My research examines trends in, and incidences and determinants of, poverty and deprivation and investigates the extent to which changes in social security reforms, labour markets and housing systems have contributed to the changing incidence of poverty.
I am currently working on three research projects. The first, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, is a comparative and longitudinal study of the relatonship between low-quality work, poverty and subjective well-being in the UK and Switzerland. The second, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, examines the growing reliance on devolution and discretion in the UK security system and what this means for social rights and the lived experiences of social security claimants. In the third, funded by the Welsh Government, I contribute to the evaluation of the Welsh Basic Income pilot for care leavers.
I am also conducting a major study of the evolution of poverty and living standards in Europe and the contribution of labour markets, demographics, housing systems and social security schemes to these changes. This work draws on many strands of my previous work and I planning to publish a monograph based on this work. I presented initial material from this work at the ESPAnet and RC19 conferences in 2024 and will be developing it further in 2025.
Between 2019 and 2022, I led an ESRC-funded study on the association between housing and poverty in a comparative European context, working with Dr Marco Pomati (Cardiff) and Prof. Mark Stephens (Glasgow).
I convene a Year 2 module on Poverty and Social Security in the UK and make contributions to teaching on International and Comparative Social and Public Policy and to teaching on quantitative research methods. I am the School's Co-Director of Research for Research Support and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and sit on the School's REF working group.
I hold a PhD from the London School of Economics and in 2015 I was awarded the Best Paper Prize at the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) conference in Hong Kong, China. Between 2017 and 2021, I co-edited the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. In 2024, I provided independent advice, and an Expert Review, to the Welsh Government in relation to its Child Poverty Strategy monitoring framework. I am currently a member of the UK Government's Child Poverty Strategy Analytical Expert Group, informing the Child Poverty Strategy that Keir Starmer's government is looking to publish in spring/summer 2025.
My research has been discussed or mentioned in both houses of Parliament (UK), in select committees at the Welsh and Irish parliaments, in the Financial Times, the Economist, the Guardian, the Independent, Huffington Post, Boston Globe, and in numerous local and regional newspapers.
For further information about my research, please visit my personal website.
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Poverty, deprivation, living standards and inequality
- Social security
- Comparative welfare state change
If you are interested in undertaking a PhD with me in these areas, feel free to get in touch (preferably with a 1 or 2 page proposal outlining your ideas).
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Stephens, M. and Hick, R. 2024. Comparative housing research. In: Jacobs, K. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Housing and Society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 141-157., (10.4337/9781800375970.00017)
- Pomati, M., Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2024. The link between housing affordability and poverty in Europe. [Online]. London: London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2024/03/14/the-link-between-housing-affordability-and-poverty-in-europe/
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/basic-income-care-leavers-wales-pilot-evaluation-annual-report-2023-2024
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Greve, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2024. Introduction: Comparing social policy responses to the cost-of-living crisis. Social Policy and Society 23(1), pp. 141-148. (10.1017/S1474746423000489)
- Hick, R. and Collins, M. L. 2024. The cost-of-living crisis in the UK and Ireland: on inflation, indexation and one-off policy responses. Social Policy and Society 23(1), pp. 189-203. (10.1017/S1474746423000453)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2024. Housing affordability and poverty in Europe: On the deteriorating position of market renters. Journal of Social Policy (10.1017/S0047279423000703)
- Hick, R. 2024. Independent expert review of the Child Poverty Strategy monitoring framework. Technical Report.
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Greve, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2023. Understanding the inflation and social policy nexus. Social Policy and Society (10.1017/S1474746423000349)
- Hick, R. and Marx, I. 2023. Poor workers in advanced democracies: on the nature of in-work poverty and its relationship to labour market policies. In: Clegg, D. and Durazzi, N. eds. Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies. Sociology, Social Policy and Education 2023 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 495–507., (10.4337/9781800880887.00046)
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Hick, R., Greve, B. and Moreira, A. 2023. Policy legacies, welfare regimes, and social policy responses to COVID-19 in Europe. In: Borner, S. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. eds. European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-27., (10.1093/oso/9780197676189.003.0001)
- Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2023. Housing, the welfare state and poverty: On the financialization of housing and the dependent variable problem. Housing, Theory and Society 40(1), pp. 78-95. (10.1080/14036096.2022.2095438)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: A joint analysis of measurement and theory. Social Indicators Research 164, pp. 1271-1295. (10.1007/s11205-022-02987-6)
- Hick, R. 2022. Austerity, localism, and the possibility of politics: explaining variation in three local social security schemes between elected councils in England. Sociological Research Online 27(2), pp. 251-272. (10.1177/1360780421990668)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Housing and poverty in Europe: examining the interconnections in the face of rising house prices. Cardiff University.
- Hick, R. and Marx, I. 2022. Poor workers in rich democracies: on the nature of in-work poverty and its relationship to labour market policies. IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/15163/poor-workers-in-rich-democracies-on-the-nature-of-in-work-poverty-and-its-relationship-to-labour-market-policies
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2021. Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 249-260. (10.1111/spol.12718)
- Moreira, A. and Hick, R. 2021. COVID-19, the Great Recession and social policy: is this time different?. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 261-279. (10.1111/spol.12679)
- Hick, R. and Murphy, M. P. 2021. Common shock, different paths? Comparing social policy responses to COVID-19 in the UK and Ireland. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 312-325. (10.1111/spol.12677)
- Alston, J. et al. 2020. Understanding the impact of universal credit on the council tax reduction scheme and rent arrears in Wales: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/statistics-and-research/2020-07/universal-credit-council-tax-reduction-scheme-and-rent-arrears-wales-final-report.pdf
- Hick, R. and Lanau, A. 2019. Tax credits and in-work poverty in the UK: An analysis of income packages and anti-poverty performance. Social Policy and Society 18(2), pp. 219-236. (10.1017/S1474746418000118)
- Plum, A., Pacheco, G. and Hick, R. 2019. In-work poverty in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Work Research Institute. Available at: https://workresearch.aut.ac.nz/document-library/big-data-reports
- Hick, R. 2018. Inequality, disadvantage and the capability approach: Bridging conceptual framework and empirical analysis. Social Work and Society 16(2), pp. 1-10.
- Hick, R. and Lanau, A. 2018. Moving in and out of in-work poverty in the UK: an analysis of transitions, trajectories and trigger events. Journal of Social Policy 47(4), pp. 661-682. (10.1017/S0047279418000028)
- Hick, R. 2018. Enter the Troika: The politics of social security during Ireland's bailout. Journal of Social Policy 47(1), pp. 1-20. (10.1017/S0047279417000095)
- Hick, R. and Burchardt, T. 2017. Inequality, advantage and the capability approach. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (10.1080/19452829.2017.1395396)
- Hick, R. 2016. Material poverty and multiple deprivation in Britain: the distinctiveness of multidimensional assessment. Journal of Public Policy 36(2), pp. 277-308. (10.1017/S0143814X14000348)
- Hick, R. 2016. The coupling of disadvantages: material poverty and multiple deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession. European Journal of Social Security 18(1), pp. 2-29. (10.1177/138826271601800101)
- Hick, R. 2016. Between income and material deprivation in the UK: in search of conversion factors. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17(1), pp. 35-54. (10.1080/19452829.2015.1076772)
- Hick, R. 2015. Three perspectives on the mismatch between measures of material poverty. British Journal of Sociology 66, pp. 163-172. (10.1111/1468-4446.12100)
- Hick, R. 2014. Poverty as capability deprivation: conceptualising and measuring poverty in contemporary Europe. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie European Journal of Sociology Europaisches Archiv fur Soziologie 55(3), pp. 295-323. (10.1017/S0003975614000150)
- Hick, R. 2014. On 'consistent' poverty. Social Indicators Research 118(3), pp. 1087-1102. (10.1007/s11205-013-0456-y)
- Hick, R. 2014. From Celtic Tiger to crisis: progress, problems and prospects for social security in Ireland. Social Policy and Administration 48(4), pp. 394-412. (10.1111/spol.12067)
- Hick, R. 2013. Poverty, preference or pensioners? Measuring material deprivation in the UK. Fiscal Studies 34(1), pp. 31-54. (10.1111/j.1475-5890.2013.00176.x)
- Hick, R. 2012. The capability approach: insights for a new poverty focus. Journal of Social Policy 41(2), pp. 291-308. (10.1017/S0047279411000845)
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2009. Employee evaluations of occupational pensions. Employee Relations 31(2), pp. 158-167. (10.1108/01425450910925300)
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2009. Ethnic minorities, retirement planning and Personal Accounts. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 29(9/10), pp. 488-497. (10.1108/01443330910986270)
- Arthur, L., Brennan, J., Hick, R. and Kimura, M. 2008. The context of higher education and employment: comparisons between different European countries. Project Report. [Online]. London: Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, Open University. Available at: http://www.open.ac.uk/cheri/documents/reflex_report_2.pdf
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2008. Retirement planning in the United Kingdom. In: Reddick, C. G. and Cogburn, J. D. eds. Handbook of Employee Benefits and Administration. Public Administration and Public Policy Vol. 144. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 161-178.
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Greve, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2024. Introduction: Comparing social policy responses to the cost-of-living crisis. Social Policy and Society 23(1), pp. 141-148. (10.1017/S1474746423000489)
- Hick, R. and Collins, M. L. 2024. The cost-of-living crisis in the UK and Ireland: on inflation, indexation and one-off policy responses. Social Policy and Society 23(1), pp. 189-203. (10.1017/S1474746423000453)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2024. Housing affordability and poverty in Europe: On the deteriorating position of market renters. Journal of Social Policy (10.1017/S0047279423000703)
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Greve, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2023. Understanding the inflation and social policy nexus. Social Policy and Society (10.1017/S1474746423000349)
- Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2023. Housing, the welfare state and poverty: On the financialization of housing and the dependent variable problem. Housing, Theory and Society 40(1), pp. 78-95. (10.1080/14036096.2022.2095438)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: A joint analysis of measurement and theory. Social Indicators Research 164, pp. 1271-1295. (10.1007/s11205-022-02987-6)
- Hick, R. 2022. Austerity, localism, and the possibility of politics: explaining variation in three local social security schemes between elected councils in England. Sociological Research Online 27(2), pp. 251-272. (10.1177/1360780421990668)
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Hick, R. and Moreira, A. 2021. Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 249-260. (10.1111/spol.12718)
- Moreira, A. and Hick, R. 2021. COVID-19, the Great Recession and social policy: is this time different?. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 261-279. (10.1111/spol.12679)
- Hick, R. and Murphy, M. P. 2021. Common shock, different paths? Comparing social policy responses to COVID-19 in the UK and Ireland. Social Policy and Administration 55(2), pp. 312-325. (10.1111/spol.12677)
- Hick, R. and Lanau, A. 2019. Tax credits and in-work poverty in the UK: An analysis of income packages and anti-poverty performance. Social Policy and Society 18(2), pp. 219-236. (10.1017/S1474746418000118)
- Hick, R. 2018. Inequality, disadvantage and the capability approach: Bridging conceptual framework and empirical analysis. Social Work and Society 16(2), pp. 1-10.
- Hick, R. and Lanau, A. 2018. Moving in and out of in-work poverty in the UK: an analysis of transitions, trajectories and trigger events. Journal of Social Policy 47(4), pp. 661-682. (10.1017/S0047279418000028)
- Hick, R. 2018. Enter the Troika: The politics of social security during Ireland's bailout. Journal of Social Policy 47(1), pp. 1-20. (10.1017/S0047279417000095)
- Hick, R. and Burchardt, T. 2017. Inequality, advantage and the capability approach. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (10.1080/19452829.2017.1395396)
- Hick, R. 2016. Material poverty and multiple deprivation in Britain: the distinctiveness of multidimensional assessment. Journal of Public Policy 36(2), pp. 277-308. (10.1017/S0143814X14000348)
- Hick, R. 2016. The coupling of disadvantages: material poverty and multiple deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession. European Journal of Social Security 18(1), pp. 2-29. (10.1177/138826271601800101)
- Hick, R. 2016. Between income and material deprivation in the UK: in search of conversion factors. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17(1), pp. 35-54. (10.1080/19452829.2015.1076772)
- Hick, R. 2015. Three perspectives on the mismatch between measures of material poverty. British Journal of Sociology 66, pp. 163-172. (10.1111/1468-4446.12100)
- Hick, R. 2014. Poverty as capability deprivation: conceptualising and measuring poverty in contemporary Europe. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie European Journal of Sociology Europaisches Archiv fur Soziologie 55(3), pp. 295-323. (10.1017/S0003975614000150)
- Hick, R. 2014. On 'consistent' poverty. Social Indicators Research 118(3), pp. 1087-1102. (10.1007/s11205-013-0456-y)
- Hick, R. 2014. From Celtic Tiger to crisis: progress, problems and prospects for social security in Ireland. Social Policy and Administration 48(4), pp. 394-412. (10.1111/spol.12067)
- Hick, R. 2013. Poverty, preference or pensioners? Measuring material deprivation in the UK. Fiscal Studies 34(1), pp. 31-54. (10.1111/j.1475-5890.2013.00176.x)
- Hick, R. 2012. The capability approach: insights for a new poverty focus. Journal of Social Policy 41(2), pp. 291-308. (10.1017/S0047279411000845)
