Dr Anthony Flynn
Senior Lecturer in Purchasing and Supply Management
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Anthony is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Purchasing & Supply Management in the Logistics & Operations Section at Cardiff University Business School. He joined Cardiff University as a full-time faculty member in Sept. 2016. He previously lectured across a number of third-level colleges in Ireland between 2013 and 2016. His research interest is procurement and supply chain management, with particular emphasis on public sector supply chains. He has written and researched widely in this area, and his work is published in ABS 3 and 4 journals like Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, International Small Business Journal, Public Management Review and Regional Studies. Anthony is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and his teaching responsibilities include both undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Purchasing & Supply Management. He is part of IPSERA's Special Interest Group on Public Procurement and is an Associate Editor with the Journal of Public Procurement. He also serves as External Examiner for supply chain management programmes at the University of Cumbria and the University of Essex.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. A systematic literature review of modern slavery in supply chain management: State of the art, framework development and research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production 435, article number: 140301. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140301)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Flynn, A. and Li, Q. 2023. Determinants of supplier payment times before and during the pandemic: Empirical evidence from UK firms. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29(4), article number: 100850. (10.1016/j.pursup.2023.100850)
- Eckersley, P., Flynn, A., Lakoma, K. and Ferry, L. 2023. Public procurement as a policy tool: The territorial dimension. Regional Studies 57(10) (10.1080/00343404.2022.2134850)
- Eckersley, P., Flynn, A., Ferry, L. and Lakoma, K. 2023. Austerity, political control and supplier selection in English local government: implications for autonomy in multi-level systems. Public Management Review 25(1), pp. 1-21. (10.1080/14719037.2021.1930122)
- Flynn, A. and Harris, I. 2022. Media reporting on public procurement: an analysis of UK press coverage, 1985-2018. Journal of Public Procurement 22(2), pp. 89-108. (10.1108/JOPP-09-2021-0059)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Flynn, A., Lotfi, M. and Strand, V. 2021. The impact of Covid-19 on ethical employment in supply chains: opportunities & threats. Presented at: The Impact of Covid-19 on Ethical Employment in Supply Chains: Opportunities & Threats, Cardiff, UK, 30 September 2021.
- Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2020. Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review 33(2), pp. 295-315. (10.1108/EBR-05-2019-0092)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Determinants of corporate compliance with modern slavery reporting. Supply Chain Management 25(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1108/SCM-10-2018-0369)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Grieving the loss of a public contract: De La Rue and the Brexit Passport. Journal of Public Procurement 20(1), pp. 20-37. (10.1108/JOPP-06-2019-0035)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Investigating the implementation of SME-friendly policy in public procurement. Policy Studies 39(4), pp. 422-443. (10.1080/01442872.2018.1478406)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Measuring procurement performance in Europe. Journal of Public Procurement 18(1), pp. 2-13. (10.1108/JOPP-03-2018-001)
- Flynn, A. 2018. e-surveying and respondent behaviour: insights from the public procurement field. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 16(1), pp. 38-53.
- Flynn, A. 2017. Re-thinking SME disadvantage in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 24(4), pp. 991-1008. (10.1108/JSBED-03-2017-0114)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Investigating the effect of tendering capabilities on SME activity and performance in public contract competitions. International Small Business Journal 35(4), pp. 449-469. (10.1177/0266242616630035)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Explaining sme participation and success in public procurement using a capability-based model of tendering. Journal of Public Procurement 17(3), pp. 337-372. (10.1108/JOPP-17-03-2017-B003)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. The policy–practice divide and SME-friendly public procurement. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(3), pp. 559-578. (10.1177/0263774X15614667)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. Firms’ experience of SME-friendly policy and their participation and success in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 23(3), pp. 616-635. (10.1108/JSBED-10-2015-0140)
- Flynn, A., McKevitt, D. and Davis, P. 2015. The impact of size on small and medium-sized enterprise public sector tendering. International Small Business Journal 33(4) (10.1177/0266242613503178)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2015. The rhetoric and reality of SME-friendly procurement. Public Money and Management 35(2), pp. 111-118. (10.1080/09540962.2015.1007705)
- McKevitt, D., Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Public buying decisions: A framework for buyers and small firms. International Journal of Public Sector Management 27(1), pp. 94-106. (10.1108/IJPSM-11-2012-0144)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Theory in public procurement research. Journal of Public Procurement 14(21), pp. 139-180.
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Mapping public procurement in Ireland. Public Procurement Law Review, pp. 74-95.
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Sustainable public procurement in practice: case study evidence from Ireland. In: Albano, G. L., Snider, K. F. and Thai, K. V. eds. Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing. Boca Raton, Florida: PRAcademic Press, pp. 150-172.
