Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Matluba Khan

Dr Matluba Khan


Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Dylunio Trefol
Cyd-gyfarwyddwr MA Dylunio Trefol

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Dylunio Trefol yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.  Mae fy dulliau addysgu a dysgu yn cael eu llywio gan fy mhrofiad ymchwil helaeth ar y berthynas rhwng dylunio'r amgylchedd adeiledig ac ymddygiad, iechyd a lles pobl. Rwyf wedi datblygu arbenigedd mewn cynllunio a chynllunio cyfranogol, ymyrryd ymchwil a gwerthuso dylunio ar gyfer dysgu, iechyd a lles plant ac wedi ehangu fy ngorwelion ymchwil o'r De Byd-eang i'r Gogledd Byd-eang. Rwyf wedi gwthio'r ffin ddisgyblu ac wedi llwyddo i roi fy hun mewn addysg, seicoleg ac iechyd y cyhoedd yn unig i ddod â nhw at ei gilydd ynghylch ymchwil a dylunio amgylchedd adeiledig.

Cyn ymuno â GEOPL, bûm yn gweithio fel Cymrawd Ymchwil yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain ac yn dysgu yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth a Phensaernïaeth Tirwedd Caeredin ym Mhrifysgol Caeredin. Rwyf hefyd wedi gwasanaethu fel Athro Cynorthwyol yn yr Adran Pensaernïaeth ym Mhrifysgol Peirianneg a Thechnoleg Bangladesh. Rwy'n aelod o Academi Addysg Uwch y Deyrnas Unedig.


Araith wedi'i gwahodd

Gwobrau rhyngwladol


Pensaernïaeth i Blant - Pennod 27 gyda Dr Matluba Khan

BBC Radio Wales- Y Syniad- Cyfres 5- Gadael y Dyfodol Mewn

Siarad TEDx: Sut i gael plant i garu dysgu

Dr Matluba Khan ar 'Sut i gael plant i garu dysgu'












Book sections








My research interests lie in the intersection of Architecture, Urban Design and Human Goegraphy. I am interested in the interaction that takes place between the built environment and human beings, particularly the design of built environment and landscape and children’s behaviour, their learning, health and well-being. My research experience includes studies on participatory design and planning, planning, implementation and evaluation of urban open spaces and outdoor learning environment of children at primary schools and urban residential areas in the context of Bangladesh, England, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. More recently I have been working on displaced children's experience of places in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

Current Research:

Children’s perspectives on activity and resilience during Covid-19 restrictions With Dr Justin Spinney (Cardiff University) and Dr Muntazar Monsur of Texas Tech University, this study aims to find out what kinds of activities children and young people have been doing during the pandemic and how they have adjusted to the huge changes brought on by the lockdown. The research will be used to inform future urban planning policies, to the building of resilient child-friendly cities.

Crisis-led approaches to teaching and learning in Bangladesh: New frameworks for outdoor, blended learning in low-income country contexts. With Dr Tom Smith (Co-I, Cardiff University) and external partners: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and #NextGenEdu, this project examines crisis-led approaches to teaching and learning in Bangladesh in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and explores the potential for outdoor, blended learning approaches for future years in a low-income country context.

Displaced children's experience of places. With Professor Alexi Marmot from University College London and Mr Sheik Rana, an independent creative writer and lyricist, this research study investigates displaced children’s experience of places supported by a UCL Grand Challenged Small Grant 2019-2020 and a UCL Global Engagement Fund 2019-2020. The research study focused on exploring displaced Rohingya children’s likes and dislikes in their built environment and their preferences for transformation in their temporary settlements in refugee camps near CoxsBazar-Teknaf-Ukhia area in Bangladesh. A working paper reporting the findings from a workshop with stakeholders working in multiple sectors related to Rohingya children’s learning, health and well-being is available here.

Past Research:


INHERIT is an EU horizon 2020 funded project, for which I developed with my colleagues at UCL the framework for evaluation of nine interventions/case studies across Europe using mixed methods/quantitative research design. The intervention included development of neighbourhood open spaces in deprived residential areas of Sweden and Netherlands, creating access to green spaces for communities in Bilbao and development of a 3 kilometer long pathway in Malvik, Norway. I have also developed, implemented and evaluated a school-based gardening intervention in London for improving children’s health behaviour - their physical activity and attitudes to healthy eating.

Co-designing schoolyards for pedagogy and play

As part of my PhD dissertation in landscape architecture at the University of Edinburgh I co-designed and developed a schoolyard in a Government primary school in Bangladesh with children, teachers and the community. I also evaluated the designed landscape for play and pedagogy. This was developed based on my M.Arch project as part of which I designed and developed an outdoor amphitheatre in another primary school in Bangladesh. I developed co-creation approaches with children and evaluation framework for children’s environments that I implemented in Bangladesh, England and Scotland, the co-creation approaches have also been replicated with adults.

Research Grants:

2020-2021  Crisis-led approaches to teaching and learning in Bangladesh: New frameworks for outdoor, blended learning in low-income country contexts. Dr M. Khan (PI); Dr T.A. Smith (Co-I), HEFCW GCRF (£39,897).

2019-2020     Enhancing Rohingya children’s learning, health and well-being at refugee camps in Bangladesh, Dr M. Khan (PI); Dr Bayes Ahmed (Co-I), UCL Global Engagement Fund (£2000)

2019-2020     Displaced children's experiences of places, Dr M. Khan (PI); Professor Alexi Marmot (Co-I), UCL Grand Challenges Small Grant (£7500) 

2018-2019     Exploration of Education and Recreation Intervention for the Well-Being of Rohingya Children in Bangladesh, Dr M. Khan (PI); Dr Bayes Ahmed (Co-I), UCL Global Engagement Fund (£1960)

2019               Full fellowship to attend Newton Funded Workshop on Rethinking Green Cities in Brasilia, Brazil (£1100+accommodation&subsistence)

2017               Full fellowship to attend Valuing Nature Business Impact School, NERC Valuing Nature Program

2017               Researching with and for children: Place, Pedagogy and Play, Dr M. Khan (PI); Dr Nik Azhari (Co-I) and Dr R Mozaffar (Co-I), Devolved Researchers’ Fund, Edinburgh College of Art, (£3000)

2016               Charles Wallace Bangladesh Trust, (£1000)

2016               Edinburgh Association of University Women, The Presidents Fund, (£800)

2016             International Association for People- Environment Studies (IAPS), YRW Grant to attend Young Researchers’ Workshop in Alnarp, Sweden, (£300)

2016             ‘Play+Design=Learn’, Institute for Academic Development, The University of Edinburgh, £300

2015             Edinburgh College of Art, Postgraduate Research Expense Grant (£400)

2015             Bangladesh Sweden Trust Fund (BSTF) (£400)

2014             Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, David Wilis Bequest Award (£300)

2014             Edinburgh College of Art, Postgraduate Research Expense Grant, (£400)

2014              University of Edinburgh Principal Go Abroad Fund, (£350)

2013 – 2016   Principal Career Development Scholarship and Global Research Scholarship for PhD studies, University of Edinburgh, (£42000 + International Rate Tuition Fees)


I currently teach on the postgraduate MA Urban Design, MSc Sustainable Planning and Development and MSc International Planning and Urban Design. I supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students and act as a personal tutor to students across these levels.

I have over ten years’ teaching in Faculty of Architecture and Planning, BUET, Dhaka; Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) and University College London (UCL). My widening research experiences in the intersection of architecture, planning and urban design and in national and international contexts inform my teaching approaches.

I am an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.

Current Postgraduate Modules:

  • MAUD Spring Studio
  • Live Projects - Module leader
  • Designing Cities
  • Research based design project
  • Research Methods and Techniques

Administrative Roles:

  • Member: School Ethics Committee
  • Member: Athena SWAN Committee

PhD Supervision:

  • Xiang Duan (Cardiff University) 2021 - , Title: 

    Improving Citizens Engagement of Participatory Urban Governance in Infrastructure Project from the Approach Perspective through Multiple Research Methods. Principal supervisor – Dr Matluba Khan, Second Supervisor - Professor Andrew Flynn.


Swyddi academaidd blaenorol

  • Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Dylunio Trefol, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU (2023 - presennol)
  • Darlithydd mewn Dylunio Trefol, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU (2019 - 2023)
  • Cymrawd Ymchwil, Adran Epidemioleg ac Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain (2017 - 2019)
  • Tiwtor mewn Pensaernïaeth a Phensaernïaeth Tirwedd, Coleg Celf Caeredin, Prifysgol Caeredin (2015 - 2017)
  • Athro Cynorthwyol, Adran Pensaernïaeth, Prifysgol Peirianneg a Thechnoleg Bangladesh (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012-2013)
  • Darlithydd, Adran Pensaernïaeth, Prifysgol Peirianneg a Thechnoleg Bangladesh (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2009-2012)


  • PhD mewn Pensaernïaeth Tirwedd, Prifysgol Caeredin (2013-2017) (Ariannwyd gan Brif Ysgoloriaeth Datblygu Gyrfa ac Ysgoloriaeth Ymchwil Fyd-eang)
  • Meistr mewn Pensaernïaeth (dosbarth 1af, Medal Aur), Prifysgol Peirianneg a Thechnoleg Bangladesh (BUET) (2009-2012) (Ariannwyd gan y Pwyllgor Astudiaethau Uwch ac Ymchwil, BUET)
  • Baglor mewn Pensaernïaeth (dosbarth 1af, Medal Aur), Prifysgol Peirianneg a Thechnoleg Bangladesh (BUET) (2003-2009)

Profiad Proffesiynol

  • Ymgynghorydd Pensaernïaeth ac Ymchwilydd, Fforwm Penseiri Ymgynghorol yn y Swyddfa Ymchwil, Profi ac Ymgynghori (CAF-BRTC), BUET (2009-2013)
  • Penseiri Dwm4 (2009-2011)

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Gwobr AHRC-Sefydliad y Llywodraeth ar gyfer Ymgysylltu â'r Llywodraeth (2021)
  • Cymrodoriaeth i fynychu Gweithdy a ariennir gan Newton yn Brasilia, Brasil (2019)
  • Gwobr Honor, Cymdeithas Penseiri Tirwedd America (ASLA) 2017 yng nghategori Gwasanaethau Cymunedol (2017)
  • Gwobr 1af, Cystadleuaeth Poster Diwrnod Iechyd Byd-eang, (2017)
  • Rhestr fer Gwobrau Pensaernïaeth Tirwedd y Byd 2017 (2017 )
  • Cymrodoriaeth Natur Gwerthfawrogi NERC i fynychu Ysgol Effaith Busnes Natur Valuing (2017)
  • Gwobr Dylunio Lle yn Great Places 2016, Cymdeithas Ymchwil Dylunio Amgylchedd (EDRA), UDA ( 2016)
  • Enillydd Cystadleuaeth Traethawd Ymchwil MT Cynhadledd SERA 3 MT, Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysg yr Alban (2016)
  • Gwobr Ymchwilydd Doethurol ABTA, (2il safle mewn Categori Gwyddoniaeth Cymdeithasol a Rheolaethol), Cymdeithas Academyddion Twrcaidd Prydain, y DU (2016)
  • Meddyliwr Preswyl Cyntaf yn Deveron Arts, Swydd Aberdeen a ddyfarnwyd gan Ysgol y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau i Raddedigion yr Alban (2016)
  • Gwobr Digwyddiad Cymunedol Gorau ar gyfer Chwarae + Dylunio = Dysgu (Cychwynnwr a Chyd-drefnydd), Sefydliad Datblygu Academaidd, Prifysgol Caeredin, DU (2016)
  • Gwobr David Willis Bequest am Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth a Phensaernïaeth Tirwedd Caeredin, Prifysgol Caeredin (2014)
  • Enillydd y lle cyntaf, Falling Walls Lab Caeredin (2014)
  • Gwobr Papur Myfyrwyr Gorau a Gwobr Papur Gorau Cyffredinol, 45ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol EDRA (2014)
  • Prif Ysgoloriaeth Datblygu Gyrfa ar gyfer PhD, Prifysgol Caeredin (2013-2016)
  • Ysgoloriaeth Ymchwil Fyd-eang, Prifysgol Caeredin (2013-2016)
  • Medal Aur Ahsanur Rahman am y CGPA uchaf yn Meistr Pensaernïaeth, BUET (2012)
  • Cystadleuaeth ar gyfer Adeilad Academaidd Newydd ar Gampws BUET (2il  Safle) (2012) 
  • Medal Aur Goffa Shamsunnahar Khanam, 2006- 2007 ar gyfer CGPA uchaf mewn Pensaernïaeth Baglor, BUET (2009)
  • Gwobr Grant Teithio (Gwobr 1af), Rhaglen Gwobr Berger ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Pensaernïaeth, BUET (2009)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Cymrodyr, Academi Addysg Uwch
  • Aelod Pwyllgor Cyffredin Grŵp Ymchwil Plant, Ieuenctid a Theuluoedd y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol (2023 - presennol)
  • Aelod Cyswllt, Sefydliad Penseiri Bangladesh (IAB), Aelod Cyswllt ID: AK 121
  • Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Chwarae Ryngwladol, pennod Cymru a Lloegr (2019 - presennol)
  • Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Gwaith, Cyngor Arweinyddiaeth Cynghrair Rhyngwladol Ground Ysgolion (2020 - presennol)
  • Aelod o'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Dinasoedd, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2019 - presennol)
  • Aelod o Grŵp Ymchwil SPACE yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2019 - presennol)

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • Journal Reviewer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Journal Reviewer, Children's Geographies
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for International Conference on 'Towards the Child Friendly City' Conference in Bristol in 2019

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

I am interested in supervising PhD students who work on the intersection of architecture, urban design and human geography and who have an interest in the following areas -

  • Child-friendly city
  • Green spaces and health
  • Place, Pedagogy and Play
  • Participatory design and research
  • School ground design, outdoor learning and environmental education
  • Action research
  • Evaluation research

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol