Dr Simon Jang
Reader (Associate Professor) in Empirical Marketing
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr Seongsoo (Simon) Jang is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Empirical Marketing at Cardiff Business School.
He focuses on empirical and quantitative research that lies at the intersection of advanced methodology (e.g., hierarchical modeling and spatial analysis) and digital marketing (e.g., mobile apps, mobile games, gamification, two-sided platforms) and hospitality/tourism management (e.g., Airbnb, hotels, airlines, eating places). He has initiated multiple projects with external researchers while collaborating with leading high-tech & retail firms in South Korea, UK, and Europe. Examples are mobile application market, GPS-enabled exercise app operator, nationwide bakery chain, and e-commerce player. He has published in Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, and International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Before he joined Cardiff Business School in 2018, he worked for various institutions across France, Turkey, and South Korea. Furthermore, he had industry experiences at large telecom and e-commerce companies in South Korea for 15 years. His roles were predominantly in the fields of marketing analytics, marketing strategy and retail management. He also took a role in training marketing & new product development managers to become data-driven decision makers at SK Group, South Korea.
- Lee, H., Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2024. Spatial coopetition and peer-to-peer accommodation price. Annals of Tourism Research 109, article number: 103826. (10.1016/j.annals.2024.103826)
- La, L. and Jang, S. 2024. How signal portfolios affect success in equity-based crowdfunding: Evidence from the Chinese hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management 123, article number: 103938. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103938)
- Jang, S., Kim, J. and Kim, C. 2024. Gamification and economic behavior: Geospatial insights into mobile exercise app usage in South Korea. Tourism Economics (10.1177/13548166241280404)
- Jang, S., Kim, H. and Rao, V. R. 2024. How sales promotion influences consumers' physical exercise and purchase behaviors: evidence from mobile exercise app data. Information Technology & People 37(4), pp. 1753-1774. (10.1108/ITP-11-2021-0902)
- Jang, S., Ding, M., Yuan, X. and Zhang, C. 2023. CSR and new product development performance in transition economies: Roles of internal capabilities, external networks, and dysfunctional competition. Innovation: Organization & Management (10.1080/14479338.2023.2293291)
- Jang, S. and Zedtwitz, M. v. 2023. Opening up early or late? The effect of open innovation before and after product launch on new product market performance. Industrial Marketing Management 112, pp. 113-127. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.05.009)
- Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2023. Assessing equity in public beach access with spatial intersectionality. Professional Geographer 75(4), pp. 636-641. (10.1080/00330124.2022.2148695)
- Rahman, M., Jang, S. and Ahmed, S. 2023. How does selling capability impact firm value? The moderating role of relative strategic emphasis, market volatility and technological volatility. British Journal of Management 34(3), pp. 1655-1676. (10.1111/1467-8551.12659)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2023. Gamification and smart exercise travel. Current Issues in Tourism 26(6) (10.1080/13683500.2022.2104697)
- Giroux, M. et al. 2023. The impact of communication information on the perceived threat of COVID-19 and stockpiling intention. Australasian Marketing Journal 31(1), pp. 60-70. (10.1177/18393349211028670)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Enhancing exercise visitors' behavioral engagement through gamified experiences: a spatial approach. Tourism Management 93, article number: 104576. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104576)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Tourism and regional economics. In: Croes, R. and Yang, Y. eds. A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 277-293., (10.4337/9781800378766.00022)
- Jang, S., Kim, B. and Lee, S. 2022. Impact of corporate social (ir)responsibility on volume and valence of online employee reviews: Evidence from the tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104501. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104501)
- Kim, J. et al. 2022. COVID-19 and extremeness aversion: the role of safety seeking in travel decision making. Journal of Travel Research 61(4), pp. 837-854. (10.1177/00472875211008252)
- Jang, S., Park, J. S. and Choi, Y. T. 2022. Organizational resource and resilience in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 93, article number: 103322. (10.1016/j.annals.2021.103322)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Remedying Airbnb COVID-19 disruption through tourism clusters and community resilience. Journal of Business Research 139, pp. 529-542. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.10.015)
- Kim, C., Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2021. Sport clusters and community resilience in the United States. Journal of Sport Management 35(6), pp. 566-580. (10.1123/jsm.2020-0310)
- Jang, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. and Kim, S. 2021. Spatial and experimental analysis of peer-to-peer accommodation consumption during COVID-19. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 20, article number: 100563. (10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100563)
- Jang, S., Chung, J. and Rao, V. R. 2021. The importance of functional and emotional content in online consumer reviews for product sales: evidence from mobile gaming market. Journal of Business Research 130, pp. 583-593. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.09.027)
- Jang, S., Chong, K. and Yoo, C. 2021. The effect of mobile application-driven customer participation on bakery purchase behavior: evidence from a field experiment. International Journal of Hospitality Management 94, article number: 102865. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.102865)
- Kim, J. et al. 2021. The moderating role of childhood socio-economic status on the impact of the nudging effect on the perceived threat of coronavirus and stockpiling intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, article number: 102362. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102362)
- Lee, Y. A., Kim, J., Jang, S., Ash, K. and Yang, E. 2021. Tourism and economic resilience. Annals of Tourism Research 87, article number: 103024. (10.1016/j.annals.2020.103024)
- Jang, S., Farajallah, M. and So, K. K. F. 2021. The effect of quality cues on travelers' demand for peer-to-peer ridesharing: a neglected area of the sharing economy. Journal of Travel Research 60(2), pp. 446-461. (10.1177/0047287519897998)
- Jang, S. and Chung, J. 2021. What drives add-on sales in mobile games? The role of inter-price relationship and product popularity. Journal of Business Research 124 (10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.025)
- Lee, Y., Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2021. Intertemporal tourism clusters and community resilience. Professional Geographer 73(3), pp. 567-572. (10.1080/00330124.2021.1871768)
- Kim, J., Jang, S., Kang, S. and Kim, S. (. 2020. Why are hotel room prices different? Exploring spatially varying relationships between room price and hotel attributes. Journal of Business Research 107, pp. 118-129. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.09.006)
- Kim, J. et al. 2020. Nudging to reduce the perceived threat of Coronavirus. Journal of Advertising 49(5), pp. 633-647. (10.1080/00913367.2020.1806154)
- Lee, Y. A., Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2020. Tourism clusters and peer-to-peer accommodation. Annals of Tourism Research 83, article number: 102960. (10.1016/j.annals.2020.102960)
- Jang, S. and Moutinho, L. 2019. Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of room price and user-generated content. International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, pp. 27-35. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.11.010)
- Kim, J., Thapa, B. and Jang, S. 2019. GPS-based mobile exercise application: An alternative tool to assess spatio-temporal patterns of visitors' activities in a National Park. The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 37(1) (10.18666/JPRA-2019-9175)
- Jang, S. and Liu, Y. 2019. Continuance use intention with mobile augmented reality games: Overall and multigroup analyses on Pokémon Go. Information Technology and People 33(1), pp. 37-55. (10.1108/ITP-05-2018-0221)
- Jang, S., Kitchen, P. J. and Kim, J. 2018. The effects of gamified customer benefits and characteristics on behavioral engagement and purchase: Evidence from mobile exercise application uses. Journal of Business Research 92, pp. 250-259. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.07.056)
- Kim, J., Thapa, B., Jang, S. and Yang, E. 2018. Seasonal spatial activity patterns of visitors with a mobile exercise application at Seoraksan National Park, South Korea. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2263. (10.3390/su10072263)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2018. Remedying food policy invisibility with spatial intersectionality: A case study in the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 37(1), pp. 167-187. (10.1509/jppm.16.194)
- Jang, S., Kim, J. and von Zedtwitz, M. 2017. The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective.. Journal of Business Research 78, pp. 143-154. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.05.017)
- Jang, S. and Nemeh, A. 2017. Salespeople knowledge search behavior and sales performance: An investigation of printing equipment industry.. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120, pp. 323-333. (10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.014)
- Jang, S. and Jaihak, C. 2015. How do interaction activities among customers and between customers and firms influence market performance and continuous product innovation? An empirical investigation of the mobile application market. Journal of Product Innovation Management 32, pp. 183-191. (10.1111/jpim.12170)
- Lee, H., Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2024. Spatial coopetition and peer-to-peer accommodation price. Annals of Tourism Research 109, article number: 103826. (10.1016/j.annals.2024.103826)
