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Sunbul Ahmad

Sunbul Ahmad


Teams and roles for Sunbul Ahmad


I began my journey at Cardiff in 2020 as a Teaching Associate. Since then, I have assissted in teaching several module e.g., Human-Computer Interaction, Web Applications, Python Programming, Emerging Technologies, Computational Thinking and Software Engineering.

I am also a part-time PhD student. My primary area of interest is Human-Robot Interaction/Human-Computer Interaction, specifically focusing on using Social Robots to assist older adults in their home settings. Currently, I am exploring the potential of social companion robots in homes in the Global South, with a specific focus on medication adherence.







I am a part-time PhD student at Cardiff University working with Dr. Katarzyna Stawarz Dr. Nervo Verdezoto Dias and Dr. Carolina Fuentes Toro. My research area is Human-Robot Interaction / Human-Computer Interaction where I am particularly interested in using Social Robots to help Older Adults in their home settings who are suffering from oral medication non-adherence problems with the help of Social Robots. Currently, I am collecting data that can help me find the reasons for poor medication adherence and the ways to overcome the problem. My research has wider horizons where I am also exploring the potential of social robots to help older adults with medication management in the Global South.



Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 14880
Campuses Abacws, Floor 3, Room 3.46, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG
55 Park Place, Room 1.06, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3AT

Research themes


  • Human-robot interaction
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Social robotics
  • Assistive robots and technology
  • Human-centred computing