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2009. Employee evaluations of occupational pensions. Employee Relations 31(2), pp. 158-167. (10.1108/01425450910925300)
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2009. Ethnic minorities, retirement planning and Personal Accounts. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 29(9/10), pp. 488-497. (10.1108/01443330910986270)
Book sections
- Stephens, M. and Hick, R. 2024. Comparative housing research. In: Jacobs, K. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Housing and Society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 141-157., (10.4337/9781800375970.00017)
- Hick, R. and Marx, I. 2023. Poor workers in advanced democracies: on the nature of in-work poverty and its relationship to labour market policies. In: Clegg, D. and Durazzi, N. eds. Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies. Sociology, Social Policy and Education 2023 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 495–507., (10.4337/9781800880887.00046)
- Béland, D., Cantillon, B., Hick, R., Greve, B. and Moreira, A. 2023. Policy legacies, welfare regimes, and social policy responses to COVID-19 in Europe. In: Borner, S. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. eds. European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-27., (10.1093/oso/9780197676189.003.0001)
- Gough, O. and Hick, R. 2008. Retirement planning in the United Kingdom. In: Reddick, C. G. and Cogburn, J. D. eds. Handbook of Employee Benefits and Administration. Public Administration and Public Policy Vol. 144. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 161-178.
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/basic-income-care-leavers-wales-pilot-evaluation-annual-report-2023-2024
- Hick, R. 2024. Independent expert review of the Child Poverty Strategy monitoring framework. Technical Report.
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Housing and poverty in Europe: examining the interconnections in the face of rising house prices. Cardiff University.
- Hick, R. and Marx, I. 2022. Poor workers in rich democracies: on the nature of in-work poverty and its relationship to labour market policies. IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/15163/poor-workers-in-rich-democracies-on-the-nature-of-in-work-poverty-and-its-relationship-to-labour-market-policies
- Alston, J. et al. 2020. Understanding the impact of universal credit on the council tax reduction scheme and rent arrears in Wales: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/statistics-and-research/2020-07/universal-credit-council-tax-reduction-scheme-and-rent-arrears-wales-final-report.pdf
- Plum, A., Pacheco, G. and Hick, R. 2019. In-work poverty in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Work Research Institute. Available at: https://workresearch.aut.ac.nz/document-library/big-data-reports
- Arthur, L., Brennan, J., Hick, R. and Kimura, M. 2008. The context of higher education and employment: comparisons between different European countries. Project Report. [Online]. London: Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, Open University. Available at: http://www.open.ac.uk/cheri/documents/reflex_report_2.pdf
- Pomati, M., Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2024. The link between housing affordability and poverty in Europe. [Online]. London: London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2024/03/14/the-link-between-housing-affordability-and-poverty-in-europe/
Most of my work falls under two over-arching themes. First, I am interested in how social problems are conceptualised, measured and understood, and in the role that social scientists can play in these processes. I believe that social policies must be understood in terms of both their economic and non-economic consequences, as Richard Titmuss argued, and this leads to concerns with value (especially in relation to human need), multidimensionality, complexity (and the possibility of reduction), measurement and monitoring and, ultimately, politics. These concerns inform my work on the conceptualisation and measurement of poverty and writings on the capability approach.
Second, I am interested in processes of welfare state change and, in particular, social security reform and what these mean for poverty and deprivation. This entails attention to the economic, demographic and political drivers of social problems, to debates about the nature and extent of policy change (e.g. do we observe retrenchment, recalibration or resilience?), and to the limits of what Stein Ringen called the ‘possibility of politics’ to achieve positive change. This opens up interests in comparative welfare state change, with processes of devolution and welfare state rescaling, and with social security reform.
Ongoing Projects
Co-Investigator, 'The dynamics of low-quality work, in-work poverty and subjective well-being: a longitudinal study of Switzerland and the UK', Swiss National Science Foundation, CHF 421,437 (~£375,000, PI: Prof. Eric Crettaz, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, 2024-2025).
Co-Investigator, 'Social security in a devolved UK: realities, risks and opportunities for families', Nuffield Foundation, (£1,130,359; PI Prof. Ruth Patrick, University of York, 2024-2026).
Co-Applicant, Evaluation of the Welsh Basic Income Pilot, Welsh Government, £799,000 (PIs: David Westlake and Prof. Sally Holland, Cardiff University, 2022-2027).
Completed Projects
Principal Investigator, ‘Housing matters: A comparative study of the relationship between housing and poverty in Europe’, Economic and Social Research Council (£200,439, with Dr Marco Pomati and Prof. Mark Stephens, 2019-2021).
Co-Investigator, ‘Understanding the impact of Universal Credit on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Rent Arrears in Wales’, Welsh Government (£117,814, Lead partner: Policy in Practice, 2019-20).
Co-Investigator, ‘In-work poverty in New Zealand’, New Zealand Human Rights Commission, NZ$107,000 (~£55,500, PI: Prof Gail Pacheco, Auckland University of Technology).
Co-Applicant, ‘Transnational transformations in social protection - concepts, instruments and contexts’, GW4 Alliance, £71,708 (PI: Dr Rana Jawad, University of Bath, 2016-2017).
Principal Investigator, ‘‘The best route out of poverty? A study on in-work poverty and policy in the UK’, Nuffield Foundation, £47,459 (2016-2017).
Principal Investigator, ‘Getting the measure of poverty in the Philippines and Vietnam’, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account – Global Challenges Fund, £5,905 (2016).
Co-Applicant, ‘New Paradigms of Social Protection’, GW4 Alliance, £7,525 (2016).
Principal Investigator, ‘Retrenching Social Security in Ireland: The role of the IMF as a policy actor, 2010-2013’, British Academy Small Grants Scheme, £2,373 (2014-15).
Team Leader and Principal Investigator, Independent Review on the Commissioning and Provision of Social Services to Older People in the City & County of Swansea, City & County of Swansea, £25,629 (2014).
Principal Investigator, ‘The politics of UK Government welfare reform’, Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) [internal Cardiff University competition for funding for research assistance], £1,360 (2014).
I teach at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and, at present, make contributions to:
- Poverty and Social Security in the UK (Stage 2, Convenor)
- Social Research Methods (Stage 2, Quants section)
- International and Comparative Social and Public Policy (Stage 3)
- International and Comparative Social and Public Policy (M Level)
I was the Social Policy teaching team lead from Sept 2023 to Jan 2025, completing a second stint in that role. As of early 2025, I am leading the revalidation of the MSc Social and Public Policy, which looks to improve and extend provision of that Master's for a five-year period from 2026.
I have long-standing interests in poverty and living standards: in how we understand them, how they are evolving, and how policy can seek to improve them. This interest was informed by some of my earliest graduate jobs at the (now disbanded) Combat Poverty Agency and Homeless Agency in my native Dublin and some experiences as a student working for a charity in India. It was also the subject of my doctoral work at the London School of Economics.
The geographical frame of my work reflects the places I've lived or have spent signiciant time in. I have a strong interest in social policy developments in the UK and Ireland, including trying to compare the evolution of their welfare states. I've also spent fairly significant amounts of time living in the Philippines and in Korea and I'm interested in the extent to which the themes from my work on European societies relate to other international settings to.
Honours and awards
Winner - Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) / Intersentia Best Paper Prize 2015. Paper Title: The Coupling of Disadvantages: Material Poverty and Multiple Deprivation in Europe before and after the Crisis. [Prize was awarded for the best paper presented at the 2015 FISS conference in Hong Kong, China].
Professional memberships
- Social Policy Association
- Housing Studies Association
- Human Development and Capability Association
Speaking engagements
Invited presentations only
2023 ‘Housing and poverty in Europe’, Housing policy and wealth inequality workshop, Luxembourg Income Study & Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research, Belval (Luxembourg), 28th-29th November.
