Dr Tilmann Altenberg
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Tilmann Altenberg
Reader in Hispanic Studies
I have a distinguished track record of research in a range of areas. In particular, I have built a reputation for my work on Cuban-Mexican poet José María Heredia, Spanish-American writers Alejo Carpentier and Roberto Bolaño, 19th-century Spanish writer Juan Valera, adaptations of Don Quijote to film and comics, and the picaresque novel.
In recent years, my research activity has principally focused on Argentine representations of the 1982 Falklands War, comics adaptations of literature, and Latin American national poets.
As Founding Director and curator of the Santander Collection of Hispanic Comics and Graphic Literature, since its inception in 2011 I have grown this special collection into a university asset for research on comics and graphic novels.
- Altenberg, T. 2023. Don Quixote unbound: Intertextuality, interpictoriality and transculturality in Flix’s German graphic novel adaptation (2012). European Comic Art 16(1), pp. 6-42. (10.3167/eca.2023.160102)
- Altenberg, T. 2022. El cómic hispanohablante y su situación en el nuevo milenio. Hispanorama(176), pp. 62-63.
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. eds. 2022. Comics' mobility across time, space, and media [New Readings special issue]. New Readings. Cardiff University Press.
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. 2022. Comics’ mobility across time, space, and media: introduction. New Readings 18, pp. i-ix. (10.18573/newreadings.130)
- Whitfield, J. and Altenberg, T. 2020. Fictions of organized crime: introduction. New Readings 17(2), pp. i-vi. (10.18573/newreadings.118)
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Me duele ver la destrucción del Cuzco: Conversación con Luis Nieto Degregori. New Readings 17(1), pp. 20-47. (10.18573/newreadings.109)
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Cifuentes-Goodbody, Nicholas: The man who wrote Pancho Villa: Martín Luis Guzmán and the politics of life writing. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. 2016. xiv + 208 pp. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 97(5), pp. 9-10. (10.1080/14753820.2020.1790974)
- Altenberg, T. ed. 2020. Poesías completas de José María Heredia (edición crítica). Madrid and Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.
- Tseng, C. and Altenberg, T. 2019. Blending fact and fiction in graphic war narratives: A diachronic analysis of Argentine Falklands war comics. ImageTexT 11(1)
- Altenberg, T. 2018. Bolaño against Babel: multilingualism, translation and narration in 2666, ‘La parte de los críticos’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 95(2), pp. 217-233. (10.3828/bhs.2018.13)
- Sweeney, N. 2016. Debt, Credit and the Alibi of Productive Expenditure in Baudelaire. New Readings 16, pp. 22-41. (10.18573/newreadings.25)
- Sinibaldi, C. 2016. Between censorship and innovation: The translation of American comics during Italian Fascism. New Readings 16, pp. 1-21. (10.18573/newreadings.24)
- della Costa, F. 2016. La noia della grande bellezza: Il film di Sorrentino attraverso il romanzo di Moravia. New Readings 16, pp. 42-59. (10.18573/newreadings.3)
- Spieser-Landes, D. 2016. The Death of French Socialism: Abd al Malik’s 'Occupy Wall Street' Poetical Rap. New Readings 16, pp. 60-77. (10.18573/newreadings.26)
- Guillaume, I. 2015. Translating British and US-American Graphic Novels into French: A Conversation with the Translator Lili Sztajn. New Readings 15, pp. 93-110. (10.18573/newreadings.107)
- Viren, S. 2015. Domesticating Gender: Localising the “We” in Translations of Maitena Burundarena’s 'Women on the Edge'. New Readings 15, pp. 76-92. (10.18573/newreadings.106)
- Castro, N. 2015. El contrato social: El manga o Rousseau en el espejo del canon. New Readings 15, pp. 57-75. (10.18573/newreadings.105)
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. 2015. Comics and Translation: Introduction. New Readings 15, pp. i-iv. (10.18573/newreadings.100)
- Peixoto Martins, M. d. A. 2015. The 'Manga Shakespeare' Series Translated into Brazilian Portuguese. New Readings 15, pp. 46-56. (10.18573/newreadings.104)
- Armour, W. S. and Takeyama, Y. 2015. Translating Japanese typefaces in ‘Manga’: Bleach. New Readings 15, pp. 21-45. (10.18573/newreadings.102)
- Weissbrod, R. and Kohn, A. 2015. Re-Illustrating Multimodal Texts as Translation: Hebrew Comic Books 'Uri Cadduri' and 'Mr. Fibber, the Storyteller'. New Readings 15, pp. 1-20. (10.18573/newreadings.101)
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. eds. 2015. Comics and translation: Special issue of New Readings journal. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Modern Languages.
- Altenberg, T. 2014. El naturalismo literario francés: una mirada sobre la doctrina de Zola desde España. New Readings 14, pp. 64-83. (10.18573/newreadings.99)
- Altenberg, T. ed. 2013. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: versions and visions in literature and visual culture. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Altenberg, T. 2013. Executions by firing squad: how shootings were shot in films of the Mexican Revolution. In: Altenberg, T. ed. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: Versions and Visions in Literature and Visual Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 123-155.
- Altenberg, T. 2013. Introduction. In: Altenberg, T. ed. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: Versions and Visions in Literature and Visual Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. xxix-xxxiv.
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. eds. 2011. Truth claims in fiction film: Special issue of New Readings journal. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Modern Languages.
- Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. eds. 2011. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 essays on Hispanic visual cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. 2011. Truth claims in fiction film: introduction. New Readings 11, pp. i-iv. (10.18573/newreadings.72)
- Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. 2011. Introduction. In: Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. eds. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 Essays on Hispanic Visual Cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. xiv-xxv.
- Altenberg, T. and Langford, R. 2009. Introduction: ‘Self and Other’. New Readings 10, pp. i-i. (10.18573/newreadings.66)
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Aegidius Albertinus, 'Der Landstörtzer Gusman von Alfarche oder Picaro genannt (1615)'. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 263-307.
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Francisco de Quevedo, Historia de la vida del Buscón. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 353-390.
- Altenberg, T. 2007. Alejo Carpentier o las trampas de la memoria: Tiempo regresivo y referencias al pasado en Viaje a la semilla. Iberoromania 64(2), pp. 95-113. (10.1515/IBER.2007.67)
- Altenberg, T. 2007. Don Quijote im film. In: Altenberg, T. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. Europäische Dimensionen des 'Don Quijote' in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Musik. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 171-234.
- Altenberg, T. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. 2007. Europäische Dimensionen des Don Quijote in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Musik. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
- Altenberg, T. 2006. La crisis de la ideología panhispánica en la obra de José María Heredia, 'La visión' (1821): una temprana versión desconocida del poema 'Las sombras' (1825).. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 54(1), pp. 143-173.
- Altenberg, T. 2006. Metadiégesis y pseudodiégesis en la narrativa de Juan Valera. In: Grabe, N., Lang, S. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. La narración paradójica: "Normas narrativas" y el principio de la "transgresión". Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 155-169.
- Altenberg, T. 2004. De la antipoesía a la antiweb - Nicanor Parra (y sus huellas) en internet. In: Spiller, R. et al. eds. Memoria, duelo y narración. Chile después de Pinochet: literatura, cine, sociedad.. Frankfurt: Vervuert, pp. 211-230.
- Altenberg, T. 2003. La epistolaridad de Pepita Jiménez de Juan Valera. In: Stenzel, H. and Wolfzettel, F. eds. Estrategias narrativas y construcciones de una 'realidad': Lecturas de las 'Novelas contemporáneas' de Galdós y otras novelas de la época.. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, pp. 227-248.
- Altenberg, T. 2002. O pudor de Narciso: Estratégia retórica e consciência meta-diarística nos Cadernos de Lanzarote de José Saramago. In: Brauer-Figueiredo, M. F. V. and Hopfe, K. eds. Metamorfoses do Eu: O Diário e outros Géneros Autobiográficos na Literatura Portuguesa do Século XX (Actas da secção 8 do IV Congresso da Associação Alemã de Lusitanistas). Frankfurt: Teo Ferrer de Mesquita, pp. 231-248.
- Altenberg, T. 2001. Melancolía en la poesía de José María Heredia. Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Vol. 27. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
- Altenberg, T. 2000. Disposición y significado de las trayectorias de Sofía y Esteban en El siglo de las luces de Alejo Carpentier. In: Gunia, I. et al. eds. La modernidad revis(it)ada. Literatura y cultura latinoamericanas de los siglos XIX y XX. Berlin: Edition tranvia, pp. 389-404.
- Altenberg, T. 2023. Don Quixote unbound: Intertextuality, interpictoriality and transculturality in Flix’s German graphic novel adaptation (2012). European Comic Art 16(1), pp. 6-42. (10.3167/eca.2023.160102)
- Altenberg, T. 2022. El cómic hispanohablante y su situación en el nuevo milenio. Hispanorama(176), pp. 62-63.
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. 2022. Comics’ mobility across time, space, and media: introduction. New Readings 18, pp. i-ix. (10.18573/newreadings.130)
- Whitfield, J. and Altenberg, T. 2020. Fictions of organized crime: introduction. New Readings 17(2), pp. i-vi. (10.18573/newreadings.118)
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Me duele ver la destrucción del Cuzco: Conversación con Luis Nieto Degregori. New Readings 17(1), pp. 20-47. (10.18573/newreadings.109)
- Altenberg, T. 2020. Cifuentes-Goodbody, Nicholas: The man who wrote Pancho Villa: Martín Luis Guzmán and the politics of life writing. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. 2016. xiv + 208 pp. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 97(5), pp. 9-10. (10.1080/14753820.2020.1790974)
- Tseng, C. and Altenberg, T. 2019. Blending fact and fiction in graphic war narratives: A diachronic analysis of Argentine Falklands war comics. ImageTexT 11(1)
- Altenberg, T. 2018. Bolaño against Babel: multilingualism, translation and narration in 2666, ‘La parte de los críticos’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 95(2), pp. 217-233. (10.3828/bhs.2018.13)
- Sweeney, N. 2016. Debt, Credit and the Alibi of Productive Expenditure in Baudelaire. New Readings 16, pp. 22-41. (10.18573/newreadings.25)
- Sinibaldi, C. 2016. Between censorship and innovation: The translation of American comics during Italian Fascism. New Readings 16, pp. 1-21. (10.18573/newreadings.24)
- della Costa, F. 2016. La noia della grande bellezza: Il film di Sorrentino attraverso il romanzo di Moravia. New Readings 16, pp. 42-59. (10.18573/newreadings.3)
- Spieser-Landes, D. 2016. The Death of French Socialism: Abd al Malik’s 'Occupy Wall Street' Poetical Rap. New Readings 16, pp. 60-77. (10.18573/newreadings.26)
- Guillaume, I. 2015. Translating British and US-American Graphic Novels into French: A Conversation with the Translator Lili Sztajn. New Readings 15, pp. 93-110. (10.18573/newreadings.107)
- Viren, S. 2015. Domesticating Gender: Localising the “We” in Translations of Maitena Burundarena’s 'Women on the Edge'. New Readings 15, pp. 76-92. (10.18573/newreadings.106)
- Castro, N. 2015. El contrato social: El manga o Rousseau en el espejo del canon. New Readings 15, pp. 57-75. (10.18573/newreadings.105)
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. 2015. Comics and Translation: Introduction. New Readings 15, pp. i-iv. (10.18573/newreadings.100)
- Peixoto Martins, M. d. A. 2015. The 'Manga Shakespeare' Series Translated into Brazilian Portuguese. New Readings 15, pp. 46-56. (10.18573/newreadings.104)
- Armour, W. S. and Takeyama, Y. 2015. Translating Japanese typefaces in ‘Manga’: Bleach. New Readings 15, pp. 21-45. (10.18573/newreadings.102)
- Weissbrod, R. and Kohn, A. 2015. Re-Illustrating Multimodal Texts as Translation: Hebrew Comic Books 'Uri Cadduri' and 'Mr. Fibber, the Storyteller'. New Readings 15, pp. 1-20. (10.18573/newreadings.101)
- Altenberg, T. 2014. El naturalismo literario francés: una mirada sobre la doctrina de Zola desde España. New Readings 14, pp. 64-83. (10.18573/newreadings.99)
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. 2011. Truth claims in fiction film: introduction. New Readings 11, pp. i-iv. (10.18573/newreadings.72)
- Altenberg, T. and Langford, R. 2009. Introduction: ‘Self and Other’. New Readings 10, pp. i-i. (10.18573/newreadings.66)
- Altenberg, T. 2007. Alejo Carpentier o las trampas de la memoria: Tiempo regresivo y referencias al pasado en Viaje a la semilla. Iberoromania 64(2), pp. 95-113. (10.1515/IBER.2007.67)
- Altenberg, T. 2006. La crisis de la ideología panhispánica en la obra de José María Heredia, 'La visión' (1821): una temprana versión desconocida del poema 'Las sombras' (1825).. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 54(1), pp. 143-173.
Book sections
- Altenberg, T. 2013. Executions by firing squad: how shootings were shot in films of the Mexican Revolution. In: Altenberg, T. ed. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: Versions and Visions in Literature and Visual Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 123-155.
- Altenberg, T. 2013. Introduction. In: Altenberg, T. ed. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: Versions and Visions in Literature and Visual Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. xxix-xxxiv.
- Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. 2011. Introduction. In: Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. eds. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 Essays on Hispanic Visual Cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. xiv-xxv.
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Aegidius Albertinus, 'Der Landstörtzer Gusman von Alfarche oder Picaro genannt (1615)'. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 263-307.
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Francisco de Quevedo, Historia de la vida del Buscón. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 353-390.
- Altenberg, T. 2007. Don Quijote im film. In: Altenberg, T. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. Europäische Dimensionen des 'Don Quijote' in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Musik. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 171-234.
- Altenberg, T. 2006. Metadiégesis y pseudodiégesis en la narrativa de Juan Valera. In: Grabe, N., Lang, S. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. La narración paradójica: "Normas narrativas" y el principio de la "transgresión". Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 155-169.
- Altenberg, T. 2004. De la antipoesía a la antiweb - Nicanor Parra (y sus huellas) en internet. In: Spiller, R. et al. eds. Memoria, duelo y narración. Chile después de Pinochet: literatura, cine, sociedad.. Frankfurt: Vervuert, pp. 211-230.
- Altenberg, T. 2003. La epistolaridad de Pepita Jiménez de Juan Valera. In: Stenzel, H. and Wolfzettel, F. eds. Estrategias narrativas y construcciones de una 'realidad': Lecturas de las 'Novelas contemporáneas' de Galdós y otras novelas de la época.. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, pp. 227-248.
- Altenberg, T. 2002. O pudor de Narciso: Estratégia retórica e consciência meta-diarística nos Cadernos de Lanzarote de José Saramago. In: Brauer-Figueiredo, M. F. V. and Hopfe, K. eds. Metamorfoses do Eu: O Diário e outros Géneros Autobiográficos na Literatura Portuguesa do Século XX (Actas da secção 8 do IV Congresso da Associação Alemã de Lusitanistas). Frankfurt: Teo Ferrer de Mesquita, pp. 231-248.
- Altenberg, T. 2000. Disposición y significado de las trayectorias de Sofía y Esteban en El siglo de las luces de Alejo Carpentier. In: Gunia, I. et al. eds. La modernidad revis(it)ada. Literatura y cultura latinoamericanas de los siglos XIX y XX. Berlin: Edition tranvia, pp. 389-404.
- Altenberg, T. and Corti, A. eds. 2022. Comics' mobility across time, space, and media [New Readings special issue]. New Readings. Cardiff University Press.
- Altenberg, T. ed. 2020. Poesías completas de José María Heredia (edición crítica). Madrid and Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. eds. 2015. Comics and translation: Special issue of New Readings journal. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Modern Languages.
- Altenberg, T. ed. 2013. Imagining the Mexican Revolution: versions and visions in literature and visual culture. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Altenberg, T. and Owen, R. J. eds. 2011. Truth claims in fiction film: Special issue of New Readings journal. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Modern Languages.
- Prout, R. and Altenberg, T. eds. 2011. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 essays on Hispanic visual cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Altenberg, T. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. 2007. Europäische Dimensionen des Don Quijote in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Musik. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
- Altenberg, T. 2001. Melancolía en la poesía de José María Heredia. Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Vol. 27. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Aegidius Albertinus, 'Der Landstörtzer Gusman von Alfarche oder Picaro genannt (1615)'. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 263-307.
- Altenberg, T. 2008. Francisco de Quevedo, Historia de la vida del Buscón. In: Meyer-Minnemann, K. and Schlickers, S. eds. La novela picaresca: concepto genérico y evolución del género (siglos XVI y XVII). Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica Vol. 54. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, pp. 353-390.
- Altenberg, T. 2007. Alejo Carpentier o las trampas de la memoria: Tiempo regresivo y referencias al pasado en Viaje a la semilla. Iberoromania 64(2), pp. 95-113. (10.1515/IBER.2007.67)
- Altenberg, T. 2006. La crisis de la ideología panhispánica en la obra de José María Heredia, 'La visión' (1821): una temprana versión desconocida del poema 'Las sombras' (1825).. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 54(1), pp. 143-173.
- Altenberg, T. 2006. Metadiégesis y pseudodiégesis en la narrativa de Juan Valera. In: Grabe, N., Lang, S. and Meyer-Minnemann, K. eds. La narración paradójica: "Normas narrativas" y el principio de la "transgresión". Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 155-169.
- Altenberg, T. 2004. De la antipoesía a la antiweb - Nicanor Parra (y sus huellas) en internet. In: Spiller, R. et al. eds. Memoria, duelo y narración. Chile después de Pinochet: literatura, cine, sociedad.. Frankfurt: Vervuert, pp. 211-230.
- Altenberg, T. 2003. La epistolaridad de Pepita Jiménez de Juan Valera. In: Stenzel, H. and Wolfzettel, F. eds. Estrategias narrativas y construcciones de una 'realidad': Lecturas de las 'Novelas contemporáneas' de Galdós y otras novelas de la época.. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, pp. 227-248.
- Altenberg, T. 2001. Melancolía en la poesía de José María Heredia. Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Vol. 27. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
Following the publication of a major critical edition in 2020 (see below for details), my current research focuses principally on the following areas:
- The Malvinas / Falklands War in Argentine culture
- Latin American national poets
- Adaptation of literature to comics
Malvinas / Falklands War
Over the last few years, I have been working on representations of the 1982 Malvinas / Falklands conflict, with a particular focus on Argentine comics. Initial findings were published as a co-authored article (open access) in 2019: 'Blending Fact and Fiction in Graphic War Narratives: A Diachronic Analysis of Argentine Falklands War Comics'. The next step in this research project approaches the armed conflict from the angle of iconic events in relation to the Argentine war trauma narrative. A large-scale conference in 2022 that I co-organised with colleagues in Buenos Aires brought together experts from the UK and Argentina to explore the heritage of the war 40 years on. Some of the findings are due to be published in 2025 or 2026.
Latin American national poets
My second large-scale research project considers the social processes by which the so-called national poets in Latin America have been elevated to glory. A first approach to the topic is through José María Heredia, whose rise to, and subsequent replacement from, the category of a national poet is being considered alongside that of José Martí and Nicolás Guillén.
Adaptation of literature to comics
My work on adaptations of Spanish-language literature to the comics medium brings together my expertise in Hispanic literature and my wider interest in comics. Having explored for several years adaptations of Don Quijote to the comics medium, my focus has widened to include other texts of the Spanish-language literary canon. I am currently writing a co-authored monograph that focuses on how the early modern period in Spanish history (including the American endeavour and some key literary texts) has been represented in graphic novels. The book is under contract with the University of Toronto Press.
Critical edition of José María Heredia
In 2020 I published the first rigorous critical edition of the complete poetry of Cuban-Mexican author José María Heredia (Iberoamericana / Vervuert; digital edition by de Gruyter). The edition of 1,121 pages culminates my work on this poet, which began with my well-received 2001 monograph Melancolía en la poesía de José María Heredia (also Iberoamericana / Vervuert; re-edited in 2011 by Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes).
Since 1999 I have been teaching a wide range of modules to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and supervised research projects at MA, PhD, and post-doc level.
Contributions to team-taught modules (selection):
- 1968 student revolt in Latin America
- Understanding Hispanidad in a Global Context
- Magical Realism
- Intertextuality
- Close reading of poetry
- Narratology
- Study skills (MA)
- V for Vendetta: From Comic to Film to Social Movement (MA)
Modules I have devised and delivered:
- Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature
- The Spanish American novela testimonio (Ricardo Pozas, Miguel Barnet, Gabriel García Márquez)
- Slaveholder Societies in the 19th-Century Spanish American Novel (Cirilo Villaverde: Cecilia Valdés and Jorge Isaacs: María)
- Spanish Golden Age Poetry
- Fernando de Rojas: La Celestina
- Emilia Pardo Bazán: Los Pazos de Ulloa and La madre Naturaleza
- The Short Fiction of Leopoldo Alas «Clarín»
- Juan Valera: Pepita Jiménez and Genio y figura
- Editing Poetry: José María Heredia
- The Spanish American novela de la tierra and the Novel of the Mexican Revolution
- Textual and Visual Representations of the Mexican Revolution
- Inventing Latin America in Literature, Film, and Popular Culture
- The Falklands War in Argentine Culture
- Don Quijote: Novel and Films
- Spanish-American Poetry
- The Spanish-American Short Story
- Interlingual Subtitling (MA)
Enquiries from prospective research students are particularly welcome in the following topic areas:
- Falklands War / Guerra de Malvinas
- Mexican Revolution
- Spanish American poetry, in particular Nicanor Parra's antipoesía
- The picaresque novel
- 19th- and 20th-century Latin American literature
- Audiovisual translation involving Spanish
- Hispanic comics
- Comics narratology and aesthetics
- Comics translation
- Comics adaptation
Education and qualifications
- 2003: Postgraduate Diploma: Teaching in Higher Education – Universität Hamburg (Germany)
- 1999: Dr phil in Hispanic Literature – Universität Hamburg (Germany) (summa cum laude)
- 1995: State Exam for Teaching in Secondary Education: Spanish, German, Pedagogy – Universität Hamburg (Germany)
- 1991: University Diploma: Teaching German as a Second Language – Universität Bonn (Germany)
- 1989–1995: Undergraduate studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (Germany), Universidad de Chile (Santiago de Chile), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), and Universität Hamburg (Germany)
Honours and awards
- 2019: Inaugural Award for Outstanding Journal Reviewers (Liverpool University Press)
- 2016: Nomination for ‘Most Inspiring Teacher’ award (School of Modern Languages)
Professional memberships
- Since 2016: Comics Studies Society (Founding Member)
- Since 2015: Asociación Cultural Tebeosfera (ACT)
- Since 2014: European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit)
- Since 2007: Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI)
- 2009 - 2015: Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS)
- 1998 - 2017: Modern Language Association (MLA)
- 1998 - 2016: German Association of Hispanists (DHV)
Academic positions
- 2017–present: Reader in Hispanic Studies, Cardiff University
- 200–2017: Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies, Cardiff University
- 2006–2008: Lecturer in Hispanic Studies, Cardiff University
- 1999–2005: Assistant Professor of Hispanic Literature, Universität Hamburg (Germany)
- 1996–1999: Research and Teaching Assistant, Universität Hamburg (Germany)
Speaking engagements
Selection of academic speaking engagements
- Apr. 2024: Don Quijote in Comics: From Classics Illustrated to Manga
Conference paper – Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo: Cómics, filmes, novelas y más sobre la obra cervantina (University of Wyoming, Laramie) - Apr. 2023: “Nuestro gran poeta nacional”: Remarks on the Alchemy of Latin American National Poets
Keynote – Postgraduate Symposium in Latin American Studies, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (University of Manchester) - Feb. 2021: José María Heredia: El hacer y deshacer de un poeta nacional
Guest lecture – Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibériques Contemporains CRIMIC (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris) - Dez. 2020: Aspekte der Transtextualität des Buscón (Francisco de Quevedo)
Guest lecture (Universität Salzburg) - Mai 2019: Language Death and the Biosphere in Sueño en otro idioma (Ernesto Contreras, 2017)
Conference paper – Research Across Boundaries: Green Hispanisms (Swansea University) - Jun. 2017: Constructions of War Heroism in Times of Peace
Guest lecture (Swansea University) - Apr. 2017: Argentine Comics of the Falklands War
Conference paper – Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Cardiff University) - Apr. 2016: Justicia poética by Pablo de Santis and Frank Arbelo: Revenge as Art and Therapy
Conference paper – Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Northumbria University)
Committees and reviewing
Peer reviewing
I have been a peer reviewer for the following academic journals:
- Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
- Bulletin of Spanish Studies
- La Colmena (Mexico)
- ES Review: Spanish Journal of English Studies (Spain)
- European Comic Art
- Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance
- Journal of Romance Studies
- Journal of Languages, Texts and Society
- Lexis: Revista de Lingüística y Literatura (Peru)
- Modern Languages Open
- Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (Mexico)
External committees
- 2014–2016: Member of the Board of Trustess of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
- 2012–2016: Member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Treasurer)
Appointments as External Examiner
- 2023: External PhD Examiner – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
- 2020: External PhD Examiner – Swansea University
- 2018: External PhD Examiner – Swansea University
- 2015–2019: BA Latin American and Hispanic Studies & MRes Hispanic Studies – University of Liverpool
- 2014–2019: BA Spanish & MA Translation – Swansea University
Enquiries from prospective research students are particularly welcome in the following topic areas:
- Falklands War / Guerra de Malvinas
- Mexican Revolution
- Spanish American poetry, in particular Nicanor Parra's antipoesía
- Picaresque novel
- 19th- and 20th-century Latin American literature
- Audiovisual translation involving Spanish
- Hispanic comics
- Comics narratology and aesthetics
- Comics translation
- Comics adaptation
Past projects
- Subtitling of Humour (PhD, awarded)
- Subtitling from English into Chinese (PhD, awarded)
- Sociological Study of Fansubbing (PhD, award pending)
- Redubbing of Disney Animated Films (PhD, ongoing)
Contact Details
Research themes
- Culture, representation and identity
- Comics
- Adaptation studies
- Post-conflict studies