Qingwei Wang sy'n dal y Cadeirydd Cyllid Personol yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd. Ymunodd ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd fel Uwch-ddarlithydd ym mis Medi 2014. Cyn hynny, bu'n gweithio fel Darlithydd Cyllid yn Ysgol Busnes Bangor, ac yn ymchwilydd yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil Economaidd Ewropeaidd (ZEW, Mannheim, yr Almaen). Mae wedi cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau gyda Deutsche Bank, Weinyddiaeth Economeg a Llafur Ffederal yr Almaen, a Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth yr Almaen.
Mae Qingwei yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch. Mae hefyd yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr Grŵp Ymchwil Fintech Caerdydd, cyn-gyfarwyddwr Grŵp Cyllid Empirig Caerdydd a Centre for China Business Research. Mae'n gwasanaethu fel aelod o fwrdd golygyddol British Accounting Review, golygydd cysylltiol Finance Research Letters a The European Journal of Finance, ac yn Olygydd Gwadd ar gyfer y rhifyn arbennig ar "Fintech and Financial Markets" yn The European Journal of Finance. Mae wedi cyhoeddi mewn nifer o gyfnodolion, gan gynnwys Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Empirical Finance, European Financial Management a International Journal of Forecasting.
Cyfraniadau'r cyfryngau
- Cyfweliadau teledu: Phoenix CNE
- Ymchwil yn ymddangos yn: Bloomberg, Reuters, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, Ewrop Busnes a Ffordd o Fyw (erthygl wahoddedig)
- Song, Q., Ding, W., Hasan, I. and Wang, Q. 2024. Banker directors on board and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Empirical Finance 79, article number: 101551. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2024.101551)
- Lewis-Cheetham, J., Li, Y., Liberatore, F. and Wang, Q. 2024. The impact of transaction costs on forecast-based trading strategy performance. Presented at: CIFEr 2024: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 22-23 October 2024Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics. IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/CIFEr62890.2024.10772810)
- Feng, H., Wang, Q. and Xiao, J. Z. 2024. Venture capital and stock price informativeness: Evidence from China. Financial Review 59(4), pp. 897-922. (10.1111/fire.12392)
- Nemlioglu, I., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2024. Crypto investing: a new frontier of gambling and addiction?. In: Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. De Gruyter, pp. 53-66., (10.1515/9783110981551-004)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K., ap Gwilym, O. and Wang, Q. 2023. Technical analysis as a sentiment barometer and the cross-section of stock returns. Quantitative Finance 23(11), pp. 1617-1636. (10.1080/14697688.2023.2244991)
- Cheema, A., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2023. The cross-section of January effect. Journal of Asset Management 24, pp. 513-530. (10.1057/s41260-023-00324-1)
- Cheema, A. K., Eshraghi, A. and Wang, Q. 2023. Macroeconomic news and price synchronicity. Journal of Empirical Finance 73, pp. 390-412. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2023.08.002)
- Molyneux, P., Wang, Q., Xie, R. and Zhao, B. 2023. Bank funding constraints and stock liquidity. European Journal of Finance 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1080/1351847X.2022.2098046)
- Zhu, D., Wang, Q. and Goddard, J. 2022. A new hedging hypothesis regarding prediction interval formation in stock price forecasting. Journal of Forecasting 41(4), pp. 697-717. (10.1002/for.2830)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2021. Volatility timing, sentiment, and the short-term profitability of VIX-based cross-sectional trading strategies. Journal of Empirical Finance 63, pp. 42-56. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2021.05.003)
- Zhu, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2021. Interaction and decomposition of gender difference in financial risk perception. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 30, article number: 100464. (10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100464)
- Fang, Y., Hasan, I., Leung, W. S. and Wang, Q. 2019. Foreign ownership, bank information environments, and the international mobility of corporate governance. Journal of International Business Studies 50(9), pp. 1566-1593. (10.1057/s41267-019-00240-w)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2019. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns: New theory and evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 53, pp. 493-525. (10.1007/s11156-018-0756-z)
- Dan, Z., Lynn, H. and Wang, Q. 2018. Academic performance and financial forecasting performance: a survey study. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 20, pp. 45-51. (10.1016/j.jbef.2018.07.002)
- Hemmings, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2018. Heterogeneous effects of the SEC's securities offering reform. Economics Letters 170, pp. 131-135. (10.1016/j.econlet.2018.06.013)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Nemlioglu, I., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2024. Crypto investing: a new frontier of gambling and addiction?. In: Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. De Gruyter, pp. 53-66., (10.1515/9783110981551-004)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
- Lewis-Cheetham, J., Li, Y., Liberatore, F. and Wang, Q. 2024. The impact of transaction costs on forecast-based trading strategy performance. Presented at: CIFEr 2024: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 22-23 October 2024Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics. IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/CIFEr62890.2024.10772810)
- Song, Q., Ding, W., Hasan, I. and Wang, Q. 2024. Banker directors on board and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Empirical Finance 79, article number: 101551. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2024.101551)
- Feng, H., Wang, Q. and Xiao, J. Z. 2024. Venture capital and stock price informativeness: Evidence from China. Financial Review 59(4), pp. 897-922. (10.1111/fire.12392)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K., ap Gwilym, O. and Wang, Q. 2023. Technical analysis as a sentiment barometer and the cross-section of stock returns. Quantitative Finance 23(11), pp. 1617-1636. (10.1080/14697688.2023.2244991)
- Cheema, A., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2023. The cross-section of January effect. Journal of Asset Management 24, pp. 513-530. (10.1057/s41260-023-00324-1)
- Cheema, A. K., Eshraghi, A. and Wang, Q. 2023. Macroeconomic news and price synchronicity. Journal of Empirical Finance 73, pp. 390-412. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2023.08.002)
- Molyneux, P., Wang, Q., Xie, R. and Zhao, B. 2023. Bank funding constraints and stock liquidity. European Journal of Finance 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1080/1351847X.2022.2098046)
- Zhu, D., Wang, Q. and Goddard, J. 2022. A new hedging hypothesis regarding prediction interval formation in stock price forecasting. Journal of Forecasting 41(4), pp. 697-717. (10.1002/for.2830)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2021. Volatility timing, sentiment, and the short-term profitability of VIX-based cross-sectional trading strategies. Journal of Empirical Finance 63, pp. 42-56. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2021.05.003)
- Zhu, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2021. Interaction and decomposition of gender difference in financial risk perception. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 30, article number: 100464. (10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100464)
- Fang, Y., Hasan, I., Leung, W. S. and Wang, Q. 2019. Foreign ownership, bank information environments, and the international mobility of corporate governance. Journal of International Business Studies 50(9), pp. 1566-1593. (10.1057/s41267-019-00240-w)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2019. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns: New theory and evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 53, pp. 493-525. (10.1007/s11156-018-0756-z)
- Dan, Z., Lynn, H. and Wang, Q. 2018. Academic performance and financial forecasting performance: a survey study. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 20, pp. 45-51. (10.1016/j.jbef.2018.07.002)
- Hemmings, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2018. Heterogeneous effects of the SEC's securities offering reform. Economics Letters 170, pp. 131-135. (10.1016/j.econlet.2018.06.013)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Fintech
- Dysgu peirianyddol a buddsoddi data mawr
- Cyllid Ymddygiadol
- Strategaethau Buddsoddi
- Newid hinsawdd
Sgyrsiau a seminarau gwahoddedig
Prifysgol Bangor, Prifysgol Caerfaddon, Canolfan Ymchwil Economaidd Ewrop (yr Almaen), Banc Canolog Ewrop, Prifysgol Glasgow, Prifysgol Goethe Frankfurt, Prifysgol Heriot-Watt, Prifysgol Loughborough, Prifysgol Reading, Xi'an Jiaotong-Prifysgol Lerpwl, Prifysgol Anhui Cyllid ac Economeg, Prifysgol Sun Yat-sen, Prifysgol Xiamen, Prifysgol Bremen, Wythnos Tech Cymru.
Ymchwil Ymweld
Canolfan Ymchwil Economaidd Ewropeaidd, Prifysgol Freiburg, Prifysgol Cyllid ac Economeg Anhui, Prifysgol Bremen
Ymrwymiadau Addysgu cyfredol
- Microstrwythur y Farchnad a Masnachu Electronig (Arweinydd modiwl Ôl-raddedig)
Ymrwymiadau Addysgu blaenorol
- Pynciau Ymchwil mewn Cyllid (Arweinydd modiwl Ôl-raddedig)
- System Microstrwythur a Masnachu Marchnad (Arweinydd modiwl Ôl-raddedig)
- Cyllid Corfforaethol Rhyngwladol (arweinydd modiwl ôl-raddedig)
- Cyllid Corfforaethol Rhyngwladol (arweinydd modiwl israddedig)
Cyflogaeth Academaidd
- Cadeirydd Personol mewn Cyllid, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Awst 2022 - presennol
- Darllenydd mewn Cyllid, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Medi 2019 - Gorffennaf 2022
- Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cyllid, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Medi 2014 - Gorffennaf 2019
- Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) mewn Cyllid, Ysgol Busnes Bangor, Mawrth 2010 - Awst 2014
- Cymrawd Ymchwil, Canolfan Ymchwil Economaidd Ewropeaidd, Mannheim, yr Almaen, Medi 2005 - Ionawr 2010
- PGCert mewn Addysg Uwch, 2014
- PhD mewn Cyllid, Prifysgol Mannheim
- MA mewn Economeg a Gwyddoniaeth Rheoli, Prifysgol Humboldt yn Berlin
- LL.B. mewn Cyfraith Economaidd Ryngwladol, Prifysgol Fudan
- B.A. mewn Economeg, Anhui Prifysgol Normal
Rolau gweinyddol presennol
- Pennaeth Cyfrifeg a Chyllid
- MSc Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Gyllid
- Cyd-gyfarwyddwr Grŵp Ymchwil Fintech Caerdydd
Rôl weinyddol y gorffennol
- Cyfarwyddwr Centre for China Business Research
- Cyfarwyddwr Grŵp Cyllid Empirig Caerdydd
- Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd
- Aelod o'r Comisiwn Ymchwil
Aelod o'r bwrdd golygyddol o:
Cyfraniadau'r cyfryngau
- Cyfweliadau teledu: Phoenix CNE
- Ymchwil yn ymddangos yn: Bloomberg, Reuters, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, Ewrop Busnes a Ffordd o Fyw (erthygl wahoddedig)
Sgyrsiau cyhoeddus diweddar
- Cyweirnod yn y gynhadledd "Agoredrwydd a Datblygiad Ariannol Tsieina yn yr Oes Ôl-Covid-19", rhithwir, 2021
- Sgwrs panel, "Ymchwil Blockchain: Asedau Digidol a thu hwnt", Wythnos Technoleg Cymru, 2020
- Sgwrs panel, Gweithdy Effaith Sbarduno ESRC ar "Datgloi potensial blockchain", Caerdydd, 2019
Arholwr allanol
- Ôl-raddedig mewn Cyllid a Rheolaeth ym Mhrifysgol Bryste
- Rhaglen MSc mewn Cyllid yn y Brifysgol Agored
- Rhaglen MSc mewn Economeg Macro ac Ariannol a Chyllid ym Mhrifysgol Birmingham (2017)
- Adolygydd y grant: ESRC, Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol y Swistir, Xi'an Jiaotong-Prifysgol Lerpwl, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Cyfnodolion: British Journal of Management, British Accounting Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Forecasting, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Financial Stability, European Journal of Finance, Accounting Horizons, Quantitative Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Review of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Economics and Statistics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Central Bank Review
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Gwobr Papur Gorau yn 8fed Cynhadledd Cyllid a Chyfrifyddu Tsieina, 2024
- Gwobr Papur Gorau (PhD) yng Ngweithdy o'r radd flaenaf Caeredin 2024 yn Fintech and Sustainable Finance, 2024
- Enwebiadau Gwobr Ymchwil Cynhadledd Gorau EFMA-WRDS, 2024
- Gwobr Terfynwr Papur Gorau yn 21ain Symposiwm Tsieina ar Gyfrifeg Empirig, 2022
- Gwobr Papur Gorau yn 22ain Gweithdy BAFA SIG-AFEE AR Gyfrifeg a Chyllid mewn Economïau sy'n Dod i'r Amlwg, 2022
- Cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol y Rhaglen Academaidd Orau, Gwobrau Fintech Cymru, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Gwobr Papur Gorau, 12fed Cynhadledd Ymchwil Busnes a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Byd-eang, 2016
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Cyllid Arbrofol
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch
- Cydymaith Ymchwil y Ganolfan Ymchwil Economaidd Ewropeaidd, yr Almaen
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Sylwch, oherwydd nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr PhD presennol, nad wyf yn gallu derbyn rhai newydd ar hyn o bryd.
Diddordebau goruchwylio PhD:
- Fintech, gan gynnwys cryptoasedau, dysgu peirianyddol a buddsoddi data mawr
- Teimlad buddsoddwr, sylw buddsoddwr a chaffael gwybodaeth
- Strategaethau buddsoddi
- Newid hinsawdd
Myfyrwyr PhD cyfredol:
- Mengjia Li
- Min Ma
- Weijian Liang
- Cong Wang
- Razan Altowairqi
- Shihao Pei
- Ruby Sun
- Yixuan Zhang
- Weiwei Guo
- James Lewis-Cheetham
- Junwei Yu
- Qiwen Zhang
Lleoliadau myfyrwyr PhD yn y gorffennol:
- Prifysgol Bangor, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Southampton, Prifysgol Northampton, Prifysgol Greenwich, Prifysgol Groningen, ac ati.
Arholiadau PhD:
- Prifysgol Birmingham, Prifysgol Caerdydd (mewnol), Prifysgol Durham, Prifysgol IFHE, Prifysgol Newcastle, Prifysgol Strathclyde, Prifysgol Abertawe.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Mengjia Li
Myfyriwr Ymchwil/Tiwtor Graddedig
Contact Details
+44 29208 75514
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell F28, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
- Cyllid