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Martin Kitchener

Professor Martin Kitchener

Professor of Public Sector Management and Policy

Cardiff Business School

+44 29208 76951
Aberconway Building, Room Room F24, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Available for postgraduate supervision


Martin Kitchener FCIPD FLSW FAcSS is professor of management at Cardiff Business School and he chaired the Chartered Association of Business School’s Taskforce on Business School and Public Good. He also serves as the Chair of Welsh Triathlon, and as a non-executive director of British Triathlon.

For more than thirty years, Martin has conducted externally-funded research on public service governance, change, and performance. He is currently studying the development of purpose-driven organisations, and he leads two studies of the skills that professionals require to co-produce public services in collaboration with citizens. This work extends research that Martin conducted on a major EU Horizon 20/20 study of European public service innovations that are based on ideas of co-production and public value (COGOV). The outputs of his research are published widely (see research tab) and have had considerable impact on practice and policy. 

In 2018-19, Martin was Visiting Fellow at Said Business School and Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford. Between 2012 and 2018, he served as Dean of Cardiff Business School and designed its distinctive Public Value Strategy. From 1999 to 2007, Martin worked at the University of California (Berkeley and San Francisco) where he studied processes of institutional change in social care, academic health centres, and dentistry.































Book sections





Recent Publications

Kitchener, M. Forthcoming. “Leading with Purpose: Developing the First Business School for Public Good.” In A. Lindgreen, A. Irvin, F. Poulfelt, and T. U. Thomsen (Eds.) How to Lead Academic Departments Successfully, pp.  Xx: Edward Elgar. 

Ongaro, E., Pluchinotta, I., Williams, H., Kitchener, M. and E. Ferlie. Forthcoming. “Strategic Management as an Enabler of Co-creation in Public Services.”  Policy and Politics.

Kitchener, M, and R. Delbridge. 2020. “Lessons from Creating a Business School for Public Good: Obliquity, Waysetting and Wayfinding in Substantively Rational Change Academy of Management Teaching and Learning 19/3: 307-322.

Lindgreen, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Kitchener, M., Brewer, J. D., Moore, M. H. and Meynhardt, T. (Eds). 2019.  Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. 

Hardyman, W., M. Kitchener, and K. Daunt. 2019. “What Matters to Me! User Conception of Value in Specialist Cancer Care.” Public Management Review 21/11: 1687-1706.

Kitchener, M. 2019. “The Public Value of Social Science: From Manifesto to Organisational Strategy.” In Lindgreen, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Kitchener, M., Brewer, J. D., Moore, M. H. and Meynhardt, T. (Eds). Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice, pp. 301-315. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cooper. S. and M. Kitchener. 2019. “The Role of Local Middle Managers in the Implementation of National Public Policy.” Policy and Politics 47/2: 309-330.

Kitchener, M., A. M. McDermott, and S. Cooper. 2017. “Critical Healthcare Management Studies: Green Shoots.” Journal of Health Organization and Management 31/5: 530-541.

McDermott, A., M. Kitchener and M. Exworthy (Eds.). 2017. Managing Improvement in Healthcare: Attaining, Sustaining and Spreading Quality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Herepath, A., and M. Kitchener. 2016. “When Small Bandages Fail: The Field-level Repair of Severe and Protracted Institutional Breaches.” Organization Studies 37/8: 1113-1139.

Current Funding

2019-21, Kitchener, M. (PI). Chair Chartered Association of Business Schools Taskforce on Business Schools and the Public Good  £13,000.

2018-21, Ongarao, E., E. Ferlie, M. Kitchener et al.  (Cardiff Lead) Co-Production and Co-Governance: Strategic Management, Public Value and Co-Creation in the Renewal of Public Agencies in Europe (COGOV) Horizon 20/20 (European Commission), Cardiff Award £270,000 (from €4.5M)

2018-21, Kitchener, M. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship (Tracey Rosell), £70,000

2017-21, Kitchener, M. (PI). Institute of Directors PhD Fellowship (Hannah Williams), £45,000


Teaching commitments

  • Masters in Public Leadership and Innovation - Leading Public Service Change
  • NHS Wales Planning Diploma - Collaborative Planning and Integration
  • MBA - Leading Change, Transforming Futures


2019-               Cardiff Business School                               Professor of Management

2018-19           Said Business School, Oxford                      Visiting Fellow

2012-18           Cardiff Business School                                Dean and Head of School

2007-12           Cardiff Business School                                Professor of Management & Associate Dean (External Relations)

2006-07           University of California, San Francisco         Professor of Health Organization & Policy

2004-06           University of California, San Francisco         Associate Professor

2000-04           University of California, San Francisco         Assistant Professor

1999-00           University of California, Berkeley                  Harkness Fellow in Health Policy

1997-01           Cardiff Business School, UK                         Lecturer (tenured)

1994-97           Cardiff Business School, UK                         Lecturer (non-tenured)

1993-94           Cardiff Business School, UK                        Research Associate

1990-93           Cardiff Business School, UK                        ESRC Management Teaching Fellow

1989-90           National Health Service, UK                         Management trainee

Honours and awards

2019   Visting Fellow, Said Business School and Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

2018    Leading Wales Awards – Annual Honorary Award

2018    FLSW, Fellow of Learned Society of Wales

2017    FAcSS, Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences

2015    Honorary Fellow, KU Leuven

2013    National Institute of Health and Social Care Research, Faculty Lead Researcher

2013    British Academy of Management Annual Meeting, best paper award, Public Sector Track

2012    FCIPD, Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

2003    Services Employees International Union (SEIU), Research Recognition Award

1999    Commonwealth Fund, Harkness Research Fellowship in Health Policy

1990    Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), Management Teaching Fellowship


Academic positions

2018-               Cardiff Business School                                Professor of Management

2012-18           Cardiff Business School                                Dean and Head of School

2007-12           Cardiff Business School                                Professor of Management, Associate Dean

2006-07           University of California, San Francisco         Professor of Health Organization & Policy

2004-06           University of California, San Francisco         Associate Professor

2000-04           University of California, San Francisco         Assistant Professor

1999-00           University of California, Berkeley                  Harkness Fellow in Health Policy

1997-01           Cardiff Business School, UK                         Lecturer (tenured)

1994-97           Cardiff Business School, UK                         Lecturer (non-tenured)

1993-94           Cardiff Business School, UK                         Research Associate

1990-93           Cardiff Business School, UK                         ESRC Management Teaching Fellow

1989-90           National Health Service, UK                          Management services offier 


Current supervision

Tracey Rosell

Tracey Rosell

Post-doctoral Research Associate

Hannah Williams

Hannah Williams

Research Associate