I am a reader of Social Sciences. My research interests are informed by the 'crisis' of number in social sciences and initiatives aimed at engaging social science students with quantitative approaches. Specifically, my recent research has focussed on the place of quantitative research in sociology.
In October 2020, I was appointed to the role of Co-Director of the Cardiff Q-Step Centre of Excellence in Quantitative Methods Teaching. The Cardiff centre is one of 15 centres based in UK higher education institutions exploring innovative and new approaches to engaging social science students with quantitative research methods. As the Co-Director for the Cardiff Centre, I represent the University at networking events, evaluate the effectiveness of the School’s quantitative methods training provision, lead on our outreach and widening participation activities and liaise with external stakeholders including local organisations who can host placement students.
I am also the Co-Director for Engagement and Student Voice for the School of Social Sciences. This role involves developing new initiatives to enhance the student experience, monitoring student satisfaction performance metrics and supporting student representation systems.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2025. Completing your research project: A guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE.
- Djupvik, A. R., Pithouse, A., Myklebust, V. K., Rees, A., Ekeland, T. and Brookfield, C. 2024. Manualisation in child and family social work: A comparative study of Norway and Wales. European Social Work Research 2(3), pp. 277-293. (10.1332/27551768Y2024D000000023)
- Morris, J., Brookfield, C., Rodriguez Pinzon, M. J., Holt, B. and Arfon, E. 2024. Motivations for learning Welsh among adult learners. In: Bowell, T. et al. eds. Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei Learnfest 2022. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 31-38., (10.18573/conf2.d)
- Williams, M., Brookfield, C. and Sloan, L. 2022. Quantitative research methods teaching in a digital age. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society. SAGE, pp. 112-130.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2022. Plan your dissertation. Super Quick Skills. London: SAGE Publications.
- Brookfield, C. 2021. Using Microsoft Excel for social research. Sage.
- Pithouse, A., Rees, A., Brookfield, C. and Djupvik, A. 2021. Understanding social work-force satisfaction. Journal of Social Work 21(1), pp. 107-127. (10.1177/1468017319868121)
- Djupvik, A. R., Myklebust, V. K., Ekeland, T., Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2021. New public management and practitioner autonomy in Children's Services in Norway and Wales: views from the frontline. European Journal of Social Work 24(3), pp. 405-417., article number: 10.1080/13691457.2019.1693338.
- Brookfield, C., Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Maule, E. 2021. Engaging social science students with statistics: opportunities, challenges and barriers. Numeracy 14(2), article number: 6. (10.5038/1936-4660.14.2.1386)
- Brookfield, C. and Parker, S. 2020. Improving quantitative research skills of Welsh Baccalaureate teachers through university engagement. Research for All 4(1), pp. 102-116. (10.18546/RFA.04.1.08)
- Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2019. Why are social workers in Wales the 'happiest'? A conundrum explored. British Journal of Social Work 49(7), pp. 1987-2006. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy119)
- Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Brookfield, C. 2019. The quantitative crisis in UK sociology. In: Evans, J., Ruane, S. and Southall, H. eds. Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation. Policy Press, pp. 337-348.
- Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Brookfield, C. 2017. A tale of two sociologies: analytic versus critique in UK sociology. Sociological Research Online 22(4), pp. 132-151. (10.1177/1360780417734146)
- Brookfield, C. 2017. “Quantification is the root of all evil in sociology” What does it add up to? The place of quantitative research methods in British sociology. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Brookfield, C. 2016. Teaching quantitative research methods: the employability factor. IJPINT 3(2), pp. 10-19. (10.5604/01.3001.0009.5079)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Morris, J., Brookfield, C., Rodriguez Pinzon, M. J., Holt, B. and Arfon, E. 2024. Motivations for learning Welsh among adult learners. In: Bowell, T. et al. eds. Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei Learnfest 2022. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press, pp. 31-38., (10.18573/conf2.d)
- Williams, M., Brookfield, C. and Sloan, L. 2022. Quantitative research methods teaching in a digital age. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society. SAGE, pp. 112-130.
- Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Brookfield, C. 2019. The quantitative crisis in UK sociology. In: Evans, J., Ruane, S. and Southall, H. eds. Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation. Policy Press, pp. 337-348.
- Djupvik, A. R., Pithouse, A., Myklebust, V. K., Rees, A., Ekeland, T. and Brookfield, C. 2024. Manualisation in child and family social work: A comparative study of Norway and Wales. European Social Work Research 2(3), pp. 277-293. (10.1332/27551768Y2024D000000023)
- Pithouse, A., Rees, A., Brookfield, C. and Djupvik, A. 2021. Understanding social work-force satisfaction. Journal of Social Work 21(1), pp. 107-127. (10.1177/1468017319868121)
- Djupvik, A. R., Myklebust, V. K., Ekeland, T., Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2021. New public management and practitioner autonomy in Children's Services in Norway and Wales: views from the frontline. European Journal of Social Work 24(3), pp. 405-417., article number: 10.1080/13691457.2019.1693338.
- Brookfield, C., Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Maule, E. 2021. Engaging social science students with statistics: opportunities, challenges and barriers. Numeracy 14(2), article number: 6. (10.5038/1936-4660.14.2.1386)
- Brookfield, C. and Parker, S. 2020. Improving quantitative research skills of Welsh Baccalaureate teachers through university engagement. Research for All 4(1), pp. 102-116. (10.18546/RFA.04.1.08)
- Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2019. Why are social workers in Wales the 'happiest'? A conundrum explored. British Journal of Social Work 49(7), pp. 1987-2006. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy119)
- Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Brookfield, C. 2017. A tale of two sociologies: analytic versus critique in UK sociology. Sociological Research Online 22(4), pp. 132-151. (10.1177/1360780417734146)
- Brookfield, C. 2016. Teaching quantitative research methods: the employability factor. IJPINT 3(2), pp. 10-19. (10.5604/01.3001.0009.5079)
- Brookfield, C. 2017. “Quantification is the root of all evil in sociology” What does it add up to? The place of quantitative research methods in British sociology. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2025. Completing your research project: A guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2022. Plan your dissertation. Super Quick Skills. London: SAGE Publications.
- Brookfield, C. 2021. Using Microsoft Excel for social research. Sage.
Broadly my research interests fall in the field of education. I am interested in how we can engage social science students, and more generally, young people with number. My research interests have stemmed from my involvement in the Cardiff Q-Step Centre of Excellence in Quantitative Methods Teaching and Learning, as well as other pedagogic initiatives which have been implemented to help engage social science students with number.
At present, I contribute to teaching on the following undergraduate modules:
Year 2:
Real World Research with Placement (Module Convenor)
Social Research Methods (Module Convenor)
Knowing the Social World, Online and Offline
Secondary Data Analysis
Year 3:
Dissertation (Module Convenor)
MSc Social Science Research Methods:
Quantitative Research Methods
2014-2018: PhD Social Sciences (Cardiff University)* (submitted in 2017 and awarded in 2018)
2013-2014: MSc Social Science Research Methods (Cardiff University)*
2010-2013: Education (Accredited by the British Psychological Society) (Cardiff University)
*awarded a 1+3 studentship from Cardiff University's School of Social Sciences
Honours and awards
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst- German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarship for the GESIS 4th Summer Methodology School (Cologne, Germany) (2015)
Professional memberships
Senior Fellow of Advanced HE/Higher Education Academy
British Psychological Society
British Sociological Association
Committees and reviewing
Editor for the International Journal of Social Research Methodology
British Sociological Association's Social Statistics Study Group (Co-convened 2018-2021)
Q-Step Postgraduate and Early Career Network (Co-convened 2017-2020)
Contact Details
Research themes
- Sociological methodology and research methods