Yr Athro Yingli Wang
Pro-Dean ar gyfer Ymchwil, Effaith ac ArloesiAthro mewn Rheoli Logisteg a Gweithrediadau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Dr Yingli Wang is a lecturer at Cardiff University in logistics and operations management. She obtained her first degree in Food Manufacturing from China in 1995, an MBA in IT with Distinction in 2003 from Coventry University and a PhD in logistics from Cardiff University in 2008. She received the James Cooper Memorial Cup in 2009, awarded by CILT for her invention of the concept of Electronic Logistics Marketplaces (ELMs). She then developed a best practice guide on ELMs for the Department of Transport.
Over the last decade, she has worked intensively with over 60 organizations including shippers, logistics service providers and IT service providers, in the field of e-logistics, such as Tesco, ASDA, BT, Costain, Panalpina, Tata Steel, Descartes, JDA Software Group, Infor, Road Tech Computer Systems, GT Nexus, Tandem Transport, CEVA Logistics, ABP Ports, Portbase, to name only a few. Her research on e-logistics has attracted funding from various funding bodies such as Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), European Regional Development Funding (ERDF), Welsh Government, Highways England and Department for Transport (DfT).
Dr. Wang is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). Before embarking on her academic career, she worked for about 8.5 years at Nestlé China in various senior managerial roles.
- Ganfoud, A., Gosling, J., Wang, Y. and Naim, M. 2024. Does integrated building information modelling support construction supply chains? A systematic review of theories, methods and actors. International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management 11(1-4), pp. 140-161. (10.1504/IJDSRM.2023.10066804)
- Potter, A., Wang, Y. and Naim, M. 2024. Scaling-up 5G adoption in smart ports: barriers and enablers. Maritime Policy and Management (10.1080/03088839.2024.2399524)
- Shin, S., Wang, Y., Pettit, S. and Abouarghoub, W. 2024. Blockchain application in maritime supply chain: a systematic literature review and conceptual framework. Maritime Policy & Management 51(6), pp. 1062-1095. (10.1080/03088839.2023.2234896)
- Wilson, S. et al. 2024. Blockchain-enabled provenance tracking for sustainable material reuse in construction supply chains. Future Internet 16(4), article number: 135. (10.3390/fi16040135)
- Segara, S., Li, Q., Gallotta, A., Wang, Y., Gosling, J. and Rezgui, Y. 2024. Taxonomy of circularity indicators for the built environment: Integrating circularity through the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) plan of work. Journal of Cleaner Production 446, article number: 141429. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141429)
- Iftikhar, A., Purvis, L., Giannoccaro, I. and Wang, Y. 2023. The impact of supply chain complexities on supply chain resilience: the mediating effect of big data analytics. Production Planning and Control 34(16), pp. 1562-1582. (10.1080/09537287.2022.2032450)
- Shin, S., Wang, Y., Pettit, S. and Abouarghoub, W. 2023. Supply chain integration and IT competency of maritime organisations: The adoption of blockchain technology. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2023, 6-8 September.
- Wilson, S. et al. 2023. Tracking material reuse across construction supply chains. Presented at: 19th International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Limassol, Cyprus, 9-13 October 2023Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). pp. 1-4., (10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254935)
- Li, Q., Agyemang, M., Gosling, J. and Wang, Y. 2023. The application of blockchain-enabled material passports for circular supply chains. Presented at: 8th International Conference on New Business Models, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 21-23 June 2023New Business Models Conference Proceedings. Maastricht University Press
- Jiang, B., Haider, J., Li, J., Wang, Y., Yip, T. L. and Wang, Y. 2023. Exploring the impact of port-centric information integration on port performance: the case of Qingdao Port. Maritime Policy and Management 50(4), pp. 466-491. (10.1080/03088839.2021.2007551)
- Shahaab, A., Khan, I., Maude, R., Hewage, C. and Wang, Y. 2023. Public service operational efficiency and blockchain - A case study of Companies House, UK. Government Information Quarterly 40(1), article number: 101759. (10.1016/j.giq.2022.101759)
- Xiang, C. and Wang, Y. 2023. Facilitating material passport with blockchain in construction supply chains. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6-8 September 2023.
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J., John, B. and Filimonov, M. 2022. Building resilience and innovation through intelligent diverse supplier engagement. Presented at: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Nantes, France, 22-24 June 2022, Vol. 55. Vol. 10. Elsevier pp. 2390-2395., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.066)
- Wang, Y., Potter, A., Naim, M., Vafeas, A., Mavromatis, A. and Simeonidou, D. 2022. 5G enabled Freeports: a conceptual framework. IEEE Access 10, pp. 91871-91887. (10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3201889)
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2022. A primer on digital supply chain transformation. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. Digital Supply Chain Transformation: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Growth. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 121-139., (10.18573/book8.g)
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. 2022. Digital supply chain transformation: emerging technologies for sustainable growth. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book8)
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2022. Falling behind or riding the waves?: Building future supply chains with emerging technologies. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. Digital Supply Chain Transformation: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Growth. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 1-21., (10.18573/book8.a)
- Pettit, S., Wang, Y. and Beresford, A. 2022. The impact of digitalisation on contemporary and future logistics. In: MacCarthy, B. and Ivanov, D. eds. The Digital Supply Chain. Elsevier, pp. 111-125., (10.1016/B978-0-323-91614-1.00007-1)
- Wang, Y. and Khan, I. 2022. From mining to fishing – how blockchain is addressing different challenges of supply chain in Asia. [Online]. EastAsiaForum.org: Australian National University. Available at: https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2022/05/12/from-mining-to-fishing-how-blockchain-is-addressing-different-challenges-of-supply-chain-in-asia/
- Li, Q. and Wang, Y. 2022. Blockchain's role in supporting circular supply chains in the built environment. Presented at: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Melbourne, Australia, 6-8 December 20212021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). IEEE pp. 578-583., (10.1109/Blockchain53845.2021.00087)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J. and Owusu, G. 2022. Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT. Production Planning and Control 33(16), pp. 1591-1607. (10.1080/09537287.2021.1882694)
- Shin, S., Wang, Y., Pettit, S. and Abouarghoub, W. 2022. A systematic literature review of Blockchain application in maritime supply chain: the TOE framework. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2022, Busan, Korea, 14-16 September 2022.
- Agyemang, M., Gosling, J., Wang, Y. and Li, Q. 2022. Digitally enabled circular supply chain: a review of definitions, theories, actors and stakeholders. Presented at: Supply Chain Innovation: People, Process, Technology, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 7-9 September 2022Logistics Research Network Conference 2022 (Circular Economy). The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
- Pettit, S., Wang, Y. and Beresford, A. 2022. Digitalisation in logistics and supply chains. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Logistics and Transport, Krabi, Thailand, 17-19 November 2022.
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. 2021. E-logistics: managing digital supply chains for competitive advantage. 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page.
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2021. E-Logistics definition, trends and directions. In: E-Logistics - Managing Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage, 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page, pp. 1-36.
- Jones, A., Wang, Y., Peattie, K. and Walker, H. 2021. Conceptualising supply chain resilience within social enterprises. Presented at: 25th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2021), Virtual, 12-13 July 2021.
- Wang, Y. 2021. Blockchain applications in logistics. In: Vickerman, R., Noland, R. B. and Ettema, D. eds. International Encyclopedia of Transportation., Vol. 3. Elsevier, pp. 136-142.
- Wang, Y. and Sarkis, J. 2021. Emerging digitalisation technologies in freight transport and logistics: current trends and future directions. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 148, article number: 102291. (10.1016/j.tre.2021.102291)
- Davies, J. and Wang, Y. 2021. Physically unclonable Functions (PUFs): a new frontier in supply chain product and asset tracking. IEEE Engineering Management Review 49(2), pp. 116-125. (10.1109/EMR.2021.3069366)
- Wang, Y., Chen, C. H. and Zghari-Sales, A. 2021. Designing a blockchain enabled supply chain. International Journal of Production Research 59(5), pp. 1450-1475. (10.1080/00207543.2020.1824086)
- Han, J., Wang, Y. and Naim, M. 2020. Narrowing the gaps: Assessment of logistics firms' information technology flexibility for sustainable growth. Sustainability 12(11), article number: 4372. (10.3390/su12114372)
- Wang, Y. 2020. Critical success factors for blockchain implementation in supply chains. Presented at: 21st International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24-28 February 2020.
- Wang, Y. 2019. Diving into the future freight ecosystem. Focus Magazine Decemb, pp. -.
- Wang, Y., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. 2019. Assessing supplier capabilities to exploit building information modelling. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management 19(3), pp. 491-510. (10.1108/CI-10-2018-0087)
- Cullinane, S., Browne, M., Karlsson, E. and Wang, Y. 2019. Retail clothing returns: a review of key issues. In: Wells, P. ed. Contemporary Operations and Logistics: Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 301-322.
- Wang, Y., Singgih, M., Wang, J. and Rit, M. 2019. Making sense of blockchain technology: How will it transform supply chains?. International Journal of Production Economics 211, pp. 221-236. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.02.002)
- Hewett, N., Lehmacher, W. and Wang, Y. 2019. Inclusive deployment of blockchain for supply chains. Geneva: World Economic Forum. Available at: https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/inclusive-deployment-of-blockchain-for-supply-chains-part-1-introduction
- Beynon-Davies, P. and Wang, Y. 2019. Deconstructing information sharing. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20(4), article number: 1. (10.17705/1.jais.00541)
- Wang, Y., Han, J. H. and Beynon-Davies, P. 2019. Understanding blockchain technology for future supply chains: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 24(1), pp. 62-84. (10.1108/SCM-03-2018-0148)
- Wang, Y. 2019. Designing a blockchain enabled supply chain. Presented at: 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Berlin, Germany, 28-30 August 2019, Vol. 52(13). pp. 6-11., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.082)
- Wang, Y., Touboulic, A. and O'Neill, M. 2018. An exploration of solutions for improving access to affordable fresh food with disadvantaged Welsh communities. European Journal of Operational Research 268(3), pp. 1021-1039. (10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.065)
- Wang, Y., Singgih, M., Wang, J. and Rit, M. 2018. Making sense of blockchain technology: How will it transform supply chains?. Presented at: Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 19-23 February 2018.
- Touboulic, A. and Wang, Y. 2018. Supply ecosystems for social value: towards a conceptual framework. Presented at: 5th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Kassel, Germany, 5-6 March 2018.
- Han, J. H., Wang, Y. and Naim, M. 2017. Reconceptualization of information technology flexibility for supply chain management: an empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics 187, pp. 196-215. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.02.018)
- Wang, Y. 2017. Tackling food poverty: alternative food supply chain provisions for the disadvantaged. Presented at: 24th International Annual EurOMA conference, Edinburgh, UK, 1-5 July 2017. pp. 201-224.
- Cullinane, S., Browne, M., Karlsson, E. and Wang, Y. 2017. An examination of the reverse logistics of clothing (r)e-tailers in Sweden. Presented at: 24th International Annual EurOMA conference, Edinburgh, UK, 1-5 July 2017.
- Soroka, A. J., Naim, M. M., Wang, Y. and Potter, A. T. 2017. Logistics options for re-distributed manufacturing in resilient sustainable cities - a pilot study. Presented at: 22nd International Symposium on Logistics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 July 2017.
- Harland, C., Hendy, C., Toubolic, A. and Wang, Y. 2017. Supply network orchestration of social capital in healthcare networks. Presented at: 26th International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA), Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 April 2017.
- Gosling, J., Wang, Y., Kumar, M. and Naim, M. 2017. Identifying Supply Chain Transitions for the realization of collaborative digital engineering. Presented at: EurOMA 2017: 24th International Annual EurOMA conference, Edinburgh, UK, 1-5 July 2017.
- Potter, A., Chanin, S., Beynon, M. and Wang, Y. 2017. An exploration of how Logistics Service Providers engage with online social networks. Presented at: 22nd International Symposium of Logistics (ISL), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 July.
- Beynon-Davies, P. and Wang, Y. 2016. Deconstructing information sharing. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, 12-14 December 2016.
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. J. eds. 2016. E-Logistics: managing your digital supply chains for competitive advantage. Kogan Page.
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. J. 2016. E-logistics: an introduction. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. J. eds. E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage. Kogan Page, pp. 3-31.
- Yip, T. L., Wang, Y., Haider, J. and Velde, M. v. d. 2016. Port-centric ICT system: Building value in supply chains. In: E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage. Kogan Page Publishers, pp. 154-182.
- Wang, Y. and Potter, A. T. 2016. Regional electronic marketplaces to improve logistics. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. E-logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage. Kogan Page, pp. 359-375.
- Wang, Y., Harris, I. and Wang, H. 2016. ICT in multimodal transport and technological trends. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. E-logistics: Manage your digital supply chains for competitive advantage. Kogan Page, pp. 463-494.
- Wang, Y., Mason, R. J. and Zhou, W. 2015. The impact of information technologies on logistics service providers' operations - a case study. Presented at: 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July 2015.
- Yip, T. L., Wang, Y. and Haider, J. 2015. The concept of port centric ICT systems. Presented at: Global Port Research Alliance (GPRA) 2015 Conference on "Port and Logistics Connectivity", Hong Kong, China, 21-22 May 2015.
- Harris, I., Wang, Y. and Wang, H. 2015. ICT in multimodal transport and technological trends: unleashing potential for the future. International Journal of Production Economics 159, pp. 88-103. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.09.005)
- Wang, Y., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. A. and Evans, L. 2015. The use of ICT in road freight transport for CO2 reduction - an exploratory study of UK’s grocery retail industry. International Journal of Logistics Management 26(1), pp. 2-29. (10.1108/IJLM-02-2013-0021)
- Han, J., Pettit, S. and Wang, Y. 2013. The role of inter-organisational systems in supply chain management: an integrated theoretical perspective. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference, Birmingham, UK, 4th - 6th September 2013.
- Wang, Y. 2013. The implementation of Lean in the Chinese healthcare system. Presented at: British Academy of Management, Liverpool, UK, 10 - 12 September 2013.
- Wang, Y., Naim, M. M. and Evans, L. 2013. Enabling smart logistics for service operations. In: Owusu, G. et al. eds. Transforming field and service operations: methodologies for successful technology-driven business transformation., Vol. IV. Berlin: Springer, pp. 237-256., (10.1007/978-3-642-44970-3_15)
- Wang, Y., Eva, L., Owusu, G. and McCormick, A. 2013. Data integrity issue in asset-intensive industry. Journal of Advanced Management Science 1(3), pp. 338-343. (10.12720/joams.1.3.338-343)
- Han, J., Pettit, S. and Wang, Y. 2013. The role of Inter-Organizational Systems quality for supply chain management: A systematic literature review. Presented at: 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013), Vienna, Austria, 7-10 July 2013 Presented at Pawar, K. S. and Rogers, H. eds.Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 18th International Symposium on logistics (ISL 2013) : resilient supply chains in an uncertain environment : Vienna, Austria 7-10th July 2013. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Business School pp. 619-628.
- Han, J., Pettit, S. and Wang, Y. 2013. Translating single window systems into inter-organizational systems: building an IOS management framework. Presented at: Logistics Research Network, Birmingham, 4-6 Sep.
- Wang, Y. and Gosling, J. 2012. Assessing the impact of BIM adoption on supply chains in the construction sector. Presented at: The International Conference on Innovative Methods for Innovation Management and Policy (IM2012), Beijing, China, 21-25 May 2012.
- Wang, Y. and O'Neill, M. 2012. Exploring the concept of "floating" market: the link between diet, health and health inequalities. Presented at: 17th Logistics Research Network, Cranfield, UK, 5-7 September 2012.
- Wang, Y. 2011. Defining communication flexibility for smart logistics. Presented at: The 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Transport & The 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Malé, Maldives, 15-17 December 2011.
- Wang, Y. 2011. The potential of electronic logistics marketplaces on carbon emission reduction within the UK's grocery sector. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2011, Southampton, UK, 7-9 September 2011.
- Eyers, D. R., Potter, A. T. and Wang, Y. 2011. Supply chain implications of e-commerce channels for additive manufacturing. Presented at: 21st International Conference on Production Research, Stuttgart, Germany, 31 July - 4 August 2011.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T., Naim, M. M. and Beevor, D. 2011. A case study exploring drivers and implications of collaborative electronic logistics marketplaces. Industrial Marketing Management 40(4), pp. 612-623. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2010.12.015)
- Potter, A. T., Naim, M. M. and Wang, Y. 2011. The pitfalls of performance measurement: Evidence from UK supply chains. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2011, Southampton, UK, 7-9 September 2011.
- Wang, Y. 2011. The impact of electronic logistics marketplaces on carbon emission reduction within the UK's grocery sector. Presented at: 16th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Southampton, UK, 7-9 Sept 2011.
- Huckridge, J., Potter, A. T., Wang, Y., Beresford, A. K. C. and Naim, M. M. 2010. Enabling multimodal transport: A Welsh perspective. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2010, Harrogate, UK, 8-10 September 2010.
- Huckridge, J., Potter, A. T., Wang, Y., Beresford, A. K. C. and Naim, M. M. 2010. Enabling multimodal transport: a Welsh perspective. Presented at: 15th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Harrogate, UK, 8-10 September 2010Proceedings of the 15th Logistics Research Network Conference Harrogate 8-10 September 2010. CILT pp. 285-294.
- Huckridge, J., Potter, A. T., Wang, Y., Beresford, A. K. C. and Naim, M. M. 2010. CT in multimodal transport operations: a framework for future research. Presented at: 17th EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Huckridge, J., Wang, Y., Potter, A. T., Beresford, A. K. C. and Naim, M. M. 2010. ICT in multimodal transport operations: a framework for future research. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010 Presented at Acur, N., Erkip, N. K. and Günes, E. D. eds.Proceedings of the 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010. European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)
- Edwards, J., Wang, Y., Potter, A. and Cullinane, S. 2010. E-business, E-logistics and the environment. In: McKinnon, A. et al. eds. Green Logistics Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. London: Kogan Page, pp. 322-338.
- Wang, Y., Naim, M. M. and Potter, A. T. 2010. Electronic logistics marketplaces. In: Lee, I. ed. Encyclopedia of E-business Development and Management in the Global Economy. Hershey, PA.: IGI Global, pp. 218-226.
- Potter, A. T., Wang, Y. and Thomas, A. J. 2010. Supply chain planning, auditing and performance analysis. In: Mena, C. and Stevens, G. eds. Delivering performance in food supply chains. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition Vol. 185. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing
- Eyers, D. R. and Wang, Y. 2009. The potential of e-commerce distribution channels for products enabled by Rapid Manufacturing. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2009. An evaluation of electronic logistics marketplaces within supply chains. In: Dwivedi, A. and Butcher, T. eds. Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management: Integrating Critical Perspectives in Theory and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 269-287.
- Eyers, D. R., Wong, H., Wang, Y. and Dotchev, K. 2008. Rapid manufactured enabled mass customisation: untapped research opportunities in supply chain management. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008.
- Eyers, D. R., Wong, H., Wang, Y. and Dotchev, K. 2008. Rapid manufacturing enabled mass customisation: untapped research opportunities in supply chain management. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T., Mason, R. J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. Aligning transport performance measures with customised retail logistics: a structured method and its application. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 11(6), pp. 457-473. (10.1080/13675560802141721)
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2008. The potential for a regional Electronic Logistics Marketplace: the case of Wales. Presented at: 13th Annual Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008Proceedings of the 13th Logistics Research Network Conference, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK) pp. 259-264.
- Mason, R. J., Naim, M. M., Potter, A. T. and Wang, Y. 2008. Transport in supply chain networks. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Wang, Y. 2008. Electronic marketplaces for tailored logistics. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Wang, Y. and Potter, A. T. 2007. The application of real-time tracking technologies in freight transport. Presented at: IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, Shanghai, China, 16-19 December 2007IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems 2007. SITIS '07. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 298 -304., (10.1109/SITIS.2007.65)
- Wang, Y. and Lalwani, C. S. 2007. Using e-business to enable customised logistics sustainability. The International Journal of Logistics Management 18(3), pp. 402-419. (10.1108/09574090710835138)
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. Evaluating the reasons for using electronic logistics marketplaces within supply chains. Presented at: 12th Logistics Research Network Conference, Hull, UK, 5-7 September 2007.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. Evaluating the reasons for using electronic logistics and marketplaces within supply chains. Presented at: 12th Logistics Research Network Conference, Hull, UK, 5-7 September 2007.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. Assessing the impact of electronic logistics marketplaces? A case study. Presented at: 19th NOFOMA Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 7-8 June 2007.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. Assessing the impact of electronic logistics marketplaces - A case study. Presented at: 19th NOFOMA Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 7-8 June 2007.
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. An exploratory study of electronic logistics marketplaces and its impact on customised logistics. Presented at: 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Dallas, TX, USA, 4-7 May 2007.
- Wang, Y. and Naim, M. M. 2007. B2B e-business reference architecture for tailored logistics. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 2(3), pp. 253-266. (10.1504/IJSOI.2007.015327)
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. Electronic marketplaces for tailored logistics. Industrial Management & Data Systems 107(8), pp. 1170-1187. (10.1108/02635570710822804)
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Naim, M. M. 2007. The impact of electronic logistics marketplaces on tailored logistics. Presented at: 18th Annual Conference of POMS, Dallas, TX, USA, 4-7 May 2007Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of POMS. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of POMS Edward Elgar
- Wang, Y. and Naim, M. M. 2006. B2B e-Business reference architecture for customised logistics. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2006), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006 Presented at Pawar, K. ed.Competitive Advantage Through Global Supply Chains: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics (11th ISL), Beijing, China, 9 - 11 July 2006. Nottingham: Centre for Concurrent Enterprise
- Wang, Y., Potter, A. T. and Mason, R. J. 2006. Aligning transport performance measures for customised logistics. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.
- Wang, Y. 2006. E-collaboration: A literature analysis. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006 Presented at Eldukhri, E. E., Pham, D. T. and Soroka, A. J. eds.Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006. Elsevier pp. 132-143.
- Wang, Y., Lalwani, C. C. and Aryee, G. 2005. E-business enabled customised logistics sustainability. Presented at: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing, China, 10-12 August 2005 Presented at Qiu, R. G. ed.2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics: Proceedings: August 10-12, 2005, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, P. R. China. IEEE pp. 549-554.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2022. A primer on digital supply chain transformation. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. Digital Supply Chain Transformation: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Growth. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 121-139., (10.18573/book8.g)
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2022. Falling behind or riding the waves?: Building future supply chains with emerging technologies. In: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. Digital Supply Chain Transformation: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Growth. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 1-21., (10.18573/book8.a)
- Pettit, S., Wang, Y. and Beresford, A. 2022. The impact of digitalisation on contemporary and future logistics. In: MacCarthy, B. and Ivanov, D. eds. The Digital Supply Chain. Elsevier, pp. 111-125., (10.1016/B978-0-323-91614-1.00007-1)
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. 2021. E-Logistics definition, trends and directions. In: E-Logistics - Managing Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage, 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page, pp. 1-36.
- Wang, Y. 2021. Blockchain applications in logistics. In: Vickerman, R., Noland, R. B. and Ettema, D. eds. International Encyclopedia of Transportation., Vol. 3. Elsevier, pp. 136-142.
- Cullinane, S., Browne, M., Karlsson, E. and Wang, Y. 2019. Retail clothing returns: a review of key issues. In: Wells, P. ed. Contemporary Operations and Logistics: Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 301-322.
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Prif ddiddordebau ymchwil
- Dosbarthu Technoleg Ledger a Blockchain ar gyfer cadwyni cyflenwi
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Zero Goals, a ariennir gan UKRI Innovation Launchpad Network + Cynllun Ymchwilwyr Preswyl yn Digital Catapult, £49,013.00, 02.01.2024-31.12.2024 - Lotfi, M. (PI) a Wang, Yingli (CI), rhwydo Shrimp Moesegol: Sut y gall technoleg chwyldroi arferion bwyd môr cynaliadwy, £5000, Felloship Gwerth Cyhoeddus Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2023/2024
- Fareshare Cymru (arweinydd), Wang, Yingli, Wang, Xun, SBRI Cynhyrchu Cynaliadwy a Chyflenwi Her Bwyd, Cam 2, a ariennir gan Fargen Ddinesig Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd a Llywodraeth Cymru, £15,000, 08.2023-07.2024
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Rana, Gosling, Rezgui, Perera, Li, a Ranjan et al. (Prifysgol Newcastle), Gadwyn Gyflenwi Gylchol Raddadwy ar gyfer yr amgylchedd adeiledig, 01.10.2021-30.09.2024, £975,500, EPSRC
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Eyers, Dan, Skeet, J-P a Lai, Yukun, Archwilio systemau trochi deallus ar gyfer gweithrediadau gwasanaeth maes, mewn cydweithrediad â BT plc, efrydiaeth PhD DTP ESRC, 09.2022 - 08.2026
- Wang, Yingli (arweinydd PI-academaidd), Skeet, J-P (CI) a Simply Do Ideas Ltd. (Arweinydd y Diwydiant), Rhaglen Cadwyn Gyflenwi Amrywiol (DiSC), 01/04/2021 - 30/9/2021, £292,057, wedi'i ariannu gan Innovate UK, rhaglen Manufacturing Made Smarter
- WECA (Arweinydd y Consortiwm), Wang, Yingli (Prifysgol Caerdydd - arweinydd), Crochenydd, Andrew, Naim, Mohamed, 5G ar gyfer Logisteg, 01/11/2020-31/03/2022, £3,017,994.75, Adran Diwylliant Digidol y DU Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon (DCMS) Rhaglen Creu 5G
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Ailgynllunio Ymddiriedolaeth, Blockchain ar gyfer cadwyni cyflenwi, 01/06/2019-31/05/2020, £5275, a noddir gan raglen Cyflymu Effaith ESRC Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Eshraghi, Arman (CI), Wang, Qingwei (CI), Datgloi potensial blockchain, £ 4000, gweithdy effaith sbarduno IAA ESRC, a gynhaliwyd ar Dachwedd 18 2019.
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Dylunio cadwyn gyflenwi wedi'i galluogi blockchain, 1/7/2018-31/12/2019, £1950, a noddir gan gronfeydd Seedcorn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd,
- Wang, Yingli (PI), Mynd i'r afael â thlodi bwyd: Adeiladu gwytnwch i ddarpariaeth cadwyn gyflenwi bwyd amgen, Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol Ysgoloriaeth Partneriaeth Hyfforddiant Doethurol y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol , mewn cydweithrediad ag Adran Amaethyddiaeth, Bwyd a Morol Llywodraeth Cymru, 2018-2022
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd - DU), Sharon Williams (Prif Ymchwilydd -Sweden), Michael Browne (Cyd-ymchwilydd), yn ôl i'r Anfonwr! Dadansoddi cynaliadwyedd logisteg cefn dillad (r)e-gynffonwyr", a noddir gan Asiantaeth Ynni Sweden, SEK2,570,577.00 (sy'n cyfateb i £231,753.53), 01/12/2016 – 31/12/2018
- Wang, Yingli/Christine Harland (Prif Ymchwilydd) "Argyhoeddi effeithiolrwydd Rhwydwaith Gwyddorau Iechyd Academaidd Gorllewin Lloegr", a noddir gan Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust, West of England Academic Health Science Network, £250,000, 01/12/2013 - 30/11/2018
- Chris McMahon (PI, Prifysgol Bryste), Tîm Caerdydd: Mohamed Naim (PI ar gyfer WP5), Andrew Potter (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Yingli Wang (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Rossi Setchi (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Ying Liu (Cyd-ymchwilydd), a Gillian Bristow(Cyd-Ymchwilydd), "Gweithgynhyrchu wedi'i Ailddosbarthu a'r Ddinas Wydn, Gynaliadwy (ReDReSC)", a noddir gan Gyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a'r Gwyddorau Ffisegol (EPSRC UK), £491,658, 01/05/2015 – 01/06/2017
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), Gosling, Jon (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Kumar, Maneesh (Cyd-ymchwilydd) a Naim, Mohamed (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Cyflymu mabwysiadu BIM yn y gadwyn gyflenwi", a noddir gan Asiantaeth Priffyrdd y DU, £62,290, 01/12/2015-31/03/2017
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), O'Neill, Martin (Cyd-ymchwilydd) ac Anne Toublic (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Ailgysylltu, Cryfhau, Mynediad a Darparu: Dylunio Cadwyn Gyflenwi Gyfranogol gyda Chymunedau Cymreig dan Anfantais", Cronfeydd Seedcorn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, £2300, 01/04/2016 – 31/07/2016
- Wang, Yingli (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Huw Davies (PI ar gyfer WP1) a Shin Lee (Cyd-Pi), "Opsiynau symudedd smart integredig newydd (NISTO)", Noddwyd INTERREG IVB Gogledd-orllewin Ewrop, cyllid o EURO 331,678.50, 01/06/2011 - 01/06/2015
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), "Diffinio a Mesur hyblygrwydd cyfathrebu ar gyfer logisteg smart," a noddir gan Gyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a'r Gwyddorau Ffisegol (EPSRC UK), £111,477.00, 01/03/2012 – 30/11/2014.
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), grant lleoliad myfyrwyr CUROP, a noddir gan Brifysgol Caerdydd, £1360 am 8 wythnos yn ystod yr haf yn 2013.
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), Crochenydd, Andrew (cyd-ymchwilydd), Beresford, Anthony (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Naim, Mohamed (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "trafnidiaeth amlfoddol wedi'i alluogi yng Nghymru," a noddir gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, £121,933.00. (1 Gorffennaf 2009 - 30 Mehefin 2011).
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), O'Neill, Martin (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Archwilio'r Cysyniad o Farchnad "Arnofio": Y cysylltiad rhwng diet, iechyd ac anghydraddoldebau iechyd," Noddir gan Grwsibl Cymru (CCAUC), awdurdodau lleol y DU, awdurdodau iechyd ac ysbytai, £3,000.00. (Tachwedd 1, 2011 - 30 Mehefin, 2012).
- Tippmann, Eric (Prif Ymchwilydd), Wang, Yingli (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Dr Tatiana Tatarinova, (Prifysgol Morgannwg) "My GENE Code PEiMB: Ymgysylltu â'r Cyhoedd mewn Bioleg Foleciwlaidd," Noddir gan Grwsibl Cymru (CCAUC), awdurdodau lleol y DU, awdurdodau iechyd ac ysbytai, £6,000.00. (Tachwedd 1, 2011 - 30 Ebrill, 2012).
- Brennan, Paul (Prif Ymchwilydd), Wang, Yingli (Cyd-ymchwilydd), (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Datblygu'r Labordy Cynaliadwy - Gwastraff," a noddir gan Grwsibl Cymru (CCAUC), awdurdodau lleol y DU, awdurdodau iechyd ac ysbytai, £8,999.00. (Tachwedd 1, 2011 - 30 Gorffennaf, 2012).
- Crochenydd, Andrew (Prif Ymchwilydd), Naim, Mohamed (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Mumford, C (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Wang, Yingli (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Llwybrau i Effaith: Logisteg Werdd," Noddir gan EPSRC, CYNGHORAU YMCHWIL OST/OSI ET AL, £5,500.00. (Medi 2010 - 31 Mawrth, 2011).
- Wang, Yingli (Prif Ymchwilydd), Naim, Mohamed (Cyd-ymchwilydd), Crochenydd, Andrew (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Pan-Wales Collaborative Electronic Logistics Marketplace (ELM)," a noddir gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, llywodraeth ganolog y DU, £44,549.00. (1 Hydref 2007 - 31 Mawrth, 2008).
- Crochenydd, Andrew (Prif Ymchwilydd), Wang, Yingli (Cyd-ymchwilydd), "Marchnadoedd Logisteg Electronig," a noddir gan yr Adran Drafnidiaeth, llywodraeth ganolog y DU, £5,600.00. (Medi 1, 2006 - 28 Chwefror, 2007).
- BST825 Enterprise Resource Planning and Management
- BST831 E-Business and e-Logistics
- BST623 Digital transformation, organisation and society
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of
- E-logistics and e-enabled multimodal transport
- Technological innovations for logistics and supply chains
- E-commerce, mobile commerce, social commerce and their supply chain implications
- Cross-border e-commerce and supply chain management
- Technological innovations for society, in particular for the disadvantaged
- Innovative supply chain provisions that tackle the issue of food poverty/insecurity
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cludiant, logisteg a chadwyni cyflenwi
- digideiddio'r gadwyn gyflenwi
- Economi gylchol