– ‘Housing and poverty in Europe’, Personal Finance Research Centre 25th anniversary conference, University of Bristol, 8th November.
– ‘Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: A joint analysis of measurement and theory’, ‘The social dimension of housing in the EU’ seminar, European Commission, Brussels (Belgium), 23rd May.
2022 ‘Housing affordability and poverty in Europe: On the deteriorating position of market renters’ (online), Poverty & Policy Working Group, Bocconi Uni (Italy), 5th October.
– ‘The problem of in-work poverty: what is it and how should we respond? – Lessons from UK and international studies’ (online), Yonsei University (South Korea), 4th April.
– ‘In-work poverty in the UK’, Forum on Welfare State and Social Policy (online), Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (China), 19-20th March.
2021 ‘Poverty as capability deprivation’, Advanced poverty research methods course, Bristol Poverty Institute (online), 2nd November.
– ‘In-work poverty and COVID-19: Tackling poverty after the pandemic’, Bristol Poverty Institute (online), 21st October.
– ‘In-work poverty: On transitions in and out of working poverty and the anti-poverty effects of Tax Credits’, Online event hosted by WISERD for staff at the Department for Work and Pensions, March 23rd.
2020 ‘Insecurity before and after COVID-19: Work, social security, housing and poverty’, Event hosted by the Nuffield Foundation, London, November 25th.
– ‘Benefits in Wales: opportunities and challenges for social security devolution’ (as discussant), Online, November 24th.
– ‘COVID-19 and Social Policy through the lens of the Great Recession: Is this time different?’ (with Amílcar Moreira), Presentation at Ministry of the Economy, Lisbon (Portugal). July 13th.
2019 Presentation on Universal Credit and in-work poverty, Global Social Security Forum, Seoul (11th Dec) and Sejong City (12th Dec), organized by the Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs (South Korea).
– ‘In-work poverty in the UK: Moving in and out of working poverty and its association with subjective well-being’, Department of Social and Policy Sciences seminar series, University of Bath.
– ‘Tackling in-work poverty: From large-scale surveys to community responses’, Big Lottery Fund Helping Working Families Learning & Networking event, Porth.
2018 ‘The measurement of in-work poverty and why it matters: International approaches and UK evidence’, Ministry of Social Development, Wellington (New Zealand).
– ‘In-work poverty in the UK: Trends, tax credits and transitions’, presentation at the Centre for Housing Assets and Savings Management, University of Birmingham.
– ‘Poverty isn’t working? In-work poverty in the UK: Past, Present, and Future’ (with Alba Lanau), presented at 5th Peter Townsend Memorial Conference, University of Bristol.
– ‘Inequality, disadvantage and the capability approach: Bridging conceptual framework and empirical analysis’, presented at ‘Ambivalences of the rising welfare service state’ symposium, Hannover (Germany).
2017 ‘Poverty in Europe in the shadow of the Great Recession: Specifying a social minimum – and working out how to achieve it’, presented at the ‘Specifying and securing a social minimum’ workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at the University of Oñati (Spain).
– ‘Material poverty and multiple deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession: Analysis, reflections and implications for the capability approach’, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative seminar series, University of Oxford.
2016 ‘The coupling of disadvantages: Material poverty and multiple deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession’, University of the Philippines School of Economics seminar series, Manila (The Philippines).
– Presentation on In-work poverty in the UK, event organised by the European Foundation for Work and Living Conditions, The Hague (Netherlands).
– ‘Poverty statistics and the Understanding Society survey’, Royal Statistical Society, Cardiff.
– ‘Working and poor, but for how long? An analysis of in-work poverty transitions in the UK’ (with Alba Lanau), presented at ‘In conversation with Profs. Hout, Grusky and Snipp’, Cardiff University.
– ‘The rise of in-work poverty in the UK’ (with Alba Lanau), presented at the Child Poverty and Social Mobility Seminar Series, University of Essex.
2014 ‘Austerity, social security and material poverty in Ireland’, presented at ‘Questioning austerity: reality and alternatives’ symposium, University of York.
2012 ‘The capability approach: Insights for a new poverty focus’, presented at ‘Conceptualising and Measuring Poverty: Methods for the 21st Century’ Summer School, University College Cork (Ireland).