Hanna Marie Pageau
Research student
Hanna Marie Pageau is an osteoarchaeologist that has worked with both human and animal remains, though now largely focuses on zooarchaeology. She received her BA (dualing in Anthropology and Media Arts) from DePaul University in Chicago (with Dr. Jane Eva Baxter and Dr. Michael Gregory) and completed her MA degree (in Anthropology) at SUNY Albany in Albany, New York. Her masters thesis was a site analysis on an original Schenectady Stockade property that once held a private residence that eventually became the Dutch Reform Church's pastor residence before it was demolished, which gave her the opportunity to run her first field school as a Field Director.
Ms. Pageau's current work - in and outside of her thesis - focuses on mammalian adaptation, ethics in digital spaces, memory and meorialization in media, and making archaeology more accessible (in particular, for disabled students and researchers).
They also currently or have previously participated in the delivering of several courses within SHARE: Archaeology of Britain (demonstrator, assessor), Discovering Archaeology (demonstrator, assessor), Projecrting the Past (lecturer, seminar lead, assessor), World Full of Gods (seminar lead, assessor).
- Zooarchaeology
- Adaptation and Evolution
- Island Biogeography and Niche Environments
- Dental Anthropology (with a focus on evolution of the molar and microwear in humans and animals)
- Public/Community Archaeology
- Digital Heritage
- Outreach
- Use of Digital Spaces
- Digital Ethics
- Memory and Memorialization in Media
- High Fantasy and History in Media
Inhabiting Islands: Stock and Sustainability in the Western Scottish Isles
Ms. Pageau previously worked as an adjunct lecturer at Schenectady County Community College during her Masters program. She worked in the Archaeology (non-credit) program that grants a Community Archaeology Certificate and taught, designed, or helped with the following courses ::
- Becoming Human (Spring 2016) Instructor, Course Designer
- Archaeological Field Methods (Spring 2016) Field Assistant
- Archaeological Field School for Kids (Summer 2016) Instructor, Co-Course Designer
- Archaeology Research (On-Going Independent Credits) Instructor
- Interpreting Animal Remains (Fall 2016) Instructor, Course Designer
- History of Human Burials (Online, Cancelled) Instructor, Course Designer
While at Cardiff, Ms. Pageau has contributed guest talks and lectuers in the following modules or events ::
- Zooarchaeology (Fall 2019 :: MSc Course :: Regarding her research and metric analysis on faunal remains. 2020-21SY :: Metric Analysis in Zooarchaeology.)
- Bioarchaeology (2020-21SY :: UG Course :: Two part talk on Climate Change and Archaeology.)
- Cardiff Archaeology's 100th Anniversary 'Tiny Talks' (Summer 2020 :: Outreach Event :: Regarding scientific outreach and ethics in digital spaces such as Animal Crossing.)
As a Postgraduate Tutor within SHARE, Ms. Pageau has been involved with the following courses ::
- Archaeology of Britain (2021-22 :: Seminar Lead, Assessment and Marking, 2022-23 :: Plenary Demonstrator, Assessment and Marking)
- Discovering Archaeology (2020-21 :: Assessment and Marking, 2021-23:: Lab Demonstrator, Assessment and Marking)
- Projecting the Past (2021-24 :: Seminar Lead, Assessment and Marking, 2022-23 :: Lecturer)
- World Full of Gods (2022-23 :: Seminar Lead, Assessment and Marking)
2013 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology & Art, Media, and Design: DePaul University, Chicago
Minor in Communications and Media
Study Abroad Program, Fall 2011: University of Westminster, London
2018 Master of Arts in Anthropology: State University of New York at Albany
Focus: Biological Anthropology and Archaeology
2019– PhD Candidate in Archaeology: Cardiff University | Pfifjsgol Caedydd, Wales
Advisors: C.M. Darwent (University of California, Davis), V. Cummings (Cardiff)
Inhabiting Islands: Stock and Sustainability in the Western Scottish Isles
CU Internal Program Award with Distinction, Spring 2022: AHSS College Learning to Teach Program (Associate Fellowship rank, Advanced-HE Accredited Course for Postgraduate Tutors)
Expected: Spring 2025
Honours and awards
2023 Award:
Shortlisted, PGR Tutor and Demonstrator of the Year, Enriching Student Life Awards, Cardiff University.
ICAZ Conference Grant ($250).
Awarded by the Black Trowel Collective ($250).
2022 Award:
Runner-Up (2nd Place), WAC-9 Student Paper and Poster Competition (Paper, ‘Reimagining Zoos’ with Dr. Alex Fizpatrick).
2 Year Membership of International Professional Development Association. Awarded by the Cardiff University AHSS Learning to Teach Exam Board for Outstanding Performance on Advanced-HE Portfolio.
2021 Grant:
Awarded by the Black Trowel Collective ($200).
2019 Bursary:
Awarded by the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) to attend Scotland’s Island Research Framework for Archaeology (SIRFA) Symposium, Shetland (£200). https://scarf.scot/students/student-reports/scarf-student-bursary-report-hanna-marie-pageau/
2014 Award:
Academic Achievement, DAISS at UAlbany ($250).
Academic positions
The below sampling of my CV includes only academic postings or work undertaken as a part of my degree programs or career development. It does not include CRM or other for-profit work.
Teaching Experience
Post Graduate Tutor: School of History, Archeology, and Religion, Cardiff University
Discovering Archaeology, HS2126, AY 2020-21; Assessment and Marking (Instructor, Dr. Niall Sharples)
Discovering Archaeology, HS2126, AY 2021-22 & 2022-23; Lab Demonstrator, Assessment and Marking (Instructor, Dr. Niall Sharples)
Projecting the Past, HS0002, AY 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24; Seminar Lead, Assessment and Marking (Instructor, Dr. Esther Wright)
Projecting the Past, HS0002, AY 2022-23; Lecturer - Archaeology, Colonialism, and the Media (Instructor, Dr. Esther Wright)
Archaeology of Britain, HS2126, Spring 2022; Seminar Lead (Instructor, Dr. Julie Best)
World Full of Gods, H0001, AY 2022-23; Seminar Lead - 2 sections (Instructor, Dr. Fay Glinister)
Archaeology of Britain, HS2126, Spring 2023; Plenary Demonstrator, Assessment and Marking (Instructor, Dr. Julie Best)
Adjunct Instructor: Community Archaeology Program, SUNY Schenectady County Community College (SCCC), Albany, New York
Independent Archaeology Research, ongoing units Spring 2016–Summer 2017
History of Human Burials, Spring 2017 (Instructor/Course Designer)—cancelled
Interpreting Animal Remains, Fall 2016 (Instructor/Course Designer)
Archaeological Field School for Kids, Summer 2016 (Instructor/Course Co-Designer)
Becoming Human, Spring 2016 (Instructor/Course Designer): https://sunysccc.edu/PDF/Binnekill2015-2016/March7final.pdf
Archaeological Field Methods, Spring 2016 (Teaching Assistant)
Summer Teacher: Club Scientific, Capital District, New York
Camp Jurassic, Guest Lecture (ages 4-6)
Computer Game Making, Lead Teacher (ages 9-14)
Deep Space, Lead Teacher (ages 9-14)
Jr. Video Game Maker, Lead Teacher (ages 6-8)—taught twice
Lego Robotics, Assistant Teacher (ages 6-12)
Little Robot Inventor, Lead Teacher (ages 6-8)
Young Physician, Guest Lecture (ages 6-9)
Young Scientist, Lead Teacher (ages 6-9)
Substitute Teacher: Capital Region BOCES, Capital District, New York
Visiting Teacher: Integrating Art into the Curriculum and Community, Spring Semester course, DePaul University, Chicago
Teaching Assistant: Department of Anthropology, DePaul University, Chicago
Biological Anthropology, ANT 104 (Instructor, Dr. Marco Aielo)
Science of Archaeology, ANT 120 (Instructor, Dr. Antonio Curet)
Lab and Research Experience
Lab Director: Dutch Reformed Church Archaeology Project, Community Archaeology Program, SCCC, Schenectady, New York
Workshop Participant: Archaeotek’s Bioarchaeology of Children Workshop, Haáz Rezsö Múzeum Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
Museum Intern: New York State Education Department, New York State Museum (Director, Dr. Lisa Anderson), Albany, New York
Field Experience
Field Director: Dutch Reformed Church Archaeology Project, Community Archaeology Program, SCCC, Schenectady, New York
Field Volunteer: Hyde Park Project, National Park Service and Vassar College (Director, Dr. April Beisaw)
Field Volunteer: Archaeotek’s Funerary and Churches Archaeology Program, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
Student: DePaul University and West Town Historical Society Archaeological Field School, Maywood, Illinois (Director, Dr. Michael Gregory)
Speaking engagements
This is a selection of papers and talks given - it is not an exhaustive or complete list.
From Llandough to Lothlórien: Learning from High Fantasy for Public Engagement. Paper presented at the Annual EAA Conference, European Archaeological Association, Belfast, Ireland.
Human Management of Domestic and Wild Ungulates on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland: A Case Study from the Site of Bornais. Paper presented at the 14th International Council for Archaeozoology, Cairns, Australia.
Bone as Fuel: A Taphonomic Examination of Three Inuit houses at Cape Grinnell, NW Greenland., Poster presented at the 14th International Council for Archaeozoology, Cairns, Australia. (with Dr. Christyann Darwent and Marcela Barron)
A Crisis of Unpublished Papers: An Epoch of Incredulous Belief. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Society for Historical Archaeology, Lisbon, Portugal.
The Gamification of Memory: Accuracy, Authenticity, and Remembrance. Paper presented at the 9th World Archaeology Congress (WAC-9), Prague, Czech Republic.
Reimagining Zoos: A Call for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Conservation and Curation. Paper presented at the 9th World Archaeology Congress (WAC-9), Prague, Czech Republic. Co-author (with Dr. Alexandra Fitzpatrick) and primary presenter.
Meeting the Minimums: Archaeology in the Age of Accessibility. Paper presented at the 2022 Chartered Institute for Archaeologists meeting, UK [virtual].
Inhabiting Islands: Mammalian Responses to Niche Island Biogeography. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists [virtual].
Navigating Climate Change Culture: The Importance of Zooarchaeology in the Discourse of Extinction. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists [virtual].
A Tale of Careers: Archaeogaming and Accessibility. Paper presented at the Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference (UK TAG), University College London, UK.
Workshop presenter for “Playing with the Past, Practicing for the Future: A Workshop for Experimental Community Archaeology.” Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference (UK TAG), University College London, UK.
Inclusion in the Anxiety Bubble: How do we Access Accessible Archaeology? Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Barcelona, Spain.
Facts, Archaeology, and Labour: It’s Not Just our Dirt Buckets that are Heavy. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Barcelona, Spain.
Goblins, Grave Desecration, and Grey Areas: Navigating Grey Archaeology in Gaming through the Lens of World of Warcraft. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Working towards Inclusion: Disability, Archaeology, and the Plight of Disabled Archaeologists. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.
An Inclusive Archaeology: Being Able in Archaeology. Paper presented at the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta.
Visualizing Ethical Interactions: Archaeology in World of Warcraft and the Representation of Repatriation and Artifact Collection. Paper presented at the 8th World Archaeology Congress (WAC-8), Kyoto, Japan.
Archaeology and Experiential Learning: The Unique Impact of Learning Experientially for the Field Sciences. Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida.
Invited Lectures/Organized Symposia
Speaker and Moderator for “Accessibility On and Off Campus for Student Leaders” for Cardiff University Students’ Union Student Leadership Conference.
Speaker on “What is a Campaign Officer: The Roles of Part Time Officers in the Students’ Union” for Cardiff University Students’ Union Student Leadership Conference.
Guest Lecture on “Reimagining Zoos: A Call for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Conservation and Curation” for Dr. Rob Thomas’ Biosciences Research Group, Cardiff University [virtual].
Guest Lecture on “Games, Gamification, and Virtual Spaces in the Sciences” for Dr. Rob Thomas’ Biosciences Research Group, Cardiff University [virtual].
Ethical Issues in Archaeology and Heritage. Session Chair at the CIfA Early Careers Group Early Careers Conference, Online.
Guest Lecture on “Gamification in Education” for the Learning to Teach Program, Cardiff University [virtual]
Guest Lecture on “Accessible Pedagogy” given to the Learning to Teach Program, Cardiff University [virtual]
Moderator for Panel on “Accessing Archaeology: A Conversation on Equity and Ethics,” Smithsonian Natural History Museum Event [virtual].
Guest Lecture on “Red Deer of the Scottish Isles” for Dr. Rob Thomas’ Biosciences Research Group, Cardiff University [virtual]
Guest Lecture on “Regarding Scientific Outreach and Ethics in Digital Spaces such as Animal Crossing” for Cardiff Archaeology’s 100th Anniversary Summer Outreach Event [virtual]
Workshop co-organizer for “Playing with the Past, Practicing for the Future: A Workshop for Experimental Community Archaeology.” Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference (UK TAG), University College London, UK.
Guest Lecture on “GMM Methods in Zooarchaeology” for Zooarchaeology (MSc course); Instructor, Dr. Jacqui Mulville, Cardiff University.
Panelist for “Social Media as Public Archaeology: Understanding Strategies, Skills, and Best Practices for Effective Engagement,” Forum at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, NM.
Co-organizer, Moderator, and Panelist (with Paulina Przystupa) for “Archaeology and Innovative Outreach: Beyond the Lecture,” Forum at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.
Committees and reviewing
NUS Liberation - Disabled Delegate: Student Union, Cardiff University, Wales. Elected position.
Enriching Student Life Awards Short-Listing Committee: Cardiff University, Wales
Students with Disabilities Officer: Students’ Union, Cardiff University. Elected position.
Member of: Disability Steering Committee, Officers Executive Committee, President of Students with Disabilities Association, Cardiff SU Student Senate.
NUS Liberation - Disabled Delegate: Student Union, Cardiff University, Wales. Elected position.
Scrutiny Committee: Student Union, Cardiff University, Wales. Elected position.
Enriching Student Life Awards Short-Listing Committee: Cardiff University, Wales
Post Graduate Executive Committee: Student Union, Cardiff University, Wales
Post Graduate Researcher Representative: School of History, Archaeology, and Religion (SHARE), Cardiff University, Wales
Member of: Postgraduate Research Committee (2021–2022), Cross College PGR Forum (2021–2022), AHSS Annual Review and Enhancement Sub-Committee (2021-2022), Board of Studies (2020–2022), Committee on Education and Learning (2020–2022), AHSS College Annual Review and Enhancement Sub-Committee (2022), Committee on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (2020–2021), Committee on Research and Innovation (2020–2021), AHSS College PGR Forum (2020–2021)
Volunteer: Society for American Archaeology Conference, Washington, DC
Student Representative, USA: World Archaeology Congress, Kyoto
Volunteer: Society for American Archaeology Conference, Orlando, Florida
Treasurer: YesPlus+, State University of New York at Albany
Graduate Student Senator: University Senate, State University of New York at Albany
Member of: the Council on Research, Benevolent Awards, and Excellence in Research and Creative Activities Subcommittees
Lead Senator: Graduate Student Association, State University of New York at Albany
Member of the Equity and Inclusion and RGSO Committee. Elected position.
Assembly Representative to GSA/RGSO: Anthropology Graduate Student Organization, State University of New York at Albany
Volunteer: Theoretical Archaeology Group (USA) Conference, Chicago
Student Representative: Academic Integrity Board, DePaul University, Chicago
Contact Details
Research themes
- Accessibility
- Digital heritage
- Biological adaptation
- Pedagogy
- historical video games