Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Kate Boyer

Dr Kate Boyer

Reader in Human Geography

Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


I am a Human Geographer with research interests in Social, Cultural and Feminist Geography.  I am especially interested in how place  and space come to have meaning, including the politics of how these processes intersect with understandings of gender, care and embodiment.  In recent years I have studied geographies of gender and care as relating to breastfeeding (especially breastfeeding in public), emotional geographies of childcare,  and new parents' experiences of mobility and immobility.

I have supervised four PhD students to completion and am happy to consider new PhD students interested in working across any of these themes: care-work, activism (especially feminist and urban), materiality, parenthood, embodiment and social space, breastfeeding/early child feeding, work-life harmonisation, or Deleuze and Feminism.










  • Mayes, R., Pini, B. and Boyer, K. 2015. Becoming Kalgoorlie. Griffith Review(47), article number: Online article.






  • Layne, L. L., Vostral, S. L. and Boyer, K. eds. 2010. Feminist technology. Women, Gender and Technology. University of Ilinois Press.










I am interested in how understandings about gender, work and the body are produced in and through space; together with how these processes bear upon health, wellbeing and social justice. I am currently exploring these interests through three inter-related streams of research. The first examines new cultures and spaces of parenting in the contemporary UK, including the socio-spatial practices of breastfeeding and parenting mobility.

The second research stream focuses on mobility the socio-technical systems that mediate the gendered body, including the parented body.  A third research stream focuses on how wage-work and care-work relate to one another, including policy relating to work-life balance and the politics and economics of care-work.  Drawing these research interests together, I am currently working on a two-year ESRC networking seminar series on breastfeeding in social perspective with Dr. Sally Dowling at the University of the West of England and Prof. David Pontin at the University of South Wales.

I have published work in such journals as Progress in Human Geography, Health and Place; Gender, Space and Culture; Rural Studies; Social and Cultural Geography and Antipode; and have co-edited book (with L. Layne and S. Vostral) with the University of Illinois Press on Feminist Technology.


I am a lecturer in Human Geography, having received my PhD from McGill University and my MA from the University of British Columbia. Prior to coming to Cardiff in 2014 I served for seven years as a lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Southampton, and five years as a Visiting Assistant Professor (lecturer) in the Department of Science and Technology Studies in Troy, New York. I have also held positions as a lecturer in the School of Geography and Planning at the State University of New York, and as a policy researcher at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, New York. I have received multiple awards for my teaching, currently supervise three PhD students, and am open to supervising additional PhD students in areas relating to my fields of expertise.


  • B.A.Geography (Cum Laude), Macalester College (Minnesota, USA)1991
  • M.A.(Human Geography) University of British Columbia 1994
  • Ph.D.(Human Geography) McGill University, Quebec 2001


  • 2014 - present, Lecturer in Human Geography, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University.
  • 2007, Lecturer Human Geography, School of Geography, Southampton.
  • 2002-2007, Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  • 2000-02, Researcher, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, Albany, New York.
  • 1998-00, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, The State University of New York at Albany.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

I would consider supervising any project relating to the broad fields of care-work, parenting or breastfeeding. I am also keen on supervising topics relating to education-based progammes aimed at reducing sexual harassment and sexual violence on University campuses and promoting more positive forms of masculinity and better understandings of consent, including enhansing understanding about which such programmes are most effective.

Contact Details

Email BoyerK@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 75244
Campuses Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Room 2.93, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA