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Jianzhong Wu  BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD , FIEEE, FEI, FLSW

Professor Jianzhong Wu


BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD , FIEEE, FEI, FLSW

Head of School, Engineering.

School of Engineering


Jianzhong Wu holds the position of Professor of Multi-Vector Energy Systems and is Head of School of Engineering at Cardiff University. Additionally, he serves as a co-Editor-in-Chief of Applied Energy, a prestigious journal with an Impact Factor of 11.2 and a CiteScore of 21.1. The journal also receives over 5 million downloads per year, as evidenced on its website at

He is:

  • Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre;
  • Co-Director of the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub;
  • Member of the UK Government Taxonomy Energy Working Group;
  • Member of the Northern Powergrid Science and Technology Advisory Panel;
  • Member of the Scottish Power Energy Networks Independent Net Zero Advisory Council;
  • Member of the Scottish Power Energy Networks Strategic Stakeholder Panel for England and Wales; and
  • Member of the Wales Smart Energy System Group.

In June 2008, he joined Cardiff University as a Lecturer and was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2013, Reader in 2014, and Professor in 2015. Prior to his appointment at Cardiff, he served as a Research Fellow at the University of Manchester from 2006 to 2008.

Prof. Wu specialises in the fields of Smart Grid and Multi-Vector Energy Systems, which encompass integrated energy infrastructures. He is recognised as one of the pioneering researchers who initiated and established the research areas of multi-energy systems and Peer-to-Peer energy trading, which have emerged as two crucial areas of energy research worldwide. He has contributed to more than 60 European Commission, the UK research and innovation councils, and industry funded projects as either a Principal Investigator or a Co-Investigator. His research has resulted in over 300 peer-reviewed publications, including 10 Clarivate ESI Highly Cited Papers. Additionally, he has co-authored several books, including “Smart Grid: Technology and Applications” (2012, Wiley), “Smart Electricity Distribution Networks” (2017, CRC) and "The Future of Gas Networks" (2019, Springer).

He is President of the UK Branch of China Electrotechnical Society, Associate Editor-in-Chief of CSEE Journal of Power & Energy Systems, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IET Energy Systems Integration, Director of the International UNiLAB on Synergies between Energy Networks, and member-at-large of the IEEE Technical Committee on Carbon Neutrality, which further demonstrate his commitment to advancing research and promoting collaborations in sustainable energy and achieving Net Zero.

Prof Wu is a member of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Taxonomy Energy Working Group, which provides expert advice to the Government on the development of technical screening criteria (TSC) in the energy sector. He was also invited as a Witness to participate in the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into the role of hydrogen in achieving Net Zero. Additionally, he has served as a member of the Northern Powergrid technical panel of ED2 business plan.

He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Energy Institute, and the Learned Society of Wales.




























Book sections






Title People Sponsor Value to ENGIN Duration
Cardiff Principal Investigator of EPSRC Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transition (Hi-ACT) Wu J, Qadrdan M, Henwood K EPSRC £1,406,988 (£1.84m to CU) 2023-2028
Cardiff Principal Investigator of EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub 2023 Wu J, Abeysekera M EPSRC £758.567 2023-2028
Cardiff Principal Investigator of EPSRC PBIAA STREAM 2: The SWITCH to Net Zero Buildings  Wu J EPSRC Full project vaule: £5,000,000 2024-2028
Principal Investigator of EPSRC Accelerating aDOption of PatenTed smart power Electronics Devices (Adopted) Wu J EPSRC £20,000 2023
Cardiff Principal Investigator of EC Horizon Europe project “Flexibility services based on Connected and interoperable Hybrid Energy Storage System (FlexCHESS)”  Wu J, Qadrdan M, Zhou Y European Commission - Horizon Europe £258,750 2022-2025
Co-Investigator of Sêr Cymru Programme – Enhancing Competitiveness Equipment Award 2022/23 from the Welsh Government “Manufacturing and integration of compound semiconductor capacitors” Ming W, Navaratne R, Hou B, Wu J Welsh Government £555,157 2022-2023
Co-Investigator of EPSRC Co-ordinator for Centre for System Integration of Hydrogen and Alternative Liquid Fuels (CSI-HALF) Wu J EPSRC £107,181 Apr - Sep 2022
Co-Investigator of UKRI KTP project with Powerstar “Digital twins-based Battery Asset Management System” Ming W, Wu J, Abeysekera M, Shang W InnovateUK £ 232,247 2021-2024
Co-Investigator of the WEFO project “Design and development of an advanced electric motor for automotive applications (iCORE)” Navaratne R, Ming W, Ryan M, Wu J, Anayi F Welsh European Funding Office £479,575 2021-2022
Co-Investigator of EPSRC project “Flexibility from cooling and storage (Flex-Cool-Store)” Ugalde-Loo C,  Abeysekera M, Qadrdan M, Wu J,  Jenkins N  EPSRC £632,000 2021-2024
Co-Investigator of EPSRC project “Integrated heating and cooling networks with heat-sharing-enabled smart prosumers” (EP/T022795/1) Qadrdan M, Wu J, Thomas H, Abeysekera M, Woodman B, Jenkins N EPSRC £644,550 01/04/2021-31/03/2025
Principal Investigator of EPSRC/NFSC project “Multi-energy Control of Cyber-Physical Urban Energy Systems (MC2)” Wu J, Ugalde-Loo C, Ming W, Abeysekeya M, Jenkins N EPSRC £422,706 01/04/2020-31/03/2023
Cardiff Principal Investigator of EC 2020 project “Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS (VPP4ISLANDS)” Wu J, Qadrdan M European Commission - Horizon 2020 €587,620 2020-2024
Cardiff Principal Investigator and Co-Director of UK Energy Research Centre Phase 4 (£18m total Value) Wu J, Qadrdan M EPSRC £472,972 01/05/2019-30/04/2024
Co-Investigator of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc project “Assessing temporal and spatial impacts of decarbonising heat and transport on electricity networks” Qadrdan M, Wu J, Jenkins N National Grid £132,443 2019-2021
Cardiff Principal Investigator and Co-Director of EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub (£5.1m total value) Wu J EPSRC £536,656 01/10/2018-30/09/2022
Co-Investigator of the Active Building Centre (£36m ISCF project total value) Wu J, Jenkins N EPSRC £122,266 03/09/2018-02/03/2022
Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Core - EnergyREV (£8m total value) Wu J UKRI £74,634 01/12/2018-31/03/2022
Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Plus - EnergyREV - Next Wave of Local Energy Systems in a Whole Systems Context (£1m total value) Wu J UKRI £145,888 01/12/2018-31/03/2022
Cardiff PI of NIA project “Distributed Leger Technology-enabled distribution network operation (DeDSO)” Stage 1 Wu J, Thomas L, Ming W Scottish Power Energy Networks, SSE and UK Power Networks £131,052 01/06/2018-31/12/2019
Cardiff PI of NIA project “Distributed Leger Technology-enabled distribution network operation (DeDSO)” Stage 2 Wu J, Zhou Y, Ming W Scottish Power Energy Networks, SSE and UK Power Networks £66,936 01/08/2019-31/07/2020
Principal Investigator of the Welsh Government funded project “Flintshire Local Virtual Private Network development” Wu J, Zhou Y Welsh Government £40,000 01/09/18-31/12/20
UK-Jordan Educational and Research Partnership to Build Capacity of Power Grid to Integrate Solar PV Systems Wu J, Ming W, Long C, Zhou Y Royal Academy of Engineering £40,555 01/04/2018-31/03/2020
Cardiff PI of InnovateUK funded project “Development of a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Micro-grid Management Platform” Wu J, Abeysekera M InnovateUK £48,991 01/12/2018-31/05/2019
CESI Flex Fund of EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration, “Decision Support Tool for the Operation of Public Sector Multi-energy Systems” Abeysekera M, Wu J, and  Jenkins N EPSRC £39,508 01/01/2019-31/12/2019
Off-grid Microgrids for the Electrification of Remote Communities Workshop Wu J, Ming W British Council £23,100 2017-2018
Cardiff PI of H2020 project "Bringing flexibility provided by multi energy carrier integration to a new MAGNITUDE" (€4m total value) Wu J, Qadrdan M, Ugalde-loo C, Jenkins N European Commission - Horizon 2020 €248,575 01/10/2017-31/03/2021
Industry-Academia Collaborative Project to Address System Wide Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources in Engineering Program Wu J, Ming W, Long C Royal Academy of Engineering £95,792 17/04/2017-16/04/2019
UK Consortium for the collaboration with Chinese Excellence League (E9) Group of Universities Wu J British Council £500,000 (Total project value) 15/02/2017 - 14/02/2021
MISTRAL: Multi-scale Infrastructure Systems Analytics Jenkins N, Wu J EPSRC £329,736 11/02/2016 - 10/08/2020
NIC project Angle DC led by Scottish Power Energy Networks Liang J, Wu J, Ugalde-loo C OFGEM £220,000 01/2016 - 04/2020
Co-Principal Investigator of "Flexible Integrated Energy Systems" Jenkins N, Wu J, Ugalde-loo C, Cipcigan L, Ming W WEFO £2,500,000 2016-2021
Cardiff PI of Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE) Wu J, Jenkins N EPSRC £117,812 2016 - 2020
Blockchain based smart contracts for peer to peer energy trading using the GB smart metering system Wu J, Thomas L EPSRC through HubNet £50,091 2016 - 2017
SUPERGEN HDPS - Core - with Strathclyde - HIDEF Jenkins N, Ekanayake J, Wu J EPSRC £421,811 01/07/2009 - 30/06/2013
Autonomous regional active network management system Jenkins N, Wu J Imperial College London £49,380 17/03/2008 - 30/06/2010
Transformation of the top and tail of energy networks Jenkins N, Haddad M, Pidgeon N (Psych), Wu J EPSRC via Imperial £538,087 01/10/2011 - 30/09/2015
Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems - infrastructure transitions (ITRC) Jenkins N, Wu J EPSRC £285,730 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2015
Role of Energy Storage in Enhancing Operation and Stability Performance of Sustainability Power Systems (RESTORES) Jenkins N, Wu J EPSRC via Manchester University £101,610 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2017
HubNet: see award ref 1746 Jenkins N, Wu J EPSRC Via Imperial College 0 01/06/2011 - 31/05/2016
Integrated operation and planning for smart electric power distribution networks (OPEN) Jenkins N, Wu J EPSRC £1,002,351 21/04/2013 - 20/04/2016
Economics and grid planning for smart electromobility Jenkins N, Wu J, Cipcigan L EPSRC via Imperial College London £325,170 31/12/2013 - 30/12/2016
Increasing the observability of electrical distrubtion systems using smart meters Wu J, EPSRC £99,733 01/04/2012 - 30/09/2013
Peer to peer smart energy distribution networks Wu J, Ekanyake J, Jenkins N European Commission - Horizon 2020 £304,592 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017
PI of NIC project "Development of dynamic demand models in DigSILENT powerfactory" Wu J, Jenkins N National Grid £212,519 01/05/2014 - 30/04/2016
High energy and power density (HEAPD): Solutions to large energy deficits Wu J, Jenkins N EPSRC via University of Bath £276,544 01/05/2014 - 30/04/2017
Districts of the Future (DoF) Wu J, Jenkins N European Commission £50,645 11/01/2015 - 31/10/2016
Peer to Peer Smart Energy Distribution Networks Wu J, Ugalde-loo C Toshiba Research Europe Ltd £58,056 01/04/2014 - 31/03/2017
System architecture challenges: Supergen+ for Hubnet Ugalde-Loo C, Wu J EPSRC via Imperial College London £104,907 01/01/2015 - 31/05/2016
Supporting energy efficiency in smart generations grids through ICT - SEESGEN-ICT Ekanayake J, Wu Y Commission of European Communities £11,520 01/06/2009 - 31/05/2011
Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity (MERGE) Ekanayake J, Jenkins N, Cipcigan L, Wu J European Commission (FP7) £238,558 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011
Demand management through smart meters Ekanayake J, Wu J TOSHIBA RESEARCH EUROPE LTD £1,500 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2013
Demand management through smart meters Ekanayake J, Wu J Toshiba Research Europe Ltd £20,188 01/01/2010 - 30/09/2011
Commonwealth Professional Fellowship 2015 - Mr Samarakoon Ekanayake J, Wu J Commonwealth Scholarship Commission £1539 26/01/2015 - 24/04/2015



Since joining Cardiff, Jianzhong Wu has taught at all levels from Year 1 undergraduate to MSc students, from the school-level module (EN1042 with around 360 students) in large teaching theatres, down to 1 to 1 supervision. He is/was the module leader for EN1065 Power Engineering, EN3708 Renewable Energy Technologies, EN3701 Power System Analysis, ENT778 Power System Analysis, ENT774 Research Study, EN4705/ENT739 Alternative Energy Systems and ENT759 Dissertation. The modules he taught also include EN1064 Network Analysis, EN1042 Computing I, EN1040 Electrical Tech., EN1072 Laboratory, EN2073 Lab. and Design, ENT778 Power System Analysis and ENT777/EN4708 Power System Protection.



Aug 2020-date


Head of School of Engineering, Cardiff University

Jan 2018-Aug 2020   


Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, Cardiff University



Professor of Multi-Vector Energy Systems, School of Engineering, Cardiff University



Reader, School of Engineering, Cardiff University



Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Cardiff University



Lecturer, School of Engineering, Cardiff University



Postdoc Research Fellow in Joule Centre, University of Manchester



Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, China



Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, China





PhD, Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University, China



MSc, Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University, China



BSc, Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University, China




Co-Director of the Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transition (Hi-ACT) Hub



Co-Director of the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub



Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre



Co-Director of the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub



Co-Chair of INCOSE UK Energy Systems Interest Group, co-led by Energy Systems Catapult (including more than 100 members from the governments, industry and academia)



Founding Director of the International UNiLAB on Synergies between Energy Networks (, which includes leading research institutions and companies globally (DTU, KTH, GVGW, Imperial College, Tianjin University, Tsinghua University, TNO, KUL, Malardalen University, University of Pisa, Toshiba and Cardiff University)



President of the UK Branch of China Electrotechnical Society (Acting Chairman and Secretary-general from 2013-2017; CES has more than 50k members)



Vice President of the UK Branch of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE has more than 143k members)




Member of the Scottish Power Energy Networks Independent Net Zero Advisory Council



Member of the Northern Powergrid Science and Technology Advisory Panel



Visiting Professor, Cracow University of Technology, Poland



Member of the UK Government “The UK Taxonomy Energy Working Group (EWG)” chaired by the DESNZ Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Paul Monks, to support the development of an ambitious UK Green Taxonomy.



Member-at-large of the IEEE Technical Committee on Carbon Neutrality (

Oct 2021- Dec 2025


External Examiner for The University of Manchester: MSc; PG Diploma; PG Certificate/ Renewable Energy and Clean Technology and Renewable Energy and Clean Technology with Extended Research and related units



Member of Northern Power Grid Technical Panel of £3.2 billion ED2 Business plan



Member of the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) Energy Policy Commission on Thermal Energy (Heat)



Member of the Wales Smart Energy System Group



Member of the Scottish Power Energy Networks Strategic Stakeholder Panel, England and Wales



Member of the Special Committee of Energy Internet, China Electrotechnical Society



Member of the Council of China Electrotechnical Society


Honours and awards


2021 "CSEE JPES Promotion Award” from CSEE JPES Journal in recognition of the significant contributions in promotion for CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
2021 Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales
2020 Fellow of Energy Institute
2019 “Outstanding Dissemination Award of Editorial Board Member” from CSEE JPES Journal 
2018 “Outstanding Contribution Award” from Elsevier Applied Energy Journal
2018 “Outstanding Contribution Award of Editorial Board Member” from CSEE JPES Journal


Professional memberships

Fellow of Energy Institute

Fellow of Learnt Society of Wales

Fellow of IEEE


Speaking engagements

Speaking Engegement in the Past 3 Years.

1.   Keynote Speech entitled “New Technologies in Smart Distribution Networks”, International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, Xuchang, 9 Oct, 2023.

2.     Keynote Speech entitled “New Technologies in Smart Electricity Distribution and Utilisation”, Zijin Forum of Power Systems, Tianjin, 29 July 2023.

3.     Keynote Speech entitled “Peer to Peer Energy Trading to Facilitate the Net Zero Transition”, 15th International Green Energy Conference, Glasgow, 13 July 2023.

4.     Invited Speech entitled “Working towards High Quality Publications”, Workshop on Meeting the Editors, 15th International Green Energy Conference, Glasgow, 11 July 2023.

5.     Keynote Speech entitled “Hydrogen System Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions”, ABCP Annual Conference, Manchester, 7 July 2023.

6.     Chair of the Workshop on “Accelerating decarbonisation of heat in the UK”, online workshop, 29 June 2023

7.     Keynote Speech entitled “Integrated Energy Infrastructure Driving the Net Zero Transition”, International Conference on Power Systems and Units, Cracow, Poland, 24 May 2023.

8.     Keynote Speech entitled “Hydrogen System Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions”, Applied Energy Symposium on Clean Energy Towards Carbon Neutrality, Ningbo, China, 23 April 2023.

9.     Keynote Speech entitled “Powering the Net Zero Future”, the 3rd Xiawu Technical Conference, Xaimen, 22 April 2023.

10.   Invited speech entitled “Smart Electrical Distribution Networks”, China Agricultural University, 2 April 2023

11.   Keynote Speech entitled “Role of Flexibility in Carbon Neutral Urban Energy Networks”, 2022 Net Zero Engineering Centre Forum, Birmingham and Nanjing, 16 December 2022.

12.   Chair of Workshop on “UK Workshop on Emerging Net-Zero Technologies”, 2022 Net Zero Engineering Centre Forum, Birmingham and Nanjing, 16 December 2022.

13.   Session Chair of Workshop on “Accelerating Energy System Transition”, 2022 Net Zero Engineering Centre Forum, Birmingham and Nanjing, 16 December 2022.

14.   Chair, 2022 China-UK Electrical and Energy Equipment Technology Forum, Birmingham and Nanjing, 17 December 2022.

15.   Invited speech entitled “Introduction to HI-ACT”, Final Assembly of the H2FC Supergen Hub, London, 9 Dec 2022.

16.   Invited speech entitled “Integrated Multi-Vector Urban Energy Infrastructures”, Xi'an University of Technology, 3 Dec 2022

17.   Invited speech entitled “Peer to Peer Energy Trading to Facilitate the Net Zero Transition”, Zhejiang University, 8 Oct 2022

18.   Keynote Speech entitled “Role of Electrification to Achieve Carbon Neutrality”, 2022 World Electrical Engineering Technology and Development Forum, Wuhan, 23-25 Sep 2022.

19.   Invited speech entitled “Role of Flexibility in Carbon Neutral Urban Distribution Networks”, Round Table – Planning and Operation of Carbon Neutral Urban Distribution Network, CIRED 2022 Shanghai Workshop, Shanghai, 21-22 Sep 2022.

20.   Invited speech entitled “Integrated Multi-Vector Urban Energy Infrastructures”, Nanjing Normal University, 15 Sep 2022

21.   Invited speech entitled “Peer to Peer Energy Trading to Facilitate the Net Zero Transition”, Dalian University of Technology, 25 Aug 2022

22.   Invited speech entitled “Peer to Peer Energy Trading to Facilitate the Net Zero Transition”, Distinguished Lecturers Series, University of Macau, 24 Aug 2022

23.   Invited speech entitled “Women in Applied Energy”, Pan on Women in Applied Energy, International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2022), 9 Aug 2022

24.   Invited speech entitled “Integrated Multi-Vector Urban Energy Infrastructures”, Beijing University of Technology, 8 Aug 2022

25.   Keynote Speech entitled “How does Machine Learning Fit into the Future of Smart Energy Networks”, ECC Workshop on Machine learning in smart energy systems, London, 12 July 2022.

26.   Invited speech entitled “Peer to Peer Energy Trading”, Hohai University, 17 June 2022.

Committees and reviewing

  • Reviewer for Journals: More than 20 top journals including Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems; IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems; Energy, Applied Energy; Energy Policy; IETGeneration, Transmission & Distribution; etc
  • Research Project Proposal Reviewer for: UKRI; ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche); National NaturalScience Foundation of China; Maryland Industrial Partnerships; National Research Foundation of Singapore;the Knowledge Foundation Sweden, ANR France, Science Foundation Ireland, the Luxembourg NationalResearch Fund, etc. Reviewer for RAEng Policy Briefing, Fellowships, and Chairs in Emerging Technologies
  • Panel member of the UKRI Energy Demand Centre call (CREDS II), 2022
  • Panel member of the SFI Research Infrastructure Programme, Science Foundation Ireland, 2021 and 2023
  • Panel member of the proposals from the Hongkong Polytechnic University and China Southern Power Grid (CSG) “Joint Institute for Green and Secure Power Grid”, 2022-
  • Evaluator of the Performance of School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering and its faculty members, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 2017.
  • Evaluator of the performance of School of Electrical Engineering and its faculty members, Zhejiang University, China, 2017.
  • Book Proposal Reviewer for: John Wiley&Sons, Inc; CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, etc


Smart Grids, Peer-to-Peer Energy trading, multi-vector energy systems, energy system integration, hydrogen system integration

Current supervision

Vikalp Jha

Vikalp Jha

Research student

Miriam Prazmowska-Toporowska

Miriam Prazmowska-Toporowska

Research student

Christopher Jones

Christopher Jones

Research student

Chen Li

Chen Li

Research student

Kaiqing Qiu

Kaiqing Qiu

Research student

Dushani Herath Mudiyanselage

Dushani Herath Mudiyanselage

Graduate Demonstrator

Elliott O'Malley

Elliott O'Malley

Research student

Margi Shah

Margi Shah

Graduate Demonstrator

Shengshi Wang

Shengshi Wang

Research student

Past projects

Student Name Title of PhD thesis


Partially rated Soft Open Points for electricity distribution networks (2022)

CANET Alexandre

Assessment of heat supply options for decarbonising dwellings: case studies of Cardiff, Swansea and Newport (2021)


Multi-scale modelling of integrated energy supply systems (2021)

NAN Xiaodan

Impact analysis of domestic building energy demand and electric vehicles charging on low voltage distribution networks (2021)


Smart metering and its use for distribution network control (2020)

JIN Xiaolong

Multi-scale modelling and energy management for buildings-integrated community energy systems (2019, jointed supervision)

PAN Zhaoguang

Security assessment and control of integrated electricity and heating systems (2019, jointed supervision)


Benefit analysis of using soft DC links in medium voltage distribution networks (2018)


A statistical assessment tool for electricity distribution networks (2018)

AITHAL Avinash

Operation of a Soft Open Point in a distribution network under faulted network conditions (2018)

Zhang Chenghua

Peer-to-Peer energy trading in electrical distribution networks (2017)


Virtual energy storage for frequency and voltage control (2017)



Impact of the European gas network on the operation of Great Britain’s gas and electricity networks (2017)


Integrated load and state estimation using domestic smart meter measurements (2016)


Combined analysis of coupled energy networks (2016)


Residential demand response in the power system (2015)

CAO Wanyu

Soft Open Points for the operation of medium voltage distribution Networks (2015)


Connection imbalance in low voltage distribution networks (2015)


Dynamic demand for frequency response services in the Great Britain power system (2014)

LIU Xuezhi

Combined analysis of electricity and heat networks (2013)


Modelling and analysis of a district heating network (2013)


The integrated design of new build multi-vector energy supply schemes (2012)


Modelling of an integrated gas and electricity network with significant wind capacity (2012)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70668
Campuses Queen's Buildings, Room Head of School Office, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA


  • Multi-Vector Energy Systems
  • Smart Grids
  • Peer-to-Peer Energy
  • Energy Networks
  • Hydrogen System Integration