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John Harvey

Dr John Harvey


Senior Lecturer
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

School of Mathematics

+44 29208 70943
Abacws, Room Room 3.58, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG


I am a Senior Lecturer working in the Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology research group. Before arriving in Cardiff, I worked in Swansea University as a Daphne Jackson Fellow.

My research is in geometry, both for the intrinsic beauty of the pure mathematical subject and for its applications in data science as well as in mathematical relativity. Particular areas of interest include curvature, symmetries, volume-collapse, topological data analysis and geometric inference.

My work is supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.










Research Interests

  • Riemannian geometry
  • Alexandrov geometry
  • Lorentzian length spaces
  • Geometric inference

My current work in Riemannian geometry focusses on understanding manifolds of low volume and submetries. In Alexandrov geometry I am studying how symmetry and curvature interact. I am applying my knowledge of Alexandrov geometry to the new theory of Lorentzian length spaces, which are like spacetimes, but less regular. In geometric inference I am studying the influence of curvature on estimator performance and the estimation of geometric quantities.



I am excited to be part of the new UK Metric Geometry and Analysis Network, bringing together researchers in this field from across the UK.


Beran, T., Harvey, J., Napper, L. and Rott, F. 2023. A Toponogov globalisation result for Lorentzian length spaces. arXiv:2309.12733. (10.48550/arXiv.2309.12733)

Funded Projects

  • Volume-collapsed manifolds in Riemannian geometry and geometric inference. PI. UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. MR/W01176X/1.  07/22 – 06/26
  • A multimodal COVID-19 database for research. Co-I (PI: L Tarassenko). UKRI Ideas to Address COVID-19. EP/W012294/1. 08/21 – 06/22.
  • The curvature of data: Using geometry to improve our understanding of large data sets. PI. Daphne Jackson Fellowship. Funded by the Daphne Jackson Trust with sponsorship from Swansea University and EPSRC. 08/19 – 01/22.


I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I am available to supervise undergraduate projects in geometry.



  • 08/24 –   Cardiff University, Senior Lecturer
  • 07/22 – 07/24 Cardiff University, Lecturer
  • 12/21 – 06/22 Swansea University, Senior Research Officer
  • 08/19 – 01/22 Swansea University, Daphne Jackson Fellow.
  • 01/19 – 07/19 Swansea University, Tutor.
  • 11/16 – 12/18 Career break for childcare reasons.
  • 07/14 – 10/16 University of Münster, Postdoctoral researcher.


  • 2008 – 14 University of Notre Dame, PhD in Mathematics.
  • 2007 – 08 Cambridge University, Part III of the Mathematical Tripos.
  • 2004 – 06 University College Dublin, MSc Quantitative Finance.
  • 2000 – 04 University College Dublin, BSc Mathematical Science.

Funded Projects

  • UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship "Volume-collapsed manifolds in Riemannian geometry and geometric inference". MR/W01176X/1.  07/22 – 06/26
  • A multimodal COVID-19 database for research. Co-I (PI: L Tarassenko). UKRI Ideas to Address COVID-19. EP/W012294/1. 08/21 – 06/22.
  • The curvature of data: Using geometry to improve our understanding of large data sets. MAGPIE. Daphne Jackson Fellowship. Funded by the Daphne Jackson Trust with sponsorship from Swansea University and EPSRC. 08/19 – 01/22.

Outreach and Public Engagement

  • Association for Women in Mathematics, EvenQuads, data collector and biography writer for a deck of playing cards featuring profiles of women who have made significant contributions to mathematics, 2022.
  • Science Museum, Presenter at Science of UNESCO Lates, March 2019.

Honours and awards

  • UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, 2022

Professional memberships

  • Member of the London Mathematical Society
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of

  • Riemannian geometry
  • Alexandrov geometry
  • Lorentzian length spaces
  • geometric inference

Current supervision

Giorgos Tsimperis

Giorgos Tsimperis

Research student

James Binnie

James Binnie

Research Student

Research themes


  • Differential Geometry
  • General relativity and gravitational waves
  • Topology
  • Data science