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Kelly Morgan

Dr Kelly Morgan

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Kelly Morgan


I am a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences within the Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer).

I am Deputy Director for the School Health Research Network

The substantive focus of my research is the improvement of the health and well-being of children and young people. I am particularly interested in the development and evaluation of complex interventions aimed at increasing physical activity, improving dietary behaviours and mental health outcomes.

I am co-investigator of the NIHR funded PHIRST Insight team working with local authorities to co-produce research on the public health impacts of initiatives. I am theme lead for Health and Wellbeing in the Cardiff University Strategic Partnership with the Office for National Statistics. I am theme lead for Population Level Change at the Welsh Institute of Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS). 

Methodologcally, I have substantial experience of leading routine data linkage projects and conducting mixed-methods studies, including feasibility trials. I co-lead several of DECIPHer's Methodolgical Innovation in Public Health Intervention Science courses, delivering a series of established methodology short courses

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Alumni Member of the Health and Care Research Wales Faculty. 


















Current grants

2025-2030. Moore, G. Evans, R., Hawkins, J., Young, H, Morgan K (co-I) et al. DECIPHer Centre Sustainability Funding. Health and Care Research Wales. £2,800,00.

2024-2029 John A, Pozo Banos, M, Murphy S, Inchley J, … … Morgan K (co-I) et al. Datamind Renewal: Mental Health Research in the UK. MRC, £6,999,700

2024-2026 Murphy S, Morgan K (co-I), Page N, Boffey M, Angel L and Young H. The School Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. 01/03/24 to 31/03/26, Welsh Government, £1,476,000.

2023-2026 Anthony B, Morgan K (co-I), Evans R. Feeling loved and appreciated”: a mixed methods study to explore relationships and the association with mental health and wellbeing for young people who have experienced care. Health and Care Research Wales, £428,504

2020-2025 Campbell R, Jago R, Murphy S, Kidger J, de Vocht F, Hawkins J, Morgan K (co-I) and Gray C. Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Team (PHIRST) National Institute for Health, Public Health Research Programme, £2,500,000

Past grants:

2020-2024 Moore G, Hawkins J, Morgan K (co-I), Murphy S, Roberts, J et al. Expansion of the School Health Research Network into primary schools. Welsh Government £1,500,000

2023 - 2023 Hawkins, J (PI), Morgan, K (co-I) and Long, S. Healthy Working Wales Survey Tools Benchmarking Project. Public Health Wales. £29,749.

2021-2022 Morgan K (PI), Hawkins J, Moore G, van Sluijs E, Hallingberg B, Roberts J, Charles J and Cannings-John R. CHoosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls (CHARMING): cluster randomised feasibility study of a school-based, community-linked programme to increase physical activity levels in 9-11-year-old girls, Health & Care Research Wales, Health Grant Award, £249,830

2020-2021 Pulsford R, Foster C, Rouse P, Morgan K (co-I), Salmon V, Rodgers L and Williams O. Moving through Motherhood. GW4 Building Communities Programme, Generator Fund, £14,948.85

2016-2019 Morgan K (PI) (Mentor Moore G) Health & Care Research Wales Post-doctoral Fellowship. £279,000

2017-2017 Morgan K (PI), Moore G (co-PI), Hawkins J, Littlecott H, Long S and McConnon L. An evaluability assessment of the Food & Fitness School Holiday Enrichment Programme in Wales. WLGA. £49,718

2016-2017 Fletcher A, Morgan, K (co-I) and Hawkins, J. A formative evaluation of a School-Holiday Enrichment Programme. WLGA. £50,000

2015-2016 Morgan K (PI), Fildes A and Darwent K. The CHARMING study: Choosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls. Cancer Research UK - Innovation Grant Application. £20,000

2010-2014 Morgan K (Supervisors Professor Sinead Brophy and Dr Rebecca Hill) Centre for Health Information and Evaluation Research (CHIRAL) PhD studentship. £42,000

Research Interests

With an overarching focus on public health research, my research interests fall into three broad themes:

The development and evaluation of complex public health interventions:

  • Principle investigator on the development of a school-based physical activity intervention (CHARMING study)
  • Principle investigator on the long-term evaluation of a National policy (National Exercise Referral Scheme in Wales)
  • Involved in the evaluation of two school-based interventions (School Holiday Enrichment Programme (Co-App) and The Activity Knowledge Circuit (Research Assistant))

Utilising expertise of quantitative techniques and routine data linkage:

  • Lead author on high-impact papers using a well-established health-informatics platform
  • Lead researcher examining environmental influences on health and wellbeing with a particular focus on obesity prevention
  • Experienced in using routine data to evaluate healthcare provision and existing primary care interventions, at both the community and population level

Improving child health and wellbeing:

  • Involved in the establishment of a prenatally recruited birth cohort study: Growing Up in Wales
  • Produced robust evidence for school, regional and national stakeholders (School Health Research Network)
  • Appreciation of the complexities involved in the measurement of physical activity (during pregnancy, infancy, childhood and adulthood)


My contributions to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching span a range of areas as follows:

Cardiff University (School of Medicine)

  • 2020 - Present Health Improvement module of the Masters in Public Health (Lecturer)
  • 2017 - 2020 Health Improvement module of the Masters in Public Health (Module lead and lecturer)

University of Bristol (School for Policy Studies)

  • 2019 - 2020 Physical activity and Nutritional Interventions (Guest lecturer)
  • 2018 - 2019 Practical Research Methods, MSc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health (Module lead)
  • 2018 - 2019 Guided Independent Study

Cardiff Metropolitan University (School of Sport)

  • 2008 - 2010 Applied Sports Principles and Techniques (Levels 1-3)
  • 2008 - 2010 Games Applications  (Levels 1-3)

DECIPHer Methodology Short Course Programme

  • 2019 - present Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions


Education and qualifications:

  • 2014 PhD Public Health, School of Medicine, Swansea University
  • 2010 MSc (with distinction): Physical Activity and Health, University of Wales Institute Cardiff
  • 2008 BSc (First class Hons): Sport and Physical Education, University of Wales Institute Cardiff

Career overview:

  • 2021 - present  Senior Research Fellow, DECIPHer, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2016 - 2021      Research Fellow, DECIPHer, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2019 - 2019      Lecturer, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol (Part time)
  • 2016-2016        Research Fellow, Y Lab (Secondment), Cardiff University
  • 2015-2016        Research Associate, DECIPHer, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2010-2015        Research Assistant, School of Medicine, Swansea University
  • 2008 -2010       Hourly Paid lecturer. University of Wales Institute Cardiff

Honours and awards

  • Womenspire Finalist- Sport award, Chwarae Teg (2018)
  • Commonwealth Games Athlete (2014, 2018)

Professional memberships

  • Sedentary lead for developing the Active Healthy Kids Wales 2018/2020 Report Cards

  • International Society for Physical Activity and Health

Committees and reviewing

  • Editorial Board, International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Journal reviewer


I have supervised one PhD student to completion alongside a number of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in the Schools of Medicine and Social Sciences. I have also provided postgraduate supervision to students at the University of Bristol and Cardiff Metropolitan University.

I am currently supervising four PhD students:


I am interested in supervising research projects in areas including:

  • intervention development/evaluation methods;
  • routine data linkage studies;
  • school-based studies;
  • obesity prevention methods;
  • child and adolescent health;
  • pregnancy and the early years.

Current supervision

Caitlin Jackson

Caitlin Jackson

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70296
Campuses sbarc|spark, Room 1.17, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

External profiles