. Textual Practice 16(3), pp. 491-510. (10.1080/09502360210163444)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Pasolini con Adorno: fascismo rivisitato. Italian Studies 56(1), pp. 129-147. (10.1179/its.2001.56.1.129)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Le ragioni dell'altro: La formazione intellettuale di Pasolini tra saggistica, letteratura e cinema. Temi e profili del Novecento. Ravenna: Longo Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2000. Lo sperimentalismo di Pasolini: impegno come existenz. The Italianist 20(1), pp. 229-252. (10.1179/ita.2000.20.1.229)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Adorati toponimi: tracking ideological space in Pier Paolo Pasolini. New Readings 5, pp. 30-48. (10.18573/newreadings.38)
- Vighi, F. 2025. Wargames and fartcoins. The Philosophical Salon 2025(6 Jan)
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2024. El Estado es el ángel guardián del capital financiero? [Interview]. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 36-38.
- Vighi, F. 2024. A Chiara: Self-discovery as radical alienation. The European Psychoanalytic Film Festival Online Magazine epff12
- Vighi, F. 2024. Macabre liturgie di fine impero. La Fionda 2024(19 Jul)
- Vighi, F. 2024. Una profecía cumplida: Colapso sistémico y pandemia simulada. Amor y Rabia 80, pp. 41-49.
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2023. Der Staat ist Schutzengel des Finanzkapitals. OXI: Wirtschaft anders denken 23(2)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Financial delusions and the persistence of capital. Finance and Society 9(1), pp. 76-79. (10.2218/finsoc.8099)
- Vighi, F. 2021. The central bankers' Long Covid: A incurable condition. The Philosophical Salon 2021(18 Oct)
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7(3), pp. 447-459.
- Vighi, F. 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam
- Vighi, F. 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus.. MR Online
- Vighi, F. 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8, pp. 45-70.
- Vighi, F. 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
- Vighi, F. 2019. The Hegelian moment: from the withering away of labour to the concrete universality of work. Continental Thought and Theory 2(4), pp. 83-107.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Genie out of the bottle: Lacan and the loneliness of global capitalism. Crisis and Critique 6(1), pp. 390-415.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Populist symptoms and the curse of the capitalist fetish. Third Text 32(5-6), pp. 674-681. (10.1080/09528822.2018.1558652)
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. Finitude of capitalism and the perverse charm of denial. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(2), pp. 99-130.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Structurally bent on self-destruction: Paul Schrader and the decomposition of contemporary society.. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2(1), pp. 5-31.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Capitalist Bulimia: Lacan on Marx and crisis. Crisis and Critique 3(3), pp. 415-432.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Ontology of crisis and Lacan's discourse of the capitalist. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1057/pcs.2015.13)
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. From subject to politics: The Žižekian field today. Subjectivity 3(1), pp. 31-52. (10.1057/sub.2009.32)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2010. A subject that matters: Žižek’s ideology critique today. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-22.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2010. Žižek’s Notion of Ideology Critique in Context [Editorial Introduction]. International Journal of Žižek Studies 4(1), pp. 1-7.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On practicing theory. Some remarks on Adrian Johnston's 'Badiou, Zizek and political transformations'. International Journal of Zizek Studies 4(1)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Slavoj Žižek's Bartleby Politics and the Economic Crisis. The Exception Magazine
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2009. Pathological attachments: Slavoj Žižek on anticapitalism and liberal democracy. Rethinking Marxism 21(2), pp. 290-297. (10.1080/08935690902743591)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2008. The Challenge of Power in Žižek and Foucault. European Journal of Psychoanalysis(26-27), pp. 35-66.
- Vighi, F. 2008. Fractious Companions: Psychoanalysis, Italian Cinema, and Sexual Difference. Italian Studies 63(2), pp. 235-254. (10.1179/007516308X344379)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Ideology critique or discourse analysis? Žižek against Foucault. European Journal of Political Theory 6(2), pp. 141-159. (10.1177/1474885107074347)
- Vighi, F. 2007. Liberation hurts: violence, masochism and anti-capitalism according to Pasolini. Italian Studies 62(1), pp. 61-77. (10.1179/007516307X174856)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. United States of Europe or free trade zone? No thanks! Slavoj Žižek on the future of Europe. European Journal for Social Theory 9(3), pp. 337-355. (10.1177/1368431006065716)
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2006. Resistant and radical agency: Traversing Foucault with Slavoj Žižek. Journal for Lacanian Studies 4(2), pp. 300-324.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2006. Beyond liberal democracy: Slavoj Žižek and the politics of ideology critique. New Formations(58), pp. 53-62.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Lacan for cinema today: on the uncanny Pouvoir de la Vérité. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 10(3), pp. 232-251. (10.1057/palgrave.pcs.2100046)
- Vighi, F. 2005. On the real limits of self-consciousness: gazing back at the subversive subject with Marco Bellocchio. Culture, Theory and Critique 46(2), pp. 147-161. (10.1080/14735780500314364)
- Vighi, F. 2004. Sublime accattone: Žižek, Pasolini e la critica dell'ideologia. Rivista di Studi Italiani XXII(1), pp. 195-215.
- Vighi, F. 2004. Encounters in the real: subjectivity and its excess in Roberto Rossellini. Studies in European Cinema 1(3), pp. 185-197. (10.1386/seci.1.3.185/0)
- Vighi, F. 2003. Pasolini and exclusion: Žižek, Agamben and the modern sub-proletariat. Theory Culture & Society 20(5), pp. 99-121. (10.1177/02632764030205005)
- Vighi, F. 2003. On torture, passionate attachment and diabolical evil: ethics in Rossellini's Open City and Pasolini's Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Journal for Lacanian Studies 1(1), pp. 85-109.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Mimesis and the un-reconciled condition: a theoretical approach to Antonioni's cinema. New Formations(47), pp. 144-154.
- Vighi, F. 2002. Beyond objectivity: the utopian in Pasolini's documentaries. Textual Practice 16(3), pp. 491-510. (10.1080/09502360210163444)
- Vighi, F. 2001. Pasolini con Adorno: fascismo rivisitato. Italian Studies 56(1), pp. 129-147. (10.1179/its.2001.56.1.129)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Lo sperimentalismo di Pasolini: impegno come existenz. The Italianist 20(1), pp. 229-252. (10.1179/ita.2000.20.1.229)
- Vighi, F. 2000. Adorati toponimi: tracking ideological space in Pier Paolo Pasolini. New Readings 5, pp. 30-48. (10.18573/newreadings.38)
Book sections
- Vighi, F. 2024. Manipolazione e barbarie: la deriva totalitaria del capitalismo ultra-finanziario. In: Marini, L. and Rodríguez-Blanco, V. eds. La transizione totalitaria: demolizione (in)controllata della civiltà globale. Edizioni La Vela
- Vighi, F. 2024. COVID- 19 and the emergency loop of implosive capitalism. In: Lange, E. L. and Shullenberger, G. eds. COVID-19 and the Left: The Tyranny of Fear. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 95-114., (10.4324/9781003390183-9)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. In: Paolucci, G. ed. Il governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 51-79.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Baudrillard, hyperreality, and emergency capitalism. In: Wang, J., Shen, Z. and De la Garza, A. eds. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Transcultural Aesthetics Vol. 2. Brill, pp. 59-79., (10.1163/9789004685925_007)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Meta-emergenza e transizione ideologica del capitalismo senile. In: Marini, L. ed. Ecotruffa. Le Mani Sul Clima. Contravento La Vela, pp. 114-140.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Die Untergangsschleife: COVID-19 und das Zeitalter der kapitalistischen Dauerkrise. In: Urban, A. ed. Schwerer Verlauf: Corona als Krisensymptom. Promedia, pp. 21-46.
- Vighi, F. 2023. The perfect crime? Baudrillard, covid-19 and capitalist virulence. In: Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: A Philosophy of Immanence. Bloomsbury, pp. 195-216.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Capital with science: COVID-19 as a case of successful paranoia. In: Wallace, M. A. and Principe, C. V. eds. From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth”. The Palgrave Lacan Series Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-160.
- Tinelli, G. and Vighi, F. 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. In: Summerfield, G. ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland, pp. 100-117.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Ontologia della supercazzola: resistenza inconscia del linguaggio comico dal Witz al sintomo. In: Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. Resistance in Italian Culture: from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore, pp. 245-266.
- Vighi, F. 2019. Capture and symptom in Leos Carax's 'Holy Motors'. In: Leger, M. J. ed. The Idea of the Avant Garde, and What it Means Today 2. Intellect, pp. 363-372.
- Vighi, F. 2018. From Utopia to Endgame: What is left of capitalist metaphysics. In: Gualtieri, C. ed. Utopia in the Present. Cultural Politics and Change. Peter Lang, pp. 27-41.
- Vighi, F. 2018. The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious. In: Reading Lacan's Ecrits: from 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'. Routledge
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2018. ‘ 资 本 主 义 的 有 限 性 及 对 此 的 倒 错 性 否 认. In: Wang, J. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. 20. Oriental Publishing Center, pp. 15-34.
- Vighi, F. 2017. L-D-L', or: Lacan's dialectics of love (in loveless times). In: Zeiher, C. and McGowan, T. eds. Can Philosophy Love? Reflections and Encounters.. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 67-86.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. 2017. “Distruzione creativa” o terra bruciata? La crisi del capitalismo nel XXI secolo. In: Ponzi, M. ed. Karl Marx e la Crisi. Quodlibet, pp. 187-214.
- Vighi, F. 2016. Neo-noir dialectics and the subject of crisis.. In: Ricci, G. R. ed. The Persistence of Crititcal Theory.., Vol. 8. Culture & Civilization. New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315133782)
- Vighi, F. 2016. Belief as fetish: the religion of capitalism in Elio Petri's cinema. In: Cavallini, R. ed. Requiem for a Nation: Religion and Politics in Post-War Italian Cinema. Mimesis International
- Vighi, F. 2016. Retroactive rupture: the place of the subject in Jane Campion's "In the Cut". In: Kunkle, S. ed. Cinematic Cuts: Theorizing Film Endings. Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature New York: SUNY Press, pp. 81-98.
- Qu, Y., Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2016. An interview with Fabio Vighi and Heiko Feldner. In: Jie, W. ed. Research on Marxist Aesthetics., Vol. vol. 1. Beijing: Oriental Publishing, pp. 227-237.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. 2010. In the clouds: a dialogue. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 177-192.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder, Lacan: on surplus and brotherhood. In: Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 20-36.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Il dolore della liberazione: violenza, masochismo e anti-capitalismo secondo Pasolini. In: Patti, E. ed. La nuova gioventù? L'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Novi Ligure: Joker Edizioni, pp. 63-87.
- Vighi, F. 2007. Sexual difference in and out of European Cinema: Zizek as a reader of Truffaut. In: Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. Did Somebody Say Ideology? : On Slavoj Zizek And Consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 250-276.
- Vighi, F. 2005. Nanni Moretti: trauma, hysteria, and freedom. In: Hope, W. ed. Italian cinema: new directions. New Studies in European Cinema Vol. 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 79-106.
- Vighi, F. 2024. Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation. [Emergency capitalism financial hubris, economic collapse and systemic manipulation]. Sublation Media.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2024. 批判理论与当代资本主义危机.Xu, J. and Huang, M. Shanghai: Orient Publishing.
- Cusani, A., Porta, S. and Vighi, F. 2023. Emergenze da fine del mondo. Transeuropa.
- Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. 2023. Capitalism and the new political unconscious: a philosophy of immanence. Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2022. Unworkable. Delusions of an imploding civilization. SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature. SUNY Press.
