Dr Kate Boyer
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Kate Boyer
Reader in Human Geography
I am a Human Geographer with an international reputation for research on gender, space, embodiment and social justice. I have nearly 50 publications (most in international peer-reviewed journals), written a sole-authored monograph (Spaces and Politics of Motherhood, 2018, Roman and Littlefield Press), and three further edited books. I have a consistent track record of successful research bidding, with grants in recent years from the British Academy (£9,900, PI) in 2024-2025 on the menopause as lived experience, the Marston Fund (NZ, £158,284, Co-I) from 2021-2024 on wellbeing and belonging amongst new mothers in New Zealand; and the EPSRC (£149,930, Co-I) from 2020-2022 on infant and maternal health in South Africa. I have substantively contributed to national and regional policy through presenting my research on mothers' experiences of breastfeeding outside the home in the UK House of Commons in 2015 and serving on the advisory panel of the 'Care and Austerity' initiative at Oxford University (2018-2019).
I am also passionate about teaching and have been a member of the Higher Education Academy since 2008. I am a key member or module leader of the teaching team on two of the keystone required modules in the School: Making Knowledge and Geographical Ideas (approx. 240 and 160 students respectively) as well as leading on two further specialist modules (Social Geography and Gender, Space and Place) which are consistently well subscribed (approx.80 and 60 students respectively). All of these modules receive consistently high student satisfaction scores. Finally, my enthusiasm for teaching and level of care for my students at Cardiff has led to nominations for awards in categories of 'Most Outstanding Learning Experience'; 'Most Uplifting Staff Member of the Year'; Tutor of the Year' and 'Most Inspiring Staff Person of the Year' over the last four years of the Enriching Student Life awards scheme.
- Boyer, K. and Such, L. 2025. Creating the anti-sexist city: The potential of the local state in combatting sexual harassment. Political Geography 118, article number: 103290. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2025.103290)
- Boyer, K. and Wood, I. 2024. Spaces of change: Everyday gender activism through near‐peer gender and sexuality workshops with young people in the UK. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49(1), article number: e12616. (10.1111/tran.12616)
- Boyer, K. and Wood, I. 2023. Sexual health activism: the motivations of near-peer volunteer educators working to promote positive understandings of gender and sexuality in UK secondary schools. Culture, Health & Sexuality 25(9), pp. 1244-1258. (10.1080/13691058.2022.2154386)
- Walker, A., O'Mahoney, K. and Boyer, K. 2023. Recollecting the everyday: Emotion, memory and spaces of mundane practice.. Emotion, Space and Society 48, article number: 100961. (10.1016/j.emospa.2023.100961)
- Boyer, K., Eaves, L. E. and Fluri, J. eds. 2023. Activist feminist geographies.. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Infante-Vargas, D. and Boyer, K. 2023. “Do you really want to keep going with this?”: reporting gender-based violence in public in Saltillo, Mexico. Gender, Place and Culture 30(7), pp. 969-988. (10.1080/0966369X.2022.2091521)
- Boyer, K. 2022. Sexual harassment and the right to everyday life. Progress in Human Geography 46(2), pp. 398-415. (10.1177/03091325211024340)
- Owen, J. and Boyer, K. 2022. Holding on to childhood things: storage, emotion and curation of children's material biographies. Social and Cultural Geography 23, pp. 192-209. (10.1080/14649365.2019.1705992)
- Infante-Vargas, D. and Boyer, K. 2022. Gender-based violence against women users of public transport in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Gender Studies 31(2), pp. 216-230. (10.1080/09589236.2021.1915753)
- Boyer, K., Hunter, B. and Davis, A. 2021. Birth stories: Childbirth, remembrance and 'everyday' heritage.. Emotion, Space and Society 41, article number: 100841. (10.1016/j.emospa.2021.100841)