- La, L. and Jang, S. 2024. How signal portfolios affect success in equity-based crowdfunding: Evidence from the Chinese hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management 123, article number: 103938. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103938)
- Jang, S., Kim, J. and Kim, C. 2024. Gamification and economic behavior: Geospatial insights into mobile exercise app usage in South Korea. Tourism Economics (10.1177/13548166241280404)
- Jang, S., Kim, H. and Rao, V. R. 2024. How sales promotion influences consumers' physical exercise and purchase behaviors: evidence from mobile exercise app data. Information Technology & People 37(4), pp. 1753-1774. (10.1108/ITP-11-2021-0902)
- Jang, S., Ding, M., Yuan, X. and Zhang, C. 2023. CSR and new product development performance in transition economies: Roles of internal capabilities, external networks, and dysfunctional competition. Innovation: Organization & Management (10.1080/14479338.2023.2293291)
- Jang, S. and Zedtwitz, M. v. 2023. Opening up early or late? The effect of open innovation before and after product launch on new product market performance. Industrial Marketing Management 112, pp. 113-127. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.05.009)
- Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2023. Assessing equity in public beach access with spatial intersectionality. Professional Geographer 75(4), pp. 636-641. (10.1080/00330124.2022.2148695)
- Rahman, M., Jang, S. and Ahmed, S. 2023. How does selling capability impact firm value? The moderating role of relative strategic emphasis, market volatility and technological volatility. British Journal of Management 34(3), pp. 1655-1676. (10.1111/1467-8551.12659)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2023. Gamification and smart exercise travel. Current Issues in Tourism 26(6) (10.1080/13683500.2022.2104697)
- Giroux, M. et al. 2023. The impact of communication information on the perceived threat of COVID-19 and stockpiling intention. Australasian Marketing Journal 31(1), pp. 60-70. (10.1177/18393349211028670)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Enhancing exercise visitors' behavioral engagement through gamified experiences: a spatial approach. Tourism Management 93, article number: 104576. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104576)
- Jang, S., Kim, B. and Lee, S. 2022. Impact of corporate social (ir)responsibility on volume and valence of online employee reviews: Evidence from the tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104501. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104501)
- Kim, J. et al. 2022. COVID-19 and extremeness aversion: the role of safety seeking in travel decision making. Journal of Travel Research 61(4), pp. 837-854. (10.1177/00472875211008252)
- Jang, S., Park, J. S. and Choi, Y. T. 2022. Organizational resource and resilience in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 93, article number: 103322. (10.1016/j.annals.2021.103322)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Remedying Airbnb COVID-19 disruption through tourism clusters and community resilience. Journal of Business Research 139, pp. 529-542. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.10.015)
- Kim, C., Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2021. Sport clusters and community resilience in the United States. Journal of Sport Management 35(6), pp. 566-580. (10.1123/jsm.2020-0310)
- Jang, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. and Kim, S. 2021. Spatial and experimental analysis of peer-to-peer accommodation consumption during COVID-19. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 20, article number: 100563. (10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100563)
- Jang, S., Chung, J. and Rao, V. R. 2021. The importance of functional and emotional content in online consumer reviews for product sales: evidence from mobile gaming market. Journal of Business Research 130, pp. 583-593. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.09.027)
- Jang, S., Chong, K. and Yoo, C. 2021. The effect of mobile application-driven customer participation on bakery purchase behavior: evidence from a field experiment. International Journal of Hospitality Management 94, article number: 102865. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.102865)
- Kim, J. et al. 2021. The moderating role of childhood socio-economic status on the impact of the nudging effect on the perceived threat of coronavirus and stockpiling intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, article number: 102362. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102362)
- Lee, Y. A., Kim, J., Jang, S., Ash, K. and Yang, E. 2021. Tourism and economic resilience. Annals of Tourism Research 87, article number: 103024. (10.1016/j.annals.2020.103024)
- Jang, S., Farajallah, M. and So, K. K. F. 2021. The effect of quality cues on travelers' demand for peer-to-peer ridesharing: a neglected area of the sharing economy. Journal of Travel Research 60(2), pp. 446-461. (10.1177/0047287519897998)
- Jang, S. and Chung, J. 2021. What drives add-on sales in mobile games? The role of inter-price relationship and product popularity. Journal of Business Research 124 (10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.025)
- Lee, Y., Kim, J. and Jang, S. 2021. Intertemporal tourism clusters and community resilience. Professional Geographer 73(3), pp. 567-572. (10.1080/00330124.2021.1871768)
- Kim, J., Jang, S., Kang, S. and Kim, S. (. 2020. Why are hotel room prices different? Exploring spatially varying relationships between room price and hotel attributes. Journal of Business Research 107, pp. 118-129. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.09.006)
- Kim, J. et al. 2020. Nudging to reduce the perceived threat of Coronavirus. Journal of Advertising 49(5), pp. 633-647. (10.1080/00913367.2020.1806154)
- Lee, Y. A., Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2020. Tourism clusters and peer-to-peer accommodation. Annals of Tourism Research 83, article number: 102960. (10.1016/j.annals.2020.102960)
- Jang, S. and Moutinho, L. 2019. Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of room price and user-generated content. International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, pp. 27-35. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.11.010)
- Kim, J., Thapa, B. and Jang, S. 2019. GPS-based mobile exercise application: An alternative tool to assess spatio-temporal patterns of visitors' activities in a National Park. The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 37(1) (10.18666/JPRA-2019-9175)
- Jang, S. and Liu, Y. 2019. Continuance use intention with mobile augmented reality games: Overall and multigroup analyses on Pokémon Go. Information Technology and People 33(1), pp. 37-55. (10.1108/ITP-05-2018-0221)
- Jang, S., Kitchen, P. J. and Kim, J. 2018. The effects of gamified customer benefits and characteristics on behavioral engagement and purchase: Evidence from mobile exercise application uses. Journal of Business Research 92, pp. 250-259. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.07.056)
- Kim, J., Thapa, B., Jang, S. and Yang, E. 2018. Seasonal spatial activity patterns of visitors with a mobile exercise application at Seoraksan National Park, South Korea. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2263. (10.3390/su10072263)
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2018. Remedying food policy invisibility with spatial intersectionality: A case study in the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 37(1), pp. 167-187. (10.1509/jppm.16.194)
- Jang, S., Kim, J. and von Zedtwitz, M. 2017. The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective.. Journal of Business Research 78, pp. 143-154. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.05.017)
- Jang, S. and Nemeh, A. 2017. Salespeople knowledge search behavior and sales performance: An investigation of printing equipment industry.. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120, pp. 323-333. (10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.014)
- Jang, S. and Jaihak, C. 2015. How do interaction activities among customers and between customers and firms influence market performance and continuous product innovation? An empirical investigation of the mobile application market. Journal of Product Innovation Management 32, pp. 183-191. (10.1111/jpim.12170)
Book sections
- Jang, S. and Kim, J. 2022. Tourism and regional economics. In: Croes, R. and Yang, Y. eds. A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 277-293., (10.4337/9781800378766.00022)
- Jang, S., Kim, J. and von Zedtwitz, M. 2017. The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective.. Journal of Business Research 78, pp. 143-154. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.05.017)
- Jang, S. and Nemeh, A. 2017. Salespeople knowledge search behavior and sales performance: An investigation of printing equipment industry.. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120, pp. 323-333. (10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.014)
- Jang, S. and Jaihak, C. 2015. How do interaction activities among customers and between customers and firms influence market performance and continuous product innovation? An empirical investigation of the mobile application market. Journal of Product Innovation Management 32, pp. 183-191. (10.1111/jpim.12170)
Research interests
“Real-world data-based, interdisciplinary, and quantitative research in marketing and tourism”
- Digital Marketing: AI-driven marketing; branded/platform app usage; live commerce; gamification
- Spatial Marketing: Socio-spatial approach and critical GIS in retail, tourism, and hospitality settings
- Marketing Analytics for a Better Society: Charity marketing; CSR/ESG; health and social care analytics
Grant activities
- Jang, S. (PI), Lai, Y., & Dineva, D. (2023-2025, 24 months). Data-driven strategic decision-making in charity marketing: A management KTP between Cerebra and Cardiff University, Knowledge Transfer Partnership, UK Research and Innovation. Project ID: 523842
- Jang, S. (PI), Liu, H., & Mert-Cakal, T. (Feb-Apr 2023). Building co-production model in housing and regeneration in Newport (Phase 2), ESRC Local Acceleration Fund (LAF), UK. Project ID: ESRC IAA LAF- 514148.
- Jang, S. (PI) & Liu, H. (Aug-Oct 2022). Building co-production model in housing and regeneration in Newport (Phase 1), ESRC ocal Acceleration Fund (LAF), UK. Project ID: ESRC IAA LAF-521813.
Conference track chair
- Academy of Marketing 2024: Marketing Analytics for a Better Society (special session)
- Cardiff-Newcastle-Xiamen Tri-University Conference (2019; 2022, 2021; 2023): Marketing & Tourism
- Global Marketing Conference (2020; 2023): Big data and local intelligence in retail, tourism, and hospitality
- Global Fashion Management Conference (2019): Pricing and promotions
- Global Marketing Conference (2016): Public policy & marketing
Teaching commitments
- Strategic Marketing Analytics (MSc)
- Business Analytics (MBA)
- Statistics (UG)
- PhD dissertations
- Doctorate in Business Administration: Grenoble Ecole de Management, France (2014)
- Master of Business Administration (Chinese MBA), Peking University, China (2010)
- Master of Science in Technology Management: State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA (2002)
- Bachelor of Economics: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea (1998)
Industry experiences
- Marketing Analytics Manager, SK Planet, Seoul, South Korea (2012–2014)
- Trainer (part-time) at SK Group, Seoul, South Korea (2012–2014)
- Marketing Strategy Manager, SK Telecom, Seoul, South Korea (1998–2011)
Honours and awards
- 2022 Outstanding Contribution Award at Cardiff University
- Best Paper Award for the 2022 Tourism, Hospitality, and Event for Researchers, Educators, Practitioners, and Students (THEREPS) conference, Philadelphia, USA (with Jinwon Kim)
- Runner-up for the 2021 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Best Research Paper Award, USA (with Jinwon Kim)
- Outstanding Service Award at Antalya International University, Turkey (2015)
Professional memberships
- Co-Director, Center for Sustainable Business and Community Analytics
- Researcher Collaborator, Artificial Intelligence Application Group (AAPL)
- European Marketing Academy
- Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Association (GAMMA)
Academic positions
- August 2023 - Present: Reader, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
- August 2020 - July 2023: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
- January 2018 - July 2020: Lecturer, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
- August 2015 – December 2017, Assistant Professor in Marketing, Rennes School of Business, France
- September 2014 – July 2015, Assistant Professor in Business Administration, Antalya International University, Turkey
Speaking engagements
- Web analytics and data visualization. MSc Digital Marketing, University of Surrey, UK, Oct 30 & Nov 13, 2023.
- Quantitative intuition, marketing analytics, and decision-making. SK Broadband (August 16), Seoul Women’s University (July 31) State University of New York at Stony Brook, MS in Technology Management (July 27), South Korea, 2023.
- Conducting empirics-based marketing research using real world data. Donggeuk Business School, Dongguk University, South Korea, July 28, 2023.
- Quantitative intuition and marketing analytics: Framework and examples. SK University, SK Group, South Korea, June 8, 2023.
- Improving service quality and inequitable access in health and social care. Natural Language Processing Group, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University, UK, May 4, 2023.
- Marketing analytics: What is it and how to implement it. Master in Data Analytics, University of Porto, Portugal, Apr 28, 2023.
- Conducting empirics-based marketing research using real world data. Accounting & Finance Reading Group, Cardiff Business School, UK, Jan 20, 2023.
- Conducting empirics-based marketing research using real world data. Newcastle University Business School, UK, Nov 4, 2022.
- Big data and transformational entrepreneurship. MSc in Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff Business School, UK, Feb 9, 2022.
- Sustainable business model: A case study of mobile outdoor exercise application. Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Leisure and Sport course, University of Florida, USA, Feb 17, 2021.
- Conducting real-world data (RWD)-based empirical research: Backwards research method and one-(RWD)-source-multi-paper strategy. Community Spatial Lab seminar, University of Florida, USA, Oct 30, 2020.
- Opening and closing innovation processes at will: Leveraging four generic NPD strategies to maximize digital product market performance. JPIM paper development workshop, Milan, Italy, Dec 20, 2019.
- Management culture in South Korea. Asian Management Systems course, Cardiff Business School, UK, Dec 9, 2019.
- Exploring marketing problems from exercise behavioral data. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea, Aug 1, 2019.
- Aiming at top-tier journal publications: Takeaway from Aston Research Camp. Marketing & Strategy Section Meeting, Cardiff Business School, UK, Nov 21, 2018.
Committees and reviewing
- Editorial roles
- Associate Editor, Journal of Strategic Marketing (2023-Present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Smart Tourism (2023-Present)
- Editorial Board, Asia Marketing Journal (2023-Present)
- Journal reviewer
- Journal of Business Research
- Industrial Marketing Management
- European Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- Technovation
- Information Technology & People
- Australasian Marketing Journal
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of real-world data-based quantitative and empirical research on:
- Digital marketing (mobile application, mobile game, gamification)
- Health and social care analytics
- Charity marketing and prosocial behaviour
- Spatial analytics in business and tourism/hospitality
Applicants who have strong statistical and programming knowledge can send their interest via email.
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 74552
Aberconway Building, Room S46, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU