Professor Robert Morgan
Sir Julian Hodge Chair and Professor of Marketing & Strategy
- Welsh speaking
- Available for postgraduate supervision
My passion is ideas—developing, sharing, challenging, improving, and critically examining them. I have been a Full Professor for over twenty years and specialize at the nexus between strategic management and marketing with research expertise in product and process innovation. Having delivered classes, lectures, and research insights on five continents, Cardiff is home. Colleagues, faculty, students, and the partners we work with here sustain my curiosity, share my passion for challenging existing ideas and generating new ones, and are eager to develop themselves and their organizations. All this with a sense of groundedness, purpose, and public value.
I hold the Sir Julian Hodge Chair and serve as Professor of Marketing & Strategy in the Marketing and Strategy Section at the School where I direct the Research, Impact, and Engagement portfolio. Following a management first degree, I joined the international electronics industry later returning to study for a PhD in global market entry strategy. Receiving post-doctoral training at INSEAD, France, and the Rock Center for Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School, USA, I developed an academic career. In addition, I am Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Universiteit van Amsterdam.
I have published over two hundred scholarly papers, management articles, books, company cases, and thought leadership white papers for corporations and consulting firms. By way of recognition, I have received research, teaching, and education awards awards from the American Marketing Association, Strategic Management Society, Chartered Management Institute, and the Academy of Marketing. My published work has been cited on more than 14,000 occasions generating a Google h-index of 55 and an i10-index of 90. Ranked in the Top 1% of Scientists Index by with a D-index = 43 generating a World Scientist ranking of #813 within business schools. I direct research within our department which is positioned as the #2 Marketing Department in the UK, #9 in Europe, and #20 globally in research rankings (MKTBig15 Ranking 2023). I also chair the International Advisory Board at Copenhagen Business School and am a Strategic Advisory Board Member at The University of Split.
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Intellectual property protection and firm risk: How service transition and knowledge intensity mitigate the loss of strategic resources. Journal of Business Research 188, article number: 115118. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.115118)
- Knight, H. H., De Angelis, R., Telg, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Towards the coopetitive circular business model: Theoretical foundations, conceptual envisioning, and future research imperatives. Industrial Marketing Management 124, pp. 20-39. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.11.005)
- Hudson, K., Kumar, V. and Morgan, R. E. 2024. An evolutionary perspective on capabilities for fluid product-markets: the contingent effects of routinization and renewal in marketing, R&D, and operations. Long Range Planning 57(6), article number: 102480. (10.1016/j.lrp.2024.102480)
- Scedrova, A., Morgan, R. E. and De Luca, L. M. 2024. Decomposing profile-to-role configurations in R&D-Focused entrepreneurial teams. European Management Journal 42(5), pp. 813-823. (10.1016/j.emj.2023.04.009)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2024. Industry exposure to artificial intelligence, board network heterogeneity, and firm idiosyncratic risk. Journal of Management Studies (10.1111/joms.13127)
- Kouropalatis, Y., Zenker, S., Morgan, R. and Lindgreen, A. 2024. Diffusion and future influence of tourism research: addressing the how and when questions of tourism knowledge structures. Journal of Travel Research 63(2), pp. 298-313. (10.1177/00472875231164986)
- Gali, N., Hughes, M. (., Morgan, R. E. and Wang, C. L. 2024. Entrepreneurial entropy: a resource exhaustion theory of firm failure from entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48(1), pp. 141-170. (10.1177/10422587231151957)
- Hortovanyi, L. et al. 2023. Assessment of digital maturity: the role of resources and capabilities in digital transformation in B2B firms. International Journal of Production Research 61(23), pp. 8043-8061. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2164087)
- De Angelis, R., Morgan, R. and De Luca, L. M. 2023. Open strategy and dynamic capabilities: a framework for circular economy business models research. Business Strategy and the Environment 32(7), pp. 4861-4873. (10.1002/bse.3397)
- Sari, D., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. and Garrett, T. C. 2023. Strategic agility and its academic foundations: Exploring the knowledge gap and the practice gap. Presented at: Marketing & Management Transformation in the Age of Feeling Economy, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 17-19 November 2023 Presented at Morgan, R. ed.2023 KSMS Conference. Korea University Business School: Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
- Robson, M. J., Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E., Bicakcioglu-Peynirci, N. and Di Benedetto, C. A. 2023. New product development process execution, integration mechanisms, capabilities, and outcomes: Evidence from Chinese high-technology ventures. British Journal of Management 34(4), pp. 2036-2056. (10.1111/1467-8551.12686)
- Bıçakcıoğlu Peynirci, N., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. and Robson, M. 2023. A bibliometric analysis of international services marketing: The past, the present, and the future. Presented at: 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 20-23 July 2023 Presented at Rust, R. et al. eds.Marketing & Management Transformation in the Challenging Digital Environment. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2023. Board political ideological diversity and information exposure as antecedents to value creation and value appropriation. Journal of Product Innovation Management (10.1111/jpim.12688)
- Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N. and Morgan, R. 2023. International servitization: theoretical roots, research gaps, and implications. International Marketing Review (10.1108/IMR-07-2020-0140)
- Kipfelsberger, P., Hughes, M., Herhausen, D., Morgan, R. and Bruch, H. 2023. High performance at high cost: The unanticipated health consequence of contextual ambidexterity. Presented at: The Sixth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel Aviv, Israel, 3-5 January 2023.
- Oufan, S., De Luca, L., Morgan, R. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Realising Value from Big Data Technology Adoption: Understanding the Role of Organisational Capabilities in the Affordance Actualization Process. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems 2023, 10-13 December 2023Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies: ICIS 2023, Vol. 14. Association of Information Systems
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. 2022. The wisdom and madness of crowds: How information networks and board cognition help or hinder firm performance across the business cycle. Long Range Planning 55(6), article number: 102180. (10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102180)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2022. Ideological homophily in board composition and interlock networks: Do liberal directors inhibit viewpoint diversity?. Corporate Governance 30(3), pp. 272-289. (10.1111/corg.12406)
- Bicakcioglu-Peynirci, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2022. EXPRESS: Unbundling the effects of internationalization on firm performance in emerging economies: The moderating effects of strategic resource decisions. Journal of International Marketing 30(1), pp. 55-74. (10.1177/1069031X211030686)
- Hortovanyi, L. et al. 2022. An empirical investigation of organisational changes underpinning digital transformation.. Presented at: EURAM 2022 Leading Digital Transformation, Zurich, Switzerland, 15-17 June, 2022EURAM 2022 Leading Digital Transformation.
- Husairi, M. A., Morgan, R. E. and De Luca, L. M. 2021. Market entry timing: the impact of complementary capabilities on strategic outcomes. Journal of Business Research 132, pp. 45-55. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.004)
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Hodgkinson, I. R. and Lee, Y. 2021. Strategic entrepreneurship behaviours and the innovation ambidexterity of young technology-based firms in incubators. International Small Business Journal 39(3), pp. 202-227. (10.1177/0266242620943776)
- Herhausen, D., Morgan, R. E., Brozovic, D. and Volberda, H. W. 2021. Re-examining strategic flexibility: a meta-analysis of its antecedents, consequences and contingencies. British Journal of Management 32(2), pp. 435-455. (10.1111/1467-8551.12413)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. 2021. Political ideological homophily in intra- and inter-firm networks: The effect of director liberalism on board composition and interlocks. Presented at: International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Conferenc, Groningen, The Netherlands, 8-10 October 2021.
- Herhausen, D., Miočević, D., Morgan, R. and Kleijnen, M. H. P. 2020. The digital marketing capabilities gap: empirical evidence, managerial shortcomings, and future research streams. Industrial Marketing Management 90, pp. 276-290. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.07.022)
- Hughes, P., Hodgkinson, I. R., Morgan, R. E., Hughes, M. and Hughes, C. L. 2020. Product-market planning capability and profitability. Industrial Marketing Management 90 (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.08.007)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Hodgkinson, I. R., Kouropalatis, Y. and Lindgreen, A. 2020. A diagnostic tool to determine a strategic improvisation readiness index score (IRIS) to survive, adapt, and thrive in a crisis. Industrial Marketing Management 88, pp. 485-499. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.05.020)
- Morgan, R. E., Miocevic, D. and Herhausen, D. 2019. Capability-driven industrial firms: Considering resources, capabilities, and competencies for marketing developments. Industrial Marketing Management 83, pp. 1-7. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.08.007)
- Appio, F. P., De Luca, L. M., Morgan, R. and Martini, A. 2019. Patent portfolio diversity and firm profitability: a question of specialization or diversification?. Journal of Business Research 101, pp. 255-267. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.04.020)
- Kranzbühler, A., Kleijnen, M. H., Morgan, R. E. and Teerling, M. 2018. The multilevel nature of customer experience research: an integrative review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews 20(2), pp. 433-456. (10.1111/ijmr.12140)
- Miocevic, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2018. Operational capabilities and entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging market firms: explaining exporting SME growth. International Marketing Review 35(2) (10.1108/IMR-12-2015-0270)
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2018. Mapping managerial exchange and alliance performance: The contingent effects of firm size and managerial tenure. Presented at: IMM Summit 2018, 2018. pp. -.
- Herhausen, D., De Luca, L. M., Miceli, G., Morgan, R. E. and Schoegel, M. 2017. When does customer-oriented leadership pay off? An investigation of frontstage and backstage service teams. Journal of Service Research 20(4), pp. 409-425. (10.1177/1094670517714059)
- Powell, T., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. E. and Karhu, P. 2016. Mapping knowledge and innovation research themes: using bibliometrics for classification, evolution, proliferation and determinism. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 20(3/4), pp. 174-199. (10.1504/IJEIM.2016.077960)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J. and Hingley, M. 2016. Processes and integration in the interaction of purchasing and marketing: considering synergy and symbiosis. Industrial Marketing Management 52, pp. 74-81. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.07.014)
- Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2015. Why people quit: explaining employee turnover intentions among export sales managers. International Business Review 24(3), pp. 367-379. (10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.08.009)
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2015. Customer and competitor insights, new product development competence, and new product creativity: differential, integrative, and substitution effects. Journal of Product Innovation Management 32(2), pp. 175-182. (10.1111/jpim.12174)
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, R. D. and Hughes, P. 2014. Social capital and learning advantages: a problem of absorptive capacity. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 8(3), pp. 214-233. (10.1002/sej.1162)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2014. Building the exchange process: The antecedents of operational exchange in collaborative business to business relationships. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Newcastle, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2013. Operational exchange in collaborative business to business alliances: antecedents and the impact of firm size. Presented at: EMAC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2012. Clan culture, strategic orientation and new product performance in Chinese marketing ventures: an exploration of main and moderating effects. Journal of Strategic Marketing 20(3), pp. 267-286. (10.1080/0965254X.2011.643914)
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. A value-in-process analysis of relationship interactions in non-equity alliances. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 186-196. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016)
- Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M. K., Grant, D. B. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 207-214. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.025)
- Kouropalatis, Y., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. Pursuing ‘Flexible Commitment’ as strategic ambidexterity: an empirical justification in high technology firms. European Journal of Marketing 46(10), pp. 1389-1417. (10.1108/03090561211248099)
- Volberda, H., Morgan, R. E., Rainmoeller, P., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic management: competitive and globalisation: concepts only. Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Morgan, R. E., Thorpe, E. R. and McGuinness, T. 2011. The contribution of marketing to business strategy formation: A perspective on business performance gains. Journal of Strategic Marketing 8(4), pp. 341-362. (10.1080/09652540010003672)
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, R. D. and Hughes, P. 2011. Network behaviours, social capital, and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 12(3), pp. 257-272. (10.1504/IJESB.2011.039006)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2011. Alliance governance in marketing channels: substitutes and multidimensional forms. Presented at: Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies : Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011 Presented at Munteanu, C. ed.Proceedings of 2nd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011. Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi pp. 247-253.
- Volberda, H. W., Morgan, R. E., Reinmoeller, P., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization (Concepts and cases). Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Morgan, R. E. 2010. Marketing strategy implementation. In: Sheth, J. and Malhotra, N. eds. Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing., Vol. 6. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 163-166.
- Hughes, P., Hughes, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2010. Why do product-market strategies fail? A sociostructural examination under conditions of adherence. Group & Organization Management 35(5), pp. 606-635. (10.1177/1059601110383408)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R., Hughes, M., Kouropalatis, Y., Powell, T. H. and Hodgkinson, I. 2010. Antecedents and consequences of product-market planning capability. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2010.
- Hodgkinson, I., Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2010. The role of absorptive capacity in the market orientation- customer performance relationship for public service provision. Presented at: 39th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 June 2010.
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E. and Cadogan, J. 2010. Marketing strategy and the efficacy of procedural justice: the mid-level marketing manager in industrial service firms. Industrial Marketing Management 39(3), pp. 450-459. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.10.002)
- Hughes, M., Martin, S. L., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2010. Realizing product-market advantage in high-technology international new ventures: the mediating role of ambidextrous innovation. Journal of International Marketing 18(4), pp. 1-21. (10.1509/jimk.18.4.1)
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs approach. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2010, Henley-on-Thames, UK, 27-29 September 2010. pp. 31-32.
- Vorhies, D. W., Morgan, R. E. and Autry, C. W. 2009. Product-market strategy and the marketing capabilities of the firm: impact on market effectiveness and cash flow performance. Strategic Management Journal 30(12), pp. 1310-1334. (10.1002/smj.798)
- Lozano, S., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2009. International new ventures: A conceptual review of new internationalization patterns. Presented at: 2009 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, USA, 7-10 August 2009.
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2009. Developing successful new products in Chinese high-tech firms: The effects of business climate and strategic orientation. Presented at: 38th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2009, Nantes, France, 26-29 May 2009.
- Uslay, C., Morgan, R. E. and Sheth, J. N. 2009. Peter Drucker on marketing: an exploration of five tenets. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37(1), pp. 47-60. (10.1007/s11747-008-0099-8)
- Lambe, C. J., Morgan, R. E., Sheng, S. and Kutwaroo, G. 2009. Alliance-based new product development success: The role of formalization in exploration and exploitation contexts. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 16(3), pp. 242-275. (10.1080/10517120802484593)
- Herrmann, A., Heitmann, M., Morgan, R. E., Henneberg, S. C. and Landwehr, J. 2009. Consumer decision making and variety of offerings: the effect of attribute alignability. Psychology and Marketing 26(4), pp. 333-358. (10.1002/mar.20276)
- Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2009. The polydestrous effects of peripheral vision capability, proactive and responsive market orientation on new product program and financial performance. In: Reynolds, K. and White, C. eds. Proceedings of 2009 American marketing Assocation (AMA) Winter Educator's Conference, Tampa, USA, 20-23 February 2009., Vol. 20. American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Morgan, R. E. and Berthon, P. 2008. Market orientation, generative learning, innovation strategy and business performance inter-relationships in bioscience firms. Journal of Management Studies 45(8), pp. 1329-1353. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00778.x)
- Morgan, R. E., Lambe, C., Kutwaroo, G., Hughes, M. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2008. Knowledge application and knowledge generation in high technology strategic alliances: performance implications and the moderating effects of relational conditions. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 28th Annual International Conference, Cologne, Germany, 12-15 October 2008.
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, D. and Hughes, P. 2008. The interactive effect of social capital and embeddedness on learning from network relationships. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 28th Annual International Conference, Cologne, Germany, 12-15 October 2008.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of inter-organisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) 2008, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 September 2008.
- Chuang, F., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Toon, M. 2008. The contingent value of stage-gate capabilities for new product performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2008, Aberdeen, UK, 8-10 July 2008.
- Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2008. Fitting strategic resources with product-market strategy: Performance implications. Journal of Business Research 61(4), pp. 323-331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2007.06.023)
- Morgan, R. E. and Page, K. L. 2008. Managing business transformation to deliver strategic agility. Strategic Change 17(5-6), pp. 155-168. (10.1002/jsc.823)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2008. Market knowledge diffusion and business performance. European Journal of Marketing 42(11/12), pp. 1372-1395. (10.1108/03090560810903718)
- Morgan, R. E. and Katsikeas, C. S. 2008. Export stimuli: export intention compared with export activity. In: Paliwoda, S. J. and Ryans, J. K. eds. International marketing: modern and classic papers., Vol. 1. The International library of critical writings on business and management series Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of interorganisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management 2008, Harrogate, UK, September 2008. pp. 31-32.
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Exploitative Learning and Entrepreneurial Orientation Alignment in Emerging Young Firms: Implications for Market and Response Performance. British Journal of Management 18(4), pp. 359-375. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2007.00519.x)
- Zarkos, S., Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2007. Real options and real strategies. Strategic Change 16(7), pp. 315-325. (10.1002/jsc.802)
- Kouropalatis, Y. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Peripheral vision: A conceptual model and propositional inventory. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick, UK, 11-13 Sep 2007.
- Hughes, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance at the embryonic stage of firm growth. Industrial Marketing Management 36(5), pp. 651-661. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.04.003)
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, D. and Hughes, P. 2007. Networking behaviours, social capital and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science XIII World Marketing Congress: Marketing Theory and Practice in an Inter-functional World, Verona, Italy, 11-14 Jul 2007.
- Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Managerial, organizational, and external drivers of sales effectiveness in export market ventures. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35(2), pp. 270-293. (10.1007/s11747-007-0041-5)
- Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. A resource-advantage perspective of product-market strategy performance & strategic capital in high technology firms. Industrial Marketing Management 36(4), pp. 503-517. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.01.003)
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. A role theoretic view of product-market strategy execution: an investigation of mid-level marketing managers. Journal of Strategic Marketing 15(2), pp. 223-236. (10.1080/09652540701320985)
- Hughes, M., Ireland, R. D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Stimulating Dynamic Value: Social Capital and Business Incubation as a Pathway to Competitive Success. Long Range Planning 40(2), pp. 154-177. (10.1016/j.lrp.2007.03.008)
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. In pursuit of the "ideal approach" to successful marketing strategy implementation. European Journal of Marketing 41(5/6), pp. 659-677. (10.1108/03090560710737679)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Kouropalatis, Y. and Hughes, M. 2007. Beyond market orientation as a cybernetic system: A market knowledge diffusion perspective. Presented at: 2007 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007 Presented at Dixon, A. and Machleit, K. eds.2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007. Chicago, IL, USA: American Marketing Association pp. 337-338.
- Morgan, R. E., Lambe, C. J., Kutwaroo, G. and Hughes, P. 2007. Delivering financial performance in international strategic alliances: A knowledge-based perspective. Presented at: 2007 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007 Presented at Dixon, A. and Machleit, K. A. eds.2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007, Vol. 18. Chicago, IL, USA: American Marketing Association pp. 200-200.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J., Skarmeas, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor structure. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Skarmeas, D. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor model. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007. pp. 31-32.
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2006. Time-based competitive performance and entrepreneurial orientation. Presented at: Strategy And Governance in a World of Institutional Change -Strategic Management Society 26th Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 29 October - 1 November 2006.
- Cadogan, J. W., Cui, C. C., Morgan, R. E. and Story, V. M. 2006. Factors facilitating and impeding the development of export market-oriented behavior: A study of Hong Kong manufacturing exporters. Industrial Marketing Management 35(5), pp. 634-647. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.06.014)
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E., Barton, L. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2006. Fostering an innovative organizational culture: implications for product-market strategy effectiveness. Presented at: 35th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May 2006.
- Morgan, R. E. and Chimhanzi, J. 2005. Explanations from the marketing/human resources dyad for marketing strategy implementation effectiveness in service firms. Journal of Business Research 58(6), pp. 787-796. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.11.003)
- Hughes, H., Morgan, R. E., Hughes, P. and Ireland, R. D. 2005. The influence of organizational characteristics and entrepreneurial intensity on incremental and radical innovation. Presented at: 12th International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-14 June 2005.
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E. and Barton, L. 2005. Marketing managers' locus of control and role performance: Implications for product market strategy execution. Presented at: 2005 EMAC Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, 24-27 May 2005.
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E. and Hughes, M. 2005. Resources, strategy type and business performance: an assessment of strategic fit. Presented at: 34th EMAC conference, Milan, Italy, 24 - 27 May 2005.
- McGuinness, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2005. The effect of market and learning orientation on strategy dynamics: The contributing effect of organisational change capability. European Journal of Marketing 39(11/12), pp. 1306-1326. (10.1108/03090560510623271)
- Katsikea, E. S., Papavassiliou, N., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2005. Export market expansion strategies of direct-selling small and medium-sized firms: Implications for export sales management activities. Journal of International Marketing 13(2), pp. 57-92. (10.1509/jimk.
- Thorpe, E. R., Morgan, R. E., Barton, L. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2004. Fair process and managerial involvement in implementing strategy. Presented at: Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2004.
- Thorpe, E., Morgan, R. E. and Cadogan, J. W. 2004. Procedural justice and marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. Presented at: 33rd EMAC Conference, Murcia, Spain, 18 - 21 May 2004.
- Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2004. The paradox between marketing knowledge transfer and strategic alliance success. Presented at: American Marketing Association (Winter) Educators' Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 6-9 February 2004.
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Agile Business Relationships and Technology. Journal of General Management 29(4), pp. 77-92.
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Business agility and internal marketing. European Business Review 16(5), pp. 464-472. (10.1108/09555340410699811)
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Market-Based Organisational Learning - Theoretical Reflections and Conceptual Insights. Journal of Marketing Management 20(1-2), pp. 67-103. (10.1362/026725704773041131)
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Teleworking: an assessment of the benefits and challenges. European Business Review 16(4), pp. 344-357. (10.1108/09555340410699613)
- Morgan, R. E. and Turnell, C. R. 2003. Market-based Organizational Learning and Market Performance Gains. British Journal of Management 14(3), pp. 255-274. (10.1111/1467-8551.00378)
- Katsikea, E. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Exploring export sales management practices in small- and medium-sized firms. Industrial Marketing Management 32(6), pp. 467-480. (10.1016/S0019-8501(02)00249-3)
- McGuinnes, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Organisational change capability: The theoretical construct and its operational measurement. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 May 2003.
- Morgan, R., Magin, S. D., Huber, F. and Herrmann, A. 2003. The why of buying Nike: Findings of a causal analytic study. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science Conference: Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing: Worldwide Perspectives on a Value-Centric Orientation, Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 May 2003.
- Morgan, R. E. and Strong, C. A. 2003. Business performance and dimensions of strategic orientation. Journal of Business Research 56(3), pp. 163-176. (10.1016/S0148-2963(01)00218-1)
- Berthon, P., Morgan, R. E. and Krepapa, A. 2003. The effects of market orientation and organisational learning on innovation and business performance. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 14-17 Feb 2003.
- Morgan, R. E. 2003. Information technology: second-class citizen or strategy partner. Journal of Business Strategy 24(6), pp. 38-45. (10.1108/02756660310698849)
- Rudd, J. M. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Editorial - Marketing Strategy: a history of the next decade [Editorial]. Journal of Strategic Marketing 11(3), pp. 161-164. (10.1080/0965254032000133430)
- Morgan, R. E. 2003. Outsourcing: towards the 'shamrock organization'. Journal of General Management 29(2), pp. 35-52.
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A. and McGuinness, T. 2003. Product-market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource-based perspective. European Journal of Marketing 37(10), pp. 1409-1439. (10.1108/03090560310487176)
- Oxtoby, B., McGuiness, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2002. Developing Organisational Change Capability. European Management Journal 20(3), pp. 310-320. (10.1016/S0263-2373(02)00047-6)
- Deng, S., Morgan, R. E. and Katsikeas, C. 2002. Barriers to export performance of small and medium-sized exporters: Empirical evidence in a Canadian context. Presented at: Multicultural Marketing Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Valencia, Spain, 26-29 June 2002.
- McGuinnes, T., Morgan, R. E. and Oxtoby, B. 2002. Organisational change capability: The theoretical construct and its operational measurement. Presented at: Organisational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference, Athens, Greece, 5-6 April 2002.
- Morgan, R. E. and Hunt, S. D. 2002. Determining marketing strategy: A cybernetic systems approach to scenario planning. European Journal of Marketing 36(4), pp. 450-478. (10.1108/03090560210417264)
- Chimhanzi, J. and Morgan, R. E. 2002. Explanations from the marketing/HR dyad for market competitiveness: A perspective on marketing strategy implementation effectiveness and market performance in service firms. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Austin, TX, USA, Feb 22-25 2002AMA Winter Educators Conference. American Marketing Association pp. 66-67.
- McNaughton, R. B., Osborne, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2001. Market orientation and firm value. Presented at: AM2001: Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 2-4 Jul 2001.
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Mid-level managers and marketing strategy implementation: Mechanisms, processes and properties of procedural justice. Presented at: AM2001: Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 2-4 Jul 2001.
- Oxtoby, B., Morgan, R. E., McGuinness, T. and Jones, M. 2001. Total quality leadership: Employing organisational learning as a conduit. International Journal of Management 18(2), pp. 245-251.
- Morgan, R. E. and Ambler, T. 2001. Strategic orientation and export development: A resource-based perspective. Presented at: 30th European Marketing Academy Conference:Rethinking European Marketing, Bergen, Norway, 8-11 May 2001.
- Morgan, R. E. and Walters, P. 2001. Global marketing research: Emerging themes and future directions. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Feb 16-19 2001.
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Foreign direct investment in transition economies: the case of the Coca-Cola company in Russia. In: Liu, H. ed. Foreign Direct Investment and Strategic Alliances in Europe. International Business Press, pp. 27-48.
- Morgan, R. E. and Rosier, E. R. 2001. Foreign direct investment in transition economies: The case of Coca-Cola in Russia. Journal of Euromarketing 10(1), pp. 27-48. (10.1300/J037v10n01_03)
- Huber, F., Herrmann, A. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Gaining competitive advantage through customer value oriented management. Journal of Consumer Marketing 18(1), pp. 41-53. (10.1108/07363760110365796)
- McNaughton, R. B., Osborne, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2001. Market Orientation and Firm Value. Journal of Marketing Management 17(5-6), pp. 521-542. (10.1362/026725701323366917)
- Katsikea, E. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Export sales management and export development: Export sales control, organisation design, managerial characteristics and behavioural attributes. Presented at: Third Biennial Academy of Marketing/American Marketing Association Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1 July 2001.
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Intellectual property protection and firm risk: How service transition and knowledge intensity mitigate the loss of strategic resources. Journal of Business Research 188, article number: 115118. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.115118)
- Knight, H. H., De Angelis, R., Telg, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Towards the coopetitive circular business model: Theoretical foundations, conceptual envisioning, and future research imperatives. Industrial Marketing Management 124, pp. 20-39. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.11.005)
- Hudson, K., Kumar, V. and Morgan, R. E. 2024. An evolutionary perspective on capabilities for fluid product-markets: the contingent effects of routinization and renewal in marketing, R&D, and operations. Long Range Planning 57(6), article number: 102480. (10.1016/j.lrp.2024.102480)
- Scedrova, A., Morgan, R. E. and De Luca, L. M. 2024. Decomposing profile-to-role configurations in R&D-Focused entrepreneurial teams. European Management Journal 42(5), pp. 813-823. (10.1016/j.emj.2023.04.009)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2024. Industry exposure to artificial intelligence, board network heterogeneity, and firm idiosyncratic risk. Journal of Management Studies (10.1111/joms.13127)
- Kouropalatis, Y., Zenker, S., Morgan, R. and Lindgreen, A. 2024. Diffusion and future influence of tourism research: addressing the how and when questions of tourism knowledge structures. Journal of Travel Research 63(2), pp. 298-313. (10.1177/00472875231164986)
- Gali, N., Hughes, M. (., Morgan, R. E. and Wang, C. L. 2024. Entrepreneurial entropy: a resource exhaustion theory of firm failure from entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48(1), pp. 141-170. (10.1177/10422587231151957)
- Hortovanyi, L. et al. 2023. Assessment of digital maturity: the role of resources and capabilities in digital transformation in B2B firms. International Journal of Production Research 61(23), pp. 8043-8061. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2164087)
- De Angelis, R., Morgan, R. and De Luca, L. M. 2023. Open strategy and dynamic capabilities: a framework for circular economy business models research. Business Strategy and the Environment 32(7), pp. 4861-4873. (10.1002/bse.3397)
- Robson, M. J., Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E., Bicakcioglu-Peynirci, N. and Di Benedetto, C. A. 2023. New product development process execution, integration mechanisms, capabilities, and outcomes: Evidence from Chinese high-technology ventures. British Journal of Management 34(4), pp. 2036-2056. (10.1111/1467-8551.12686)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2023. Board political ideological diversity and information exposure as antecedents to value creation and value appropriation. Journal of Product Innovation Management (10.1111/jpim.12688)
- Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N. and Morgan, R. 2023. International servitization: theoretical roots, research gaps, and implications. International Marketing Review (10.1108/IMR-07-2020-0140)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. 2022. The wisdom and madness of crowds: How information networks and board cognition help or hinder firm performance across the business cycle. Long Range Planning 55(6), article number: 102180. (10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102180)
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. E. 2022. Ideological homophily in board composition and interlock networks: Do liberal directors inhibit viewpoint diversity?. Corporate Governance 30(3), pp. 272-289. (10.1111/corg.12406)
- Bicakcioglu-Peynirci, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2022. EXPRESS: Unbundling the effects of internationalization on firm performance in emerging economies: The moderating effects of strategic resource decisions. Journal of International Marketing 30(1), pp. 55-74. (10.1177/1069031X211030686)
- Husairi, M. A., Morgan, R. E. and De Luca, L. M. 2021. Market entry timing: the impact of complementary capabilities on strategic outcomes. Journal of Business Research 132, pp. 45-55. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.004)
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Hodgkinson, I. R. and Lee, Y. 2021. Strategic entrepreneurship behaviours and the innovation ambidexterity of young technology-based firms in incubators. International Small Business Journal 39(3), pp. 202-227. (10.1177/0266242620943776)
- Herhausen, D., Morgan, R. E., Brozovic, D. and Volberda, H. W. 2021. Re-examining strategic flexibility: a meta-analysis of its antecedents, consequences and contingencies. British Journal of Management 32(2), pp. 435-455. (10.1111/1467-8551.12413)
- Herhausen, D., Miočević, D., Morgan, R. and Kleijnen, M. H. P. 2020. The digital marketing capabilities gap: empirical evidence, managerial shortcomings, and future research streams. Industrial Marketing Management 90, pp. 276-290. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.07.022)
- Hughes, P., Hodgkinson, I. R., Morgan, R. E., Hughes, M. and Hughes, C. L. 2020. Product-market planning capability and profitability. Industrial Marketing Management 90 (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.08.007)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Hodgkinson, I. R., Kouropalatis, Y. and Lindgreen, A. 2020. A diagnostic tool to determine a strategic improvisation readiness index score (IRIS) to survive, adapt, and thrive in a crisis. Industrial Marketing Management 88, pp. 485-499. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.05.020)
- Morgan, R. E., Miocevic, D. and Herhausen, D. 2019. Capability-driven industrial firms: Considering resources, capabilities, and competencies for marketing developments. Industrial Marketing Management 83, pp. 1-7. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.08.007)
- Appio, F. P., De Luca, L. M., Morgan, R. and Martini, A. 2019. Patent portfolio diversity and firm profitability: a question of specialization or diversification?. Journal of Business Research 101, pp. 255-267. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.04.020)
- Kranzbühler, A., Kleijnen, M. H., Morgan, R. E. and Teerling, M. 2018. The multilevel nature of customer experience research: an integrative review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews 20(2), pp. 433-456. (10.1111/ijmr.12140)
- Miocevic, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2018. Operational capabilities and entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging market firms: explaining exporting SME growth. International Marketing Review 35(2) (10.1108/IMR-12-2015-0270)
- Herhausen, D., De Luca, L. M., Miceli, G., Morgan, R. E. and Schoegel, M. 2017. When does customer-oriented leadership pay off? An investigation of frontstage and backstage service teams. Journal of Service Research 20(4), pp. 409-425. (10.1177/1094670517714059)
- Powell, T., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. E. and Karhu, P. 2016. Mapping knowledge and innovation research themes: using bibliometrics for classification, evolution, proliferation and determinism. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 20(3/4), pp. 174-199. (10.1504/IJEIM.2016.077960)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J. and Hingley, M. 2016. Processes and integration in the interaction of purchasing and marketing: considering synergy and symbiosis. Industrial Marketing Management 52, pp. 74-81. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.07.014)
- Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2015. Why people quit: explaining employee turnover intentions among export sales managers. International Business Review 24(3), pp. 367-379. (10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.08.009)
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2015. Customer and competitor insights, new product development competence, and new product creativity: differential, integrative, and substitution effects. Journal of Product Innovation Management 32(2), pp. 175-182. (10.1111/jpim.12174)
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, R. D. and Hughes, P. 2014. Social capital and learning advantages: a problem of absorptive capacity. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 8(3), pp. 214-233. (10.1002/sej.1162)
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2012. Clan culture, strategic orientation and new product performance in Chinese marketing ventures: an exploration of main and moderating effects. Journal of Strategic Marketing 20(3), pp. 267-286. (10.1080/0965254X.2011.643914)
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. A value-in-process analysis of relationship interactions in non-equity alliances. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 186-196. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016)
- Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M. K., Grant, D. B. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 207-214. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.025)
- Kouropalatis, Y., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. Pursuing ‘Flexible Commitment’ as strategic ambidexterity: an empirical justification in high technology firms. European Journal of Marketing 46(10), pp. 1389-1417. (10.1108/03090561211248099)
- Morgan, R. E., Thorpe, E. R. and McGuinness, T. 2011. The contribution of marketing to business strategy formation: A perspective on business performance gains. Journal of Strategic Marketing 8(4), pp. 341-362. (10.1080/09652540010003672)
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, R. D. and Hughes, P. 2011. Network behaviours, social capital, and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 12(3), pp. 257-272. (10.1504/IJESB.2011.039006)
- Hughes, P., Hughes, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2010. Why do product-market strategies fail? A sociostructural examination under conditions of adherence. Group & Organization Management 35(5), pp. 606-635. (10.1177/1059601110383408)
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E. and Cadogan, J. 2010. Marketing strategy and the efficacy of procedural justice: the mid-level marketing manager in industrial service firms. Industrial Marketing Management 39(3), pp. 450-459. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.10.002)
- Hughes, M., Martin, S. L., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2010. Realizing product-market advantage in high-technology international new ventures: the mediating role of ambidextrous innovation. Journal of International Marketing 18(4), pp. 1-21. (10.1509/jimk.18.4.1)
- Vorhies, D. W., Morgan, R. E. and Autry, C. W. 2009. Product-market strategy and the marketing capabilities of the firm: impact on market effectiveness and cash flow performance. Strategic Management Journal 30(12), pp. 1310-1334. (10.1002/smj.798)
- Uslay, C., Morgan, R. E. and Sheth, J. N. 2009. Peter Drucker on marketing: an exploration of five tenets. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37(1), pp. 47-60. (10.1007/s11747-008-0099-8)
- Lambe, C. J., Morgan, R. E., Sheng, S. and Kutwaroo, G. 2009. Alliance-based new product development success: The role of formalization in exploration and exploitation contexts. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 16(3), pp. 242-275. (10.1080/10517120802484593)
- Herrmann, A., Heitmann, M., Morgan, R. E., Henneberg, S. C. and Landwehr, J. 2009. Consumer decision making and variety of offerings: the effect of attribute alignability. Psychology and Marketing 26(4), pp. 333-358. (10.1002/mar.20276)
- Morgan, R. E. and Berthon, P. 2008. Market orientation, generative learning, innovation strategy and business performance inter-relationships in bioscience firms. Journal of Management Studies 45(8), pp. 1329-1353. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00778.x)
- Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2008. Fitting strategic resources with product-market strategy: Performance implications. Journal of Business Research 61(4), pp. 323-331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2007.06.023)
- Morgan, R. E. and Page, K. L. 2008. Managing business transformation to deliver strategic agility. Strategic Change 17(5-6), pp. 155-168. (10.1002/jsc.823)
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2008. Market knowledge diffusion and business performance. European Journal of Marketing 42(11/12), pp. 1372-1395. (10.1108/03090560810903718)
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Exploitative Learning and Entrepreneurial Orientation Alignment in Emerging Young Firms: Implications for Market and Response Performance. British Journal of Management 18(4), pp. 359-375. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2007.00519.x)
- Zarkos, S., Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2007. Real options and real strategies. Strategic Change 16(7), pp. 315-325. (10.1002/jsc.802)
- Hughes, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance at the embryonic stage of firm growth. Industrial Marketing Management 36(5), pp. 651-661. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.04.003)
- Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Managerial, organizational, and external drivers of sales effectiveness in export market ventures. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35(2), pp. 270-293. (10.1007/s11747-007-0041-5)
- Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. A resource-advantage perspective of product-market strategy performance & strategic capital in high technology firms. Industrial Marketing Management 36(4), pp. 503-517. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.01.003)
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. A role theoretic view of product-market strategy execution: an investigation of mid-level marketing managers. Journal of Strategic Marketing 15(2), pp. 223-236. (10.1080/09652540701320985)
- Hughes, M., Ireland, R. D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Stimulating Dynamic Value: Social Capital and Business Incubation as a Pathway to Competitive Success. Long Range Planning 40(2), pp. 154-177. (10.1016/j.lrp.2007.03.008)
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. In pursuit of the "ideal approach" to successful marketing strategy implementation. European Journal of Marketing 41(5/6), pp. 659-677. (10.1108/03090560710737679)
- Cadogan, J. W., Cui, C. C., Morgan, R. E. and Story, V. M. 2006. Factors facilitating and impeding the development of export market-oriented behavior: A study of Hong Kong manufacturing exporters. Industrial Marketing Management 35(5), pp. 634-647. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.06.014)
- Morgan, R. E. and Chimhanzi, J. 2005. Explanations from the marketing/human resources dyad for marketing strategy implementation effectiveness in service firms. Journal of Business Research 58(6), pp. 787-796. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.11.003)
- McGuinness, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2005. The effect of market and learning orientation on strategy dynamics: The contributing effect of organisational change capability. European Journal of Marketing 39(11/12), pp. 1306-1326. (10.1108/03090560510623271)
- Katsikea, E. S., Papavassiliou, N., Theodosiou, M. and Morgan, R. E. 2005. Export market expansion strategies of direct-selling small and medium-sized firms: Implications for export sales management activities. Journal of International Marketing 13(2), pp. 57-92. (10.1509/jimk.
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Agile Business Relationships and Technology. Journal of General Management 29(4), pp. 77-92.
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Business agility and internal marketing. European Business Review 16(5), pp. 464-472. (10.1108/09555340410699811)
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Market-Based Organisational Learning - Theoretical Reflections and Conceptual Insights. Journal of Marketing Management 20(1-2), pp. 67-103. (10.1362/026725704773041131)
- Morgan, R. E. 2004. Teleworking: an assessment of the benefits and challenges. European Business Review 16(4), pp. 344-357. (10.1108/09555340410699613)
- Morgan, R. E. and Turnell, C. R. 2003. Market-based Organizational Learning and Market Performance Gains. British Journal of Management 14(3), pp. 255-274. (10.1111/1467-8551.00378)
- Katsikea, E. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Exploring export sales management practices in small- and medium-sized firms. Industrial Marketing Management 32(6), pp. 467-480. (10.1016/S0019-8501(02)00249-3)
- Morgan, R. E. and Strong, C. A. 2003. Business performance and dimensions of strategic orientation. Journal of Business Research 56(3), pp. 163-176. (10.1016/S0148-2963(01)00218-1)
- Morgan, R. E. 2003. Information technology: second-class citizen or strategy partner. Journal of Business Strategy 24(6), pp. 38-45. (10.1108/02756660310698849)
- Rudd, J. M. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Editorial - Marketing Strategy: a history of the next decade [Editorial]. Journal of Strategic Marketing 11(3), pp. 161-164. (10.1080/0965254032000133430)
- Morgan, R. E. 2003. Outsourcing: towards the 'shamrock organization'. Journal of General Management 29(2), pp. 35-52.
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A. and McGuinness, T. 2003. Product-market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource-based perspective. European Journal of Marketing 37(10), pp. 1409-1439. (10.1108/03090560310487176)
- Oxtoby, B., McGuiness, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2002. Developing Organisational Change Capability. European Management Journal 20(3), pp. 310-320. (10.1016/S0263-2373(02)00047-6)
- Morgan, R. E. and Hunt, S. D. 2002. Determining marketing strategy: A cybernetic systems approach to scenario planning. European Journal of Marketing 36(4), pp. 450-478. (10.1108/03090560210417264)
- Oxtoby, B., Morgan, R. E., McGuinness, T. and Jones, M. 2001. Total quality leadership: Employing organisational learning as a conduit. International Journal of Management 18(2), pp. 245-251.
- Morgan, R. E. and Rosier, E. R. 2001. Foreign direct investment in transition economies: The case of Coca-Cola in Russia. Journal of Euromarketing 10(1), pp. 27-48. (10.1300/J037v10n01_03)
- Huber, F., Herrmann, A. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Gaining competitive advantage through customer value oriented management. Journal of Consumer Marketing 18(1), pp. 41-53. (10.1108/07363760110365796)
- McNaughton, R. B., Osborne, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2001. Market Orientation and Firm Value. Journal of Marketing Management 17(5-6), pp. 521-542. (10.1362/026725701323366917)
Book sections
- Morgan, R. E. 2010. Marketing strategy implementation. In: Sheth, J. and Malhotra, N. eds. Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing., Vol. 6. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 163-166.
- Morgan, R. E. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2009. The polydestrous effects of peripheral vision capability, proactive and responsive market orientation on new product program and financial performance. In: Reynolds, K. and White, C. eds. Proceedings of 2009 American marketing Assocation (AMA) Winter Educator's Conference, Tampa, USA, 20-23 February 2009., Vol. 20. American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Morgan, R. E. and Katsikeas, C. S. 2008. Export stimuli: export intention compared with export activity. In: Paliwoda, S. J. and Ryans, J. K. eds. International marketing: modern and classic papers., Vol. 1. The International library of critical writings on business and management series Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Foreign direct investment in transition economies: the case of the Coca-Cola company in Russia. In: Liu, H. ed. Foreign Direct Investment and Strategic Alliances in Europe. International Business Press, pp. 27-48.
- Volberda, H., Morgan, R. E., Rainmoeller, P., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic management: competitive and globalisation: concepts only. Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Volberda, H. W., Morgan, R. E., Reinmoeller, P., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. and Hoskisson, R. E. 2011. Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization (Concepts and cases). Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Sari, D., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. and Garrett, T. C. 2023. Strategic agility and its academic foundations: Exploring the knowledge gap and the practice gap. Presented at: Marketing & Management Transformation in the Age of Feeling Economy, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 17-19 November 2023 Presented at Morgan, R. ed.2023 KSMS Conference. Korea University Business School: Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
- Bıçakcıoğlu Peynirci, N., Kouropalatis, Y., Morgan, R. and Robson, M. 2023. A bibliometric analysis of international services marketing: The past, the present, and the future. Presented at: 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 20-23 July 2023 Presented at Rust, R. et al. eds.Marketing & Management Transformation in the Challenging Digital Environment. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
- Kipfelsberger, P., Hughes, M., Herhausen, D., Morgan, R. and Bruch, H. 2023. High performance at high cost: The unanticipated health consequence of contextual ambidexterity. Presented at: The Sixth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel Aviv, Israel, 3-5 January 2023.
- Oufan, S., De Luca, L., Morgan, R. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Realising Value from Big Data Technology Adoption: Understanding the Role of Organisational Capabilities in the Affordance Actualization Process. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems 2023, 10-13 December 2023Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies: ICIS 2023, Vol. 14. Association of Information Systems
- Hortovanyi, L. et al. 2022. An empirical investigation of organisational changes underpinning digital transformation.. Presented at: EURAM 2022 Leading Digital Transformation, Zurich, Switzerland, 15-17 June, 2022EURAM 2022 Leading Digital Transformation.
- Hudson, K. and Morgan, R. 2021. Political ideological homophily in intra- and inter-firm networks: The effect of director liberalism on board composition and interlocks. Presented at: International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Conferenc, Groningen, The Netherlands, 8-10 October 2021.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2018. Mapping managerial exchange and alliance performance: The contingent effects of firm size and managerial tenure. Presented at: IMM Summit 2018, 2018. pp. -.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2014. Building the exchange process: The antecedents of operational exchange in collaborative business to business relationships. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Newcastle, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2013. Operational exchange in collaborative business to business alliances: antecedents and the impact of firm size. Presented at: EMAC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2011. Alliance governance in marketing channels: substitutes and multidimensional forms. Presented at: Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies : Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011 Presented at Munteanu, C. ed.Proceedings of 2nd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011. Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi pp. 247-253.
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R., Hughes, M., Kouropalatis, Y., Powell, T. H. and Hodgkinson, I. 2010. Antecedents and consequences of product-market planning capability. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2010.
- Hodgkinson, I., Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2010. The role of absorptive capacity in the market orientation- customer performance relationship for public service provision. Presented at: 39th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 June 2010.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs approach. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2010, Henley-on-Thames, UK, 27-29 September 2010. pp. 31-32.
- Lozano, S., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2009. International new ventures: A conceptual review of new internationalization patterns. Presented at: 2009 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, USA, 7-10 August 2009.
- Chuang, F., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2009. Developing successful new products in Chinese high-tech firms: The effects of business climate and strategic orientation. Presented at: 38th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2009, Nantes, France, 26-29 May 2009.
- Morgan, R. E., Lambe, C., Kutwaroo, G., Hughes, M. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2008. Knowledge application and knowledge generation in high technology strategic alliances: performance implications and the moderating effects of relational conditions. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 28th Annual International Conference, Cologne, Germany, 12-15 October 2008.
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, D. and Hughes, P. 2008. The interactive effect of social capital and embeddedness on learning from network relationships. Presented at: Strategic Management Society 28th Annual International Conference, Cologne, Germany, 12-15 October 2008.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of inter-organisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) 2008, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 September 2008.
- Chuang, F., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Toon, M. 2008. The contingent value of stage-gate capabilities for new product performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2008, Aberdeen, UK, 8-10 July 2008.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of interorganisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management 2008, Harrogate, UK, September 2008. pp. 31-32.
- Kouropalatis, Y. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Peripheral vision: A conceptual model and propositional inventory. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick, UK, 11-13 Sep 2007.
- Hughes, M., Morgan, R. E., Ireland, D. and Hughes, P. 2007. Networking behaviours, social capital and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science XIII World Marketing Congress: Marketing Theory and Practice in an Inter-functional World, Verona, Italy, 11-14 Jul 2007.
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Kouropalatis, Y. and Hughes, M. 2007. Beyond market orientation as a cybernetic system: A market knowledge diffusion perspective. Presented at: 2007 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007 Presented at Dixon, A. and Machleit, K. eds.2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007. Chicago, IL, USA: American Marketing Association pp. 337-338.
- Morgan, R. E., Lambe, C. J., Kutwaroo, G. and Hughes, P. 2007. Delivering financial performance in international strategic alliances: A knowledge-based perspective. Presented at: 2007 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007 Presented at Dixon, A. and Machleit, K. A. eds.2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-19 February 2007, Vol. 18. Chicago, IL, USA: American Marketing Association pp. 200-200.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J., Skarmeas, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor structure. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Skarmeas, D. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor model. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007. pp. 31-32.
- Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Morgan, R. E. 2006. Time-based competitive performance and entrepreneurial orientation. Presented at: Strategy And Governance in a World of Institutional Change -Strategic Management Society 26th Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 29 October - 1 November 2006.
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E., Barton, L. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2006. Fostering an innovative organizational culture: implications for product-market strategy effectiveness. Presented at: 35th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May 2006.
- Hughes, H., Morgan, R. E., Hughes, P. and Ireland, R. D. 2005. The influence of organizational characteristics and entrepreneurial intensity on incremental and radical innovation. Presented at: 12th International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-14 June 2005.
- Rosier, E. R., Morgan, R. E. and Barton, L. 2005. Marketing managers' locus of control and role performance: Implications for product market strategy execution. Presented at: 2005 EMAC Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, 24-27 May 2005.
- Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E. and Hughes, M. 2005. Resources, strategy type and business performance: an assessment of strategic fit. Presented at: 34th EMAC conference, Milan, Italy, 24 - 27 May 2005.
- Thorpe, E. R., Morgan, R. E., Barton, L. and Kouropalatis, Y. 2004. Fair process and managerial involvement in implementing strategy. Presented at: Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2004.
- Thorpe, E., Morgan, R. E. and Cadogan, J. W. 2004. Procedural justice and marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. Presented at: 33rd EMAC Conference, Murcia, Spain, 18 - 21 May 2004.
- Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2004. The paradox between marketing knowledge transfer and strategic alliance success. Presented at: American Marketing Association (Winter) Educators' Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 6-9 February 2004.
- McGuinnes, T. and Morgan, R. E. 2003. Organisational change capability: The theoretical construct and its operational measurement. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 May 2003.
- Morgan, R., Magin, S. D., Huber, F. and Herrmann, A. 2003. The why of buying Nike: Findings of a causal analytic study. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science Conference: Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing: Worldwide Perspectives on a Value-Centric Orientation, Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 May 2003.
- Berthon, P., Morgan, R. E. and Krepapa, A. 2003. The effects of market orientation and organisational learning on innovation and business performance. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 14-17 Feb 2003.
- Deng, S., Morgan, R. E. and Katsikeas, C. 2002. Barriers to export performance of small and medium-sized exporters: Empirical evidence in a Canadian context. Presented at: Multicultural Marketing Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Valencia, Spain, 26-29 June 2002.
- McGuinnes, T., Morgan, R. E. and Oxtoby, B. 2002. Organisational change capability: The theoretical construct and its operational measurement. Presented at: Organisational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference, Athens, Greece, 5-6 April 2002.
- Chimhanzi, J. and Morgan, R. E. 2002. Explanations from the marketing/HR dyad for market competitiveness: A perspective on marketing strategy implementation effectiveness and market performance in service firms. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Austin, TX, USA, Feb 22-25 2002AMA Winter Educators Conference. American Marketing Association pp. 66-67.
- McNaughton, R. B., Osborne, P., Morgan, R. E. and Kutwaroo, G. 2001. Market orientation and firm value. Presented at: AM2001: Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 2-4 Jul 2001.
- Rosier, E. R. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Mid-level managers and marketing strategy implementation: Mechanisms, processes and properties of procedural justice. Presented at: AM2001: Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 2-4 Jul 2001.
- Morgan, R. E. and Ambler, T. 2001. Strategic orientation and export development: A resource-based perspective. Presented at: 30th European Marketing Academy Conference:Rethinking European Marketing, Bergen, Norway, 8-11 May 2001.
- Morgan, R. E. and Walters, P. 2001. Global marketing research: Emerging themes and future directions. Presented at: AMA (Winter) Educators' Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Feb 16-19 2001.
- Katsikea, E. and Morgan, R. E. 2001. Export sales management and export development: Export sales control, organisation design, managerial characteristics and behavioural attributes. Presented at: Third Biennial Academy of Marketing/American Marketing Association Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1 July 2001.
- Herhausen, D., Miočević, D., Morgan, R. and Kleijnen, M. H. P. 2020. The digital marketing capabilities gap: empirical evidence, managerial shortcomings, and future research streams. Industrial Marketing Management 90, pp. 276-290. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.07.022)
My research focuses on the following topics:
- Organizational capabilities to deliver customer value
- Innovation, new product development, and commercialization
- Marketing strategy processes
- Boards of Directors and Top Management Teams
- Strategic management priority setting
I have published widely on these topics in academic journals as well as in thought leadership white papers and management articles. As an example, my research has appeared in: Strategic Management Journal; Journal of Management Studies; Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal; Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; Entrepreneurship, Theory, & Practice; Journal of Service Research; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Long Range Planning; Journal of International Marketing; Industrial Marketing Management; British Journal of Management; International Journal of Management Reviews among others.
My research philosophy centers on five key dimensions:
- Quality: consistently producing rigorous original research and targeting leading and highly regarded international journals in the field;
- Relevance: engaging in research work that is interesting, pertinent, and meaningful to managers and researchers with clear implications for practice;
- Collaboration: promoting partnerships with individuals possessing complementary research capabilities, skills, and knowledge to enhance my self-development, as well as, contribute to the development of others;
- Dissemination: sharing research findings widely in academic and practitioner communities by presenting results in conferences, lectures, and social media outlets; and,
- Impact: helping business managers, public policymakers and society engage in research-informed changes to make a positive difference in their line of work.
In my experience, these five dimensions are important in producing and disseminating new knowledge in a relevant, rigorous, and impactful way.
My research has been funded by corporations as well as the following major sponsors:
- British Academy
- Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (UK Government)
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
- Environment Agency
- European Commission
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office (UK Government)
- Government of Quebec
- Her Majesty's Treasury (UK Government)
- Leverhulme Trust
- Strategy Research Foundation (Strategic Management Society)
- Welsh Government
Most of my teaching has focused on postgraduate and post-expeirence level over the last ten years. I currently deliver and coordinate teaching on various postgraduate (MSc, MBA, PhD) and executive programs. My primary teaching includes:
- Strategic Management (BST606): Executive MBA
- Strategic Planning & Innovation (BST680): National Health Service Healthcare Planning Diploma/MSc
- Project supervision: MSc Business Strategy & Entreprenurship
- Project supervision: MSc Strategic Marketing
- Dissertation supervision: Executive MBA
- Dissertation supervision: Social Science Research Methods MSc
- Doctoral dissertation committee supervisory roles
- ExecEd: Executive Education delivery on a series of customized and open programs to clients from SMEs to trans-global corporation including LBA devoted to Accelerating Innovation, Business Development, Innovation and Creativity, Managing Strategy, Strategic Decision Making for Agile Management and Reconciling Performance Imperatives.
I am External Examiner to the Department of Marketing at London Business School with responsibility for scrutiny of the MBA delivery, assessment, and awards. I also serve as External Examiner to The Management School at St. Andrews University and act as Chief Examiner to the Edinburgh Business School Online MBA program, one of the largest of it kind globally.
I have held External Examiner appointments at many UK Schools including: Aston, Bath, Cambridge, City, Cranfield, Durham, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Leeds, Loughborough, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Stirling, Warwick as well as several in the USA (e.g., Hult International Business School), Europe (e.g., Erasmus-Rotterdam; ALBA-Athens; WU-Vienna; Corvinus-Budapest), and Oceana (RMIT-Melbourne; Wollongong-Sydney).
Recent credits:
"Rob really made us think differently. Superb, thought provoking, extremely insightful". Claire Vyvyan, Senior Vice President, Dell Technologies Inc.
"Rob is a strategist’s strategist nonpareil who seamlessly blends academic rigor with practical, value-adding, strategic insight in all his work. He is an outstanding speaker and when confronted with a business strategy challenge, I would recommend Rob without hesitation". Dr Llyr Jones, former Senior Vice President (Americas) and Head of Group Strategy, BAE Systems plc.
"Any student and aspiring future business leader would be lucky to have Rob as a professor and mentor, and I am personally very grateful for all the time and energy he put into his work. This definitely helped me in achieving my ambitions and driving towards future aspirations". Victoria Vorobyova, Chevening Scholar and Senior Consultant, Deloitte Consulting LLP.
"Rob is a fantastically engaging lecturer with a clear passion for strategy. A brilliant communicator with an inclusive style. Casework was interesting, relevant, and valuable to demonstrate the theory. He’s amazing!!" Anon 2020.
"Rob is an electric lecturer with a good sense of humor which compliments retention and learning. His passion really shines through and is appreciated - his mastery of his subject area is consistently apparent". Anon 2020.
Following a management first degree, I joined the international electronics industry later returning to study for a PhD in global market entry strategy. Receiving post-doctoral training at INSEAD, France, and the Rock Center for Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School, USA, I developed an academic career - and love it! I currently co-direct the Research, Innovation, and Engagement portfolio in the Marketing & Strategy Section of the School. In addition, I am Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Within University administration, I have been appointed to a series of senior roles including Vice Dean, Senate Member, Department Chair, and Departmental Advisory Board Chair. In leadership terms, I was instrumental in building a team at Cardiff that is positioned as the #2 Marketing Department in the UK, #9 in Europe, and #20 globally in research rankings (MKTBig15 Ranking 2023). I also chair the International Advisory Board at Copenhagen Business School and am a Strategic Advisory Board Member at The University of Split.
I am actively engaged in executive education and consulting and my client list includes: Barclays Bank, BBC, Bisley, British Council, BT, Dell Technologies, Deloitte, KPN, PWC, and Siemens as well as regional organizations including Acuity Legal, Hugh James, Julian Hodge Bank, and Welsh Water.
I welcome receiving PhD applications by proposal with a supporting resume from enthusiastic and capable students interested in my research areas of specialty. In addition, I particularly encourage students to contact me where they are methodologically trained in statistics or econometrics and are seeking to potentially use secondary data sources to construct and analyze panel data or big data using artifical intelligence or machine-learning approaches to assess topics within the strategic management, marketing strategy, or innovation fields.
I have supervised several hundred Master-level thesis and dissertation students to date and have also been first supervisor (doctoral committee chair) to over 20 successfully completed PhD students, many of whom have reached Full Professor appointments in academia and Director/Senior Vice President level in corporations.
"I owe my own career positions as Global CMO, VP Marketing, and Senior Director for some of the world's largest brands (Microsoft, Dell, Siemens, British Telecom, NCR) to Professor Morgan who has helped me, over the last twenty years, to make a difference to my approach and thinking. He has been instrumental in my commercial development and his counsel has led to the achievement of strong commercial returns for the technology businesses that I have represented". Dr. Gopal Kutwaroo, Vice President Marketing, The Lego Group (former doctoral student).
My research philosophy centres on five key dimensions:
- Quality: consistently producing rigorous original research and targeting leading and highly regarded international journals in the field;
- Relevance: engaging in research work that is interesting, pertinent, and meaningful to managers and researchers with clear implications for practice;
- Collaboration: promoting partnerships with individuals possessing complementary research capabilities, skills, and knowledge to enhance my self-development, as well as, contribute to the development of others;
- Dissemination: sharing research findings widely in academic and practitioner communities by presenting results in conferences, lectures, and social media outlets; and,
- Impact: helping business managers, public policymakers and society engage in research-informed changes to make a positive difference in their line of work.
In my experience, these five dimensions are important in producing and disseminating new knowledge in a relevant, rigorous and impactful way. If these dimensions align with your own, and you are interested to develop your research within my area of expertise, please contact me with your research proposal.
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 70001
Aberconway Building, Room B23, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU