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Toma Pustelnikovaite  PhD, FHEA, Academic MCIPD

Dr Toma Pustelnikovaite


PhD, FHEA, Academic MCIPD

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Toma Pustelnikovaite


I have been working as a Lecturer in Management, Employment and Organisation at Cardiff Business School since August 2022. I completed my PhD in Management Studies at the University of St Andrews in 2018, with a doctoral thesis on the employment and inclusion of migrant academics in the UK. Prior to joining CARBS, I held a lectureship at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland.

My research focuses on the changing nature of professions and skilled work, and the implications of these changes for workers, organisations and society. A key underlying theme in this work is understanding how people and organisations sustain or alleviate inequality. My current research projects explore the working lives of migrant academics and migrant doctors, leaveism/working while off work, as well as engagement with change and history in elite and ancient professional organisations such as the Russell Group and modern forms of medieval guilds.

My teaching similarly aims to encourage students to critically reflect on the relationship between management theory and practice, and seek practical ways to incorporate larger societal interests into organisational goals.






  • Pustelnikovaite, T. and Chillas, S. 2016. Perspectives on knowledge work. In: Orr, K. et al. eds. Knowledge and Practice in Business and Organisations. Routledge Advances in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management London: Routledge, pp. 59-76., (10.4324/9781315674025)

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  • Pustelnikovaite, T. and Chillas, S. 2016. Perspectives on knowledge work. In: Orr, K. et al. eds. Knowledge and Practice in Business and Organisations. Routledge Advances in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management London: Routledge, pp. 59-76., (10.4324/9781315674025)



My research is in the area of sociology of work and professions. My main specialism is international labour migration and the inclusion of migrant workers. However, my research agenda and interests have expanded, and revolve around the changing nature of professions and skilled work, and the implications of these changes for workers, organisations and society.

I am currently working on research projects that explore the working lives of migrant academics and migrant doctors, leaveism/working while off work, and the engagement with change and history in elite and ancient professional organisations such as the Russell Group and modern forms of medieval guilds. Articles from these projects have been published in highly-regarded international journals such as Higher Education, Human Resource Management Journal and Work, Employment and Society.

I am a member of the Editorial Board of the 'Work, Employment and Society' journal (2024-2028), and part of the Organising Committee of the 'Work, Employment and Society 2025' international conference. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Research in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (CREDI) at the University of St Andrews.

In addition, I am co-chairing Academic Mobilities and Immobilities International Research Network, and am a member of the External Advisory Board for the “Academic Research Responsiveness to Ethnic Minorities and Migrants in Northern Ireland” project (Queen's University Belfast). 

Research interests

  • Labour migration
  • Academia and academic labour
  • Professions
  • Knowledge work
  • Decent work and work-life integration
  • (In)equalities
  • Identities


  • 2025: Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School (PI). Research project: "Working in the NHS: a comparative study of UK- and foreign-born doctors' experiences"
  • 2023-2025: University of St Andrews (Co-I). Research project: "Working in the NHS: a comparative study of UK- and foreign-born doctors' experiences"
  • 2022: University of Glasgow (Co-I). Research project: "Boycotting behaviour and consumer dilemmas: The case of pro-Brexit brands"
  • 2022: Swiss National Science Foundation travel grant
  • 2019-2022: British Academy of Management (Co-I). Research project: "Investigating job quality and everyday working lives of highly-skilled and low-skilled migrant workers in the UK"
  • 2021: Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School (Co-I). Research project: "Organisational identity in times of crisis: Higher education responses to the Covid-19 pandemic"
  • 2018: British Council Researcher Links/Newton Fund travel grant
  • 2017: British Sociological Association (Co-PI). Conference organisation: "Critical realism in practice: Applications in management and organisation studies" (Newcastle University)
  • 2015: British Sociological Association (Co-PI). Conference organisation: "Examining normativity in consumer cultures and labour markets" (University of St Andrews)
  • 2015: Teaching Development Fund, University of St Andrews (Co-I). Research project: "Specifying a system for the capture of assessed student presentations in audio with video"
  • 2014: Research Innovation Grant, University of St Andrews (Co-I)
  • 2013: Research Innovation Grant, University of St Andrews (Co-I)
  • 2013-2016: University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary PhD Scholarship. Research project: "The working lives of migrant professionals: Exploring the case of migrant academics"


I am the Programme Director for MSc Human Resource Management and MSc International Human Resource Management, the CIPD Accreditation Co-Lead, and the co-creator and Cardiff Lead for the new MSc HRM programme collaboration with Queen's University Belfast. I am also leading the MSc HRM/IHRM programme revalidation.

I am currently teaching The HRM/IHRM Project module to postgraduate students. Previously, I have also taught Contemporary Issues in HR Research and HRM, Context and Strategy.

Before joining CARBS, I taught and coordinated undergraduate, postgraduate and foundation degree courses on international HRM, change management, innovation, business ethics and contemporary issues in business among others. I have also acted as Programme Director for BA(Hons) Business and HRM programme and supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, including as External Supervisor at the University of York and the University of Glasgow.

I am delighted to have been nominated for several student-led teaching awards, such as 'Outstanding teaching' (2022, 2021), 'Above and Beyond During Covid' (2021) and 'Most engaging module' (2018). Additionally, I have given a number of guest lectures in the UK and abroad, for instance at the University of Warwick, University of St Andrews, University of Exeter and Kyiv National Economic University. I have also served as external examiner at Falmouth University's programme validation, and am currently a field external examiner at UWE Bristol.

Relevant training and qualifications

  • 2019: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • 2019: PGCert (Distinction), Higher Education Teaching (Abertay University)


I joined Cardiff Business School as a Lecturer in Management, Employment and Organisation in August 2022. Prior to joining CARBS, I was a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland. 

I completed my PhD in Management Studies at the University of St Andrews in 2018, with a doctoral thesis on the employment and inclusion of foreign-born academics in the UK.


  • 2018: PhD in Management Studies, University of St Andrews
  • 2012: MLitt in Human Resource Management, University of St Andrews
  • 2011: BA in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation, University of Milan

Professional memberships

  • British Sociological Association (member)
  • European Group for Organizational Studies (member)
  • UKRI Early Career Researcher Forum (member)
  • Academic Mobilities and Immobilities Network (co-chair)
  • Academic MCIPD

Academic positions

  • 2022-present: Lecturer, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
  • 2021-present: Affiliate, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
  • 2017-2022: Lecturer, School of Business, Law and Social Sciences, Abertay University
  • 2018 (March): Visiting Lecturer, Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine
  • 2014-2017: Tutor, School of Management, University of St Andrews

Speaking engagements

Invited research presentations

  • University of York (seminar; November 2024)
  • University of St Andrews (seminar; February 2023)
  • University of Lausanne (symposium "Is academic mobility gendered? Evidence, paradoxes, and implications for equality policies"; November 2022)
  • Oxford Brookes University (webinar; March 2022)
  • Chinese Association of UK University Employees (webinar; March 2022)
  • University of Leeds (webinar; CERIC/LUBS PhD Conversation seminar series; October 2021)
  • University of Monash/University of Warwick (webinar; Migration, Identity and Translation research network; January 2021)
  • University of Warwick (seminar; March 2019)
  • University of Exeter Business School (seminar; February 2019)
  • Edinburgh Napier University Business School (seminar; March 2017)
  • Heriot-Watt University (seminar; Intercultural Research Centre, School of Management and Languages; April 2016)

Public lectures, research seminars and presentations

  • Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the United Kingdom (November 2024; on migration & diaspora organisations)
  • Friends of Dundee City Archives, Glasite Hall, Dundee (April 2023; abstract)
  • Blackness Community Library, Dundee (March 2023; abstract)
  • Abertay Historical Society, University of Dundee (February 2023; abstract)
  • ESRC Centre for Global Higher Education Research, University College London (October 2019; podcast)
  • Kyiv National Economic University (March 2018; on migrant academics' inclusion in the UK)

Conference presentations (recent, selected)

  • International Sociological Association, RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups Interim Meeting (2024)
  • European Group for Organizational Studies conference (2023)
  • Academy of Management Conference (2022) [abstract]
  • International Labour Process Conference (2022) [online]
  • Work, Employment and Society Conference (2021, 2023) 
  • Workshop “Migration and urban transformations in Latin America and the United Kingdom in the 21st century”, University of Brasilia (2018)

Committees and reviewing

Reviewer for:

  • UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • OpenBook Publishers
  • Kogan Page Publishers
  • SRHE international conference
  • Academy of Management international conference ('Critical Management Studies' and 'Gender and Diversity in Organizations' divisions)
  • Social Sciences
  • Gender in Management: an International Journal
  • Journal of Managerial Psychology
  • Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
  • Higher Education
  • Work, Employment and Society


I am particularly interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Labour migration and migrants' inclusion
  • Academia and academic labour
  • The professions and changes to professional work
  • Decent work and working conditions
  • (In)equalities

My current PhD students are working on research projects on the application of AI in employee retention, gender inequality in the legal profession, and academic office spaces (co-supervised with School of Architecture).

Recently, I have also hosted a visiting final year PhD student from the University of Porto, whose thesis examines the inclusion of migrant academics in Portugal.

Current supervision

Past projects

The completed PhD projects I co-supervised focused on the role of affect and error in radiotherapy.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75062
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room R03, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU


  • Migration
  • Employment practices
  • Higher education
  • Professions
  • Sociology of work