- Buser, M. and Boyer, K. 2021. Care goes underground: thinking through relations of care in the maintenance and repair of urban water infrastructures. cultural geographies 28, pp. 73-90. (10.1177/1474474020942796)
- Boyer, K. 2020. Motherhood in feminist geography: current trends and themes. In: Datta, A. et al. eds. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies. London: Routledge, pp. 318-325., (10.4324/9781315164748-32)
- Isherwood, J., Boyer, K. and Dowling, S. 2019. Local landscapes of breastfeeding: a comparison of breastfeeding experiences amongst mothers in low-and high-income neighbourhoods in Bristol, UK. Health and Place 59, article number: 102125. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.05.003)
- Tomori, C. and Boyer, K. 2019. Domestic geographies of parental and infant (co-) becomings: home-space, night-time breastfeeding, and parent-infant sleep.. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 109(4), pp. 1172-1187. (10.1080/24694452.2018.1558628)
- Dowling, S., Pontin, D. and Boyer, K. eds. 2018. Social experiences of breastfeeding: Building bridges between research, policy and practice.. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Boyer, K. 2018. Breastmilk as agentic matter and the distributed agencies of infant feeding.. Studies in the Maternal 10(1) (10.16995/sim.257)
- Waight, E. and Boyer, K. 2018. The role of the non-human in relations of care: baby things. Cultural Geographies 25(3), pp. 459-472. (10.1177/1474474018758480)
- Boyer, K. 2018. Spaces and politics of motherhood. Rowman & Littlefield International.
- Boyer, K. 2018. The emotional resonances of breastfeeding in public: the role of strangers in breastfeeding practice. Emotion, Space and Society 26, pp. 33-40. (10.1016/j.emospa.2016.09.002)
- Boyer, K., Mayes, R. and Pini, B. 2017. Narrations and practices of mobility and immobility in the maintenance of gender dualisms. Mobilities 12(6), pp. 847-860. (10.1080/17450101.2017.1292027)
- Boyer, K., Dermott, E., James, A. and MacLeavy, J. 2017. Regendering care in the aftermath of recession?. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 56-73. (10.1177/2043820617691632)
- Boyer, K. and Spinney, J. 2016. Motherhood, mobility and materiality: Material entanglements, journey-making and the process of 'becoming mother. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34(6), pp. 1113-1131. (10.1177/0263775815622209)
- Mayes, R., Pini, B. and Boyer, K. 2015. Becoming Kalgoorlie. Griffith Review(47), article number: Online article.
- Boyer, K. 2014. ‘Neoliberal motherhood’: workplace lactation and changing conceptions of working motherhood in the contemporary US. Feminist Theory 15(3), pp. 269-288. (10.1177/1464700114545321)
- Buser, M., Bonura, C., Fannin, M. and Boyer, K. 2013. Cultural activism and the politics of place-making. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 17(5), pp. 606-627. (10.1080/13604813.2013.827840)
- Pini, B., Mayes, R. and Boyer, K. 2013. “Scary” heterosexualities in a rural Australian mining town. Journal of Rural Studies 32, pp. 168-176. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.06.002)
- Boyer, K., Reimer, S. and Irvine, L. 2013. The nursery workspace, emotional labour, and contested understandings of commoditised childcare in the contemporary UK. Social & Cultural Geography 14(5), pp. 517-540. (10.1080/14649365.2012.710913)
- Boyer, K. 2012. Affect, corporeality and the limits of belonging: breastfeeding in public in the contemporary UK. Health & Place 18(3), pp. 552-560. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.01.010)
- Boyer, K. 2011. The way to break the taboo is to do the taboo thing: breastfeeding in public and citizen activism in the UK. Health & Place 17(2), pp. 430-437. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.06.013)
- Layne, L. L., Vostral, S. L. and Boyer, K. eds. 2010. Feminist technology. Women, Gender and Technology. University of Ilinois Press.
- Boyer, K. and Boswell-Penc, M. 2010. Breast pumps: a feminist technology, or (yet) ‘more work for mother’?”. In: Layne, L., Boyer, K. and Vostral, S. eds. Feminist Technology. Women, Gender, and Technology Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 119-135.
- Boyer, K. 2009. Of care and commodities: breast milk and the new politics of mobile biosubstances. Progress in Human Geography 34(1), pp. 5-20. (10.1177/0309132509105003)
- England, K. and Boyer, K. 2009. Women's work: the feminization and shifting meanings of clerical work. Journal of Social History 43(2), pp. 307-340. (10.1353/jsh.0.0284)
- Boyer, K. and England, K. 2008. Gender, work and technology in the information workplace: from typewriters to ATMs. Social & Cultural Geography 9(3), pp. 241-256. (10.1080/14649360801990462)
- Boyer, K. 2006. Reform and resistance: a consideration of space, scale and strategy in legal challenges to welfare reform. Antipode 38(1), pp. 22-40. (10.1111/j.0066-4812.2006.00563.x)
- Boyer, K. 2006. Guest Editor’s introduction: gender, space and technology. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 5(1), pp. 1-8.
- Boyer, K. 2005. Spaces of change: gender, information technology, and new geographies of mobility and fixity in the early twentieth-century financial services sector. In: Nelson, L. and Seager, J. eds. A Companion to Feminist Geography. Blackwell, pp. 228-241., (10.1002/9780470996898.ch16)
- Boyer, K. 2005. For home and country? Engendering nationalism in the workplace. Social & Cultural Geography 6(2), pp. 183-199. (10.1080/14649360500074626)
- Boyer, K. 2004. Feminist geography in the archive: some reflections on practice and method. In: Sharp, J., Browne, K. and Thein, D. eds. Feminist Geography Twenty Years Later: A Retrospective. Women and Geography Specialty Group of the Royal Geographical Society, pp. 169-174.
- Boyer, K. 2004. "Miss Remington" goes to work: gender, space, and technology at the dawn of the Information Age. The Professional Geographer 56(2), pp. 201-212. (10.1111/j.0033-0124.2004.05602005.x)
- Boyer, K. 2003. "Neither forget nor remember your sex”: sexual politics in the early twentieth-century Canadian office. The Journal of Historical Geography 29(2), pp. 212-229. (10.1006/jhge.2002.0418)
- Boyer, K. 2003. At work, at home? New geographies of work and care-giving under welfare reform in the US. Space and Polity 7(1), pp. 75-86. (10.1080/13562570309246)
- Boyer, K. 1998. Place and the politics of virtue: clerical work, corporate anxiety, and changing meanings of public womanhood in early twentieth-century Montreal. Gender, Place and Culture 5(3), pp. 261-275. (10.1080/09663699825205)
- Boyer, K. 1996. ‘What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?’ A geography of sexual violence in early twentieth-century Vancouver. Urban Geography 17(4), pp. 286-293. (10.2747/0272-3638.17.4.286)
- Boyer, K. and Such, L. 2025. Creating the anti-sexist city: The potential of the local state in combatting sexual harassment. Political Geography 118, article number: 103290. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2025.103290)
- Boyer, K. and Wood, I. 2024. Spaces of change: Everyday gender activism through near‐peer gender and sexuality workshops with young people in the UK. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49(1), article number: e12616. (10.1111/tran.12616)
- Boyer, K. and Wood, I. 2023. Sexual health activism: the motivations of near-peer volunteer educators working to promote positive understandings of gender and sexuality in UK secondary schools. Culture, Health & Sexuality 25(9), pp. 1244-1258. (10.1080/13691058.2022.2154386)
- Walker, A., O'Mahoney, K. and Boyer, K. 2023. Recollecting the everyday: Emotion, memory and spaces of mundane practice.. Emotion, Space and Society 48, article number: 100961. (10.1016/j.emospa.2023.100961)
- Infante-Vargas, D. and Boyer, K. 2023. “Do you really want to keep going with this?”: reporting gender-based violence in public in Saltillo, Mexico. Gender, Place and Culture 30(7), pp. 969-988. (10.1080/0966369X.2022.2091521)
- Boyer, K. 2022. Sexual harassment and the right to everyday life. Progress in Human Geography 46(2), pp. 398-415. (10.1177/03091325211024340)
- Owen, J. and Boyer, K. 2022. Holding on to childhood things: storage, emotion and curation of children's material biographies. Social and Cultural Geography 23, pp. 192-209. (10.1080/14649365.2019.1705992)
- Infante-Vargas, D. and Boyer, K. 2022. Gender-based violence against women users of public transport in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Gender Studies 31(2), pp. 216-230. (10.1080/09589236.2021.1915753)
- Boyer, K., Hunter, B. and Davis, A. 2021. Birth stories: Childbirth, remembrance and 'everyday' heritage.. Emotion, Space and Society 41, article number: 100841. (10.1016/j.emospa.2021.100841)
- Buser, M. and Boyer, K. 2021. Care goes underground: thinking through relations of care in the maintenance and repair of urban water infrastructures. cultural geographies 28, pp. 73-90. (10.1177/1474474020942796)
- Isherwood, J., Boyer, K. and Dowling, S. 2019. Local landscapes of breastfeeding: a comparison of breastfeeding experiences amongst mothers in low-and high-income neighbourhoods in Bristol, UK. Health and Place 59, article number: 102125. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.05.003)
- Tomori, C. and Boyer, K. 2019. Domestic geographies of parental and infant (co-) becomings: home-space, night-time breastfeeding, and parent-infant sleep.. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 109(4), pp. 1172-1187. (10.1080/24694452.2018.1558628)
- Boyer, K. 2018. Breastmilk as agentic matter and the distributed agencies of infant feeding.. Studies in the Maternal 10(1) (10.16995/sim.257)
- Waight, E. and Boyer, K. 2018. The role of the non-human in relations of care: baby things. Cultural Geographies 25(3), pp. 459-472. (10.1177/1474474018758480)
- Boyer, K. 2018. The emotional resonances of breastfeeding in public: the role of strangers in breastfeeding practice. Emotion, Space and Society 26, pp. 33-40. (10.1016/j.emospa.2016.09.002)
- Boyer, K., Mayes, R. and Pini, B. 2017. Narrations and practices of mobility and immobility in the maintenance of gender dualisms. Mobilities 12(6), pp. 847-860. (10.1080/17450101.2017.1292027)
- Boyer, K., Dermott, E., James, A. and MacLeavy, J. 2017. Regendering care in the aftermath of recession?. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 56-73. (10.1177/2043820617691632)
- Boyer, K. and Spinney, J. 2016. Motherhood, mobility and materiality: Material entanglements, journey-making and the process of 'becoming mother. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34(6), pp. 1113-1131. (10.1177/0263775815622209)
- Mayes, R., Pini, B. and Boyer, K. 2015. Becoming Kalgoorlie. Griffith Review(47), article number: Online article.
- Boyer, K. 2014. ‘Neoliberal motherhood’: workplace lactation and changing conceptions of working motherhood in the contemporary US. Feminist Theory 15(3), pp. 269-288. (10.1177/1464700114545321)
- Buser, M., Bonura, C., Fannin, M. and Boyer, K. 2013. Cultural activism and the politics of place-making. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 17(5), pp. 606-627. (10.1080/13604813.2013.827840)
- Pini, B., Mayes, R. and Boyer, K. 2013. “Scary” heterosexualities in a rural Australian mining town. Journal of Rural Studies 32, pp. 168-176. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.06.002)
- Boyer, K., Reimer, S. and Irvine, L. 2013. The nursery workspace, emotional labour, and contested understandings of commoditised childcare in the contemporary UK. Social & Cultural Geography 14(5), pp. 517-540. (10.1080/14649365.2012.710913)
- Boyer, K. 2012. Affect, corporeality and the limits of belonging: breastfeeding in public in the contemporary UK. Health & Place 18(3), pp. 552-560. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.01.010)
- Boyer, K. 2011. The way to break the taboo is to do the taboo thing: breastfeeding in public and citizen activism in the UK. Health & Place 17(2), pp. 430-437. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.06.013)
- Boyer, K. 2009. Of care and commodities: breast milk and the new politics of mobile biosubstances. Progress in Human Geography 34(1), pp. 5-20. (10.1177/0309132509105003)
- England, K. and Boyer, K. 2009. Women's work: the feminization and shifting meanings of clerical work. Journal of Social History 43(2), pp. 307-340. (10.1353/jsh.0.0284)
- Boyer, K. and England, K. 2008. Gender, work and technology in the information workplace: from typewriters to ATMs. Social & Cultural Geography 9(3), pp. 241-256. (10.1080/14649360801990462)
- Boyer, K. 2006. Reform and resistance: a consideration of space, scale and strategy in legal challenges to welfare reform. Antipode 38(1), pp. 22-40. (10.1111/j.0066-4812.2006.00563.x)
- Boyer, K. 2006. Guest Editor’s introduction: gender, space and technology. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 5(1), pp. 1-8.
- Boyer, K. 2005. For home and country? Engendering nationalism in the workplace. Social & Cultural Geography 6(2), pp. 183-199. (10.1080/14649360500074626)
- Boyer, K. 2004. "Miss Remington" goes to work: gender, space, and technology at the dawn of the Information Age. The Professional Geographer 56(2), pp. 201-212. (10.1111/j.0033-0124.2004.05602005.x)
- Boyer, K. 2003. "Neither forget nor remember your sex”: sexual politics in the early twentieth-century Canadian office. The Journal of Historical Geography 29(2), pp. 212-229. (10.1006/jhge.2002.0418)
- Boyer, K. 2003. At work, at home? New geographies of work and care-giving under welfare reform in the US. Space and Polity 7(1), pp. 75-86. (10.1080/13562570309246)
- Boyer, K. 1998. Place and the politics of virtue: clerical work, corporate anxiety, and changing meanings of public womanhood in early twentieth-century Montreal. Gender, Place and Culture 5(3), pp. 261-275. (10.1080/09663699825205)
- Boyer, K. 1996. ‘What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?’ A geography of sexual violence in early twentieth-century Vancouver. Urban Geography 17(4), pp. 286-293. (10.2747/0272-3638.17.4.286)
Book sections
- Boyer, K. 2020. Motherhood in feminist geography: current trends and themes. In: Datta, A. et al. eds. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies. London: Routledge, pp. 318-325., (10.4324/9781315164748-32)
- Boyer, K. and Boswell-Penc, M. 2010. Breast pumps: a feminist technology, or (yet) ‘more work for mother’?”. In: Layne, L., Boyer, K. and Vostral, S. eds. Feminist Technology. Women, Gender, and Technology Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 119-135.
- Boyer, K. 2005. Spaces of change: gender, information technology, and new geographies of mobility and fixity in the early twentieth-century financial services sector. In: Nelson, L. and Seager, J. eds. A Companion to Feminist Geography. Blackwell, pp. 228-241., (10.1002/9780470996898.ch16)
- Boyer, K. 2004. Feminist geography in the archive: some reflections on practice and method. In: Sharp, J., Browne, K. and Thein, D. eds. Feminist Geography Twenty Years Later: A Retrospective. Women and Geography Specialty Group of the Royal Geographical Society, pp. 169-174.
- Boyer, K., Eaves, L. E. and Fluri, J. eds. 2023. Activist feminist geographies.. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Dowling, S., Pontin, D. and Boyer, K. eds. 2018. Social experiences of breastfeeding: Building bridges between research, policy and practice.. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Boyer, K. 2018. Spaces and politics of motherhood. Rowman & Littlefield International.
- Layne, L. L., Vostral, S. L. and Boyer, K. eds. 2010. Feminist technology. Women, Gender and Technology. University of Ilinois Press.
My research extends understanding about the socio-spatial politics of gender as a lived, relational and embodied experience. One of the main ways I have focused these interests over the last 15 years has been through research on the spatial practices of early motherhood. In 2018 I published a capstone book entitled Spaces and Politics of Motherhood with Roman and Littlefield Press which was the culmination of 10 years of research (some of which was funded by the ESRC). My expertise in this area has also led to my involvement in several funded research projects with other scholars and teams internationally as well as presenting my work to the UK Parliament (see section on 'Overview' for details).
Since 2018 my research has expanded to focus on two further streams. The first extends understanding about kinds of spaces and practices that are needed to combat sexual harassment and bring forth more positive gender-cultures in the UK; and the second explores womens' experiences of the menopause in day to day life (this work is funded by a grant from the British Academy on which I am the Principal Investigator). Together this work has led to a re-theorisation of bystander and consent workshops as spaces of everyday gender and LGBTQI+ activism, and the potential of the local state as a sale for promoting more equitable gender-cultures. The second stream will extend what is curently very limited understanding of the menopause as a purely medical condition, to better understand this phenomenon as a lived, relational and embodied experience through in-depth research with women across four study-sites in the UK.
Research Grants in recent years:
- British Academy (£9,900, PI) in 2024-2025 on the menopause as lived experience
- The Marston Fund (NZ, £158,284, Co-I) from 2021-2024 on wellbeing and belonging amongst new mothers in New Zealand
- The EPSRC (£149,930, Co-I) from 2020-2022 on infant and maternal health in South Africa
- The Wellcome Trust (£7,500, Co-I) from 2015-2016 on oral histories of home births in Wales in the 1960s
- ESRC (£30,000, Co-I) from 2014-2018 Networking Grant on building bridges between breastfeeding research, policy and practice
- Esteemed Scholar Research Grant (£4,400, PI), Curtain University, Perth, Australia, 2011
I have shown leadership in teaching and learning and been a catalyst for innovation in the School in my role as Human Geography course director from 2017-2020. During this time I brought in a highly successful Professional Year Out in Practice Programme as well as introducing our 'Race, Space and Place' module, which aids the work of decolonising our curriculum. I contribute across the School from Undergraduate, Masters and PhD teaching in small, medium and large teaching settings. I have consistently high teaching evaluations and have been nominated for numerous awards for my teaching (see 'Overview' section).
I currently module-lead or serve as a fundamental member of the teaching team on the following Undergraduate Modules:
- Geographical Ideas (N: approx. 240)
- Making Knowledge (N:approx.160)
- Social Geography (N: approx. 80)
- Gender, Space and Place (N: approx. 60)
I am a Reader in Human Geography, having received my PhD from McGill University and my MA from the University of British Columbia. Prior to coming to Cardiff in 2014 I served for seven years as a lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Southampton, and five years as a Visiting Assistant Professor (lecturer) in the Department of Science and Technology Studies in Troy, New York. I have also held positions as a lecturer in the School of Geography and Planning at the State University of New York, and as a policy researcher at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, New York. I have received multiple awards for my teaching, currently supervise three PhD students, and am open to supervising additional PhD students in areas relating to my fields of expertise.
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy 2008
- Ph.D (Human Geography) McGill University, Quebec 2001
- M.A. (Human Geography) University of British Columbia 1994
- B.A.Geography (Cum Laude), Macalester College (Minnesota, USA)1991
- 2014 - present, Lecturer-Reader in Human Geography, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University.
- 2007, Lecturer Human Geography, School of Geography, Southampton.
- 2002-2007, Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
- 2000-02, Researcher, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, Albany, New York.
- 1998-00, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, The State University of New York at Albany.
I would consider supervising any project relating to the broad fields of menopause, care-work, parenting or breastfeeding. I am also keen on supervising topics relating to education-based programmes aimed at reducing sexual harassment and sexual violence on University campuses and promoting more positive forms of masculinity and better understandings of consent, including enhancing understanding about which such programmes are most effective.
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 75244
Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.93, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA