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Yi Han Xu  BA(Hons), MA

Miss Yi Han Xu


BA(Hons), MA

Research student


Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in the School of Modern Languages at Cardiff University for the year 2024. My research is supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council and the Cardiff University Cooperation Programme.

My research passion focus on examining gender representation, particularly the portrayal of women, in film, television, and social media within the East Asian context. Working with various film crews and media companies has given me valuable insights into this cultural industry. Additionally, the feminist theories I have studied offer me diverse perspectives on cultural, economic, social, and political phenomena. Therefore, With long-lasting enthusiasm for feminism and film studies, I intend to pursue further doctoral studies at the University of Cardiff. 



  • MA, Cultural and Creative Industry, King's College London. 2022. (High Merit)
  • BA, Film and Television Making, University of Hertfordshire. 2018. (First Class Honors)
  • BA, Film and Television Making, Beijing Film Academy. 2016. 


During my postgraduate studies at King’s College London, I took a course on Gender and Sexuality, which further deepened my understanding of gender theories within the East Asian context. I enrolled in a course on the History of Film, where I explored how gender ideology is constructed in Chinese television and film across different historical periods. I was concerned with the inequality and suppression that women faced in patriarchal China, and so deeply attracted to the charisma of Asian feminism and media studies. 

Throughout my studies, I independently authored several research articles on gender-related media topics, one of which examines the extent to which post-feminist sensibilities are reflected in Chinese media. Additionally, I gained proficiency in various research methods, including sampling, questionnaire design, interviews, and thematic analysis during my dissertation research.



I obtained a Master’s degree in Cultural and Creative Industries from King’s College London, graduating with distinction in my dissertation in 2022. Prior to this, I earned double Bachelor’s degrees in Film and Television Making from the Beijing Film Academy in China and the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. 

I was working in various media companies includes Ofashion(Beijing), Harper's BAZAAR(Beijing), and China's Daily(ZhengZhou). I also joined mutiple film crews and short film shooting projects. 


Elaine Wing Tung Chung

Elaine Wing Tung Chung

Lecturer in Chinese Studies

Charlotte Hammond

Charlotte Hammond

Lecturer in French Studies

Contact Details


Campuses 66a Park Place, Room PGR Suite, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3AS


  • Film and Television
  • Gender studies
  • Feminist Media Studies
  • Chinese popular culture
  • Screen and media culture

External profiles