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Katy Hamana  PhD FHEA

Dr Katy Hamana



Senior Lecturer: Physiotherapy

Available for postgraduate supervision


Research Interests:

I am interested in investigating and understanding exercise in neurological conditions as an environmental modifier to manage function, health and wellbeing.

In line with this, my research aims to gain insight into patient perceptions and experiences of their condition and physical activity, and use relevant theory to develop, underpin, implement and evaluate targeted interventions to reduce inactivity in people with neurological conditions and ensure applicability and transferability from research to clinical practice.

I am a member of the European Huntington's Disease Network Physiotherapy Working Group ( As co-chair of the group from 2014-2020 I led an international collaboration with the European Huntington's Association to develop the first online resource to support people with Huntington's Disease and those supporting people with Huntington's disease to participate in physical activity ( ).

My areas of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level include exercise in neurological conditions, research design and methods, health behaviour change theory, dissertation supervision.


















Between 2010-2016 I coordinated and managed clinical trials of exercise in Huntington’s Disease. These included one national study with sites in Cardiff and Oxford, another with six sites across the UK and an international trial with five sites across the UK and Europe. These roles also included intervention delivery, working one-to-one with people with HD in community gyms and in their homes, developing protocols and standard operating procedures for data collection and intervention delivery, study monitoring, database development and management, training assessors and staff delivering the interventions, data analysis, contribution to funder reports and manuscripts for publication, organisation of dissemination seminars/conferences, Huntington’s Disease Association family days, and conference poster presentations.

I am currently involved in leading the process evaluation for a large international (UK, US, Spain, Germany) randomised controlled trial of physical activity in Huntington’s disease; Physical activity and exercise outcomes in Huntington’s disease (PACE-HD). A recently completed research project as co-applicant (led by Dr Una Jones) was a collaboration funded by the Huntington’s Disease Association to develop a Physical Activity Tool in Huntington’s disease with the Cardiff Huntington’s Disease Physiotherapy Group and a number of international collaborators including physiotherapists of the EHDN PWG. As in integral member of the Cardiff HD group, I am named on the REF 2021 impact case titled ‘Physical Therapy to Improve Prognosis in Huntington’s Disease’.

I have demonstrated high quality REF returnable publications that are international and world leading and have collaborated across HCARE, the college of BLS, Cardiff Huntington’s Disease clinic, and external partners and organisations (European Huntington’s Disease Network, European Huntington’s Association; Huntington’s Disease Association of England and Wales; Huntington’s Disease Youth Organisation; European Huntington’s Disease Network physiotherapy working group (co-chair); Movement Disorders Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Israel; Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York).

My PhD focussed on understanding physical activity participation for people with Huntington's disease across the stages of the disease so as to inform knowledge of development of appropriate, relevant physical activity interventions. This led to my involvement in developing the theoretical underpinnings for the PACE-HD intervention based on behaviour change theory. My research interests include development, codesign, implementation and evaluation of complex interventions. I am particularly interested in community based physical activity interventions in people with neurological conditions.


Research Projects 

2024 - Evaluating the feasibility of a samba percussion intervention for people with Parkinson’s disease SParky samba Trial Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation. Neurology Research Grant. (co-CI) 

2024 - What are Speech and language therapists perceptions of the impact of their involvement in research on clinical practice? RCBCWales First into Research (Supervisor)  

2024 - Implementing physiotherapy guidelines in Huntington’s disease: A Knowledge to Action study (co-investigator)

2023 – Promoting and supporting participation and social connectedness for people with neurological conditions to reduce loneliness and isolation: empowering local communities through coordination of social care, local community support, and digital technology. Health and Care Research Wales (1st supervisor/CI)

2022 - Experiences of participating in pre-habilitation programmes among people living with and beyond cancer: a qualitative study. RCBC Wales First into Research  (Supervisor)

2022 - Growing the volunteer workforce as an alternative source of support for people with complex conditions to be active: Co-design of a digital ‘e-kitbag’ training resource using Huntington's disease as a model. Innovation for All, RWIF HEFCW. (CI)

2022 - Co-design of the Active MotiMates Mobile Application. iTPA Access to Expertise (A2E) Award (CI)

2021 - Creating the next generation of physical activity champions in Huntington’s disease (PAC-HD) (Co-app)







I currently teach, supervise and examine at pre-registration undergraduate, pre registration MSc, taught postgraduate and doctoral levels.

I am module lead for the postgraduate taught module Neurorehabilitation- a theoretical basis.

Teaching at BSc and MSc level includes research methods, research ethics, physical activity and exercise and behaviour change, and physical activity participation in neurological conditions.

2016-2020 - Admissions tutor for the BSc Physiotherapy Programme

2022- current academic lead for Patient and Public Involvement in the School of Healthcare Sciences


Education and Qualifications

2018: PhD, Cardiff University. Thesis title: 'An exploration of the physical activity life cycle in Huntington's disease'.

2010: BSc Hons Physiotherapy, Cardiff University

2007: BSc Hons Anatomical Science, Cardiff University

Professional memberships

2019-present: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

2010-present: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

2010-present: Health and Care Professions Council

2016-present: Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology

Committees and reviewing

2022-present - Academic lead: HCARE Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Committee

2020-present: Member, HCARE School Research Ethics Committee

2014-2020: Co-chair, Physiotherapy Working Group of the European Huntington's Disease Network


  • Physiotherapy treatment approaches in neurological populations
  • Participation in neurological populations
  • Complex intervention development (lifestyle, physical activity, behaviour change interventions)
  • Community based physical activity in Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and other neurological populations 
  • The use of digital technology in healthcare

Current supervision

Kevin Nicholas

Kevin Nicholas

Shaima Aljahdali

Shaima Aljahdali

Yue Qin

Yue Qin

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Physiotherapy
  • Huntington's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • neurological long term care
  • complex intervention development and evaluation