- McKevitt, D., Davis, P., Woldring, R., Smith, K., Flynn, A. and McEvoy, E. 2012. An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement. Journal of Public Procurement 12(3), pp. 333-355. (10.1108/JOPP-12-03-2012-B002)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. A systematic literature review of modern slavery in supply chain management: State of the art, framework development and research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production 435, article number: 140301. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140301)
- Flynn, A. and Li, Q. 2023. Determinants of supplier payment times before and during the pandemic: Empirical evidence from UK firms. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29(4), article number: 100850. (10.1016/j.pursup.2023.100850)
- Eckersley, P., Flynn, A., Lakoma, K. and Ferry, L. 2023. Public procurement as a policy tool: The territorial dimension. Regional Studies 57(10) (10.1080/00343404.2022.2134850)
- Eckersley, P., Flynn, A., Ferry, L. and Lakoma, K. 2023. Austerity, political control and supplier selection in English local government: implications for autonomy in multi-level systems. Public Management Review 25(1), pp. 1-21. (10.1080/14719037.2021.1930122)
- Flynn, A. and Harris, I. 2022. Media reporting on public procurement: an analysis of UK press coverage, 1985-2018. Journal of Public Procurement 22(2), pp. 89-108. (10.1108/JOPP-09-2021-0059)
- Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2020. Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review 33(2), pp. 295-315. (10.1108/EBR-05-2019-0092)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Determinants of corporate compliance with modern slavery reporting. Supply Chain Management 25(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1108/SCM-10-2018-0369)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Grieving the loss of a public contract: De La Rue and the Brexit Passport. Journal of Public Procurement 20(1), pp. 20-37. (10.1108/JOPP-06-2019-0035)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Investigating the implementation of SME-friendly policy in public procurement. Policy Studies 39(4), pp. 422-443. (10.1080/01442872.2018.1478406)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Measuring procurement performance in Europe. Journal of Public Procurement 18(1), pp. 2-13. (10.1108/JOPP-03-2018-001)
- Flynn, A. 2018. e-surveying and respondent behaviour: insights from the public procurement field. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 16(1), pp. 38-53.
- Flynn, A. 2017. Re-thinking SME disadvantage in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 24(4), pp. 991-1008. (10.1108/JSBED-03-2017-0114)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Investigating the effect of tendering capabilities on SME activity and performance in public contract competitions. International Small Business Journal 35(4), pp. 449-469. (10.1177/0266242616630035)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Explaining sme participation and success in public procurement using a capability-based model of tendering. Journal of Public Procurement 17(3), pp. 337-372. (10.1108/JOPP-17-03-2017-B003)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. The policy–practice divide and SME-friendly public procurement. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(3), pp. 559-578. (10.1177/0263774X15614667)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. Firms’ experience of SME-friendly policy and their participation and success in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 23(3), pp. 616-635. (10.1108/JSBED-10-2015-0140)
- Flynn, A., McKevitt, D. and Davis, P. 2015. The impact of size on small and medium-sized enterprise public sector tendering. International Small Business Journal 33(4) (10.1177/0266242613503178)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2015. The rhetoric and reality of SME-friendly procurement. Public Money and Management 35(2), pp. 111-118. (10.1080/09540962.2015.1007705)
- McKevitt, D., Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Public buying decisions: A framework for buyers and small firms. International Journal of Public Sector Management 27(1), pp. 94-106. (10.1108/IJPSM-11-2012-0144)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Theory in public procurement research. Journal of Public Procurement 14(21), pp. 139-180.
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Mapping public procurement in Ireland. Public Procurement Law Review, pp. 74-95.
- McKevitt, D., Davis, P., Woldring, R., Smith, K., Flynn, A. and McEvoy, E. 2012. An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement. Journal of Public Procurement 12(3), pp. 333-355. (10.1108/JOPP-12-03-2012-B002)
Book sections
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Sustainable public procurement in practice: case study evidence from Ireland. In: Albano, G. L., Snider, K. F. and Thai, K. V. eds. Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing. Boca Raton, Florida: PRAcademic Press, pp. 150-172.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Flynn, A., Lotfi, M. and Strand, V. 2021. The impact of Covid-19 on ethical employment in supply chains: opportunities & threats. Presented at: The Impact of Covid-19 on Ethical Employment in Supply Chains: Opportunities & Threats, Cardiff, UK, 30 September 2021.
- Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2020. Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review 33(2), pp. 295-315. (10.1108/EBR-05-2019-0092)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Determinants of corporate compliance with modern slavery reporting. Supply Chain Management 25(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1108/SCM-10-2018-0369)
- Flynn, A. 2019. Grieving the loss of a public contract: De La Rue and the Brexit Passport. Journal of Public Procurement 20(1), pp. 20-37. (10.1108/JOPP-06-2019-0035)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Investigating the implementation of SME-friendly policy in public procurement. Policy Studies 39(4), pp. 422-443. (10.1080/01442872.2018.1478406)
- Flynn, A. 2018. Measuring procurement performance in Europe. Journal of Public Procurement 18(1), pp. 2-13. (10.1108/JOPP-03-2018-001)
- Flynn, A. 2018. e-surveying and respondent behaviour: insights from the public procurement field. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 16(1), pp. 38-53.
