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Ze Ji  BEng, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Dr Ze Ji


BEng, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Ze Ji



  • 19 Feb 2025: Our latest research was accepted for publication in the prestigious journal, The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)! Title: "Differentiable Physics-based System Identification for Robotic Manipulation of Elastoplastic Materials" By Xintong Yang, Ze Ji, and Yukun Lai. This work is funded by the EPSRC.
  • We’ve launched a new programme, Robotics and Intelligent Systems (MSc). This programme prepares students to solve real-world problems by applying advanced robotics and AI techniques to industry challenges. Applications are open for September 2025 entry. 


I am a Reader of Robotics and Autonomous Systems at the School of Engineering, Cardiff University, and the Group leader of Robotics and Autonomous Intelligent Machines (RAIM).
I am also the recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship, hosted by Spirent Communications Ltd. 
I am also the co-investigator/theme leader of the IROHMS (Research Centre for AI, Robotics and Human Machine Systems) funded by ERDF through WEFO.

I currently serve as an associate editor for

I am managing the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory, which provides cutting-edge robotic facilities, including two Kuka Lbr iiwa robots, Robotnik Vogui+, three Kuka youbots, some turtlebots, some drones, advanced vision systems (3D cameras, etc), and sensors. We have also built two USVs (unmanned surface vehicles) with student projects in the past years.

I have held multiple positions as a robotics and autonomous systems researcher and engineer in both academia and industry (Dyson, Lenovo, and Autonomous Surface Vehicles). My PhD was sponsored as part of the EU FP6 project, TAI- CHI (Tangible Acoustic Interfaces for Computer Human Interaction), which won the best exhibit prize of EU FP6 exhibition in Helsinki, Finland, in 2006.

My research experience in robotics is broad, including indoor mobile robots, industrial robot manipulators, humanoid robots, and outdoor unmanned autonomous surface vehicles. My research is primarily focused on Robot Perception And Learning (RoPAL), covering a broad range of subjects, including simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM), robot vision, robot reinforcement learning, tactile sensing, deep learning, smart sensing, and their applications on autonomous robot navigation, manipulation and, more broadly, smart manufacturing.

At Dyson, as a robotics systems engineer, I have filed and published patents in the area of mobile robotics. The main project there was the Dyson 360 robot, which utilises a 360 camera for indoor localisation and mapping (Visual SLAM). I worked at Lenovo on service robotics, as a Robotic Systems Architect and Technical Leader of a team of 10 researchers and engineers with backgrounds in machine learning, computer vision, slam, cloud, and IoT. At ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicles), I have successfully, as a core research member, delivered several projects funded by Innovate UK, DSTL, and NOC/SBRI. Before these, I had been working as a research fellow in academia for a number of EU FP6 & FP7 projects, such as TAI-CHI, IWARD (Intelligent Robot Swarm for Attendance, Recognition, Cleaning, and Delivery), ROBOSKIN (Skin-based technologies and capabilities for safe, autonomous and interactive robots), and SRS (Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living).

Here is the group Github account for projects carried out with our RoPAL team.




















Book sections




We envisage an enhanced robot cognitive capability through deploying advanced multi-modal perceptual capabilities from sensors of vision, tactile, lidar, etc, and continuous self-learning to understand the environment in 3D, predict situations via machine/deep learning, and support humans for real-world problems. We aim to endow a higher level of autonomy to robots and unmanned systems, providing capabilities of advanced situation awareness, multi-modal sensing, robot active learning, localisation and mapping, optimal path planning, and multiple robot collaboration.

My group’s research interests can be loosely divided into the following areas:

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for robot navigation and manipulation
  • State Estimation, e.g. Visual SLAM and Visual Odometry
  • Sensor-guided autonomous robot navigation and manipulation
  • Multi-modal robot sensing, such as robot vision, tactile sensing, etc.
  • Computer Vision and Data-driven learning-based methods for smart manufacturing, including in-situ monitoring, surface 3D metrology, robotic assembly and so on







As Co-I, responsible for works related to Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 

Led by Dr Oliver Castell (PI) from School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Other ENGIN Co-I: Jin Li, David Barrow (Microfluidic, Synthetic Biology)

Other Co-Is:

Prof Eshwar Mahenthiralingam, Prof Jim Murray, Prof Colin Berry

UKRI BBSRC (Engineering Biology Mission Awards project)

£1.6M Total

Agriculture Living Machine of Operatable Nano-Droplets (ALMOND)


Ze Ji (Academic Champion)

Royal Academy of Engineering


Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor for Raphael Grech (Spirent)

Sep 2023 - Sep 2026

Ze Ji

DTII, Cardiff University


Enhancing Autonomous Systems with Multi-Modal Sensor-based Environment Digitalisation: Ensuring Safety, Security, and Reliability

June 2023 - July 2023

Ze Ji

DTP (EPSRC) (PhD Studentship)


Robot Learning for Manipulation

Oct 2023 - Apr 2027

Ze Ji

Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship


Active Perception and Learning for Autonomous Navigation

Sep 2022 - Sep 2024

Ze Ji, Yukun Lai

EPSRC (New Horizons)


PHYDL: Physics-informed Differentiable Learning for Robotic Manipulation of Viscous and Granular Media

Jan 2023 - Jun 2025

Haijiang Li, Abhishek Kundu, Ze Ji (CoI)

Industry partners: Centregreat Rail, Crouch Waterfall, Centregreat Engineering)



DIGIBRIDGE: Physics-informed digital twin supported smart bridge maintenance

Nov 2021 - Dec 2022

Ze Ji

Industry (Spirent) - Full-time PhD studentship


Reinforcement Learning for autonomous navigation with GNSS-based localisation

2021 - 2024

Haijiang Li, Ze Ji (Co-I, Knowledge Supervisor), Abhishek Kundu

Innovate UK/KTP


BIM and Digital Twins in support of Smart Bridge Structural Surveying

Sep 2021-Sep 2024

Ze Ji

Royal Society


Active Robot Learning for Subtractive, Formative, and Additive Manipulations of Granular and Viscous Materials

09 Mar 2020 - 08 Mar 2021

Setchi, R., Ji, Z., (ENGIN)

Jones, D., Morgan, P., (PSYCH)

Allen, S., Eslambolchilar, P. (COMSC)


£4,600,000 (including match funding from Cardiff University)

Research Centre in AI, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS)

1 Apr 19 – 1 Sept 23

Bigot, S., Ji, Z., Packianather, M., Kerfriden, P.

EU H2020

€ 476,000

Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line (MANUELA)

Oct 2018 - Sep 2022

Setchi, R., Ji, Z., Evans, S.



Deep Learning Enabled Wing Box Inspection (DEWI)

1 Jul 19 – 30 Sep 19

Ji Z (PI), Setchi R, Bigot S

Renishaw and Cardiff University Strategic Fund


3D characterisation of ALM processes

01 Apr 2019 - 31 Mar 2020

Ji Z (PI), Wu J, Setchi R.

Renishaw and Cardiff University Strategic Fund

£40,000 cash funding from the strategic partnership fund (total project value: £101,332)

Pushing the boundary of vision-based 3D surface imaging

01 Apr 2018 - 31 Mar 2019

Setchi R., Ji Z.

WEFO through ASTUTE and Industry

£884,673 including £652,661 from Continental and £232,012 from WEFO

Additive Manufacturing and Robotics to Support Improved Response to Increased Flexibility

02 Feb 2018 – 01 Feb 19


1. Title: GNSS Combined Vehicular Measurements (2024)

Authors: Timothy Pelham (University of Bristol), Yixin Chen, Shun Liu, Ze Ji (Cardiff University), Esther Anyaegbu, Ronald Wong, Raphael Grech (Spirent)


2. Title: MirrEnv: a benchmarking dataset for visual SLAM in mirror environments (2023)

Authors: Peter Herbert, Jing Wu, Ze Ji, Yukun Lai.


Research Areas

Robot Reinforcement Learning:

Reinforcement Learning is a new emerging area that paves a new direction to allow robots to learn new skills for situations when hand-coding is not suitable.

The current work aims to research and develop a self-learning system for a robot to manipulate objects in cluttered workspace for tasks that require multiple steps.

Watch a video of the research on YouTube

Watch a video of the research on YouTube


The following video shows the work of using Reinforcement Learning to train a robot to navigate and avoid collision.

Watch the video of the research on YouTube

Watch the video of the research on YouTube


Mobile Robots:

One of my most valuable experience in this area is the work on the Dyson 360 Robot project. My interests include Robot Autonomous Navigation, Visual SLAM, Visual Servoing, and Vision Odometry

Watch a video of the research on YouTube

Another project is the EU FP7 project, SRS, which focused on the development and prototyping of remotely-controlled, semi-autonomous robotic solutions in domestic environments to support elderly people.

SRS project (Service Robot)

Autonomous Vehicles:

As part of my teaching activities (Mechatronics module), I led a few team of students in the past years to build USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) and UAVs.

Watch a video of the research on YouTube

Related research includes robot behaviours, such as computer vision and sensor fusion for collision avoidance, vehicle collaboration, situation awareness and action planning.

Sensing (Acoustic Localisation for Human Computer Interaction):

This is my very early research for my PhD project, which is part of a EU FP6 project, "Tangible Acoustic Interfaces for Computer Human Interaction".

Tactile Sensing and Human Robot Interaction:

This is also my early research working as a research fellow for the EU FP7 project, RoboSkin, developing machine learning algorithms for recognising the types of human touch using large scale tactile sensors.



  • EN3062 Robotics and Image Processing (Module leader)
  • EN4110 Mechatronics Design


  • EN4110 Mechatronics Design


  • EN3062 Robotics and Image Processing (Module leader)
  • EN4062 Advanced Robotics (Module leader)
  • EN4110 Mechatronics Design


  • EN4110 Mechatronics Design
  • EN3062 Robotics and Image Processing
  • EN4062 Advanced Robotics
  • ENT604 Measurement Systems (Module Leader)


  • EN4100 Mechatronics Design
  • EN4062 Advanced Robotics
  • ENT604 Measurement Systems (Module Leader)


  • EN4100 Mechatronics Design
  • ENT604 Measurement Systems
  • Others, including Design and Lab



  • 2007: PhD (Systems Engineering) Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
  • 2003: MSc (Computer Science) University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
  • 2001: BEng (Electronic Engineering), Jilin University, China

Honours and awards

  • Our paper "PnuTac: Vision based pneumatic tactile sensor for slip detection and object classification" was awarded the Best Conference Paper at the 29th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP 2023 at Queenstown, New Zealand.
  • Our paper "RPS-Net: Indoor Scene Point Cloud Completion using RBF-Point Sparse Convolution" was awarded The Terry Hewitt Prize: Best Student Technical Paper at the CGVC 2023 conference.
  • The paper titled “Anisotropic GPMP2: A Fast Continuous-Time Gaussian Processes Based Motion Planner for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in Environments With Ocean Currents”, has been awarded IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best New Application Paper Award, as the single awardee in the 2023 round (
  • Won the best Exhibit for the EU FP6 project TAI-CHI "Tangible Acoustic Interface for Human Computer Interaction" in EC IST Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland, 2006
  • Best paper award, TAROS, Bristol, 2018
  • Second Prize in the International Marine Vehicle Design and Construction Invitational Contest 2019, Harbin, China

Professional memberships

  • Member of IEEE
  • Member of the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA)
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Member of The Society of Research Software Engineering

Academic positions

  • Aug 2024 - now: Reader of robotics and autonomous systems, Cardiff University
  • 2020 - Aug 2024: Senior Lecturer of robotics and autonomous systems, Cardiff University
  • 2016 - 2020: Lecturer of robotics and autonomous systems, Cardiff University
  • 2014 - 2016: Unmanned Systems Engineer (R&D), ASV ltd
  • 2013 - 2014: Robotics Systems Engineer (R&D), Dyson Ltd
  • 2009 - 2011: Research Fellow, Adaptive System Research Group, University of Hertfordshire
  • 2007 - 2013: Research Fellow, Cardiff University

Speaking engagements

  • Invited keynote talk at the IEEE ISRIMT 2021 conference organised by Hohai University, China.
  • Interviewed by BBC Radio Wales - Science Cafe ( 21 July 2020
  • Invited Speaker at CoInnovate, Cardiff (, 24 Jan 2018
  • Invited talks to several universities, including Essex University, Waikato University, Nankai University, Shandong University etc (2018 – 2021)

Committees and reviewing

  • Technical Editor of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (since Dec 2024)
  • Committee member for the IEEE RO-MAN 2024 Conference
  • External PhD examiner for the University of Hertfordshire, University of Gloucester, and University of Birmingham (2024)
  • External PhD examiner for the University of Manchester (2023)
  • External PhD examiner for the University of Birmingham (2022)
  • External PhD examiner for University College, London (2021)
  • Associate Editor of Robotics and Autonomous Systems section of the “Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C (JMES)” (since 2021)
  • Technical Program Committee of the IEEE ISRIMT 2021 (The 3rd international symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology) conference organised by Hohai University, China.
  • Regional chair and session chair of IEEE ICCSE 2021
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Access (since 2020)
  • International Programme Committee of KES 2021 conference
  • Committee member for the BMVC2019 (Sponsorship Chair)
  • Reviewer of several international journals and conferences, including
    • IEEE Sensors Journal,
    • IEEE Transactions on Robotics
    • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
    • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)
    • Journal of Field Robotics
    • Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
    • Measurement Science and Technology,
    • several major conferences, including ICRA, IROS, CASE etc


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Robot Learning (Deep Reinforcement Learning)
  • State Estimation for autonomous navigation, e.g. SLAM, VO
  • Robotic Perception / Sensing / Visual Servoing for grasping and manipulation
  • Computer Vision / 3D Imaging
  • Tactile Sensing

Current Supervision

Current PDRA: 

  • Dr Xintong Yang (2022 - now): AI and Robot Manipulation, funded by PHYDL (funded by EPSRC) and ALMOND (funded by BBSRC)

Current PhD students at Cardiff University:

  • Yingchao You (2020 - ): Human-Robot Collaboration (submitted)
  • Yanzhang Tong (2020 - ): Research on User Experience for Human-Robot Interaction (submitted)
  • Fraser McGhan (2021 - ): Deep Reinforcement Learning for robust autonomous navigation with GNSS-based localisation
  • Yixin Chen (2021 - , MPhil): Visual SLAM for autonomous navigation
  • Boliang Cai (2021 -): Safe Reinforcement Learning for Robotics
  • (Co-Supervisor) Peter Herbert (2020 - ): Visual SLAM
  • (Co-Supervisor) Jingwen Sun (2020 - ): Relational-learning for object-level scene representation and navigation
  • (Co-Supervisor) Peter Herbert (2020 - ): Reflection-aware SLAM
  • (Co-Supervisor) Ittet Lakhani (2024 - ): Visualisation of Robot Learning


External Student Supervision: 

MSc students in collaboration with the University of Antwerp:

  • Ms Daniëlle Jongstra: Learning-based Robot Social Navigation (2021-2022)
  • Mr Wei Wei: Grasping Regions through Learning and Computer Vision Techniques (2021-2022)
  • Mr Kristof Egghe: Robot Manipulation in Clutter with Deep Reinforcement Learning (2021-2022)

MSc/PhD students in collaboration with National University of Colombia:

  • Mr Juan S. Hernandez Reyes (MSc student): Reinforcement Learning for Robot Navigation (current, 2021 - now)

Current supervision

Njuod Alsudays

Njuod Alsudays

LÉopold Le Roux

LÉopold Le Roux

Boliang Cai

Boliang Cai

Meiyuan Gong

Meiyuan Gong

Fraser McGhan

Fraser McGhan

Past projects

  • Xintong Yang (Oct 2019 - Sep 2023) Robotic Object Manipulation via Hierarchical and Affordance Learning, PhD Awarded. (Main Supervisor)
  • Francisco Munguia Galeano (2020 - 2024) Enhancing Reinforcement Learning with a Context-based Approach (Main Supervisor)
  • Feiqiang Lin (2019 - 2024): Deep Reinforcement Learning for fail-safe localisation navigation (Main Supervisor)
  • Prasad Rayamane (2019 - ): Optical Tactile Sensing for manipulation (Main Supervisor)
  • Yan Gao (2020 - 2024): Deep Reinforcement Learning-based autonomous exploration with hierarchical spatial representation
  • LÉopold Le Roux (co-supervised, 2019 - 2024): Machine learning techniques for the optimisation and simulation of metal additive layer manufacturing process chains
  • Njuod Alsudays (co-supervised,2019 - 2024): Multi-Class Part Parsing based on Deep Learning
  • Tao Wang (co-supervised, 2019 - 2024): Sparse Convolutional Networks for Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70017
Campuses Queen's Buildings - South Building, Room Room S/3.07, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA


  • Intelligent robotics
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Autonomous Systems
  • physics-informed machine learning
  • Robotics