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Kate Button

Professor Kate Button

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Kate Button


I qualified as a physiotherapist from the University of Brighton and kick started my research career by studying for a Masters degree at the School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University. I completed a PhD part time whilst working as a Clinical Specialist Phyiotherapist in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. In my PhD I integrated biomechanical methods into physiotherapy clinical practice to evaluate recorvery in people with ruptured anterior cruciate ligaments. My research currently focuses on working with people with joint pain and multiple long term conditions to develop and test digital and self-management interventions. 

My current projects include:

I have experience of intervention development, feasibility trials and clinical trials.

I am currently the Musculoskeletal Research Speciality Lead for Health and Care Research Wales.

I supervise PhD and MSc students and teach on the masters programme.

























Research funding received:

NIHR HTA. MulTI-domain Self-management in Older People wiTh OstEoarthritis and Multi-Morbidities (TIPTOE). Button K (Co-CI), Busse M (Co-CI), Lowe R, Jones F, Shepherd V, Pallman P, Dunphy E, Letchford R, Brookes- Howell L, Prout H, Hickman M, Sewell H, Carson-Stevens A, Gupta P, Trubey R, Hill V, Smith D. £1.7M. Jan 2023 to Sepember 2026

UKRI-Zinc Catalyst Award for Healthy Ageing. Self-management support training for carers of older adults with osteoarthritis and additional conditions. Button K, Busse M, Jones F, Shepherd V. October 2022 to September 2023. £62,153

Versus Arthrits: Accelerating new treatments. A randomised feasibility study to evaluate home-based personalised virtual reality physiotherapy rehabilitation compared to usual care in the treatment of pain for people with knee osteoarthritis. Al-Amri M, Button, K (co-app), Walsh D, White J, Warner M, Shorten D. October 2022-September 2023. £299,998.

Health and Care Research Wales. A randomised controlled feasibility study of TRAK musculoskeletal digital self-management physiotherapy intervention for individuals with musculoskeletal pain. Button K, Busse M, Randell E, Letchford R, Latchem-Hastings J, Dean-Young A, Anderson P, Cullen K, Falvey P, Ogden D. December 2021 to June 2023 £229,091

Innovation for All: Co-design of a multi-domain self-management workbook for older adults with osteoarthritis and multi-morbidities. Button K, Busse M, Jones F, Letchford R. October 2021 to July 2022 £24,016

Accelerate European Regional Development fund. Personalisation of Rehabilitation for Body Motion Related Injuries Through Wearable Electronics. Al-Amri M (PI), Gardner S, Button K (co-app). April 2021-March 2022, £142,578

Accelerate European Regional Development fund. Virtual reality rehabilitation. Al-Amri, Button K, June 2021-March 2022

Interreg V A France (Channel) England. An Innovative Remote Monitoring Solution That Supports Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders and Diabetes, Whilst Creating Efficiencies in Clinical Management of Disorders Early Warning Wearable Device (EWWD) 

Wellcome ISSF Mobility Award. International visit to University Melbourne: Usability and acceptability of a portable virtual reality toolkit for people with knee pain. Al-Amri M, Button K. November 2019 to May 2020, £9982

Research Capacity Building Collaboration. The patient experience of a biomechanically informed movement feedback approach to Physiotherapy using Wearable Sensor Technology. Nicholas K, Button K. September 2018 to August 2019, £10,744

Wellcome Trust ISSF engagement award. An all Wales stakeholder evaluation of a sensor-based movement toolkit for physiotherapy treatment of knee conditions. Al-Amri M, Button K, Nicholas K. April 2018 to September 2019, £6000

The Multiple Sclerosis Society. Life-style, Exercise and Activity Package for People living with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Prof M Busse (Cardiff University), Dr F Davies (Cardiff University), Dr K Button (Cardiff University), Prof A Edwards (Cardiff University), Mrs R O'Halloran (Cardiff & Vale UHB), Dr R Playle ((Cardiff University), Dr R Lowe (Cardiff University), Dr F Wood (Cardiff University), Dr E Tallantyre (Cardiff & Vale UHB), Prof N Robertson (Cardiff & Vale UHB), Mrs B Stensland (PPI), Prof R Tudor Edwards (Bangor University), Prof H Dawes (Oxford University), Prof F Jones (Brunell University), Prof I Spasic (Cardiff University). Jan 2018 to Dec 2020 £293,298

HEE/NIHR ICA Programme Doctoral Fellowship. Development of a model of service delivery to standardise anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation in the NHS and testing the feasibility of an E-Health intervention to support delivery of this model. Ms E Dunphy (lead applicant). Named Supervisors: Dr F Hamilton (UCL), K Button (Cardiff University), Prof E Murray (UCL). April 2017 to March 2020 £240,775

The Health Foundation: Spreading Improvement. Regional spread and dissemination of TRAK eHealth intervention for musculoskeletal conditions in primary care. Dr K Button (PI), Prof I Spasic (Cardiff University), Mr Mark Collins (Cardiff University). December 2016 to May 2018 £30,000

ISSF Welcome Trust Cross-disciplinary Award. Spinal and supraspinal mechanisms underlying the generation of lower limb muscle activity during human gait. Dr Jennifer Davies (PI) (School of Healthcare Sciences), Dr K Button (School of Healthcare Sciences), Dr V Sparkes (School of Healthcare Sciences) and Prof C Chambers (Psychology) £18,000. May 2017-Dec 2018

Health and Care Research Wales; Improving access to care and treatment for patients with hip and knee pain (Co-principal Investigator). October 2015 to September 2017. £238,000.
Collaborators: Mr S Jones (Orthopaedics C&V UHB), Prof A Blom (Bristol University), Prof I Spasic (COMSI), Dr K McEwan (South East Wales Trials Unit), Fiona Morgan (Specialist Unit for Review Evidence), Liam Hathaway (Primary Care, C&V), Prof D Allen (HCARE)

The Health Foundation; Innovating for Improvement Funding Stream: Implementation and evaluation of TRAK, a web-based approach to support self-management rehabilitation of knee conditions (Principal Investigator). April 2015 to August 2016 £75,000
Collaborators: Prof Irena Spasic (COMSI), Mr Garth Bulpin (Information, Management and Technology, C&VUHB), Prof R van Deursen (HCARE), Physiotherapy (C&VUHB).

ISSF Welcome Trust Medical Humanities Award: Using Qualitative analysis of patient blogs to inform development of automated measurement of self-care with text mining and sentiment analysis (Principal Investigator). March 2016 to December 2016. £22,329. Collaborators: Prof Irena Spasic (COMSI), Prof Andy Smith (PSYCH), Prof Cathy Holt (ENGIN)

Arthritis research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre, Cardiff University (Co-applicant) £2,000,000. PI: Prof Bruce Caterson (BIOSI). Other Collaborators: Dr V Sparkers (HCARE), Dr L Sheeran (HCARE), Prof van Deursen (HCARE), Prof Jones (MEDIC), Dr Evans (MEDIC), Prof Aischeilman (DENTAL), Prof C Holt (ENGIN), Dr Mason (BIOSCI), Dr Hodgson (C&V UHB), Mr Jones (C& VUHB), Mr Wilson (C&V UHB).

National Institute of Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR), Clinical Research Fellowship. A self-care rehabilitation model for the management of knee conditions: progression to a testable intervention (Principal Investigator). March 2012 to March 2015. £80,515

Research Capacity Building Collaboration Wales, Post-doctorate fellowship: Development if a rehabilitation service model for knee rehabilitation. July 2009 to July 2011.  £87,573

Strategic Funds, Research and Innovation, School of Healthcare Science, Cardiff University. Workshop: Integrating self-care into Clinical Practice. May-August 2016 £4710

Strategic Funda, research and Innovation, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University. Co-applicant. Purchase of IMU sensors May 2017 £4000.


Masters level

  • Clinical Kinaesiology and Tissue Pathology (HCT226)
  • Empirical dissertation (HCT117)
  • Systematic review (NRT 80)



PhD, Early detection and rehabilitation of functional recovery for acutely injured anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals using clinical and biomechanical outcomes. Cardiff University, August 2008
MSc Physiotherapy, Cardiff University, January 2001
BSc Hons Physiotherapy, Brighton University, July 1994

Employment overview:

Research and Development Lead for Therapies Directorate in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 

Musculoskeletal Research Speciality Lead for Health and Care Research Wales.


Intervention development

Digital interventions

Musculoskeletal conditions


Multi-morbidity and older adults

Current supervision

Kevin Nicholas

Kevin Nicholas

Shaima Aljahdali

Shaima Aljahdali

Riham Abuzinadah

Riham Abuzinadah

Madeleine Boots

Madeleine Boots

Lecturer: Physiotherapy

Richard Coates

Richard Coates

Christian Lambert

Christian Lambert

Duaa Sabbagh

Duaa Sabbagh

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87734
Campuses Eastgate House, Floor 13, Room 13.16, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 0AB

Research themes


  • health and wellbeing
  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  • Multimorbidity