- Flynn, A. 2017. Re-thinking SME disadvantage in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 24(4), pp. 991-1008. (10.1108/JSBED-03-2017-0114)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Investigating the effect of tendering capabilities on SME activity and performance in public contract competitions. International Small Business Journal 35(4), pp. 449-469. (10.1177/0266242616630035)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2017. Explaining sme participation and success in public procurement using a capability-based model of tendering. Journal of Public Procurement 17(3), pp. 337-372. (10.1108/JOPP-17-03-2017-B003)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. The policy–practice divide and SME-friendly public procurement. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(3), pp. 559-578. (10.1177/0263774X15614667)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2016. Firms’ experience of SME-friendly policy and their participation and success in public procurement. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development 23(3), pp. 616-635. (10.1108/JSBED-10-2015-0140)
- Flynn, A., McKevitt, D. and Davis, P. 2015. The impact of size on small and medium-sized enterprise public sector tendering. International Small Business Journal 33(4) (10.1177/0266242613503178)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2015. The rhetoric and reality of SME-friendly procurement. Public Money and Management 35(2), pp. 111-118. (10.1080/09540962.2015.1007705)
- McKevitt, D., Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Public buying decisions: A framework for buyers and small firms. International Journal of Public Sector Management 27(1), pp. 94-106. (10.1108/IJPSM-11-2012-0144)
- Flynn, A. and Davis, P. 2014. Theory in public procurement research. Journal of Public Procurement 14(21), pp. 139-180.
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Mapping public procurement in Ireland. Public Procurement Law Review, pp. 74-95.
- Flynn, A., Davis, P., McKevitt, D. and McEvoy, E. 2013. Sustainable public procurement in practice: case study evidence from Ireland. In: Albano, G. L., Snider, K. F. and Thai, K. V. eds. Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing. Boca Raton, Florida: PRAcademic Press, pp. 150-172.
- McKevitt, D., Davis, P., Woldring, R., Smith, K., Flynn, A. and McEvoy, E. 2012. An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement. Journal of Public Procurement 12(3), pp. 333-355. (10.1108/JOPP-12-03-2012-B002)
Primary research interests
- SME participation in public contracting
- Public buyer behaviour
- National procurement policy
- Modern slavery in supply chains
Research projects
Opportunities in Public Sector Procurement: The National Procurement Service Annual Survey.
2012/2013/2015 - Sponsored by National Procurement Service of Ireland - Led by Dr Paul Davis with Dr Anthony Flynn.
Are Tenders on your Radar? Promoting SME Participation in Public Contracts: Best Practice Guide.
2013 - Sponsored by Dublin Chamber of Commerce - Led by Dr Paul Davis with Dr Anthony Flynn and Ms Emma McEvoy.
Teaching commitments
- BSc in Business Management Year 3: Logistics and Operations Project
- MSc in Logistics & Operations Management: Responsible Purchasing
- PhD (Dublin City University) 2015: Investigating Compliance with SME-friendly Procurement Policy
- Certificate in Training & Education (National University of Ireland, Galway) 2012
- Master of Science (Dublin Institute of Technology) 2008
- Master of Business Studies (National University of Ireland, Galway) 2004
- Bachelor of Commerce (National University of Ireland, Galway) 2003
Media contributions
- The UK Modern Slavery Act: Progress to Date and Lessons Learned, CIPS, June 06.
- New Procurement Rules to Roll Out Reform. Council Review. Issue 51, pg. 20-21. 2016. http://oceanpublishing.ie/council-review/
- New EU Rules May Open Trillion-Euro Procurement Market to Irish Firms. The Sunday Business Post. June 08, 2016. http://www.businesspost.ie/comment-new-eu-rules-may-open-trillion-euro-procurement-market-to-irish-firms/
- Putting Policy into Practice. Eolas. Issue 18, pg. 122. http://www.eolasmagazine.ie/putting-policy-into-practice/
- Public Procurement in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities. Local Authority Times. Vol. 17 (1-2), pg. 18-21. 2013. http://ipa.ie/pdf/LA_Times_October2013.pdf
- Strategic Public Procurement in Practice. Local Authority Times. Vol. 16 (1-2), pg. 27-28. http://www.ipa.ie/pdf/Local_Authority_Times_Vol_16_No_1&2_2012.pdf
- A Study on Sustainable Procurement in Ireland. Council Review. Issue 32, pg. 95-10. http://www.oceanpublishing.ie/council_review/images/featuredarticles/issue38/10.%20sustainable%20procurement.pdf
Honours and awards
- 2018: Winner of the Emerald Literati Awards 2018 Outstanding Paper, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
- 2015: Shortlisted for the Irish Procurement & Supply Chain National Awards
- 2013: Winner of the University of South Australia International PhD Essay Competition
- 2012: Runner-up in the Procurement for Innovation World Bank Case Study competition
- 2012: Awarded PhD scholarship by SourceDogg
- 2004: Awarded Faculty of Commerce scholarship by the National University of Ireland, Galway
Professional memberships
- Certified Management Business Educator (CMBE)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75890
Aberconway Building, Room C44, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- public procurement