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Elaine Wing Tung Chung

Dr Elaine Wing Tung Chung


Lecturer in Chinese Studies

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the School of Modern Languages, where I teach modules on Sinophone histories, cultures and societies at all undergraduate levels. I also conduct research and supervise postgraduate projects on East Asian popular cultures.










Book sections


My research interests lie on the politics of popular cultures in East Asia, with a focus on identity representation in media texts (from films, TV series to user-generated content online).



I currently convene and deliver the following double-semester modules 

  • ML1192 China in Context
  • ML1259 Cultures in Context (Chinese)
  • ML1372 Sinophone Cultures: Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Chinese Diasporas

and supervise BA Modern Chinese, BA Chinese, and MA Global Cultures dissertations 

I have previously contributed to the teaching of the following modules:

  • ML1130 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics  
  • ML1194 Chinese Cinema 
  • ML1257 Chinese Society & Culture 
  • ML8100 Introduction to Translation Methods
  • ML2201 Introduction to Specialised Translation



I hold a PhD from SOAS University of London, an MA from Korea University, and a BA from the University of Hong Kong.

In the School of Modern Languages, I am co-ordinating the Visiting Scholars Programme and leading the research theme Transnational Cultural and Visual Studies.

As an Year Abroad Officer, I am reponsible for establishing international partnerships for the Chinese programme and co-ordinating BA Chinese students' exchange studies in mainland China and Taiwan. 

Honours and awards

  • Grants from The Academy of Korean Studies and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation for organising the conference Transgressive Women in East Asian Screen Media (May 2024, Cardiff University) 

Professional memberships

  • British Association of Chinese Studies
  • European Association of Taiwan Studies
  • Hong Kong Studies Association
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Committees and reviewing

  • Research Ethics Committee, School of Modern Languages, 2022-present 


I welcome doctoral application in these subject areas: 

  • Popular culture in East Asia
  • Stardom, fandom, celebrity culture
  • Cultural politics and soft power
  • (Social) media and identity

PhD projects I currently supervise: 

  • Translating Queer Culture: A Global Perspective on Representation and Identity
  • Postfeminism and Chinese ‘big heroine’ television dramas (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council) 
  • British National (Overseas) Hongkongers, their conflicts with existing Chinese communities and the implications for identity politics in the UK (funded by ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership) 
  • Chronotopes, signs and changes: An ethnographic linguistic landscape study of peri-urban China (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council) 
  • Projecting China’s idea of China: An analysis of international co-production documentaries as a vehicle for cultural diplomacy, 1980-present

Current supervision

Contact Details


  • Culture, representation and identity
  • Screen and media culture
  • Celebrity Studies
  • China
  • South Korea

External profiles