Qingwei Wang holds the Personal Chair of Finance at Cardiff Business School. He joined Cardiff Business School as a Senior Lecturer in September 2014. He previously worked as a Lecturer in Finance at Bangor Business School, and a researcher at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW, Mannheim, Germany). He has engaged in projects with Deutsche Bank, German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, and German Science Foundation.
Qingwei is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is also the co-director of Cardiff Fintech Research Group, the former director of Cardiff Empirical Finance Group and Centre for China Business Research. He serves as an editorial board member of British Accounting Review, an associate editor of Finance Research Letters and The European Journal of Finance, and a Guest Editor for the special issue on “Fintech and Financial Markets” at The European Journal of Finance. He has published in many journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Empirical Finance, European Financial Management, and International Journal of Forecasting.
Media contributions
- Television interviews: Phoenix CNE
- Research featured in: Bloomberg, Reuters, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, Europe Business & Lifestyle (invited article)
- Song, Q., Ding, W., Hasan, I. and Wang, Q. 2024. Banker directors on board and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Empirical Finance 79, article number: 101551. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2024.101551)
- Feng, H., Wang, Q. and Xiao, J. Z. 2024. Venture capital and stock price informativeness: Evidence from China. Financial Review 59(4), pp. 897-922. (10.1111/fire.12392)
- Nemlioglu, I., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2024. Crypto investing: a new frontier of gambling and addiction?. In: Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. De Gruyter, pp. 53-66., (10.1515/9783110981551-004)
- Lewis-Cheetham, J., Li, Y., Liberatore, F. and Wang, Q. 2024. The impact of transaction costs on forecast-based trading strategy performance. Presented at: CIFEr 2024: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 22-23 October 2024.
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K., ap Gwilym, O. and Wang, Q. 2023. Technical analysis as a sentiment barometer and the cross-section of stock returns. Quantitative Finance 23(11), pp. 1617-1636. (10.1080/14697688.2023.2244991)
- Cheema, A., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2023. The cross-section of January effect. Journal of Asset Management 24, pp. 513-530. (10.1057/s41260-023-00324-1)
- Cheema, A. K., Eshraghi, A. and Wang, Q. 2023. Macroeconomic news and price synchronicity. Journal of Empirical Finance 73, pp. 390-412. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2023.08.002)
- Molyneux, P., Wang, Q., Xie, R. and Zhao, B. 2023. Bank funding constraints and stock liquidity. European Journal of Finance 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1080/1351847X.2022.2098046)
- Zhu, D., Wang, Q. and Goddard, J. 2022. A new hedging hypothesis regarding prediction interval formation in stock price forecasting. Journal of Forecasting 41(4), pp. 697-717. (10.1002/for.2830)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2021. Volatility timing, sentiment, and the short-term profitability of VIX-based cross-sectional trading strategies. Journal of Empirical Finance 63, pp. 42-56. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2021.05.003)
- Zhu, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2021. Interaction and decomposition of gender difference in financial risk perception. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 30, article number: 100464. (10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100464)
- Fang, Y., Hasan, I., Leung, W. S. and Wang, Q. 2019. Foreign ownership, bank information environments, and the international mobility of corporate governance. Journal of International Business Studies 50(9), pp. 1566-1593. (10.1057/s41267-019-00240-w)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2019. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns: New theory and evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 53, pp. 493-525. (10.1007/s11156-018-0756-z)
- Dan, Z., Lynn, H. and Wang, Q. 2018. Academic performance and financial forecasting performance: a survey study. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 20, pp. 45-51. (10.1016/j.jbef.2018.07.002)
- Hemmings, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2018. Heterogeneous effects of the SEC's securities offering reform. Economics Letters 170, pp. 131-135. (10.1016/j.econlet.2018.06.013)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
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- Nemlioglu, I., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2024. Crypto investing: a new frontier of gambling and addiction?. In: Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. De Gruyter, pp. 53-66., (10.1515/9783110981551-004)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
- Lewis-Cheetham, J., Li, Y., Liberatore, F. and Wang, Q. 2024. The impact of transaction costs on forecast-based trading strategy performance. Presented at: CIFEr 2024: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 22-23 October 2024.
- Song, Q., Ding, W., Hasan, I. and Wang, Q. 2024. Banker directors on board and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Empirical Finance 79, article number: 101551. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2024.101551)
- Feng, H., Wang, Q. and Xiao, J. Z. 2024. Venture capital and stock price informativeness: Evidence from China. Financial Review 59(4), pp. 897-922. (10.1111/fire.12392)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K., ap Gwilym, O. and Wang, Q. 2023. Technical analysis as a sentiment barometer and the cross-section of stock returns. Quantitative Finance 23(11), pp. 1617-1636. (10.1080/14697688.2023.2244991)
- Cheema, A., Ding, W. and Wang, Q. 2023. The cross-section of January effect. Journal of Asset Management 24, pp. 513-530. (10.1057/s41260-023-00324-1)
- Cheema, A. K., Eshraghi, A. and Wang, Q. 2023. Macroeconomic news and price synchronicity. Journal of Empirical Finance 73, pp. 390-412. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2023.08.002)
- Molyneux, P., Wang, Q., Xie, R. and Zhao, B. 2023. Bank funding constraints and stock liquidity. European Journal of Finance 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1080/1351847X.2022.2098046)
- Zhu, D., Wang, Q. and Goddard, J. 2022. A new hedging hypothesis regarding prediction interval formation in stock price forecasting. Journal of Forecasting 41(4), pp. 697-717. (10.1002/for.2830)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2021. Volatility timing, sentiment, and the short-term profitability of VIX-based cross-sectional trading strategies. Journal of Empirical Finance 63, pp. 42-56. (10.1016/j.jempfin.2021.05.003)
- Zhu, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2021. Interaction and decomposition of gender difference in financial risk perception. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 30, article number: 100464. (10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100464)
- Fang, Y., Hasan, I., Leung, W. S. and Wang, Q. 2019. Foreign ownership, bank information environments, and the international mobility of corporate governance. Journal of International Business Studies 50(9), pp. 1566-1593. (10.1057/s41267-019-00240-w)
- Ding, W., Mazouz, K. and Wang, Q. 2019. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns: New theory and evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 53, pp. 493-525. (10.1007/s11156-018-0756-z)
- Dan, Z., Lynn, H. and Wang, Q. 2018. Academic performance and financial forecasting performance: a survey study. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 20, pp. 45-51. (10.1016/j.jbef.2018.07.002)
- Hemmings, D., Hodgkinson, L. and Wang, Q. 2018. Heterogeneous effects of the SEC's securities offering reform. Economics Letters 170, pp. 131-135. (10.1016/j.econlet.2018.06.013)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- ap Gwilym, O., Hasan, I., Wang, Q. and Xie, R. 2016. In search of concepts: the effects of speculative demand on stock returns. European Financial Management 22(3), pp. 427-449. (10.1111/eufm.12067)
- Goddard, J., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2015. Investor attention and FX market volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, pp. 79-96. (10.1016/j.intfin.2015.05.001)
- ap Gwilym, O., Kita, A. and Wang, Q. 2014. Speculate against speculative demand. International Review of Financial Analysis 34, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.irfa.2014.03.001)
- Kuang, P., Schröder, M. and Wang, Q. 2014. Illusory profitability of technical analysis in emerging foreign exchange markets. International Journal of Forecasting 30(2), pp. 192-205. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.07.015)
- Fitzenberger, B., Kohn, K. and Wang, Q. 2011. The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions. Journal of Population Economics 24(1), pp. 141-165. (10.1007/s00148-009-0299-7)
- Schrimpf, A. and Wang, Q. 2010. A reappraisal of the leading indicator properties of the yield curve under structural instability. International Journal of Forecasting 26(4), pp. 836-857. (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.08.005)
- Dick, C. D. and Wang, Q. 2010. The economic impact of the Olympic Games: evidence from stock markets. Applied Economics Letters 17(9), pp. 861-864. (10.1080/13504850802552291)
- Wang, Q. 2009. Alternative methods for a forward-looking assessment of potential GDP growth. In: Hauptmeier, S. et al. eds. Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems. Physica-Verlag, pp. 141-160.
Research interests
- Fintech
- Machine learning and big data investing
- Behavioral Finance
- Investment Strategies
- Climate change
Invited talks and seminars
Bangor University, University of Bath, Centre for European Economic Research (Germany), European Central Bank, University of Glasgow, Goethe University Frankfurt, Heriot-Watt University, Loughborough University, University of Reading, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Sun Yat-sen University, Xiamen University, University of Bremen, Wales Tech Week.
Visiting Research
Centre for European Economic Research, University of Freiburg, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, University of Bremen
Current Teaching commitments
- Market Microstructure and Electronic Trading (Postgraduate module leader)
Previous Teaching commitments
- Research Topics in Finance (Postgraduate module leader)
- Market Microstructure and Trading System (Postgraduate module leader)
- International Corporate Finance (Postgraduate module leader)
- International Corporate Finance (Undergraduate module leader)
Academic Employment
- Personal Chair in Finance, Cardiff Business School, August 2022 - present
- Reader in Finance, Cardiff Business School, September 2019 - July 2022
- Senior Lecturer in Finance, Cardiff Business School, September 2014 - July 2019
- Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Finance, Bangor Business School, March 2010 - August 2014
- Research Fellow, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany, September 2005 - January 2010
- PGCert in Higher Education, 2014
- Ph.D. in Finance, University of Mannheim
- M.A. in Economics and Management Science, Humboldt University at Berlin
- LL.B. in International Economic Law, Fudan University
- B.A. in Economics, Anhui Normal University
Current administrative roles
- Head of Accounting and Finance
- MSc Finance Programme Director
- Co-director of Cardiff Fintech Research Group
Past administrative role
- Director of Centre for China Business Research
- Director of Cardiff Empirical Finance Group
- Academic Misconduct Co-ordinator
- Member of the Research Commitee
Editorial board member of:
Media contributions
- Television interviews: Phoenix CNE
- Research featured in: Bloomberg, Reuters, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, Europe Business & Lifestyle (invited article)
Recent public talks
- Keynote at the conference “China’s Financial Openness and Development in the PostCovid-19 Era”, virtual, 2021
- Panel talk, “Blockchain Research: Digital Assets and beyond”, Wales TechWeek, 2020
- Panel talk, ESRC Sparking Impact Workshop on "Unlocking the potential of blockchain", Cardiff, 2019
External examiner
- Postgraduate in Finance & Management at University of Bristol
- Msc programme in finance at Open University
- Msc programme in macro and monetary economics, and finance at Birmingham University (2017-
- Grant reviewer: ESRC, Swiss National Science Foundation, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Cardiff University
- Journals: British Journal of Management, British Accounting Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Forecasting, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Financial Stability, European Journal of Finance, Accounting Horizons, Quantitative Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Review of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Economics and Statistics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Central Bank Review
Honours and awards
- Best Paper Award at the 8th China Finance and Accounting Conference, 2024
- Best (PhD) Paper Award at the 2024 Edinburgh World-Class Workshop in Fintech and Sustainable Finance, 2024
- EFMA-WRDS Best Conference Research Award Nominations, 2024
- Best Paper Finalist Award at the 21st China Symposium on Empirical Accounting, 2022
- Best Paper Award at the 22nd BAFA SIG-AFEE Workshop on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 2022
- Best Academic Programme finalist, Fintech Wales Awards, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Best Paper Award, 12th Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, 2016
Professional memberships
- Member of Society for Experimental Finance
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- Research Associate of Centre for European Economic Research, Germany
Please note that due to a large number of existing PhD students, I am currently unable to accept new ones.
PhD supervision interests:
- Fintech, including cryptoassets, machine learning and big data investing
- Investor sentiment, investor attention and information acquisition
- Investment strategies
- Climate change
Current PhD students:
- Mengjia Li
- Min Ma
- Weijian Liang
- Cong Wang
- Razan Altowairqi
- Shihao Pei
- Ruby Sun
- Yixuan Zhang
- Weiwei Guo
- James Lewis-Cheetham
- Junwei Yu
- Qiwen Zhang
Placements of past PhD students:
- Bangor University, Cardiff University, University of Southampton, University of Northampton, Greenwich University, Groningen University, etc.
PhD examinations:
- Birmingham University, Cardiff University (internal), Durham University, IFHE University, Newcastle University, Strathclyde University, Swansea University.
Current supervision
Mengjia Li
Research Student/Graduate Tutor
Contact Details
+44 29208 75514
Aberconway Building, Room F28, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
- Finance