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Amanda Potts

Dr Amanda Potts


Reader (Associate Professor)

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Public and Professional Discourse. My specialism is in corpus-based critical discourse analysis of texts and topics in public and professional communication, most recently: media discourse, medical communication, and language of the law. In my work, I usually take a mixed methodological approach, exploring some combination of the topics below:

  • semantics
  • metaphor analysis
  • analysis of culture
  • sociolinguistics
  • representations of identity
  • gender/sexuality
  • investigation of discriminatory discourses
  • discourse communities in social media

As Principal Investigator, I have successfully obtained over £500,000 in funding from the British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the UK Government.

I am a fellow of the Security, Crime and Intelligence Innovation Institute and a member of the ESRC Peer Review College. I am also a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research, the Cardiff Corpus Network, and CaLL: Cardiff Language and Law.

In 2017, I became a founding co-editor of the Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies, published by Cardiff University Press. JCaDS is a peer-reviewed, online, open-access journal publishing corpus-assisted research into discourse, defined as language in use as a vehicle of communication. JCaDS is pluridisciplinary: we welcome studies from all areas of the humanities and social sciences that incorporate corpus techniques in investigating how spoken and written language is used and how meanings are created and explored.
















Book sections






I currently teach on three undergraduate modules:

  • Reading and Writing in the Digital Age (Year 1)
  • Discourse (Year 2)
  • Language and Popular Culture (Year 3)

And one postgraduate module:

  • Corpus Linguistics (MA)

In previous years, I have taught Introduction to Media Communication, Media Discourse, Forensic Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics 2, Research Foundations, and Lifespan Communication at Cardiff University, in addition to various undergraduate modules (Corpus-based English Language Studies; Discourse Analysis; Introduction to English Language; Language and Style) and postgraduate modules (Research Methods; Corpus Linguistics) at Lancaster University.


Education and qualifications

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practices, Lancaster University, UK
  • Ph.D. Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK
  • Master of Applied Linguistics (with merit), Sydney University, Australia
  • Bachelor of Arts: Humanistic Studies in Literature (summa cum laude), Adelphi University, USA

Professional memberships

  • Member, ESRC Peer Review College
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy
  • Member, British Association for Applied Linguistics
  • Member, International Gender and Language Association
  • Member, Law and Society Association

Committees and reviewing

Cardiff University committees
  • Cardiff University Open Research Integrity and Ethics Committee
  • School of English, Communication and Philosophy Education Committee
  • School of English, Communication and Philosophy Research Committee
External committees
  • Board of Studies (as external examiner): Nottingham Trent University
  • Founding co-editor: Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Corpus-based (critical) discourse analysis
  • (Social) media discourse
  • Language of law
  • Discourse and identity
  • Language, gender, and sexuality

Please note that I am not supervising topics related to language acquisition or language learning and teaching. 

Current supervision

Vicky Hansly

Vicky Hansly

Jijie Zou

Jijie Zou

Past projects

  • I previously supervised Kate Barber's PhD, entitled "(Re)framing rape: A sociocognitive discourse analysis of sexual violence at the intersection of white and male supremacy", awarded in 2022.
  • I was the supervisor for Katharine Kavanagh, whose PhD, entitled "What’s so special about (the) circus - and who says so? A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of value difference and mediation in promotional texts", was awarded in 2024.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74912
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 3.60, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

Research themes


  • Culture, representation and identity
  • Law and society and socio-legal research
  • Communication and media studies
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Gender studies

External profiles