- Moroncini, A., Schecter, D. and Vighi, F. eds. 2019. Resistance in Italian culture from Dante to the 21st Century. Franco Cesati Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2018. Crisi di valore. Lacan, Marx e il crepuscolo della societa' del lavoro.. Milan: Mimesis.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. eds. 2007. Did somebody say ideology? On Slavoj Žižek and consequences. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
- Vighi, F. 2001. Le ragioni dell'altro: La formazione intellettuale di Pasolini tra saggistica, letteratura e cinema. Temi e profili del Novecento. Ravenna: Longo Editore.
- Vighi, F. 2025. South Korea's crisis is a warning. [Online]. Compact: Compact Magazine. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Who's Winning?. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. The enemy and the libidinal economy of the apocalypse. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Our zone of interest: the noise of permanent warfare. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. Trust in institutions and the war dividend. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2024. La fiducia nelle istituzioni e i dividendi di guerra. [Online]. La Fionda: Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Un "nuovo 11 settembre": il paradigma della guerra permanente come deterrenza finanziaria. [Online]. La Fonda: Rogas Edizioni. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. A "new 9/11": the stage is set. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Welcome to "low energy capitalism". [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo di crisi e automatismi del declino – viva il capitalismo!. [Online]. Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Gradually, then suddenly? Crisis capitalism and its disavowals. [Online]. Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo senile e demolizione controllata. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Senile economics: Bubble ontology and the pull of gravity. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. A system on life support. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. Pause for thought: Money without value in a rapidly disintegrating world. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. and Servadio, F. 2022. Dalla pandemia alla guerra: la crisi raccontata da Fabio Vighi. [Online]. BGS News. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. From Covid-19 to Putin-22: who needs friends with enemies like these?. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2022. Red pill or blue pill? Variants, inflation and the controlled demolition of society. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. A self-fulfilling prophecy: systemic collapse and pandemic simulation. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books Channel. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Paradigma Covid: collasso sistemico e fantasma pandemico. [Online]. La Fionda. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Slavoj Žižek, emergency capitalism, and the capitulation of the Left. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomena to a Franciscan capitalism. [Online]. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2021. Prolegomeni a un capitalismo francescano. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2015. Critical theory and the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Bloomsbury.
- Vighi, F. 2015. Mourning or melancholia? Collapse of capitalism and delusional attachments. In: Hamza, A. ed. Repeating Zizek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 180-194.
- Vighi, F. 2015. The ambiguous remainder: contemporary capitalism and the becoming law of the symptom. In: De Sutter, L. ed. Zizek and Law. Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 80-98.
- Vighi, F. 2015. La mostruosita' dell'eroe: pulsione e liberta' ne I cento passi. In: Colleoni, F., Dalla Torre, E. and Lanslots, I. eds. Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana. Interventi critici. Da lontano: Studi e Testi Vol. 6. Vecchiarelli Editore, pp. 121-138.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Biopolitics. In: Butler, R. ed. The Zizek Dictionary. London: Routledge, pp. 14-18.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Dall'evento al sintomo: Badiou e l'ontologia lacaniana. International Journal for Badiou Studies 3(1), pp. 24-47.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. 2014. The matrix cannot be reloaded: a Lacano-Marxian perspective on the current economic crisis. In: Feldner, H., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 11-57.
- Feldner, H. M., Vighi, F. and Žižek, S. eds. 2014. States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism. In: Flisfeder, M. and Willis, L. eds. Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-147.
- Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. 2014. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Vighi, F. 2014. Between the two deaths: the real as threshold. In: Vighi, F., Nuselovici, A. and Ponzi, M. eds. Between urban topographies and political spaces: threshold experiences. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 95-106.
- Vighi, F. 2014. The unwanted guest: Notes on Italian cinema's love affair with psychoanalysis. In: Bondanella, P. ed. The Italian Cinema Book. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave
- Vighi, F. 2014. "Zwischen zwei Toden": Die Schwelle als Ort del Realen. In: Borvitz, S. and Ponzi, M. eds. Schwellen: Ansatze fur eine neue Theorie des Raums. Dusseldorf University Press, pp. 161-175.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. In: Ponzi, M. and Gentili, D. eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.
- Vighi, F. 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. In: Messina, D. ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò. Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.
- Vighi, F. 2010. Nonsense that matters: some observations on psychoanalysis and Italian cinema. The Italianist 30(2), pp. 278-281. (10.1179/026143410X12724449730259)
- Vighi, F. 2010. On Žižek’s dialectics: surplus, subtraction, sublimation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Continuum.
- Vighi, F. and Nuselovici, A. eds. 2010. Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe: Between Utopia and Nihilism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Feldner, H. and Vighi, F. eds. 2010. Žižek and ideology [special issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol. 4, no. 1]. Open Humanities Press.
- Vighi, F. 2009. Sexual difference in European cinema: the curse of enjoyment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. and Feldner, H. M. 2007. Žižek: beyond Foucault. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vighi, F. 2006. Traumatic encounters in Italian film: locating the cinematic unconscious. Bristol: Intellect.
Recent speaking engagements:
- 16-20 February 2025: invited lectures and podcast interviews at Alliance School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Bangalore, India.
- 14 February 2025: 'The Intersection of Politics and Culture', roundtable discussion at Alliance Literary Festival, Bangalore, India.
- 14 February 2025: 'Contemporary Questions, Timeless Ideas', roundtable discussion at Alliance Literary Festival, Bangalore, India.
- 14 December 2024: 'Virus economico e pandemia simulata. La deriva totalitaria del capitalismo di crisi', invited paper at ll governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico conference, Università di Pisa, Italy.
- 4 December 2024: 'Trump's Golden Age?' podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 16 November 2024: invited speaker at 12th European Psychoanalytic Film Festival, London, 14-16 November, Institute of Psychoanalysis.
- 31 October 2024: 'Debt Apocalypse: Surviving Capitalism's Last Hurrah', podcast interview at Parallal Systems.
- 18 October 2024: 'Do We Need a Paranoid Politics?', podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 27 September 2024: 'Zizek and Emergency Capitalism', podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 14 June 2024: 'How Wars are Propping Up the System', podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 17 May 2024: 'Is Western Finance to Blame?', podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 29 March 2024: 'Why is Everything Suddenly an Emergency?', podcast interview at Sublation Media.
- 1 December 2023: Interview at Byoblu TV, '7 notizie in 7 giorni'.
- 27 November 2023: 'Letters from Lockdown', invitated paper at Supportive Practices? Letters to Social Movement Activists conference, University of Vienna.
- 24 November 2023: 'Le ragioni dell'emergenza permanente', invited talk at Dall’emergenza alla catastrofe? Il futuro, la guerra e la fine dell’informazione conference (Commissione DuPre), University of Rome, La Sapienza.
- 27 September 2023: 'Chocking on Credit & the Final Days of Capitalism', podcast interview for Parallel Systems.
- 31 May 2023: 'Inflation and the Controlled Demolition of Society', podcast interview at Sublation Media with Doug Lain.
- 27 May 2023: 'Crisis Capitalism', keynote at International Congress of the Free Left, Vienna, 27-29 May 2023.
- 25 March 2023: 'The political and economic case against the WEF', invited paper at The Left case against the World Economic Forum conference, London (panel with CJ Hopkins).
- 3 February 2023: 'Am Leben erhalten. Implodierender Kapitalismus und die Barbarei der Notlage' (in English with German simultaneous interpretation), invited public lecture organised by Linksbündig group, Volkshaus, Zurich.
- 23 November 2022: 'Meta-emergenza e distruzione controllata di un mondo', invited paper at Poli-Covid-22: Salute, Società, e Scienza alla prova della Pandemia conference, Turin University (21-25 November 2022).
- 22 June 2022: 'Capitalismo emergenziale: la vera crisi e le sue simulazioni', invited lecture at Il governo della pandemia summer school, Napoli, 20-23 June 2022.
- 9 June 2022: Podcast interview at Italia che cambia channel.
- 24 May 2022: Podcast interview at Persone da raccontare channel.
- 1 May 2022: 'A cosa serve lo stato di emergenza?', invited talk at Il nostro primo maggio public event, Terni.
- 11 April 2022: 'Macerie su macerie: iperrealtà', podcast interview at Radio Black Out.
- 7 April 2022: Podcast interview and debate at Visione TV.
- 6 April 2022: 'Lockdown per sempre', podcast interview at
- 1 April 2022: 'A colloquio con Fabio Vighi', podcast interview at Il pensiero che c'è channel.
- 25 March 2022: 'Seamless continuity editing in the emergency capitalist movie', podcast interview with Rusere Shoniwa at Holding the Line channel.
- 4 March 2022: 'Pasolini 2022: Power, Otherness, and the Rise of Emergency Capitalism', keynote at One Hundred Years of Pasolini conference, California State University.
- 2 March 2022: online webinar with Prof Ulrike Guerot at Spaesamento channel.
- 16 Feb 2022: 'The Tyranny of Big Money', podcast interview for The Aubrey Marcus Podcast.
- 13 Feb 2022: Podcast interview and debate at Come don Chisciotte channel.
- 4 Feb 2022: TNT Radio podcast interviews (regular guest on fortnightly/monthly basis).
- 25 Jan 2022: 'Was Covid a Cover up?' podcast interview with Ashely Frawley, Diet Soap Media.
- 16 Jan 2022: Podcast interview at post-Orthodoxy channel.
- 11 Jan 2022: 'Die öhonomische Logik hinter Covid-19', podcast interview with Markus Antler at
- 27 Dec 2021: 'Kontrollierte Zerstörung und der Wunsch, nicht zu wissen'. Interview with Uwe Alschner. Im Klartext (English with German subs).
- 14 Dec 2021: 'Monetary Long Covid', podcast interview with Geoff Shullenberger at Outsider Theory.
- 12 Dec 2021: 'A krízis, pánik és örök félelem kora', podcast interview at Szkeptikuskerekasztal channel.
- 15 Oct 2021: 'Capital, control, and the political economy of Covid', podcast interview with Max Blumenthal’s Rokfin channel.
- 7 Oct 2021: 'The unspoken truth behind the Covid crisis', podcast interview and debate at Resistance TV.
- 30 Sept 2021: 'Which Covid discourse? Lacan, Emergency Capitalism, and Successful Paranoia', at Lacan in Scotland seminar.
- 13 Sept 2021: 'The political economy of Covid', podcast interview and debate at Black Power Media channel.
- 25 Aug 2021: 'Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation', podcast interview at The Crossroads channel.
- 19 Dec 2020: 'Jean Baudrillard and the Ideology of Simulation', invited paper at Controversy and Construction of Contemporary Aesthetics Symposium, Zhejiang University.
- 7 June 2020: 'Critique of Surplus-Value', podcast interview at Todd McGowan's channel.
- 18 February 2020: 'Da plusvalore a plusgodere', invited talk for seminar series Al di là del principio di piacere. Politica, economia e clinica del godimento, Università La Sapienza, Roma.
- 28 Oct 2019: 'Capitalism without Labour. Hegel, Marx and the Vanishing Dialectic of Capital', invited lecture at University of Vermont, Burlington.
- 4 Mar 2019: 'L'estraneità: cinema e psicoanalisi', talk organised by Jonas Onlus Monza, Capital Cinema, Monza, Italy.
- 28 Nov 2018: 'Critical Theory and the Movies', invited lecture at John Felice Rome Centre, Loyola University Chicago.
- 12 June 2018: 'The value of Marx, 200 years after his birth', at National Assembly for Wales, organised by Gorwel Think-Tank.
- 26 May 2018: 'Da movimento a istituzione', at Periferie dell'inconscio e legami sociali conference, 24-26 May, Florence.
- 10 May 2018: 'Technological rationality and socio-economic crisis: determinism or dialectics?', at 11th International Critical Theory conference, John Felice Center of Loyola University Chicago, Rome, 10-12 May.
- 23 Nov 2017: 'The Feminine Gaze in Michelangelo Antonioni's Cinema', at Chapter Arts Centre, Antonioni Day, Italian Film Festival Cardiff 2017, Cardiff.
- 6 Oct 2017: 'Psicoanalisi e Istituzioni', at Jonas Centre (Psychoanalytic Clinic for New Symptoms), Milan.
- 14-15 July 2017: 'Capitalism Forever! A Socio-Analytical Perspective on the 2008 Crisis and its Aftermath', at 6th International Marxist Aesthetics Forum, Cardiff University (with Heiko Feldner).
- 25-26 Oct 2016: ‘Utopia in a time of crisis: the perverse core of Homo Economicus' at Practicing Utopia in the Intercultural Present conference, Università Statale di Milano, Milan.
- 23-25 Sept 2016: ‘The finitude of capitalism and the perverse charm of utopian denial’, at 5th International Marxist Aesthetics Forum, Zhejiang University (with Heiko Feldner).
- 26 Sept 2016: ‘The Great Denial: Finitude of Capitalism and the Necessity of Work', public lecture, ‘School of Media and Communication’, Zhejiang University (with Heiko Feldner).
- 1-2 June 2016: ‘Crisis: as it happened’ at Thinking of(f) Crisis conference, University of Ljubljana (with Heiko Feldner).
- 22-23 Apr 2016: ‘The Great Denial’, at Psychoanalysis and Freedom conference, Colorado Springs (with Heiko Feldner).
- 7 Apr 2016: ‘'C'è un vuoto nel cosmo': Pasolini tra Adorno e Lacan’; public lecture, Universita' Statale di Milano, Milan.
- 15 Mar 2016: ‘Pasolini as a critic of modernity’; public talk, Sussex University.
- 9 Mar 2016: ‘Critical Theory and the Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism’, seminar, Cardiff University (with Heiko Feldner).
- 27-28 Oct 2015: ‘Pasolini e la crisi della modernità’, at Senza Pasolini conference, Universita' di Messina, Italy.
- 5-6 June 2015: ‘Enjoy your commitment: reading impegno between the lines’, at What Commitment? Reshaping Impegno in Contemporary Italy conference, University of Kent.
- 8 Apr 2015: ‘Discorso del capitalista e plusgodere’; public talk and debate with Italian psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati, Università di Padova, Padua.
- 19 Mar 2015: ‘Zizek and exclusion’, at Zizek, exclusion, migration workshop, Brunel University.
- 20-22 Nov 2014: ‘Digging its own grave: Marx, Lacan and the exhaustion of the capitalist drive’, at Karl Marx and Crisis conference, Universita' La Sapienza, Rome.
- 13 Nov 2014: ‘Lacan and discourse theory’; seminar, Cardiff University, Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory.
Modules and subjects routinely taught (UG and PGT):
- European cinema
- Italian cinema
- Psychoanalytic theory
- Postwar Italian culture & society
- Adaptations from literature to film
- Ideology critique
- Critiques of capitalist globalisation
- Psychoanalysis & translation
I came to Cardiff University in September 2000 from the University of Portsmouth, where I was lecturer in Italian Studies. I obtained my PhD at Reading University in 1999. I graduated at the University of Bologna (Italy) in 1994.
I am interested in supervising students in the following areas:
- Critical theory (esp. Frankfurt School)
- Continental philosophy
- Marxism and post-Marxism
- Psychoanalysis (esp. Lacan)
- Critiques of contemporary capitalism (esp. value criticism)
- Film studies