Professor Geoff Haddock
BSc Toronto, MA PhD Waterloo
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research summary
My primary area of research is the psychology of attitudes. Within this area, I have a number of research interests, including: (a) the role of affective and cognitive processes in attitudes, (b) attitude ambivalence, (c) how individual differences influence attitude processes, (d) how child salience influences behaviour and (e) mindfulness and attitudes. This research is being undertaken in collaboration with colleagues in Cardiff University, the University of Bath, as well as collaborators in Israel, Italy and the Netherlands.
Teaching summary
In year 2, I teach on the Social Psychology module, where my lectures cover the topics of altrusism, aggression, and health behaviour.
In the final year, I teach and serve as module co-ordinator for PS3403 - Attitudes and Attitude Change. The aims of the module are: (a) to develop students’ understanding of the concept of attitude and its importance in social psychology and (b) make students familiar with theories of attitude and, especially, the research that has been used to test these theories.
Undergraduate and postgraduate project supervision is in the area of the psychology of attitudes.
- Aquino, A., Fontanella, L., Walker, M., Haddock, G. and Alparone, F. R. 2025. What your face says: How signals of communion and agency inform first impressions and behavioral intentions. European Journal of Social Psychology 55(1), pp. 54-69. (10.1002/ejsp.3117)
- Zarzeczna, N., Hanel, P. H. P., Rutjens, B., Bono, S. A., Chen, Y. and Haddock, G. 2024. Scientists, speak up! Source impacts trust in health advice across five countries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 30(3), pp. 430-441. (10.1037/xap0000500)
- Wolf, L. J. et al. 2024. Attitudes towards children: Distinguishing affection and stress. Journal of Personality 92(2), pp. 601-619. (10.1111/jopy.12854)
- Wolf, L. J., Iosifyan, M., Foad, C., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2024. What about the children? The effectiveness of including children in environmental appeals. Journal of Environmental Psychology 94, article number: 102195. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102195)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Weinstein, N., Haddock, G., Chubb, J., Wilsdon, J. and Manville, C. 2023. Supported or stressed while being assessed? How motivational climates in UK university workplaces promote or inhibit researcher wellbeing. Higher Education Quarterly 77(3), pp. 537-557. (10.1111/hequ.12420)
- Williams, M., Whitmarsh, L., Haddock, G. and Mac Giolla Chriost, D. 2023. Croedau am werth cynhenid a pherthynol byd natur: Sut maent yn cydberthyn ag ymddygiad cynaliadwy yn y Dernas Unedig?. Gwerddon(35)
- Di Plinio, S., Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Alparone, F. R. and Ebisch, S. J. H. 2023. Brain and behavioral contributions to individual choices in response 1 to affective-cognitive persuasion. Cerebral Cortex 33(5), pp. 2361-2374. (10.1093/cercor/bhac213)
- Foad, C., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. 2022. Hypocrisy in ethical consumption. Frontiers in Psychology 13, article number: 880009. (10.3389/fpsyg.2022.880009)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C. M. and Thorne, S. 2022. How do people conceptualise mindfulness?. Royal Society Open Science 9(3) (10.1098/rsos.211366)
- Wolf, L. J. et al. 2022. The salience of children increases adult prosocial values. Social Psychological and Personality Science 13(1), pp. 160-169. (10.1177/19485506211007605)
- Williams, M. O., Whitmarsh, L., Haddock, G. and Mac Giolla Chríost, D. 2021. A grounded theory of pro-nature behaviour: from moral concern to sustained action. Sustainability 13(16), article number: 8944. (10.3390/su13168944)
- Foad, C. M., Whitmarsh, L., Hannel, P. H. and Haddock, G. 2021. The limitations of polling data in understanding public support for COVID-19 lockdown policies. Royal Society Open Science 8(7), article number: 210678. (10.1098/rsos.210678)
- Weinstein, N., Chubb, J., Haddock, G. and Wilsdon, J. R. 2021. A conducive environment? The role of need support in the higher education workplace and its effect on academics’ experiences of research assessment in the UK. Higher Education Quarterly 75(1), pp. 146-160. (10.1111/hequ.12259)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C., Saul, V., Brown, W. and Thompson, R. 2020. The medium can influence the message: print-based versus digital reading influences how people process different types of written information. British Journal of Psychology 111(3), pp. 443-459. (10.1111/bjop.12415)
- Wolf, L. J., Haddock, G., Manstead, A. S. R. and Maio, G. R. 2020. The importance of (shared) human values for containing the Covid-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology 59(3), pp. 618-627. (10.1111/bjso.12401)
- Aquino, A., Alparone, F. R., Pagliaro, S., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Perrucci, M. G. and Ebisch, S. J. H. 2020. Sense or sensibility? The neuro-functional basis of the structural matching effect in persuasion. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 20, pp. 536-550. (10.3758/s13415-020-00784-7)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R. and Alparone, F. 2020. The role of need for affect and need for cognition in self-evaluation. Rassegna di Psychology [Psychology Hub] 37(1), pp. 47-54. (10.13133/2724-2943/16901)
- Hanel, P. H. P., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2019. Sharing the same political ideology yet endorsing different values: left- and right-wing political supporters are more heterogeneous than moderates. Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(7), pp. 874-882. (10.1177/1948550618803348)
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. 2018. Inter-individual differences in attitude content: Cognition, affect, and attitudes. In: Olson, J. ed. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology.. Elsevier, pp. 53-102., (10.1016/bs.aesp.2018.10.002)
- Shelton, K., Haddock, G. and Ottaway, H. 2018. The attitudes of medical professionals toward children and children at risk of separation from parents in Eastern Europe. Children and Youth Services Review 87, pp. 26-33. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.009)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C., Windsor-Shellard, B., Dummel, S. and Adarves-Yorno, I. 2017. On the attitudinal consequences of being mindful: links between mindfulness and attitudinal ambivalence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(4), pp. 439-452. (10.1177/0146167216688204)
- Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Wolf, L. J. and Alparone, F. R. 2016. The role of affective and cognitive individual differences in social perception. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42(6), pp. 798-810. (10.1177/0146167216643936)
- Jiga-Boy, G., Maio, G., Haddock, G. and Tapper, K. 2015. Values and behavior. In: Brosch, T. and Sander, D. eds. Handbook of Value: Perspectives from Economics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 243-262.
