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Roser Beneito-Montagut

Roser Beneito-Montagut


Available for postgraduate supervision


I see myself mainly as a sociologist, working at the intersection of sociology, science and technology, and ageing studies. My current research focuses particularly on later life, socio-technologies and care in the networked society, with particular emphasis on how connectedness technologies co-shape social relationships among older adults. I investigate social connectedness across diverse experiences and built environments, recognising that technological engagement is inherently embodied, situated within specific physical and sociocultural contexts. I am interested in everday life relations, emotions and affects.

I have written about the relationship between technology use, social isolation and lonelines; the socio-cultural and material dimensions of “being” and interacting online; emotions and about digital later life and ageing.  I make use of a range of digital, creative and mixed research methods in my work, including online ethnographies) and have published extensively about methodological innovations in relation to the availability of digital data.
















Adrannau llyfrau






My research is situated at the intersection of sociology, technology, and ageing studies.  I am particularly interested in conducting research on how connectedness technologies co-shape social relationships among older adults. 

I am currently developing two research agendas: (1) multisensory social connectedness and technological artefacts for disabilities, and (2) technologies for dementia. 

I just finalised a research project (Wales Innovation Fund) that sought to collaboratively establish a foundational framework for understanding the complex landscape of assistive technology adoption among people living with dementia. By collaborating individuals directly experiencing dementia, and professionals from third-sector organizations, the project aimed to comprehensively map the nuanced needs, challenges, and barriers that diverse people living with dementia encounter when engaging with assistive technologies.

I have been PI and co-investigator in different institutions nationally and internationally (e.g. More Years Better Lives – The Joint Programming Initiative (JPI), Barcelona City Council, R&D&I-Spain, Wales Innovation Network Fund (WIN), GW4, Fundació LaCaixa/ACUP).

In parallel, I have developed sound expertise in digital research methods. My interest is in developing innovative digital, creative co-research methods and co-research with traditionally underrepresented groups of people in research. 


I am the co-convenor of the modules "Digital Society: Theory, Method and Data" and "Sociological Inquiries". I also teach in several other undergraduate and postgraduate modules of SOCSI and supervise UG, PGR and PhD students.


I am an interdisciplinary researcher advancing an innovative research agenda at the intersection of sociology, science and technology, and ageing studies. My unique academic journey has shaped my approach to social research. Beginning with a Fine Arts and Multimedia background, where my doctoral thesis examined digital social interactions in artwork through postmodern philosophical and sociological theories, I discovered my passion for studying human interactions in digital spaces. This shift was complemented by a BSc in Communication (UOC, Spain) with strong foundations in sociology and research methods, and an MRes in Sociology from the University of Bath 

Honours and awards

PhD (Fine Arts), MRes (Sociology), MA (Multimedia), BA (Communication) and BA(Fine Arts).

Professional memberships

Founding member of the Socio-Gerontechnology Network 

Affiliate of CareNet (IN3, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Barcelona

Affiliate of Adult Social Care Research Centre (Cardiff University)

Academic positions

Senior Lecturer in Multimedia at the School of Computing, Multimedia and Telecommunications at the Open University of Catalonia;

Research Fellow at Aston Business School, Aston University (2012-2013);

Lecturer in Digital Art and Sculpture at the Fine Arts Faculty at the Miguel Hernández University (1998-2006).

Committees and reviewing

Editorial Team Qualitative Research (Jan 2025 - )

NIHRCC - RPSC Technology Enabled Social Care Call Committee (2024-2025)



 I am interested in supervising research on a range of topics such as:

  • Relationships and affects online
  • Older people and technology
  • Mediated care practices and techno-care
  • Digital sociology and digital social research

But I am always happy to consider any topic related with our "digital doings".

Current supervision

Stu Bunston

Stu Bunston

Xiaohao Fang

Xiaohao Fang

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76124
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Floor Second Floor, Room 2.05, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA