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Kathryn Jones   BSc PhD SFHEA

Dr Kathryn Jones



Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Kathryn Jones


I am a Reader at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science and Informatics, and currently serve as Head of School. I have previously held the roles of Deputy Head of School, Director of EDI, and Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching. As a Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE, I am actively engaged in pedagogy, with a focus on Software Engineering Innovation and Education. My areas of interest in research, innovation, and scholarship include Rapid Prototyping, entrepreneurship, and Agile development. I am also a co-director of the £1.5 million Cardiff Hartree Hub, which aims to broaden access to AI expertise in the region. I hold a PhD in the optimisation of mobile network design and have 12 years of industry experience as a software engineer. My broad experience includes working with startups, SMEs, and multinational companies.







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have developed a portfolio of more than £2.8m in externally funded research, and scholarship projects that have generated considerable community impact with funding coming from STFC, UKRI, Innovate UK, Sprint/UK Space Agency, GCRF etc.

My research and scholarship interests that mostly focus around Software Engineering and Innovation:

Software Engineering: Practices and rapid application development using frameworks and languages centring around mobile and distributed applications over heterogenous networks. See Rapid Lab in Biography.

Artificial Intelligence: Specifically how we help SMEs and Start-ups adopt cutting edge techniques in generative AI and data analytics. See Hartree Hub Cardiff in Biography.

Human Centred Computing: For emancipation and empowerment such as assistive technology especially for people with life-limiting illnesses and improving well-being e.g. exergaming. 

Computer Science Education: Interests include gender equality, embedding authentic industry practices and automated assessment.



I am honoured to have been recognised as the “Most Influential Staff Member” of 2023 by the final year students at our school, this reflects my commitment to developing innovative and impactful educational experiences in our BSc in Applied Software Engineering (ASE) and BSc Computer Science programmes. As a module leader and an educator who also delivers on our apprenticeship scheme, I am deeply engaged in nurturing the potential of future software professionals.

Managing Change (BSc ASE, BSc Com Sci):
In the Managing Change module, we explore the complexities of implementing software-enabled changes within large organisations, focusing on the need to adhere to established management standards and processes. Recognising the pivotal role of technology as an enabler of change, I facilitate students' understanding through a series of detailed case studies. Recent enhancements to this module include a focus on entrepreneurship and start-ups, encouraging students to develop their own tech-driven business ideas. By integrating real-world projects from local businesses and start-ups into the coursework, students gain hands-on experience that mirrors the challenges and dynamics of today's industries.

Commercial Frameworks, Languages, and Tools (BSc ASE):
This module provides an in-depth analysis of various commercial software frameworks, languages, and tools, emphasising aspects such as reliability, scalability, and user interface design. I collaborate with industry experts to bring fresh insights into the classroom and organise workshops that expose students to the latest technologies. This practical approach is designed to prepare students to effectively select and utilise the best tools for specific commercial applications. 

Large Team Project (BSc Applied Software Engineering):  
The Large Team Project is structured around the development of high-quality software solutions that address the real needs of diverse stakeholders. By working collaboratively within large teams, students practise professional project management and problem-solving strategies. The students either work with a client from industry on a real world problem or come up with their own project idea. 

Through these modules, I aim to equip our students with not only the technical skills necessary for success but also the critical thinking and adaptability required in the fast-evolving tech landscape. My approach to education is continually refined, driven by student feedback and the latest industry trends, ensuring that our curriculum remains relevant and rigorous.


Kathryn is a Reader at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science and Informatics, and currently serves as Head of School. She has previously held the senior leadership roles of Director of EDI, and Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching. As a Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE, Kathryn is actively engaged in pedagogy, with expertise in Software Engineering Innovation and Education. Her areas of interest in research and innovation and scholarship, include Rapid Prototyping, entrepreneurship, and Agile development. Kathryn is a co-director of the £1.5 million Cardiff Hartree Hub, which aims to broaden access to AI expertise in the region. She holds a PhD in optimisation of mobile network design, has12 years of industry experience as a software engineer and has the broad experience of working with startups, SMEs, and multinational companies.

Leadership Roles

Head of School (2024 - current)

The Head of School (HoS) role for Computer Science at Cardiff involves leading the academic and administrative functions of the school, fostering research, teaching and scholarship excellence.

Deputy Head of School (2023 - 2024)

Took on role and developed responsibility for an active portfolio of change projects and helping the head of school more regularly.


  • Steer and execute strategic initiatives.
  • Focus on well-being of all staff and students to cultivate a culture of respect.
  • Boost the school's reputation on both national and international platforms.
  • Ensure the school remains compliant with University, College, and statutory protocols/corporate governance particularly in areas of health, safety, and the environment.
  • Lead staff recruitment, performance evaluations, promotion panels.
  • Promote interdisciplinary links between schools e.g. co-planned a College workshop on Athena Swan
  • Represent the HoS in academic leadership capacities and at university events e.g. Graduation.
  • Chairing SMT, School Board and All School Meetings.

Key Achievements:

  • Redefined role to one that actively drives change within the school. This has involved working more closely with Professional Services staff to deliver change in the School.
  • Play a key role in the School Management Team (SMT) and School Board.
  • Lead EDI efforts, staff culture, and professional development e.g., Athena Swan Application.

    Co-Director, Cardiff Hartree Hub (2023 - Current)

The hub forms part of the Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation UK, a large-scale interdisciplinary project, funded by UKRI STFC and supported by IBM.


  • Oversee the strategic deployment of the £1.5m investment, to empower SMEs with innovative artificial intelligence and data analytics expertise.
  • Guide the development and execution of 22 three-month projects over three years, to convert university research into products and services to drive tangible growth for the businesses involved.

Key Achievements:

  • Application of my industrial experience in modern agile project management and client engagement.
  • Contributed to bid-writing and represented our vision in a highly competitive pitching process.
  • Development of strategic partnerships with regional and national stakeholders (CCR, SetSquared, HelpToGrow etc), expanding our capacity and capability to deliver these projects, along with 55, concise, 12-hour ‘assists’, providing immediate and impactful guidance.

Rapid Lab Founder (2020 - Current)

An initiative to develop software prototypes for use in research projects and activities. Rapid Lab helps staff and students to innovate by cost-effectively turning their ideas into working-prototypes for use in the real-world. The lab has built capacity through technology that benefits society, engages communities, and increases sustainability. Gained additional experience of financial planning and budgets. Our prototypes already deliver tangible societal impact including:

  • Biosciences: a responsive web application focusing on education for ‘transforming resilience across water and food systems’ in several Brazilian communities.
  • Pharmacy: a web application for recording green social prescribing at the ‘Cynon Valley Organic Adventures’—a social enterprise community garden in Abercynon with 100s of visitors annually.
  • Engineering: a prototype that uses their proprietary energy efficiency algorithms as part of an Innovate UK grant to help them establish their university spinout.

Experience – Industry and Academia

Reader, Cardiff University (2024 - current)

Senior lecturer, Cardiff University (2020 - 2024)

  • Line management responsibility for staff at various career levels across the school.
  • Personal tutor for around 30+ students annually.
  • Mentor for several members of staff across the University and industry SME founders.
  • Project Supervision (PhD, MSc) in Computer Science Education and Human Centred Computing.
  • Founder of ‘National Teaching Focused Network’ with academics from several other UK institutions.
  • Collaborations on several projects with international institutions e.g. UNICAMP, Federal University of São Carlos.
  • Assessor and Mentor for Cardiff University’s Advance HE Fellowship Programme.
  • Alumni of the Cardiff Futures Vice Chancellors Development Programme, 22/23.
  • Guest speaker for external organisations, e.g. Welsh Government, Wales Tech Week.
  • External Examiner University of Highlands and Islands for BSc Applied Software Development.
  • Guest Speaker at Tramshed’s ‘Start-up Academy’ in partnership with Google for Startups.
  • Delivered Head of School talk on Open Days and Offer Holder Days.
  • ‘Taith’ funding to visit Universities in Canada to discuss collaboration in teaching, research, and innovation.

Lecturer, Cardiff University (2017 - 2020)

  • Module leader of four technical modules including our Degree Apprenticeship.
  • Practical project-based learning (PBL)—often hosting guest speakers from industry.
  • Worked closely with colleagues to deliver modules with shared assessments and workshops.
  • Completed the University’s Academic Practice course and awarded fellowship of Advance HE.
  • Supervised student projects with Further Education institutions, charities, SMEs, and government.
  • Academic co-investigator for the Data Innovation Accelerator (DIA).
  • Academic curator of University’s “Step Up” widening access programme.
  • Reviewed all School's impact 2021 impact case submissions.

Senior Software Engineer, Evolved intelligence Ltd, Bristol UK (2009 - 2017)

  • Technical lead developing value-added intelligent network services.
  • Agile project management (user story development, planning, estimating, retrospectives).
  • Managed-service lead role delivering features against roadmap and managing staff.

·        Software Engineer, Keima LTD, Cardiff UK (2006 - 2009)

  • Worked as consultant, developer, and trainer.
  • Worked at North American client sites, facilitating software adoption and integration.

Software Engineer, Actix LTD, London UK (2005 - 2006)

  • Technical algorithm specialist within a team developing leading automated cell planning solutions.
  • Provided consultancy and support on site at large muti-national organisations.


Honours and awards

2023 - Outstanding Contribution Award (EDI), Cardiff University.

2022 - Outstanding Contribution Award (Innovation), Cardiff University.

2021 - Outstanding Contribution Award (Leading Teaching), Cardiff University.

2020 - Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) awarded by Advance HE to NSA Team.

2019 - Best Academic Programme of the Year (BSc ASE) awarded by FINTEC WALES AWARDS to NSA Team.

2017 - Celebrating Excellence Awards for ‘Excellence in Teaching’ awarded by Cardiff University to NSA Team.

2017 - Industry Trailblazer, Welsh Technology Awards awarded to NSA Team.

Professional memberships

2022 - Senior Fellow, Advance HE.

2020 - Fellow, Advance HE.

Academic positions

Director of Equality Diversity and Inclusion (2022 - 2023)

I was appointed as the first EDI Director for COMSC.


  • Chaired EDI committee, arranging and championing EDI initiatives within the school.
  • Developed and implemented policies and strategies within the school and college.
  • Engaged in the College EDI Network and contribute to its offshoot working groups.

Key Achievements:

  • Diversified committee membership to be more inclusive, ensuring varied perspectives are heard.
  • Explored EDI in teaching e.g. gender issues in student teams and exploring the degree attainment gaps.
  • Delivered keynotes and chaired panels with industry professionals discussing their journeys STEM a discourse intended to inspire Secondary School students nationwide towards STEM fields.

Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching (2018 - 2021)

I took on this role in my second year of teaching with the aim of learning more holistically about teaching leadership in the school and embedding my relevant industry experience in our learning and teaching.


  • Represented the Director of Learning and Teaching (DoLT) in core College meetings, including the Directors of Teaching Forum and Postgraduate Teaching Forum
  • Chaired Teaching, Learning, and Academic Quality Committees.
  • Led learning and teaching initiatives in the school.

Key Achievements:

  • Collaborated closely with the DoLT to streamline teaching operations
  • Led and enhanced the annual Module Review process.
  • Contributed to the School's Annual Review and Enhancement exercise, and the college-wide Periodic Review process
  • Coordinated Moderation Panels and ensured alignment in assessment and feedback.

Speaking engagements

Invited talks & Podcasts

Loizides, F., Jones, K., 2021. The Need for Speed: The Creation of Rapid Lab and Fast Prototype Culture. University of York.

Open Banking is just the opening scene of a 3part drama of total economic transformation,

A Future of Finance Webinar, 9th December 2021. Chaired by D. Hobson with industry leading panel members.

Jones, K., Walters, D., n.d. How a passion for problem solving lead to a career in STEM. “The So She Did Podcast” by Tramshed Tech for International Women’s Day.

Building A Digital Financial Services Business: Don’t Ignore the Human Factor, A Future of Finance Webinar in Collaboration with Fintech at Wales Tech Week, Bringing Together Employers, Employees, Recruiters and Experts in Corporate Culture, 16th July 2020. Chaired by D. Hobson with industry leading panel members.

Committees and reviewing

School level:

  • PSE College Board
  • School Management Team
  • School Board (stand-in for HoS as chair)
  • TLAQC, SESEC (chair)
  • NSS Action Group
  • Appointment panels (all career pathways)
  • Athena Swan
  • EDI including chairing
  • Academic Promotion
  • Building Management (Abacws)
  • Exam boards including chairing
  • COMSC Scholarship GroupWorking Groups:
  • MSc Dissertations Working Group
  • British Computer Society Accreditation Working Group

College and University level:

  • Directors of Teaching College Forum
  • College EDI Network
  • DiSTEM Network (Organising committee and speaker)
  • University Staff Survey (2023)
  • University Scholarship (2023)
  • Blended Learning Framework (2020)
  • Fellowship Accreditation Scheme (2021)


Current supervision

Matthew Moloughney

Matthew Moloughney

Teaching Associate

Xinyu (charlotte) Huang Huang

Xinyu (charlotte) Huang Huang

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 10053
Campuses Abacws, Room Room 3.69, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG


  • Software engineering
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human-centred computing

External profiles