Dr Vicki Stevenson
SFHEA, Chartered Energy Engineer, FEI MIMMM
Reader, Course Director for MSc Environmental Design of Buildings, Director of Postgraduate Research
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am Course Director for MSc Environmental Design of Buildings (https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/environmental-design-of-buildings-msc) and have had a key role in its recent refresh which was launched in autumn 2023!
I am the School Champion for Education on Sustainability and contribute to other courses run in the school on sustainability topics.
I am Director of Post Graduate Research with overall responsibility for PGRs studying in the school. I also supervise a number of PhD students in topics related to passive design, whole life carbon, sustainable materials, renewable energy generation and storage, energy efficiency and their relationship to occupant wellbeing.
External activities
Committee Member (previously Chair, Vice Chair, Membership & Education Officer) for South West and South Wales branch of Energy Institute.
- Cui, Z., Latif, E. and Stevenson, V. 2023. Decision-making framework to identify the optimal hybrid renewable energy system for switching UK representative domestic buildings towards the net-zero target. In: Kruger, E. L., Karunathilake, H. P. and Alam, T. eds. Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities. Springer, pp. 229-241., (10.1007/978-3-031-20182-0_17)
- Stevenson, V. 2022. Use of storage and renewable electricity generation to reduce domestic and transport carbon emissions—whole life energy, carbon and cost analysis of single dwelling case study (UK). In: Constable, E. ed. Transitioning to Affordable and Clean Energy. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, pp. 95-130., (10.3390/books978-3-03897-777-3-4)
- Juangjandee, W., Stevenson, V. and Latif, E. 2022. Key factors of occupants' behaviour characteristics and indoor air quality perception on occupancy comfort in multi-storey residential buildings in Thailand. In: Chias, P. and Hernandez, S. eds. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment., Vol. 210. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 63-76., (10.2495/ARC220061)
- Gauthier, S. et al. 2021. Sources, behaviour and mitigation strategies influencing indoor air quality. Presented at: International Conference on Evolving Cities 2021 (ICEC), Southampton, England, 22-24 September 2021.
- Stevenson, E. 2021. An introduction to passive cooling. [online]. YouTube: Cardiff University CPD Unit. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKZyRFm4f-E
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Materials in the built environment - Whole life energy / carbon. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy 6(1), pp. 136-153. (10.32438/WPE.2920)
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Ventilation and air quality: environmental design of buildings. youtube.com: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsr55E4Iw4k
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Case Study: The journey to experiential learning in passive design. Presented at: AMPS Education, Design and Practice – Understanding skills in a Complex World, Stevens Institute, NY/NJ, USA, 17-19 June 2019, Vol. 17. Vol. 2. pp. 286-294.
- Banteli, A., Stevenson, E. and Patel, H. 2020. Embodied energy considerations in a bim-enabled building design process: an ethnographic case study. Presented at: ARCOM 36th Annual Conference 2020, Virtual, 7-8 September 2020 Presented at Scott, L. and Neilson, C. eds.Proceedings of the 36th Annual ARCOM Conference. Leeds, U.K.: ARCOM pp. 376-385.
- Stevenson, V. 2019. Technology and Interaction: A new approach to teaching an MSc module on passive design of buildings. Presented at: Advance HE STEM Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, 30-31 January 2019.
- Stevenson, V. 2019. Case study: The journey to experiential learning in Passive Design. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: Authentic Learning, Cardiff, UK, 11 September 2019.
- Koletsos, K. and Stevenson, V. 2019. Comparison of energy use and environmental impact of alternative exterior opaque walls of hotel construction in Greece. Presented at: 9th Masters Conference: People and Buildings (NCEUB), London, UK, 20 September 2019 Presented at Brotas, L., Nicol, F. and Woolf, D. eds.Proceedings of 9th Masters Conference: People and Buildings. 9th Masters Conference
- Ojerinde, A. M., Ajao, A. M., Ogunbayo, B. F., Stevenson, V. and Latif, E. 2018. The partial replacement of ordinary portland cement with rice husk ash to stabilize compressed earth blocks for affordable building materials. Presented at: PLEA 2018: Smart and healthy within the two-degree limit, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec 2018 Presented at Ng, E., Fong, S. and Ren, C. eds.PLEA 2018 - 34th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Vol. 1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong pp. 321-325.
- Zhang, K., Jones, P. and Stevenson, V. 2018. An optimisation design framework for residential buildings integrating air-source heat pump multi-supply system, active thermal storage, and onsite renewable energy. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice, The Crystal, London, 12-13 September 2018 Presented at Elsharkawy, H., Zahiri, S. and Clough, J. eds.International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment SDBE 2018: Proceedings. pp. 729-740.
- Banteli, A., Stevenson, V. and Zapata-Lancaster, G. 2018. Building Information Modelling (BIM) application in relation to embodied energy and carbon (EEC) considerations during design: A practitioner perspective. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice, London, UK, 12-13 September 2018 Presented at Elsharkawy, H., Zahiri, S. and Clough, J. eds.International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment SDBE 2018: Proceedings. pp. 224-234.
- Banteli, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2017. Building information modelling (BIM) as an enabler for whole-building embodied energy and carbon calculation in early-stage building design. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 169, pp. 89-100. (10.2495/BIM170091)
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Stevenson, E. V. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Investigating the application of small scale transpired solar collectors as air preheaters for residential buildings. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017.
- Stevenson, E. V. and Gwilliam, J. A. 2014. Welsh energy sector training: A case study of research informing education. Educational Alternatives 12, pp. 132-144.
- Stevenson, E. V. and McNaboe, B. 2014. The importance of occupancy patterns on the analysis of heating energy relating to housing refurbishment. Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation 2(4), pp. 332-346.
- Brown, C., Perisoglou, E., Hall, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2014. Transpired solar collector installations in Wales and England. Energy Procedia 48, pp. 18-27. (10.1016/j.egypro.2014.02.004)
- Alfarra, H., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2013. The architectural perception of incorporating innovative solar energy technologies in the built environment. Presented at: SB13 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8-10 December 2013.
- Alfarra, H., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2013. Architectural integration of transpired solar thermal for space heating in domestic and nondomestic building envelopes. Presented at: CISBAT 2013 International Conference: Clean Technology for Smart Cities and Buildings, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6th September 2013.
- Brown, C., Perisoglou, E., Hall, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2013. Transpired solar collector installations in Wales and England. Presented at: SHC 2013: International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Freiburg, Germany, 23-25 September 2013.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2013. Sustainable Hydrogen Workshop Report. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fragkou, D. and Stevenson, E. V. 2012. Study of Beehive and its potential "biomimicry" application on Capsule hotels in Tokyo, Japan. Presented at: People and Buildings MC2012, London Metropolitan University, London, UK, 18 September 2012.
- Shukla, A., Nkwetta, D. N., Cho, Y., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2012. A state of art review on the performance of transpired solar collector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(6), pp. 3975-3985. (10.1016/j.rser.2012.02.029)
- Stevenson, E. V. 2012. Sustainable Hydrogen Delphi survey round 2 - participant report. Working paper. Cardiff University.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2011. Sustainable hydrogen Delphi Survey round 1 - participant report. Project Report. St. Andrews: Supergen XIV.
- McNaboe, B. and Stevenson, E. V. 2011. Thermal mass and patterns of occupancy in the refurbishment of Irish housing stock. Presented at: MC2011 - People and buildings 2011 Conference, Arup, London, UK, 23 September 2011Proceedings of Conference: People and Buildings held at the offices of Arup UK, 23rd September 2011. London: NCEUB Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings
- Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Analysis of Delphi surveys relating to the development of a hydrogen economy and complementing or competing technologies. Working paper. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture/Low Carbon Research Institute.
- Langley, A., Hopkinson, L. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Green Leases: An opportunity to develop a sustainable approach for tenanted commercial buildings in the UK. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB'08), Frankfurt, Germany, 10-11 April 2008 Presented at Bertoldi, P. and Atanasiu, B. eds.Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings: IEECB Focus 2008, Vol. 1. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities pp. 247-256.
- Watermeyer, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Discover!ng women in STEM: Girls into science, technology, engineering and maths. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 2(1), article number: Article 2.
- Watermeyer, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Discover!ng Women in STEM: Girls into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 2(1), pp. 25-46.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Some initial methodological considerations in the development and design of Delphi surveys. Project Report. St. Andrews: Supergen XIV.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2007. The design and evaluation of building integrated thermal cladding. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Langley, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2007. Incorporating environmental best practice into commercial tenant lease agreements: good practice guide - Part 2. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Langley, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2007. Incorporating environmental best practice into commercial tenant lease agreements: good practice guide - Part 1. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Stevenson, E. V., Alexander, D. K., Jones, P. J., Jones, B. and Jones, P. 2006. Development of a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Materials Congress 2006, London, UK, 5-7th April 2006.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2005. Design and validation of experiment to verify air flow in mathematical model for a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Welsh School of Architecture: Second research student conference Presented at Loach, J. D. ed.Welsh School of Architecture: Second research student conference. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 95-102.
- Stevenson, E. V., Jones, P. J., Alexander, D. K., Jones, B. and Jones, P. 2005. Development of a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Second Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (PRoBE), Glasgow, UK, 16-17 November 2005 Presented at Egbu, C. O. and Tong, M. K. L. eds.The second Scottish conference for postgraduate researchers of the built and natural environment. Glasgow: Caledonian University pp. 483-492.
- Stevenson, E. V., Alexander, D. K., Jones, P. J. and Jones, B. 2005. Analysis of solar air heating facade. Presented at: 22nd International Conference PLEA 2005: Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Lebanon, 13-16th November 2005 Presented at Raydan, D. K. and Melki, H. K. eds.Environmental Sustainability: The Challenge of Awareness in Developing Societies, Vol. 1. NDU Press pp. 433-438.
- Stevenson, E. V., Jones, P. J., Alexander, D. K., John, V. and Jones, B. 2005. Mathematical analysis of profiled cladding products as a source of solar heat and passive ventilation for large buildings. Presented at: ISES 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, FL, USA, 6-13th August 2005.
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Materials in the built environment - Whole life energy / carbon. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy 6(1), pp. 136-153. (10.32438/WPE.2920)
- Banteli, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2017. Building information modelling (BIM) as an enabler for whole-building embodied energy and carbon calculation in early-stage building design. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 169, pp. 89-100. (10.2495/BIM170091)
- Stevenson, E. V. and Gwilliam, J. A. 2014. Welsh energy sector training: A case study of research informing education. Educational Alternatives 12, pp. 132-144.
- Stevenson, E. V. and McNaboe, B. 2014. The importance of occupancy patterns on the analysis of heating energy relating to housing refurbishment. Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation 2(4), pp. 332-346.
- Brown, C., Perisoglou, E., Hall, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2014. Transpired solar collector installations in Wales and England. Energy Procedia 48, pp. 18-27. (10.1016/j.egypro.2014.02.004)
- Shukla, A., Nkwetta, D. N., Cho, Y., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2012. A state of art review on the performance of transpired solar collector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(6), pp. 3975-3985. (10.1016/j.rser.2012.02.029)
- Watermeyer, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Discover!ng women in STEM: Girls into science, technology, engineering and maths. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 2(1), article number: Article 2.
- Watermeyer, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Discover!ng Women in STEM: Girls into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 2(1), pp. 25-46.
Book sections
- Cui, Z., Latif, E. and Stevenson, V. 2023. Decision-making framework to identify the optimal hybrid renewable energy system for switching UK representative domestic buildings towards the net-zero target. In: Kruger, E. L., Karunathilake, H. P. and Alam, T. eds. Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities. Springer, pp. 229-241., (10.1007/978-3-031-20182-0_17)
- Stevenson, V. 2022. Use of storage and renewable electricity generation to reduce domestic and transport carbon emissions—whole life energy, carbon and cost analysis of single dwelling case study (UK). In: Constable, E. ed. Transitioning to Affordable and Clean Energy. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, pp. 95-130., (10.3390/books978-3-03897-777-3-4)
- Juangjandee, W., Stevenson, V. and Latif, E. 2022. Key factors of occupants' behaviour characteristics and indoor air quality perception on occupancy comfort in multi-storey residential buildings in Thailand. In: Chias, P. and Hernandez, S. eds. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment., Vol. 210. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 63-76., (10.2495/ARC220061)
- Langley, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2007. Incorporating environmental best practice into commercial tenant lease agreements: good practice guide - Part 2. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Langley, A. and Stevenson, E. V. 2007. Incorporating environmental best practice into commercial tenant lease agreements: good practice guide - Part 1. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Gauthier, S. et al. 2021. Sources, behaviour and mitigation strategies influencing indoor air quality. Presented at: International Conference on Evolving Cities 2021 (ICEC), Southampton, England, 22-24 September 2021.
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Case Study: The journey to experiential learning in passive design. Presented at: AMPS Education, Design and Practice – Understanding skills in a Complex World, Stevens Institute, NY/NJ, USA, 17-19 June 2019, Vol. 17. Vol. 2. pp. 286-294.
- Banteli, A., Stevenson, E. and Patel, H. 2020. Embodied energy considerations in a bim-enabled building design process: an ethnographic case study. Presented at: ARCOM 36th Annual Conference 2020, Virtual, 7-8 September 2020 Presented at Scott, L. and Neilson, C. eds.Proceedings of the 36th Annual ARCOM Conference. Leeds, U.K.: ARCOM pp. 376-385.
- Stevenson, V. 2019. Technology and Interaction: A new approach to teaching an MSc module on passive design of buildings. Presented at: Advance HE STEM Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, 30-31 January 2019.
- Stevenson, V. 2019. Case study: The journey to experiential learning in Passive Design. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: Authentic Learning, Cardiff, UK, 11 September 2019.
- Koletsos, K. and Stevenson, V. 2019. Comparison of energy use and environmental impact of alternative exterior opaque walls of hotel construction in Greece. Presented at: 9th Masters Conference: People and Buildings (NCEUB), London, UK, 20 September 2019 Presented at Brotas, L., Nicol, F. and Woolf, D. eds.Proceedings of 9th Masters Conference: People and Buildings. 9th Masters Conference
- Ojerinde, A. M., Ajao, A. M., Ogunbayo, B. F., Stevenson, V. and Latif, E. 2018. The partial replacement of ordinary portland cement with rice husk ash to stabilize compressed earth blocks for affordable building materials. Presented at: PLEA 2018: Smart and healthy within the two-degree limit, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec 2018 Presented at Ng, E., Fong, S. and Ren, C. eds.PLEA 2018 - 34th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Vol. 1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong pp. 321-325.
- Zhang, K., Jones, P. and Stevenson, V. 2018. An optimisation design framework for residential buildings integrating air-source heat pump multi-supply system, active thermal storage, and onsite renewable energy. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice, The Crystal, London, 12-13 September 2018 Presented at Elsharkawy, H., Zahiri, S. and Clough, J. eds.International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment SDBE 2018: Proceedings. pp. 729-740.
- Banteli, A., Stevenson, V. and Zapata-Lancaster, G. 2018. Building Information Modelling (BIM) application in relation to embodied energy and carbon (EEC) considerations during design: A practitioner perspective. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice, London, UK, 12-13 September 2018 Presented at Elsharkawy, H., Zahiri, S. and Clough, J. eds.International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment SDBE 2018: Proceedings. pp. 224-234.
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Stevenson, E. V. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Investigating the application of small scale transpired solar collectors as air preheaters for residential buildings. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017.
- Alfarra, H., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2013. The architectural perception of incorporating innovative solar energy technologies in the built environment. Presented at: SB13 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8-10 December 2013.
- Alfarra, H., Stevenson, E. V. and Jones, P. J. 2013. Architectural integration of transpired solar thermal for space heating in domestic and nondomestic building envelopes. Presented at: CISBAT 2013 International Conference: Clean Technology for Smart Cities and Buildings, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6th September 2013.
- Brown, C., Perisoglou, E., Hall, R. and Stevenson, E. V. 2013. Transpired solar collector installations in Wales and England. Presented at: SHC 2013: International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Freiburg, Germany, 23-25 September 2013.
- Fragkou, D. and Stevenson, E. V. 2012. Study of Beehive and its potential "biomimicry" application on Capsule hotels in Tokyo, Japan. Presented at: People and Buildings MC2012, London Metropolitan University, London, UK, 18 September 2012.
- McNaboe, B. and Stevenson, E. V. 2011. Thermal mass and patterns of occupancy in the refurbishment of Irish housing stock. Presented at: MC2011 - People and buildings 2011 Conference, Arup, London, UK, 23 September 2011Proceedings of Conference: People and Buildings held at the offices of Arup UK, 23rd September 2011. London: NCEUB Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings
- Langley, A., Hopkinson, L. and Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Green Leases: An opportunity to develop a sustainable approach for tenanted commercial buildings in the UK. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB'08), Frankfurt, Germany, 10-11 April 2008 Presented at Bertoldi, P. and Atanasiu, B. eds.Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings: IEECB Focus 2008, Vol. 1. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities pp. 247-256.
- Stevenson, E. V., Alexander, D. K., Jones, P. J., Jones, B. and Jones, P. 2006. Development of a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Materials Congress 2006, London, UK, 5-7th April 2006.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2005. Design and validation of experiment to verify air flow in mathematical model for a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Welsh School of Architecture: Second research student conference Presented at Loach, J. D. ed.Welsh School of Architecture: Second research student conference. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 95-102.
- Stevenson, E. V., Jones, P. J., Alexander, D. K., Jones, B. and Jones, P. 2005. Development of a solar air heating facade. Presented at: Second Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (PRoBE), Glasgow, UK, 16-17 November 2005 Presented at Egbu, C. O. and Tong, M. K. L. eds.The second Scottish conference for postgraduate researchers of the built and natural environment. Glasgow: Caledonian University pp. 483-492.
- Stevenson, E. V., Alexander, D. K., Jones, P. J. and Jones, B. 2005. Analysis of solar air heating facade. Presented at: 22nd International Conference PLEA 2005: Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Lebanon, 13-16th November 2005 Presented at Raydan, D. K. and Melki, H. K. eds.Environmental Sustainability: The Challenge of Awareness in Developing Societies, Vol. 1. NDU Press pp. 433-438.
- Stevenson, E. V., Jones, P. J., Alexander, D. K., John, V. and Jones, B. 2005. Mathematical analysis of profiled cladding products as a source of solar heat and passive ventilation for large buildings. Presented at: ISES 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, FL, USA, 6-13th August 2005.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2013. Sustainable Hydrogen Workshop Report. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2012. Sustainable Hydrogen Delphi survey round 2 - participant report. Working paper. Cardiff University.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2011. Sustainable hydrogen Delphi Survey round 1 - participant report. Project Report. St. Andrews: Supergen XIV.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Analysis of Delphi surveys relating to the development of a hydrogen economy and complementing or competing technologies. Working paper. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture/Low Carbon Research Institute.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2010. Some initial methodological considerations in the development and design of Delphi surveys. Project Report. St. Andrews: Supergen XIV.
- Stevenson, E. V. 2007. The design and evaluation of building integrated thermal cladding. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Stevenson, E. 2021. An introduction to passive cooling. [online]. YouTube: Cardiff University CPD Unit. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKZyRFm4f-E
- Stevenson, E. 2020. Ventilation and air quality: environmental design of buildings. youtube.com: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsr55E4Iw4k
Research interests
I have a strong interest in passive design, renewable energy generation and storage, sustainable materials, whole life energy and urban farming as it applies to the built environment. This includes:
- The circular economy, whole life cost and embodied energy of construction materials,
- The holistic sustainability of construction materials, including their impact on indoor air quality,
- The relationship between energy saving / low energy technologies in buildings and occupant comfort and wellbeing- particularly indoor air quality.
- Using my own house as a case study on topics including urban farming
(https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/green-futures/) and renewable energy generation and storage.
Course Director:
- MSc Environmental Design of Buildings https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/environmental-design-of-buildings-msc (Since Sept 2017)
- MSc Theory & Practice of Sustainable Design (2016)
- Passive Strategies and Design
- Renewable energy generation and storage
- Whole life Carbon Footprint (embodied and operational carbon in buildings)
- Personal and Professional Responsibility
- Sustainable Materials and Buildings
- Structuring an Investigation
MSc Dissertation supervision
I have supervised numerous MSc dissertation projects on topics related to:
- Passive Strategies and Design
- Environmental impact of vegetated (green) roofs / facades
- Whole life energy/carbon in design (including embodied energy)
- indoor air quality
- Energy efficient refurbishment design
- Impact of prefabricated construction on waste
- Sustainability of materials in the built environment including Circular Economy
- Strategies for Zero/low carbon buildings
- Social sustainability
- Urban food
After several years as an industrial researcher and completing my Eng D in glazed thermal solar collectors, I joined the Welsh School of Architecture as a researcher in 2006. During that period, I was involved in a range of research and engagement/dissemination projects including:
- Built Environment Sustainability Training
- Welsh Energy Sector Training
- Low Carbon Built Environment
- Sustainable Building Envelope Demonstration
- Development of Sustainable Hydrogen
- Sustainable Environmental Improvements in the Commercial Sector
I was appointed as Lecturer (2015), then Senior Lecturer (2019) and most recently Reader (2022). I value my role as Course Director for MSc Environmental Design of Buildings (https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/environmental-design-of-buildings-msc) for the opportunity it gives me to guide so many talented graduates into a profession which will benefit from their skills! Similarly, I've enjoyed the opportunity to work with several Post Graduate Researchers as they progress through their doctoral studies. I take great pride in their successes!
I've been enjoying the role of External Examiner for the MSc in Facade Engineering for UWE since 2021/22 - it's been a great opportunity to swap ideas!
Honours and awards
- Senior Fellow: Advance HE 2019
- Teaching Excellence Nomination (Cardiff University) 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer for "Energy and Building" Journal
- WISE Excellence Award Finalist 2010
- EBP Award for Curriculum Support 2010
- WISE Excellence Award Finalist 2009
- Fellow: Energy Institute 2006
- Chartered Engineer / Member: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 1998
Professional memberships
- Senior Fellow - Advance HE
- Fellow of Energy Institute
- Chartered Energy Engineer
- Member of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
- Chartered Engineer
Academic positions
- 2022-current: Reader, Cardiff University
- 2021/22-current: External Examiner, UWE
- 2019-2022: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
- 2015-2019: Lecturer, Cardiff University
- 2013-2015: Project Manager - Welsh Energy Sector Training, Cardiff University
- 2008-2013: Research Associate, Cardiff University
- 2006-2008: Research Assistant, Cardiff University
- 2000-2002: Product Manager, IQE
- 1992-2002: Research Officer, British Steel / Tata
Committees and reviewing
- Grant reviewer EPSRC
- Grant reviewer Cambridge Centre for Digital Built Britain
- Journal reviewer - Energy and Building
- Journal reviewer - Detritus
- Topic Editor - Sustainability Journal
- Member of Energy Institute College
- Scientific Committee - Master's Conference, NCEUB
Supervision experience
Supervised 10 PhDs to successful completion. Currently primary supervisor for 1 PhD and co-supervisor for 3 PhDs
Additional supervision interests
Happy to consider related architectural science topics, for example:
- Sustainable materials
- Embodied energy / water and carbon footprint of materials in construction
- Indoor environmental quality
- Vegetation and buildings (including urban food)
Current supervision
Past projects
- An analysis of embodied carbon considerations in a Building Information Modelling (BIM)-enabled building design process through structuration theory
- The Use of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as Stabilizer in Compressed Earth Block (CEB) for Affordable Houses
- Architectural Integration of Transpired Solar Thermal Technology in Building Envelopes and Associated Technological Innovation Analysis
- Technological Innovation Systems: The case of hydrogen from waste
- An Affordable Nearly-Zero-Energy Townhouse Prototype for China’s Future Low-Carbon Housing
- A Framework to design and evaluate building integrated Transpired Solar Collectors
- Establishing appropriate Socio-Cultural and Environmental design strategies for Residential Buildings in Baghdad: Learning from the vernacular
- Multi-Criterial Decision-making Framework to Identify the Optimal On-site Hybrid Renewable Energy System for the Representative Retrofitted Domestic Buildings in Wales and England
- Exploration of passive cooling potential to improve indoor environment quality (thermal comfort, relative humidity and air movement) in thermally free-running multi-residential dwellings in Thailand urban areas (correction stage)
- Perception of Key Actors on the Drivers and Barriers to Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Management in Nigeria: A roadmap for the Recognition of the Informal Sector (correction stage)
Contact Details
+44 29208 70927
Bute Building, Room Room 1.26A, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB