Dr Elaine Wing Tung Chung
Lecturer in Chinese Studies
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the School of Modern Languages, where I teach modules on Sinophone histories, cultures and societies at all undergraduate levels. I also conduct research and supervise postgraduate projects on East Asian popular cultures.
- Chung, E. 2024. Political capital and stardom in China: the transnational persona of Choo Ja-hyun. Celebrity Studies (10.1080/19392397.2024.2362714)
- Chung, E. 2024. Chinese remakes of South Korean films. In: Wang, Z., Wilcox, E. and Yu, H. eds. Teaching Film from the People's Republic of China. Modern Language Association of America, pp. 241-254.
- Wang, X. and Chung, E. 2023. Internet celebrities, foreign speakers, and Chinese learning: The case of MYBY on YouTube. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 9(2), pp. 209-226. (10.1386/eapc_00108_1)
- Chung, E. 2022. Youtube vidding and participatory memories of Stephen Chow’s stardom in South Korea. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90(3), pp. 531-564. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.531-564)
- Chi, T., Chung, E. and Yeung, J. S. 2022. Introduction: comedies in East Asian media: laughing in bitter times. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90(3), pp. 407-415. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.407-415)
- Chung, E. and Wang, X. 2021. Joseonjok YouTubers: translating vernacular Chineseness in South Korea. In: Gao, S. and Wang, X. eds. Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness: The Cultural Politics of Language and Identity in Globalizing China. Multilingual Matters, pp. 57-79.
- Chung, E. 2021. Chick flick fantasy and postfeminism in Chinese cinema: 20 once again as a transnational remake. In: Chan, K. and Stuckey, A. eds. Sino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas. Edinburgh Studies in East Asian Film Edinburgh University Press, pp. 149-165.
- Chung, E. and Wang, X. 2020. Exploring Chinese poetry using Adobe Spark Video. Modern Languages Open 1, article number: 40. (10.3828/mlo.v0i0.290)
- McCabe, J. et al. 2020. Researching women's television history. In: Ross, K. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc241)
- Chung, E. 2019. Post-2014 Chinese-Korean film co-production: nation branding via online film publicity. In: Jin, D. Y. and Su, W. eds. Asia-Pacific Film Co-Productions: Theory, Industry and Aesthetics. Routledge Studies in Media and Cultural Industries New York: Routledge, pp. 78-95.
- Chung, E. 2019. Chinese-Korean TV drama co-production: Representations of international romance and the potential of multiculturalism. In: Park, J. and Lee, A. eds. The Rise of K-Dramas: Essays on Korean Television and Its Global Consumption. McFarland, pp. 154-172.
- Chung, E. W. 2018. Chow Yun-fat and territories of Hong Kong stardom, by Lin Feng, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 181 pp., £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1474405898. Celebrity Studies 9(1), pp. 151-153. (10.1080/19392397.2018.1428159)
- Chung, E. 2024. Political capital and stardom in China: the transnational persona of Choo Ja-hyun. Celebrity Studies (10.1080/19392397.2024.2362714)
- Wang, X. and Chung, E. 2023. Internet celebrities, foreign speakers, and Chinese learning: The case of MYBY on YouTube. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 9(2), pp. 209-226. (10.1386/eapc_00108_1)
- Chung, E. 2022. Youtube vidding and participatory memories of Stephen Chow’s stardom in South Korea. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90(3), pp. 531-564. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.531-564)
- Chi, T., Chung, E. and Yeung, J. S. 2022. Introduction: comedies in East Asian media: laughing in bitter times. Archív Orientální Quarterly / Journal of African and Asian Studies 90(3), pp. 407-415. (10.47979/aror.j.90.3.407-415)
- Chung, E. and Wang, X. 2020. Exploring Chinese poetry using Adobe Spark Video. Modern Languages Open 1, article number: 40. (10.3828/mlo.v0i0.290)
- Chung, E. W. 2018. Chow Yun-fat and territories of Hong Kong stardom, by Lin Feng, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 181 pp., £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1474405898. Celebrity Studies 9(1), pp. 151-153. (10.1080/19392397.2018.1428159)
Book sections
- Chung, E. 2024. Chinese remakes of South Korean films. In: Wang, Z., Wilcox, E. and Yu, H. eds. Teaching Film from the People's Republic of China. Modern Language Association of America, pp. 241-254.
- Chung, E. and Wang, X. 2021. Joseonjok YouTubers: translating vernacular Chineseness in South Korea. In: Gao, S. and Wang, X. eds. Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness: The Cultural Politics of Language and Identity in Globalizing China. Multilingual Matters, pp. 57-79.
- Chung, E. 2021. Chick flick fantasy and postfeminism in Chinese cinema: 20 once again as a transnational remake. In: Chan, K. and Stuckey, A. eds. Sino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas. Edinburgh Studies in East Asian Film Edinburgh University Press, pp. 149-165.
- McCabe, J. et al. 2020. Researching women's television history. In: Ross, K. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc241)
- Chung, E. 2019. Post-2014 Chinese-Korean film co-production: nation branding via online film publicity. In: Jin, D. Y. and Su, W. eds. Asia-Pacific Film Co-Productions: Theory, Industry and Aesthetics. Routledge Studies in Media and Cultural Industries New York: Routledge, pp. 78-95.
- Chung, E. 2019. Chinese-Korean TV drama co-production: Representations of international romance and the potential of multiculturalism. In: Park, J. and Lee, A. eds. The Rise of K-Dramas: Essays on Korean Television and Its Global Consumption. McFarland, pp. 154-172.
- Chung, E. W. 2018. Chow Yun-fat and territories of Hong Kong stardom, by Lin Feng, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 181 pp., £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1474405898. Celebrity Studies 9(1), pp. 151-153. (10.1080/19392397.2018.1428159)
My research interests lie on the politics of popular cultures in East Asia, with a focus on identity representation in media texts (from films, TV series to user-generated content online).
I currently convene and deliver the following double-semester modules
- ML1192 China in Context
- ML1259 Cultures in Context (Chinese)
- ML1372 Sinophone Cultures: Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Chinese Diasporas
and supervise BA Modern Chinese, BA Chinese, and MA Global Cultures dissertations
I have previously contributed to the teaching of the following modules:
- ML1130 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
- ML1194 Chinese Cinema
- ML1257 Chinese Society & Culture
- ML8100 Introduction to Translation Methods
- ML2201 Introduction to Specialised Translation
I hold a PhD from SOAS University of London, an MA from Korea University, and a BA from the University of Hong Kong.
In the School of Modern Languages, I am co-ordinating the Visiting Scholars Programme and leading the research theme Transnational Cultural and Visual Studies.
As an Year Abroad Officer, I am reponsible for establishing international partnerships for the Chinese programme and co-ordinating BA Chinese students' exchange studies in mainland China and Taiwan.
Honours and awards
- Grants from The Academy of Korean Studies and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation for organising the conference Transgressive Women in East Asian Screen Media (May 2024, Cardiff University)
Professional memberships
- British Association of Chinese Studies
- European Association of Taiwan Studies
- Hong Kong Studies Association
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Committees and reviewing
- Research Ethics Committee, School of Modern Languages, 2022-present
I welcome doctoral application in these subject areas:
- Popular culture in East Asia
- Stardom, fandom, celebrity culture
- Cultural politics and soft power
- (Social) media and identity
PhD projects I currently supervise:
- Translating Queer Culture: A Global Perspective on Representation and Identity
- Postfeminism and Chinese ‘big heroine’ television dramas (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council)
- British National (Overseas) Hongkongers, their conflicts with existing Chinese communities and the implications for identity politics in the UK (funded by ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership)
- Chronotopes, signs and changes: An ethnographic linguistic landscape study of peri-urban China (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council)
- Projecting China’s idea of China: An analysis of international co-production documentaries as a vehicle for cultural diplomacy, 1980-present
Current supervision
Contact Details
Research themes
- Culture, representation and identity
- Screen and media culture
- Celebrity Studies
- China
- South Korea