- Tapper, K., Baker, L., Jiga-Boy, G., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2015. Sensitivity to reward and punishment: associations with diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Personality and Individual Differences 72, pp. 79-84. (10.1016/j.paid.2014.08.025)
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2015. Attitudes. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. Social Psychology (6th edition). Wiley, pp. 171-201.
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G., Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Lewis, M. 2014. Development and preliminary evaluation of an internet-based healthy eating program: randomized controlled trial. JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 16(10), article number: e231. (10.2196/jmir.3534)
- Windsor-Shellard, B. and Haddock, G. 2014. On feeling torn about one's sexuality: the effects of explicit-implicit sexual orientation ambivalence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40(9), pp. 1215-1228. (10.1177/0146167214539018)
- Haddock, G. 2013. Memory, attitudes, and persuasion. In: Perfect, T. D. and Lindsay, D. S. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Applied Memory. London: SAGE, pp. 312-328.
- Gebauer, J. E., Haddock, G., Broemer, P. and Von Hecker, U. 2013. The role of semantic self-perceptions in temporal distance perceptions toward autobiographical events: The semantic congruence model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105(5), pp. 852-872. (10.1037/a0033482)
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G. M., Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2013. Development and assessment of the HealthValues Healthy Eating Programme: an exploratory study. The Lancet 382, pp. S96. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62521-0)
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G. M., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R. and Valle, C. 2012. Motivating health behaviour change: provision of cognitive support for health values. The Lancet 380(S3), pp. S71. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60427-4)
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2012. Attitudes. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. An Introduction to Social Psychology (5th ed.). BPS Textbooks in Psychology London: Blackwell, pp. 171-200.
- Thompson, R. and Haddock, G. 2012. Same story, different attitude: Do different processes in narrative persuasion influence general and personal evaluations?. Scientific Study of Literature 2(1), pp. 150-164. (10.1075/ssol.2.1.09tho)
- Thompson, R. and Haddock, G. 2012. Sometimes stories sell: When are narrative appeals most likely to work?. European Journal of Social Psychology 42(1), pp. 92-102. (10.1002/ejsp.850)
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2012. The psychology of attitudes (4 volume set). London: Sage.
- Haddock, G. and Gebauer, J. E. 2011. Defensive self-esteem impacts attention, attitude strength, and self-affirmation processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(6), pp. 1276-1284. (10.1016/j.jesp.2011.05.020)
- Haddock, G., Newson, M. and Haworth, J. 2011. Do memory-impaired individuals report stable attitudes?. British Journal of Social Psychology 50(2), pp. 234-245. (10.1348/014466610X512752)
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2010. The psychology of attitudes and attitude change. SAGE Social Psychology Program. London: Sage.
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G., Spears, R. and Manstead, A. S. R. 2010. Attitudes and intergroup relations. In: Dovidio, J. F. et al. eds. SAGE Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination. London: Sage, pp. 261-275.
- Watt, S. E., Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Johnson, B. T. 2009. Attitude functions in persuasion: matching, involvement, self-affirmation, and hierarchy. In: Crano, W. D. and Prislin, R. eds. Attitudes and persuasion. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 189-213.
- Hutchings, P. B. and Haddock, G. 2008. Look Black in anger: The role of implicit prejudice in the categorization and perceived emotional intensity of racially ambiguous faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44(5), pp. 1418-1420. (10.1016/j.jesp.2008.05.002)
- Gebauer, J. E., Broemer, P., Haddock, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Inclusion-exclusion of positive and negative past selves: Mood congruence as information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95(2), pp. 470-487. (10.1037/a0012543)
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G., Watt, S. E. and Hewstone, M. 2008. Implicit measures and applied contexts: an illustrative examination of antiracism advertising. In: Petty, R. E., Fazio, R. H. and Brinol, P. eds. Attitudes: insights from the new wave of implicit measures. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 327-357.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2008. Attitudes: content, structure and functions. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. Introduction to social psychology: a European perspective. 4th ed.. BPS textbooks in psychology Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 112-133.
- Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Arnold, K. and Huskinson, T. 2008. Should persuasion be affective or cognitive? The moderating effects of need for affect and need for cognition. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34(6), pp. 769-778. (10.1177/0146167208314871)
- Penny, H. L. and Haddock, G. 2007. Children's stereotypes of overweight children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(3), pp. 409-418. (10.1348/026151006X158807)
- Penny, H. L. and Haddock, G. 2007. Anti-fat prejudice among children: The mere proximity effect in 5-10 year olds. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43(4), pp. 678-683. (10.1016/j.jesp.2006.07.002)
- Houston, D. and Haddock, G. 2007. On auditing auditory information: the influence of mood on memory for music. Psychology of Music 35(2), pp. 201-212. (10.1177/0305735607070303)
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Penny, H. L. 2007. Social psychological factors in tackling obesity. Obesity Reviews 8(S1), pp. 123-125. (10.1111/j.1467-789X.2007.00330.x)
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2007. Attitude change. In: Kruglanski, A. W. and Higgins, E. T. eds. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press, pp. 565-586.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2007. Attitudes. In: Baumeister, R. F. and Vohs, K. D. eds. Encyclopedia of Social Psychology., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 67-69.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2007. Attitude-behavior consistency. In: Baumeister, R. F. and Vohs, K. D. eds. Encyclopedia of Social Psychology., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 59-61.
- Huskinson, T. L. H. and Haddock, G. 2006. Individual differences in attitude structure and the accessibility of the affective and cognitive components of attitude. Social Cognition 24(4), pp. 453-468. (10.1521/soco.2006.24.4.453)
- Haddock, G. 2006. Do I get better looking each day? Changes in self-perceptions of attractiveness as a function of temporal perspective. European Journal of Social Psychology 36(5), pp. 761-771. (10.1002/ejsp.317)
- Haddock, G. 2004. Temporal self-appraisal theory and attributional focus. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40(6), pp. 787-794. (10.1016/j.jesp.2004.04.004)
- Huskinson, T. L. H. and Haddock, G. 2004. Individual differences in attitude structure: Variance in the chronic reliance of affective and cognitive information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40(1), pp. 82-90. (10.1016/S0022-1031(03)00060-X)
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2004. Theories of attitude: creating a witches' brew. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 425-453.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. 2004. Contemporary perspectives on the psychology of attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press.
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2004. An introduction and overview. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 1-5.
- Haddock, G. and Huskinson, T. L. H. 2004. Individual differences in attitude structure. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 35-56.
- Haddock, G. 2003. On using questionnaires to measure attitudes. In: Breakwell, G. M. ed. Doing Social Psychology Research. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 154-174.
- Haddock, G. 2003. Making a Party Leader Less of a Party Member: The Impact of Ambivalence on Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Political Party Attitudes. Political Psychology 24(4), pp. 769-780. (10.1046/j.1467-9221.2003.00353.x)
- Paunonen, S. V., Haddock, G., Forsterling, F. and Keinonen, M. 2003. Broad versus narrow personality measures and the prediction of behaviour across cultures. European Journal of Personality 17(6), pp. 413-433. (10.1002/per.496)
- Haddock, G., Macrae, C. N. and Fleck, S. 2002. Syrian science and smart supermodels: On the when and how of perception-behavior effects. Social Cognition 20(6), pp. 461-479. (10.1521/soco.20.6.461.22976)
- Haddock, G. 2002. It's easy to like or dislike Tony Blair: accessibility experiences and the favourability of attitude judgments. British Journal of Psychology 93(2), pp. 257-267. (10.1348/000712602162571)
- Rothman, A. J., Haddock, G. and Schwarz, N. 2001. "How Many Partners Is Too Many?" Shaping Perceptions of Personal Vulnerability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31(10), pp. 2195-2214. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2001.tb00171.x)
- Haddock, G. 2000. Subjective experiences and attitude-relevant judgments. In: Bless, H. and Forgas, J. P. eds. The Message Within: The Role of Subjective Experience in Social Cognition and Behavior. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 125-142.
- Haddock, G., Rothman, A. J., Reber, R. and Schwarz, N. 1999. Forming judgments of attitude certainty, intensity, and importance: The role of subjective experiences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(7), pp. 771-782. (10.1177/0146167299025007001)
- Dijksterhuis, A., Macrae, C. N. and Haddock, G. 1999. When recollective experiences matter: Subjective ease of retrieval and stereotyping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(6), pp. 766-774. (10.1177/0146167299025006010)
- Haddock, G. and Carrick, R. 1999. How to make a politician more likeable and effective: framing political judgments through the numeric values of a rating scale. Social Cognition 17(3), pp. 298-311. (10.1521/soco.1999.17.3.298)
- Ntoumanis, N., Biddle, S. J. H. and Haddock, G. 1999. The mediating role of coping strategies on the relationship between achievement motivation and affect in sport. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 12(3), pp. 299-327. (10.1080/10615809908250480)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1999. Cognition, Affect, and the Prediction of Social Attitudes. European Review of Social Psychology 10(1), pp. 75-99. (10.1080/14792779943000026)
- Haddock, G. and Carrick, R. 1999. 'The Queen (Mother) and I': Assimilation, contrast, and attitudes toward social groups. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(1), pp. 123-129. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199902)29:1<123::AID-EJSP914>3.0.CO;2-4)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Assessing the impact of affective and cognitive information in predicting attitudes toward capital punishment. Law and Human Behavior 22(3), pp. 325-339. (10.1023/A:1025758623612)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. On the use of open-ended measures to assess attitudinal components. British Journal of Social Psychology 37(2), pp. 129-149. (10.1111/j.2044-8309.1998.tb01161.x)
- Haddock, G. 1998. The influence of response scale alternatives on judgments of future academic expectations. British Journal of Educational Psychology 68(1), pp. 113-119. (10.1111/j.2044-8279.1998.tb01278.x)
- Coups, E. J., Haddock, G. and Webley, P. 1998. Correlates and predictors of National Lottery play in the United Kingdom. Journal of Gambling Studies 14(3), pp. 285-303. (10.1023/A:1022009726406)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Evaluation thermometer measure for assessing attitudes toward gay men. In: Davis, C. M. et al. eds. Handbook of sexuality-related measures. 2nd ed.. Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage, pp. 381-382.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Assessing the structure of anti-gay attitudes: The impact of right-wing authoritarianism and values on anti-gay prejudice and discrimination. In: Herek, G. M. ed. Stigma and sexual orientation: Understanding prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian & Gay Issues Vol. 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 82-107.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1997. Impact of negative advertising on evaluations of political candidates: The 1993 Canadian federal election. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 19(2), pp. 205-223. (10.1207/s15324834basp1902_4)
- Mareschal, D. and Haddock, G. 1996. The Longman essential psychology series - Colman, A. M. [Book Review]. Psychologist 9(12), pp. 555-556.
- Haddock, G., Rothman, A. J. and Schwarz, N. 1996. Are (some) reports of attitude strength context dependent?. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 28(4), pp. 313-316. (10.1037/0008-400X.28.4.313)
- Pliner, P. and Haddock, G. 1996. Perfectionism in weight-concerned and -unconcerned women: An experimental approach. International Journal of Eating Disorders 19(4), pp. 381-389. (10.1002/(SICI)1098-108X(199605)19:4<381::AID-EAT5>3.0.CO;2-H)
- Murray, S. L., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1996. On creating value-expressive attitudes: An experimental approach. In: Seligman, C., Olson, J. M. and Zanna, M. P. eds. The Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 8. Ontario Symposia on Personality and Social Psychology Series Vol. 8. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 107-133.
- Esses, V. M., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1994. The role of mood in the expression of intergroup stereotypes. Presented at: Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology 1991, Waterloo, Canada, 1991 Presented at Zanna, M. P. and Olson, J. M. eds.The Psychology of Prejudice: Proceedings of the Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology, Waterloo, Canada, 1991. Ontario Symposium Vol. 7. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum pp. 77-101.
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1994. Mood and the expression of intergroup attitudes: The moderating role of affect intensity. European Journal of Social Psychology 24(1), pp. 189-205. (10.1002/ejsp.2420240114)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1994. Preferring "housewives" to "feminists"; categorization and the favorability of attitudes toward women. Psychology of Women Quarterly 18(1), pp. 25-52. (10.1111/j.1471-6402.1994.tb00295.x)
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1994. The (limited) role of trait-based stereotypes in predicting atttudes toward Native Peoples. British Journal of Social Psychology 33(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1111/j.2044-8309.1994.tb01012.x)
- Esses, V. M., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1993. Values, stereotypes, and emotions as determinants of intergroup attitudes. In: Mackie, D. M. and Hamilton, D. L. eds. Affect, cognition and stereotyping: Interactive processes in group perception. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 137-166.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1993. Predicting prejudicial attitudes: the importance of affect, cognition and the feeling-belief dimension. Presented at: Association for Consumer Research 1992 Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 8-11 October 1993 Presented at McAlister, L. and Rothschild, M. L. eds. Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 20. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research pp. 315-318.
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1993. Assessing the structure of prejudicial attitudes: the case of attitudes towards homosexuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65(6), pp. 1105-1118.
- Aquino, A., Fontanella, L., Walker, M., Haddock, G. and Alparone, F. R. 2025. What your face says: How signals of communion and agency inform first impressions and behavioral intentions. European Journal of Social Psychology 55(1), pp. 54-69. (10.1002/ejsp.3117)
- Zarzeczna, N., Hanel, P. H. P., Rutjens, B., Bono, S. A., Chen, Y. and Haddock, G. 2024. Scientists, speak up! Source impacts trust in health advice across five countries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 30(3), pp. 430-441. (10.1037/xap0000500)
- Wolf, L. J. et al. 2024. Attitudes towards children: Distinguishing affection and stress. Journal of Personality 92(2), pp. 601-619. (10.1111/jopy.12854)
- Wolf, L. J., Iosifyan, M., Foad, C., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2024. What about the children? The effectiveness of including children in environmental appeals. Journal of Environmental Psychology 94, article number: 102195. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102195)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Weinstein, N., Haddock, G., Chubb, J., Wilsdon, J. and Manville, C. 2023. Supported or stressed while being assessed? How motivational climates in UK university workplaces promote or inhibit researcher wellbeing. Higher Education Quarterly 77(3), pp. 537-557. (10.1111/hequ.12420)
- Williams, M., Whitmarsh, L., Haddock, G. and Mac Giolla Chriost, D. 2023. Croedau am werth cynhenid a pherthynol byd natur: Sut maent yn cydberthyn ag ymddygiad cynaliadwy yn y Dernas Unedig?. Gwerddon(35)
- Di Plinio, S., Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Alparone, F. R. and Ebisch, S. J. H. 2023. Brain and behavioral contributions to individual choices in response 1 to affective-cognitive persuasion. Cerebral Cortex 33(5), pp. 2361-2374. (10.1093/cercor/bhac213)
- Foad, C., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. 2022. Hypocrisy in ethical consumption. Frontiers in Psychology 13, article number: 880009. (10.3389/fpsyg.2022.880009)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C. M. and Thorne, S. 2022. How do people conceptualise mindfulness?. Royal Society Open Science 9(3) (10.1098/rsos.211366)
- Wolf, L. J. et al. 2022. The salience of children increases adult prosocial values. Social Psychological and Personality Science 13(1), pp. 160-169. (10.1177/19485506211007605)
- Williams, M. O., Whitmarsh, L., Haddock, G. and Mac Giolla Chríost, D. 2021. A grounded theory of pro-nature behaviour: from moral concern to sustained action. Sustainability 13(16), article number: 8944. (10.3390/su13168944)
- Foad, C. M., Whitmarsh, L., Hannel, P. H. and Haddock, G. 2021. The limitations of polling data in understanding public support for COVID-19 lockdown policies. Royal Society Open Science 8(7), article number: 210678. (10.1098/rsos.210678)
- Weinstein, N., Chubb, J., Haddock, G. and Wilsdon, J. R. 2021. A conducive environment? The role of need support in the higher education workplace and its effect on academics’ experiences of research assessment in the UK. Higher Education Quarterly 75(1), pp. 146-160. (10.1111/hequ.12259)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C., Saul, V., Brown, W. and Thompson, R. 2020. The medium can influence the message: print-based versus digital reading influences how people process different types of written information. British Journal of Psychology 111(3), pp. 443-459. (10.1111/bjop.12415)
- Wolf, L. J., Haddock, G., Manstead, A. S. R. and Maio, G. R. 2020. The importance of (shared) human values for containing the Covid-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology 59(3), pp. 618-627. (10.1111/bjso.12401)
- Aquino, A., Alparone, F. R., Pagliaro, S., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Perrucci, M. G. and Ebisch, S. J. H. 2020. Sense or sensibility? The neuro-functional basis of the structural matching effect in persuasion. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 20, pp. 536-550. (10.3758/s13415-020-00784-7)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R. and Alparone, F. 2020. The role of need for affect and need for cognition in self-evaluation. Rassegna di Psychology [Psychology Hub] 37(1), pp. 47-54. (10.13133/2724-2943/16901)
- Hanel, P. H. P., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2019. Sharing the same political ideology yet endorsing different values: left- and right-wing political supporters are more heterogeneous than moderates. Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(7), pp. 874-882. (10.1177/1948550618803348)
- Shelton, K., Haddock, G. and Ottaway, H. 2018. The attitudes of medical professionals toward children and children at risk of separation from parents in Eastern Europe. Children and Youth Services Review 87, pp. 26-33. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.009)
- Haddock, G., Foad, C., Windsor-Shellard, B., Dummel, S. and Adarves-Yorno, I. 2017. On the attitudinal consequences of being mindful: links between mindfulness and attitudinal ambivalence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(4), pp. 439-452. (10.1177/0146167216688204)
- Aquino, A., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Wolf, L. J. and Alparone, F. R. 2016. The role of affective and cognitive individual differences in social perception. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42(6), pp. 798-810. (10.1177/0146167216643936)
- Tapper, K., Baker, L., Jiga-Boy, G., Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2015. Sensitivity to reward and punishment: associations with diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Personality and Individual Differences 72, pp. 79-84. (10.1016/j.paid.2014.08.025)
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G., Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Lewis, M. 2014. Development and preliminary evaluation of an internet-based healthy eating program: randomized controlled trial. JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 16(10), article number: e231. (10.2196/jmir.3534)
- Windsor-Shellard, B. and Haddock, G. 2014. On feeling torn about one's sexuality: the effects of explicit-implicit sexual orientation ambivalence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40(9), pp. 1215-1228. (10.1177/0146167214539018)
- Gebauer, J. E., Haddock, G., Broemer, P. and Von Hecker, U. 2013. The role of semantic self-perceptions in temporal distance perceptions toward autobiographical events: The semantic congruence model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105(5), pp. 852-872. (10.1037/a0033482)
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G. M., Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2013. Development and assessment of the HealthValues Healthy Eating Programme: an exploratory study. The Lancet 382, pp. S96. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62521-0)
- Tapper, K., Jiga-Boy, G. M., Haddock, G., Maio, G. R. and Valle, C. 2012. Motivating health behaviour change: provision of cognitive support for health values. The Lancet 380(S3), pp. S71. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60427-4)
- Thompson, R. and Haddock, G. 2012. Same story, different attitude: Do different processes in narrative persuasion influence general and personal evaluations?. Scientific Study of Literature 2(1), pp. 150-164. (10.1075/ssol.2.1.09tho)
- Thompson, R. and Haddock, G. 2012. Sometimes stories sell: When are narrative appeals most likely to work?. European Journal of Social Psychology 42(1), pp. 92-102. (10.1002/ejsp.850)
- Haddock, G. and Gebauer, J. E. 2011. Defensive self-esteem impacts attention, attitude strength, and self-affirmation processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(6), pp. 1276-1284. (10.1016/j.jesp.2011.05.020)
- Haddock, G., Newson, M. and Haworth, J. 2011. Do memory-impaired individuals report stable attitudes?. British Journal of Social Psychology 50(2), pp. 234-245. (10.1348/014466610X512752)
- Hutchings, P. B. and Haddock, G. 2008. Look Black in anger: The role of implicit prejudice in the categorization and perceived emotional intensity of racially ambiguous faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44(5), pp. 1418-1420. (10.1016/j.jesp.2008.05.002)
- Gebauer, J. E., Broemer, P., Haddock, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Inclusion-exclusion of positive and negative past selves: Mood congruence as information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95(2), pp. 470-487. (10.1037/a0012543)
- Haddock, G., Maio, G. R., Arnold, K. and Huskinson, T. 2008. Should persuasion be affective or cognitive? The moderating effects of need for affect and need for cognition. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34(6), pp. 769-778. (10.1177/0146167208314871)
- Penny, H. L. and Haddock, G. 2007. Children's stereotypes of overweight children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(3), pp. 409-418. (10.1348/026151006X158807)
- Penny, H. L. and Haddock, G. 2007. Anti-fat prejudice among children: The mere proximity effect in 5-10 year olds. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43(4), pp. 678-683. (10.1016/j.jesp.2006.07.002)
- Houston, D. and Haddock, G. 2007. On auditing auditory information: the influence of mood on memory for music. Psychology of Music 35(2), pp. 201-212. (10.1177/0305735607070303)
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Penny, H. L. 2007. Social psychological factors in tackling obesity. Obesity Reviews 8(S1), pp. 123-125. (10.1111/j.1467-789X.2007.00330.x)
- Huskinson, T. L. H. and Haddock, G. 2006. Individual differences in attitude structure and the accessibility of the affective and cognitive components of attitude. Social Cognition 24(4), pp. 453-468. (10.1521/soco.2006.24.4.453)
- Haddock, G. 2006. Do I get better looking each day? Changes in self-perceptions of attractiveness as a function of temporal perspective. European Journal of Social Psychology 36(5), pp. 761-771. (10.1002/ejsp.317)
- Haddock, G. 2004. Temporal self-appraisal theory and attributional focus. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40(6), pp. 787-794. (10.1016/j.jesp.2004.04.004)
- Huskinson, T. L. H. and Haddock, G. 2004. Individual differences in attitude structure: Variance in the chronic reliance of affective and cognitive information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40(1), pp. 82-90. (10.1016/S0022-1031(03)00060-X)
- Haddock, G. 2003. Making a Party Leader Less of a Party Member: The Impact of Ambivalence on Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Political Party Attitudes. Political Psychology 24(4), pp. 769-780. (10.1046/j.1467-9221.2003.00353.x)
- Paunonen, S. V., Haddock, G., Forsterling, F. and Keinonen, M. 2003. Broad versus narrow personality measures and the prediction of behaviour across cultures. European Journal of Personality 17(6), pp. 413-433. (10.1002/per.496)
- Haddock, G., Macrae, C. N. and Fleck, S. 2002. Syrian science and smart supermodels: On the when and how of perception-behavior effects. Social Cognition 20(6), pp. 461-479. (10.1521/soco.20.6.461.22976)
- Haddock, G. 2002. It's easy to like or dislike Tony Blair: accessibility experiences and the favourability of attitude judgments. British Journal of Psychology 93(2), pp. 257-267. (10.1348/000712602162571)
- Rothman, A. J., Haddock, G. and Schwarz, N. 2001. "How Many Partners Is Too Many?" Shaping Perceptions of Personal Vulnerability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31(10), pp. 2195-2214. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2001.tb00171.x)
- Haddock, G., Rothman, A. J., Reber, R. and Schwarz, N. 1999. Forming judgments of attitude certainty, intensity, and importance: The role of subjective experiences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(7), pp. 771-782. (10.1177/0146167299025007001)
- Dijksterhuis, A., Macrae, C. N. and Haddock, G. 1999. When recollective experiences matter: Subjective ease of retrieval and stereotyping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(6), pp. 766-774. (10.1177/0146167299025006010)
- Haddock, G. and Carrick, R. 1999. How to make a politician more likeable and effective: framing political judgments through the numeric values of a rating scale. Social Cognition 17(3), pp. 298-311. (10.1521/soco.1999.17.3.298)
- Ntoumanis, N., Biddle, S. J. H. and Haddock, G. 1999. The mediating role of coping strategies on the relationship between achievement motivation and affect in sport. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 12(3), pp. 299-327. (10.1080/10615809908250480)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1999. Cognition, Affect, and the Prediction of Social Attitudes. European Review of Social Psychology 10(1), pp. 75-99. (10.1080/14792779943000026)
- Haddock, G. and Carrick, R. 1999. 'The Queen (Mother) and I': Assimilation, contrast, and attitudes toward social groups. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(1), pp. 123-129. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199902)29:1<123::AID-EJSP914>3.0.CO;2-4)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Assessing the impact of affective and cognitive information in predicting attitudes toward capital punishment. Law and Human Behavior 22(3), pp. 325-339. (10.1023/A:1025758623612)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. On the use of open-ended measures to assess attitudinal components. British Journal of Social Psychology 37(2), pp. 129-149. (10.1111/j.2044-8309.1998.tb01161.x)
- Haddock, G. 1998. The influence of response scale alternatives on judgments of future academic expectations. British Journal of Educational Psychology 68(1), pp. 113-119. (10.1111/j.2044-8279.1998.tb01278.x)
- Coups, E. J., Haddock, G. and Webley, P. 1998. Correlates and predictors of National Lottery play in the United Kingdom. Journal of Gambling Studies 14(3), pp. 285-303. (10.1023/A:1022009726406)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1997. Impact of negative advertising on evaluations of political candidates: The 1993 Canadian federal election. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 19(2), pp. 205-223. (10.1207/s15324834basp1902_4)
- Mareschal, D. and Haddock, G. 1996. The Longman essential psychology series - Colman, A. M. [Book Review]. Psychologist 9(12), pp. 555-556.
- Haddock, G., Rothman, A. J. and Schwarz, N. 1996. Are (some) reports of attitude strength context dependent?. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 28(4), pp. 313-316. (10.1037/0008-400X.28.4.313)
- Pliner, P. and Haddock, G. 1996. Perfectionism in weight-concerned and -unconcerned women: An experimental approach. International Journal of Eating Disorders 19(4), pp. 381-389. (10.1002/(SICI)1098-108X(199605)19:4<381::AID-EAT5>3.0.CO;2-H)
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1994. Mood and the expression of intergroup attitudes: The moderating role of affect intensity. European Journal of Social Psychology 24(1), pp. 189-205. (10.1002/ejsp.2420240114)
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1994. Preferring "housewives" to "feminists"; categorization and the favorability of attitudes toward women. Psychology of Women Quarterly 18(1), pp. 25-52. (10.1111/j.1471-6402.1994.tb00295.x)
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1994. The (limited) role of trait-based stereotypes in predicting atttudes toward Native Peoples. British Journal of Social Psychology 33(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1111/j.2044-8309.1994.tb01012.x)
- Haddock, G., Zanna, M. P. and Esses, V. M. 1993. Assessing the structure of prejudicial attitudes: the case of attitudes towards homosexuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65(6), pp. 1105-1118.
Book sections
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. 2018. Inter-individual differences in attitude content: Cognition, affect, and attitudes. In: Olson, J. ed. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology.. Elsevier, pp. 53-102., (10.1016/bs.aesp.2018.10.002)
- Jiga-Boy, G., Maio, G., Haddock, G. and Tapper, K. 2015. Values and behavior. In: Brosch, T. and Sander, D. eds. Handbook of Value: Perspectives from Economics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 243-262.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2015. Attitudes. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. Social Psychology (6th edition). Wiley, pp. 171-201.
- Haddock, G. 2013. Memory, attitudes, and persuasion. In: Perfect, T. D. and Lindsay, D. S. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Applied Memory. London: SAGE, pp. 312-328.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2012. Attitudes. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. An Introduction to Social Psychology (5th ed.). BPS Textbooks in Psychology London: Blackwell, pp. 171-200.
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G., Spears, R. and Manstead, A. S. R. 2010. Attitudes and intergroup relations. In: Dovidio, J. F. et al. eds. SAGE Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination. London: Sage, pp. 261-275.
- Watt, S. E., Maio, G. R., Haddock, G. and Johnson, B. T. 2009. Attitude functions in persuasion: matching, involvement, self-affirmation, and hierarchy. In: Crano, W. D. and Prislin, R. eds. Attitudes and persuasion. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 189-213.
- Maio, G. R., Haddock, G., Watt, S. E. and Hewstone, M. 2008. Implicit measures and applied contexts: an illustrative examination of antiracism advertising. In: Petty, R. E., Fazio, R. H. and Brinol, P. eds. Attitudes: insights from the new wave of implicit measures. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 327-357.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2008. Attitudes: content, structure and functions. In: Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Jonas, K. eds. Introduction to social psychology: a European perspective. 4th ed.. BPS textbooks in psychology Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 112-133.
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2007. Attitude change. In: Kruglanski, A. W. and Higgins, E. T. eds. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press, pp. 565-586.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2007. Attitudes. In: Baumeister, R. F. and Vohs, K. D. eds. Encyclopedia of Social Psychology., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 67-69.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2007. Attitude-behavior consistency. In: Baumeister, R. F. and Vohs, K. D. eds. Encyclopedia of Social Psychology., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 59-61.
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2004. Theories of attitude: creating a witches' brew. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 425-453.
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2004. An introduction and overview. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 1-5.
- Haddock, G. and Huskinson, T. L. H. 2004. Individual differences in attitude structure. In: Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 35-56.
- Haddock, G. 2003. On using questionnaires to measure attitudes. In: Breakwell, G. M. ed. Doing Social Psychology Research. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 154-174.
- Haddock, G. 2000. Subjective experiences and attitude-relevant judgments. In: Bless, H. and Forgas, J. P. eds. The Message Within: The Role of Subjective Experience in Social Cognition and Behavior. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 125-142.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Evaluation thermometer measure for assessing attitudes toward gay men. In: Davis, C. M. et al. eds. Handbook of sexuality-related measures. 2nd ed.. Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage, pp. 381-382.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1998. Assessing the structure of anti-gay attitudes: The impact of right-wing authoritarianism and values on anti-gay prejudice and discrimination. In: Herek, G. M. ed. Stigma and sexual orientation: Understanding prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian & Gay Issues Vol. 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 82-107.
- Murray, S. L., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1996. On creating value-expressive attitudes: An experimental approach. In: Seligman, C., Olson, J. M. and Zanna, M. P. eds. The Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 8. Ontario Symposia on Personality and Social Psychology Series Vol. 8. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 107-133.
- Esses, V. M., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1993. Values, stereotypes, and emotions as determinants of intergroup attitudes. In: Mackie, D. M. and Hamilton, D. L. eds. Affect, cognition and stereotyping: Interactive processes in group perception. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 137-166.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. 2012. The psychology of attitudes (4 volume set). London: Sage.
- Maio, G. R. and Haddock, G. 2010. The psychology of attitudes and attitude change. SAGE Social Psychology Program. London: Sage.
- Haddock, G. and Maio, G. R. eds. 2004. Contemporary perspectives on the psychology of attitudes. Hove: Psychology Press.
- Esses, V. M., Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1994. The role of mood in the expression of intergroup stereotypes. Presented at: Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology 1991, Waterloo, Canada, 1991 Presented at Zanna, M. P. and Olson, J. M. eds.The Psychology of Prejudice: Proceedings of the Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology, Waterloo, Canada, 1991. Ontario Symposium Vol. 7. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum pp. 77-101.
- Haddock, G. and Zanna, M. P. 1993. Predicting prejudicial attitudes: the importance of affect, cognition and the feeling-belief dimension. Presented at: Association for Consumer Research 1992 Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 8-11 October 1993 Presented at McAlister, L. and Rothschild, M. L. eds. Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 20. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research pp. 315-318.
Research topics and related papers
My research concentrates on the psychology of attitudes. I am interested in questions such as how do we form and organise our opinions? How do our opinions change and evolve over time? For example, here are different types of questions I have been studying:
How do different people respond to different types of persuasive appeals?
When I was growing up, there used to be a series of famous television advertisements in which former professional athletes exalted their preference for a particular brand of beer. While some of the athletes noted that the beer tasted great, others replied that it was less filling than other beers. From an attitudes point of view, you can say that the first part of the message highlights a positive affective response associated with the beverage (i.e., its taste), whereas the second part highlights a positive attribute about the beverage (i.e., its low caloric intake). Using this analogy, my colleagues and I are interested in knowing whether some people are more persuaded by an affective people and others more persuaded by a cognitive appeal. To date, our research (see Haddock & Maio, 2019) has demonstrated that the effectiveness of affect- and cognition-based messages is dependent upon individual differences in need for affect (Maio & Esses, 2001) and need for cognition (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982).
How does mindfulness relate to attitudinal processes?
More recently, I have become interested in potential inks between mindfulness and attitudinal phenomena. Mindfulness reflects a conscious awareness of what is occurring in the present, with less attention devoted to rumination about the past or anxieties about the future. Numerous streams of research have documented the psychological benefits associated with heightened levels of mindfulness. In our work, we are seeking to understand how mindfulness is associated with the content, structure, and function of attitudes, as well as how mindfulness is linked with outcomes such as eating behavior and intergroup relations.
How does child salience influence behaviour?
My collaborators and I are currently investigating how child salience influences affect, cognition, and behaviour. For example, we have found that priming people with the concept of children leads to more importance attached to self-transcendence values and less importance attached to self-enhancement. We have received funding from the ESRC to further investigate these issues.
2004-2006: "Implicit and explicit bases of values: Implications for behaviour change" - Economic and Social Research Council (£46890 - with Prof. G. R. Maio).
2004-2006: "Do memory-impaired individual retain access to their attitudes" - Alzheimer's Research Trust (£6820 - with Dr. M. A. Newson and Prof. G. Wilcock).
2004-2007: "Effects of affective, cognitive, and behavioural anti-racism advertisements" - Economic and Social Research Council (£136236 - with Prof. G. R. Maio).
2009-2013: "Lifestyle change: Values and volition" - Economic and Social Research Council (FEC £424490 - with Dr. K. Tapper and Prof. G. R. Maio).
2015-2018: “The impacts of mindfulness on values and attitudes” – The Leverhulme Trust (£153878)
2017-2020: “Effects of mental representations of children on prosocial motivation” - Economic and Social Research Council (FEC £533021 - with Prof. G. R. Maio, Dr. C. Foad, Dr. J. Karremans and Prof. E. Webb)
2018-2020: “Pilot real-time REF review” – Research England (£20000 – with Dr. N. Weinstein and Professor J. Wilsdon)
2020: PPE use among police officers in response to COVID-19 – Research contract with the National Police Coordination Centre (£17243 – with Dr. E. Collins)
2020-2021: The relationship between religion and science in practice: The role of religiosity in complying with scientific health - Science and Religion Project Research Network (£19925 – with Dr. N. Zarzeczna, Dr. P. Hanel, & Dr. B. Rutjers)
Research group
I am a member of the social and environmental psychology research group.
Research collaborators
Within the School, my primary collaborators are Thomas Vaughn-Johnston, Travis Proulx, and Ulrich von Hecker. Recent external collaborators include colleagues from the University of Bath, City Univerity, Swansea University, the University of Exeter, the University of Sheffield, the University of Reading, as well as colleagues from Israel, Italy and the Netherlands.
In year 2, I teach on the Social Psychology module, where my lectures cover the topics of altrusim, aggression, and health behaviour.
In the final year, I teach on the Attitudes and Attitude Change module. The aims of the module are: (a) to develop students’ understanding of the concept of attitude and its importance in social psychology and (b) make students familiar with theories of attitude and, especially, the research that has been used to test these theories.
Project supervision is in the area of the psychology of attitudes.
Undergraduate education
I attended the University of Toronto, where I received my B.Sc. in 1989.
Postgraduate education
I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo. My Ph.D. thesis explored the extent to which affective and cognitive information differentially influence attitudes across individuals. Upon completion of my Ph.D., I spent a year as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Michigan before moving to the United Kingdom in 1995.
1994-1995: Lecturer and Visiting Scholar, The University of Michigan
1995-1999: Lecturer, University of Exeter
1999-2000: Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
2000-2001: Lecturer, University of Bristol
2001-2006: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
2006-2010: Reader, Cardiff University
2010-present: Professor, Cardiff University
Honours and awards
Awards/external committees
Editorial Duties
1999-2003: Associate Editor: British Journal of Social Psychology
2007-2011: Associate Editor: British Journal of Psychology
2011-2012: Associate Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
2013-2015: Associate Editor: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
2005-2009: Consulting Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
2004-present: Consulting Editor: British Journal of Social Psychology
2006-2014: Consulting Editor: European Journal of Social Psychology
2013-present: Consulting Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
2020-present: Associate Editor, Royal Society Open Science
Examination Duties
2003-7: External Examiner, Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology, University of Surrey
2006-2010: External Examiner, Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology, University of Sheffield
2011-2015: External Examiner. M.Sc. Degrees, University of Kent
2011-2015: External Examiner, Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology, University of Aberdeen
2015-2020: External Examiner, Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology, University of Essex
2017-2021: External Examiner, Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology, City University
2017-present: External Examiner, M.Sc. Degrees, University College London
2020-present: External Examiner, Undegraduate Degrees in Psychology, Universuty of Reading
Review Boards
2010-present: Member of ESRC Peer Review College
2016-present: Academic Advisor, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
2017-2021: Member of ESRC Grants Assessment Panel (Panel A)
2021-present: Memeber of ESRC Strategic Advisory Network
International Research Conference Organisation
2000: European Association of Experimental Social Psychology conference titled “Attitudes Research in the 21st Century: Integrating Mental Models and Motivation”, Gregynog, Wales (with G. R. Maio)
2004: European Association of Experimental Social Psychology conference titled “Conscious and Unconscious Attitudinal Processes”, La Cristalera, Spain (with G. R. Maio, P. Briñol, & R. E. Petty)
2008: European Association of Experimental Social Psychology conference titled “Affective Processes in Evaluation”, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (with G. R. Maio, P. Briñol, R. Holland, & R. E. Petty)
2012: European Association of Social Psychology conference titled “Motivational components of attitudes”, Ghent, Belgium (with G. R. Maio, P. Briñol, R. Holland, R. E. Petty, & A. Spruuyt)
2016: European Association of Social Psychology conference titled “Experience-based versus information-based attitude processes: On the psychology of attitudes”, Cologne, Germany (with C. Unkelbach, A. Gast, S. Topolinski, P. Briñol, R. Holland, G. Maio, R. Petty, & D. Wegener)
Professional memberships
European Assocation of Social Psychology
Society of Experimental Social Psychology (Fellow)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Fellow)
Postgraduate research interests
My primary area of research is the psychology of attitudes. Within this area, I have a number of research interests, including: (a) the role of affective and cognitive processes in attitudes, (b) the impact on mindfulness on attitudes and attitude change, (c) attitude ambivalence, (d) how individual differences influence attitude processes, and (e) how child salience influences behaviour.
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.