Dr Katarzyna Stawarz
Uwch Ddarlithydd
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) mewn Rhyngweithio Dynol-Gyfrifiadurol (HCI). Rwy'n Ddirprwy Arweinydd y grŵp ymchwil Cyfrifiadura sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Bobl. Mae fy addysgu yn gysylltiedig â'r Academi Meddalwedd Genedlaethol (NSA).
Fy niddordebau ymchwil a'm harbenigedd yw defnyddio technolegau hollbresennol i gefnogi iechyd a lles. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn sut y gellid defnyddio dyfeisiau symudol, systemau dosbarthedig, a deunyddiau craff i gefnogi arferion iach trwy ysgogi amgylchedd a threfnau pobl, a sut y gellid defnyddio technoleg i gefnogi hyfforddiant crefft ymladd a chwaraeon cyswllt sy'n gofyn am symud corff llawn. Mewn ystyr ehangach, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn dylunio moesegol, "ochr dywyll" iechyd digidol a chanlyniadau anfwriadol, ac adeiladu technolegau iechyd digidol cynhwysol.
Cyn symud i'r byd academaidd, gweithiais fel Dylunydd UX llawrydd a Dadansoddwr Gwybodaeth Busnes mewn cwmni cyfryngau mawr. Fe wnes i hefyd gyd-sefydlu Knry, cychwyn arloesi a weithiodd ar y cyd â diffoddwyr tân i ddatblygu system ddiogelwch gwisgadwy rhyngweithiol.
- Liu, J., Wang, H., Stawarz, K., Li, S., Fu, Y. and Liu, H. 2025. Vision-based human action quality assessment: A systematic review. Expert Systems with Applications 263, article number: 125642. (10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125642)
- Ahmad, S. M., Ahmad, M. I., Fuentes Toro, C., Verdezoto Dias, N. and Stawarz, K. 2025. "I never imagined a robot speaking Urdu": Exploring the influence of language on robots' acceptance. Presented at: HRI 2025, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 March 2025HRI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. pp. 1186-1190., (10.5555/3721488.3721643)
- Liu, J., Wang, H., Zhou, W., Stawarz, K., Corcoran, P., Chen, Y. and Liu, H. 2025. Adaptive spatiotemporal graph transformer network for action quality assessment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (10.1109/TCSVT.2025.3541456)
- Apsey, C., Di Florio, A. and Stawarz, K. 2024. Developing a mood and menstrual tracking app for people with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A user-centered design study. JMIR Formative Research 8, article number: e59333. (10.2196/59333)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Design opportunities to facilitate tangible play and promote healthy nutrition in low-resource healthcare settings in Peru. Presented at: Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) 2024, New Delhi, India, 8-11 July 2024COMPASS '24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies. ACM pp. 167-178., (10.1145/3674829.3675071)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to participation when involving caregivers and healthcare workers in co-design workshops in Peruvian low-resource settings. Presented at: The 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Rimini, Italy, 7-21 June 2024. European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library, (10.48340/ecscw2024_ep09)
- Rony, R. J., Amir, S., Ahmed, N., Atiba, S., Verdezoto Dias, N., Sparkes, V. and Stawarz, K. 2024. Understanding the socio-cultural challenges and opportunities for affordable wearables to support post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation: A qualitative study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies (10.2196/54699)
- Whitby, M., Mao, F., Stawarz, K., Marrero, S. and Walton, J. L. 2024. Serious Games Cookbook: A beginner's guide to using and designing serious games. Coventry: University of Warwick Press. (10.31273/978-1-911675-13-6)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Reflections on physical factors that influence participation in co-design workshops in Peruvian low-resource settings. Presented at: Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in Healthcare, Rimini, Italy, 17-21 June 2024 Presented at Weiler, T. et al. eds.Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in CSCW Healthcare Research. International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI) Bonn: International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI) pp. 10-16.
- Bunwaree, T., Stawarz, K., Collins, P. and Gould, A. 2024. How well do people understand work monitoring terminology?. Presented at: CHIWORK 2024, Newcastle, UK, 25-27 June 2024.
- Rigby, J. et al. 2023. Exploring the Information Needs of Somaliland Pastoralists: Design Considerations for Digital Climate Adaptation Services. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23), pp. 1548-1565. (10.1145/3563657.3596061)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2023. Co-designing opportunities for human-centred machine learning in supporting type 1 diabetes decision-making. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 173, article number: 103003. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103003)
- Stawarz, K., Liang, I. J., Alexander, L., Carlin, A., Wijekoon, A. and Western, M. 2023. Exploring the potential of technology to promote “exercise snacking” for pre-frail older adults in the home setting: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR Aging 6, article number: e41810. (10.2196/41810)
- Eslambolchilar, P., Stawarz, K., Verdezoto Dias, N., Mcnarry, M., Crossley, S. G., Knowles, Z. and Mackintosh, K. 2023. Tangible data visualization of physical activity for children and adolescents: A qualitative study of temporal transition of experiences. Journal of Child Computer Interaction 35, article number: 100565. (10.1016/j.ijcci.2023.100565)
- Ahmad, S., Verdezoto Dias, N., Fuentes Toro, C. and Stawarz, K. 2023. Exploring the potential of social robots in supporting home medication management. Presented at: BCS HCI 2023, York. United Kingdom, 28-29 August 2023Proceedings BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference.
- Stawarz, K. and Ramirez Gomez, A. 2022. Socially distanced games: Exploring the future opportunities of remote play. Presented at: Chi Play 2022, Bremen, Germany, 2-5 November 2022 Presented at Gerling, K. et al. eds.CHI PLAY '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. New York: ACM pp. 93-102., (10.1145/3505270.3558338)
- Ahmed, M. S. et al. 2022. A low-cost wearable system to support upper limb rehabilitation in resource-constrained settings. Presented at: EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 - 16th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-14 December 2022.
- Valenzuela-Beltrán, M., Andrade, A., Stawarz, K. and Rodríguez, M. 2022. A participatory sensing study to understand the problems older adults faced in developing medication-taking habits. Healthcare 10(7), article number: 1238. (10.3390/healthcare10071238)
- Ayobi, A. et al. 2021. Co-designing personal health? Multidisciplinary benefits and challenges in informing diabetes self-care technologies. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interactionn 5(CSCW2), article number: 457. (10.1145/3479601)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2020. Design considerations for the integrated delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: a user-centered design study. JMIR Mental Health 7(9), article number: e15972. (10.2196/15972)
- Qamar, I. P., Stawarz, K., Robinson, S., Goguey, A., Coutrix, C. and Roudaut, A. 2020. Morphino: a nature-inspired tool for the design of shape-changing interfaces. Presented at: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2020), Online, 6-20 July 2020DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York: ACM pp. 1943--1958., (10.1145/3357236.3395453)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2020. Integrating the digital and the traditional to deliver therapy for depression: lessons from a pragmatic study. Presented at: CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, 25-30 April 2020CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM pp. 1-14., (10.1145/3313831.3376510)
- Stawarz, K., Gardner, B., Cox, A. and Blandford, A. 2020. What influences the selection of contextual cues when starting a new routine behaviour? an exploratory study. BMC Psychology 8(1), article number: 29. (10.1186/s40359-020-0394-9)
- Stawarz, K., Preist, C. and Coyle, D. 2019. Use of smartphone apps, social media, and web-based resources to support mental health and well-being: online survey. JMIR Mental Health 6(7), article number: e12546. (10.2196/12546)
- Ovalle, J. Q., Stawarz, K. and Marzo, A. 2019. Exploring the addition of audio input to wearable punch recognition. Presented at: Interacción 2019: XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Donostia Gipuzkoa, Spain, Jun 2019Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. New York, US: ACM, (10.1145/3335595.3335641)
- Iacovides, I., Cox, A., Furniss, D., Stawarz, K., Jennett, C. and Adams, A. 2019. Supporting engagement in research through a game design competition. Research for All 3(1), pp. 25-41. (10.18546/RFA.03.1.04)
- Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N. and Coyle, D. 2018. User experience of cognitive behavioral therapy apps for depression: an analysis of app functionality and user reviews. JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(6), article number: e10120. (10.2196/10120)
- Stawarz, K., Rodríguez, M. D., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2016. Understanding the use of contextual cues: design implications for medication adherence technologies that support remembering. DIGITAL HEALTH 2, pp. 18. (10.1177/2055207616678707)
- Vincent, C. J., Niezen, G., O'Kane, A. A. and Stawarz, K. 2015. Can standards and regulations keep up with health technology?. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 3(2), article number: e64. (10.2196/mhealth.3918)
- Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2015. Beyond self-tracking and reminders: designing smartphone apps that support habit formation. Presented at: 2015 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, South Korea, 18-23 April 2015CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM pp. 2653-2662., (10.1145/2702123.2702230)
- Rodríguez, M. D., Zárate, E., Stawarz, K., García-Vázquez, J. P. and Ibarra, E. J. E. 2015. Ambient computing to support the association of contextual cues with medication taking. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica 36(3), pp. 191-207.
- Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2014. Don't forget your pill!: designing effective medication reminder apps that support users' daily routines. Presented at: CHI '14 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, 26 April - 1 May 2014CHI '14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 2269-2278., (10.1145/2556288.2557079)
- Orlu-Gul, M. et al. 2014. Public engagement workshop: how to improve medicines for older people?. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 459(1-2), pp. 65-69. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.024)
- Stawarz, K. and Benedyk, R. 2013. Bent necks and twisted wrists: exploring the impact of touch-screen tablets on the posture of office workers. Presented at: 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013), London, England, United Kingdom, 9-13 September 2013. , (10.14236/ewic/HCI2013.50)
- Ahmad, S. M., Ahmad, M. I., Fuentes Toro, C., Verdezoto Dias, N. and Stawarz, K. 2025. "I never imagined a robot speaking Urdu": Exploring the influence of language on robots' acceptance. Presented at: HRI 2025, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 March 2025HRI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. pp. 1186-1190., (10.5555/3721488.3721643)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Design opportunities to facilitate tangible play and promote healthy nutrition in low-resource healthcare settings in Peru. Presented at: Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) 2024, New Delhi, India, 8-11 July 2024COMPASS '24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies. ACM pp. 167-178., (10.1145/3674829.3675071)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to participation when involving caregivers and healthcare workers in co-design workshops in Peruvian low-resource settings. Presented at: The 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Rimini, Italy, 7-21 June 2024. European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library, (10.48340/ecscw2024_ep09)
- Ortega Roman, D. et al. 2024. Reflections on physical factors that influence participation in co-design workshops in Peruvian low-resource settings. Presented at: Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in Healthcare, Rimini, Italy, 17-21 June 2024 Presented at Weiler, T. et al. eds.Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in CSCW Healthcare Research. International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI) Bonn: International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI) pp. 10-16.
- Bunwaree, T., Stawarz, K., Collins, P. and Gould, A. 2024. How well do people understand work monitoring terminology?. Presented at: CHIWORK 2024, Newcastle, UK, 25-27 June 2024.
- Ahmad, S., Verdezoto Dias, N., Fuentes Toro, C. and Stawarz, K. 2023. Exploring the potential of social robots in supporting home medication management. Presented at: BCS HCI 2023, York. United Kingdom, 28-29 August 2023Proceedings BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference.
- Stawarz, K. and Ramirez Gomez, A. 2022. Socially distanced games: Exploring the future opportunities of remote play. Presented at: Chi Play 2022, Bremen, Germany, 2-5 November 2022 Presented at Gerling, K. et al. eds.CHI PLAY '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. New York: ACM pp. 93-102., (10.1145/3505270.3558338)
- Ahmed, M. S. et al. 2022. A low-cost wearable system to support upper limb rehabilitation in resource-constrained settings. Presented at: EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 - 16th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-14 December 2022.
- Qamar, I. P., Stawarz, K., Robinson, S., Goguey, A., Coutrix, C. and Roudaut, A. 2020. Morphino: a nature-inspired tool for the design of shape-changing interfaces. Presented at: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2020), Online, 6-20 July 2020DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York: ACM pp. 1943--1958., (10.1145/3357236.3395453)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2020. Integrating the digital and the traditional to deliver therapy for depression: lessons from a pragmatic study. Presented at: CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, 25-30 April 2020CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM pp. 1-14., (10.1145/3313831.3376510)
- Ovalle, J. Q., Stawarz, K. and Marzo, A. 2019. Exploring the addition of audio input to wearable punch recognition. Presented at: Interacción 2019: XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Donostia Gipuzkoa, Spain, Jun 2019Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. New York, US: ACM, (10.1145/3335595.3335641)
- Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2015. Beyond self-tracking and reminders: designing smartphone apps that support habit formation. Presented at: 2015 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, South Korea, 18-23 April 2015CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM pp. 2653-2662., (10.1145/2702123.2702230)
- Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2014. Don't forget your pill!: designing effective medication reminder apps that support users' daily routines. Presented at: CHI '14 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, 26 April - 1 May 2014CHI '14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 2269-2278., (10.1145/2556288.2557079)
- Stawarz, K. and Benedyk, R. 2013. Bent necks and twisted wrists: exploring the impact of touch-screen tablets on the posture of office workers. Presented at: 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013), London, England, United Kingdom, 9-13 September 2013. , (10.14236/ewic/HCI2013.50)
- Liu, J., Wang, H., Stawarz, K., Li, S., Fu, Y. and Liu, H. 2025. Vision-based human action quality assessment: A systematic review. Expert Systems with Applications 263, article number: 125642. (10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125642)
- Liu, J., Wang, H., Zhou, W., Stawarz, K., Corcoran, P., Chen, Y. and Liu, H. 2025. Adaptive spatiotemporal graph transformer network for action quality assessment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (10.1109/TCSVT.2025.3541456)
- Apsey, C., Di Florio, A. and Stawarz, K. 2024. Developing a mood and menstrual tracking app for people with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A user-centered design study. JMIR Formative Research 8, article number: e59333. (10.2196/59333)
- Rony, R. J., Amir, S., Ahmed, N., Atiba, S., Verdezoto Dias, N., Sparkes, V. and Stawarz, K. 2024. Understanding the socio-cultural challenges and opportunities for affordable wearables to support post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation: A qualitative study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies (10.2196/54699)
- Rigby, J. et al. 2023. Exploring the Information Needs of Somaliland Pastoralists: Design Considerations for Digital Climate Adaptation Services. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23), pp. 1548-1565. (10.1145/3563657.3596061)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2023. Co-designing opportunities for human-centred machine learning in supporting type 1 diabetes decision-making. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 173, article number: 103003. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103003)
- Stawarz, K., Liang, I. J., Alexander, L., Carlin, A., Wijekoon, A. and Western, M. 2023. Exploring the potential of technology to promote “exercise snacking” for pre-frail older adults in the home setting: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR Aging 6, article number: e41810. (10.2196/41810)
- Eslambolchilar, P., Stawarz, K., Verdezoto Dias, N., Mcnarry, M., Crossley, S. G., Knowles, Z. and Mackintosh, K. 2023. Tangible data visualization of physical activity for children and adolescents: A qualitative study of temporal transition of experiences. Journal of Child Computer Interaction 35, article number: 100565. (10.1016/j.ijcci.2023.100565)
- Valenzuela-Beltrán, M., Andrade, A., Stawarz, K. and Rodríguez, M. 2022. A participatory sensing study to understand the problems older adults faced in developing medication-taking habits. Healthcare 10(7), article number: 1238. (10.3390/healthcare10071238)
- Ayobi, A. et al. 2021. Co-designing personal health? Multidisciplinary benefits and challenges in informing diabetes self-care technologies. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interactionn 5(CSCW2), article number: 457. (10.1145/3479601)
- Stawarz, K. et al. 2020. Design considerations for the integrated delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: a user-centered design study. JMIR Mental Health 7(9), article number: e15972. (10.2196/15972)
- Stawarz, K., Gardner, B., Cox, A. and Blandford, A. 2020. What influences the selection of contextual cues when starting a new routine behaviour? an exploratory study. BMC Psychology 8(1), article number: 29. (10.1186/s40359-020-0394-9)
- Stawarz, K., Preist, C. and Coyle, D. 2019. Use of smartphone apps, social media, and web-based resources to support mental health and well-being: online survey. JMIR Mental Health 6(7), article number: e12546. (10.2196/12546)
- Iacovides, I., Cox, A., Furniss, D., Stawarz, K., Jennett, C. and Adams, A. 2019. Supporting engagement in research through a game design competition. Research for All 3(1), pp. 25-41. (10.18546/RFA.03.1.04)
- Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N. and Coyle, D. 2018. User experience of cognitive behavioral therapy apps for depression: an analysis of app functionality and user reviews. JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(6), article number: e10120. (10.2196/10120)
- Stawarz, K., Rodríguez, M. D., Cox, A. L. and Blandford, A. 2016. Understanding the use of contextual cues: design implications for medication adherence technologies that support remembering. DIGITAL HEALTH 2, pp. 18. (10.1177/2055207616678707)
- Vincent, C. J., Niezen, G., O'Kane, A. A. and Stawarz, K. 2015. Can standards and regulations keep up with health technology?. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 3(2), article number: e64. (10.2196/mhealth.3918)
- Rodríguez, M. D., Zárate, E., Stawarz, K., García-Vázquez, J. P. and Ibarra, E. J. E. 2015. Ambient computing to support the association of contextual cues with medication taking. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica 36(3), pp. 191-207.
- Orlu-Gul, M. et al. 2014. Public engagement workshop: how to improve medicines for older people?. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 459(1-2), pp. 65-69. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.024)
- Whitby, M., Mao, F., Stawarz, K., Marrero, S. and Walton, J. L. 2024. Serious Games Cookbook: A beginner's guide to using and designing serious games. Coventry: University of Warwick Press. (10.31273/978-1-911675-13-6)
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys rhyngweithio rhwng pobl a chyfrifiaduron, cyfrifiadura hollbresennol a dylunio systemau rhyngweithiol i gefnogi iechyd a lles. Mae fy ngwaith wedi'i seilio ar ymchwil seicoleg, gan gynnwys damcaniaethau newid ymddygiad a ffurfio arferion, a sut y gellir cymhwyso'r damcaniaethau hyn yn ymarferol gan ddefnyddio technolegau sy'n dod i'r amlwg (dyfeisiau symudol, dyfeisiau gwisgadwy, IoT ac ati). Rwy'n arbenigo mewn defnyddio dulliau ymchwil ansoddol, gan gynnwys cyfweliadau, gweithdai cyd-ddylunio a sesiynau chwarae rôl.
Newid ymddygiad ac arferion iach
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn sut y gellid defnyddio dyfeisiau symudol, systemau dosbarthedig, a deunyddiau craff i gefnogi arferion iach trwy drosoli amgylchedd a threfnau pobl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys annog pobl i symud ac ymarfer mwy, cymryd seibiannau sgrin hirach, ac ati.
Iechyd digidol
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn archwilio sut y gellid defnyddio technolegau sy'n dod i'r amlwg i gefnogi atal, triniaeth ac adsefydlu, yn ogystal â hunanreolaeth. Mae fy ngwaith blaenorol yn cynnwys prosiectau sy'n ymwneud ag iselder, diabetes a chadw at feddyginiaethau.
Chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn sut y gellid defnyddio technoleg i gefnogi hyfforddiant crefft ymladd a gweithgareddau corfforol eraill yn ogystal â chwaraeon cyswllt sy'n gofyn am symud corff llawn, yn bennaf yng nghyd-destun hyfforddiant hunangyfeiriedig.
Dylunio moesegol
Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn dylunio moesegol, "ochr dywyll" iechyd digidol (technolegau newid ymddygiad a hunan-olrhain yn bennaf) a chanlyniadau anfwriadol defnyddio technolegau sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Mae hyn hefyd yn gysylltiedig â dylunio cynhwysol, hygyrchedd a ffactorau dynol.
Detholiad o brosiectau presennol a blaenorol
- [2023] Pecyn Cymorth Cues Smart: Cefnogi Gweithgaredd Corfforol yn y Cartref gyda Chlustiau Cyd-destunol Rhyngweithiol. (PI; £597,747 wedi'i ddyfarnu gan UKRI. Gwobr Ymchwilydd Newydd EPSRC) – nod y prosiect yw cymhwyso ymchwil ffurfio arferion i ddatblygu systemau IoT ('ciwiau clyfar') a allai gefnogi ffurfio arferion ymarfer corff gartref. Byddwn yn datblygu Pecyn Cymorth Cues Smart a fydd yn cynnwys: set o dechnegau rhyngweithio, patrymau dylunio, deunyddiau a argymhellir a ffactorau ffurf ar gyfer ciwiau craff; set o brototeipiau wedi'u dilysu; ac astudiaethau achos sy'n arddangos heriau ac atebion gweithredu. Bydd y pecyn cymorth yn darparu arweiniad ar ddatblygu systemau IoT cartref ar gyfer cefnogi arferion gweithgarwch corfforol y gall ymchwilwyr eu defnyddio i helpu i lywio ymyriadau newid ymddygiad.
- [2023] Fframwaith Moeseg Hawliau Gwybodaeth ar gyfer Priffyrdd Cenedlaethol (PI: Dr Yulia Cherdantseva, £109,805 a ddyfarnwyd gan y Priffyrdd Cenedlaethol) – gan ddatblygu fframwaith moeseg y gellid ei ddefnyddio gan y Priffyrdd Cenedlaethol.
- [2023] Ap PreDDICT (PI; £3,902 wedi'i ddyfarnu gan Sefydliad Arloesi Trawsnewid Digidol Prifysgol Caerdydd) – Casglu gofynion a datblygu ap sy'n cefnogi olrhain mislif a hwyliau er mwyn cefnogi casglu data sy'n angenrheidiol ar gyfer diagnosis Anhwylder Dyfforig Cyn-Mislif (PMDD).
- [2022] GameBook (PI: Dr Feng Mao; £11,018 a ddyfarnwyd gan Brifysgol Caerdydd drwy'r cynllun Arloesi i Bawb) – Datblygu adnodd i bobl sydd â diddordeb mewn creu gemau difrifol. Mae'r llyfr wedi'i gyhoeddi: GameBook: Llyfr coginio i ddechreuwyr ar gyfer dylunio gemau difrifol i gefnogi hinsawdd (am ddim i'w lawrlwytho).
- [2021] GamEngage (PI: Dr Feng Mao) – Cyd-ddatblygu cyfleoedd gemau difrifol wrth ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid ar gyfer addasu newid yn yr hinsawdd yn y normal newydd. Mae'r prosiect yn gydweithrediad rhwng ymchwilwyr o Ysgol Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a Chyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
- [2021] Gwisgadwy ar gyfer adsefydlu (PI; £26,129 wedi'i ddyfarnu gan GCRF trwy Brifysgol Caerdydd) – datblygu gwisgoedd fforddiadwy ar gyfer adsefydlu swyddogaeth aelodau uchaf ym Mangladesh. Mae'r prosiect yn gydweithrediad ag ymchwilwyr o Ogledd De Univeristy yn Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- [2019] Byrbrydau Ymarfer Corff GAMO (PI; a ariennir gan EPSRC drwy GetAMoveOn Network+) – archwilio sut y gallai gwrthrychau bob dydd (fel clustogau neu fama) sydd wedi'u hymgorffori â synwyryddion gefnogi ac annog cyfnodau byr o ymarfer corff gartref ymhlith oedolion hŷn cyn-fregus. Mae'r prosiect yn gydweithrediad ag ymchwilwyr o Brifysgol Caerfaddon, Prifysgol Robert Gordon Aberdeen a Phrifysgol Ulster.
- [2019] GAMO EMA (PI: Dr Cindy Forbes, Prifysgol Hull) – gan ddefnyddio Asesiadau Eiliad Ecolegol (EMAs) i ddeall effaith technoleg gwisgadwy ar gychwyn gweithgarwch corfforol a ffurfio arferion ymhlith pobl sy'n byw y tu hwnt i ganser. Mae'r prosiect yn gydweithrediad ag ymchwilwyr o Brifysgol Hull, Prifysgol Caerfaddon a Phrifysgol Northumbria.
- [2019] ML4Diabetes (PI: Dr Aisling O'Kane, Prifysgol Bryste) – archwilio sut y gellid defnyddio cyd-ddylunio i ddatblygu algorithmau dysgu peiriant ar gyfer cefnogi gwneud penderfyniadau diabetes Math 1.
- [2018] PunchLearn (PI; Cyllid Prifysgol Bryste ar gyfer interniaid haf) – prosiect cydweithredol byr gyda Dr Asier Marzo (Universidad Pública de Navarra Pamplona, Sbaen) a Juan Quintero Ovalle (intern haf) ar brofi dichonoldeb cydnabyddiaeth punch gan ddefnyddio synwyryddion inertial a meicroffon.
- [2016] INTERACT (PI: Yr Athro Nicola Wiles a Dr David Kessler, Prifysgol Bryste) – datblygu ac esblygiad platfform ar-lein ar gyfer datblygu triniaeth integredig ar gyfer iselder sy'n cynnwys cyswllt wyneb yn wyneb ac o bell gyda'r therapydd, yn ogystal â thaflenni gwaith rhyngweithiol ac adnoddau eraill y gall cleifion eu cyrchu yn eu hamser eu hunain rhwng sesiynau therapi.
- [2015] Meddyginiaethau ac oedolion hŷn (PI: Dr Marcela Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma Baja California, Mecsico) – archwilio'r strategaethau a'r ciwiau y mae oedolion hŷn yn eu defnyddio i gofio eu meddyginiaethau a'u rhesymau dros eu hanghofio.
Addysg a Chymwysterau
- 2017: PhD, Rhyngweithio Dynol-Gyfrifiadurol, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, UK.
- 2012: MSc, Rhyngweithio Dynol-Gyfrifiadurol gydag Ergonomeg, UCL, UK.
- 2009: BSc, Cyfrifiadureg, AHE, Łódź, Gwlad Pwyl
Profiad Ymchwil a Diwydiant
- 2020-presennol: Darlithydd Anrhydeddus, Prifysgol Bryste
- 2019-2020: Uwch-gydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Bryste. Arwain cyd-ddylunio rhyngwynebau dysgu peiriant rhyngweithiol ar gyfer hunanreolaeth diabetes.
- 2016-2019: Uwch-gydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Bryste. Rhan o'r prosiect RHYNGWEITHIO. Arwain ymchwil defnyddwyr, dylunio a phrofi platfform integredig ar gyfer darparu CBT ar gyfer iselder.
- Jan-Mar'15: Ymchwilydd gwadd, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Mecsico.
- Apr-Sep'13: UX Cynllunydd/Arbenigwr Ffactorau Dynol, Knry, Llundain
- 2006-2012: Dadansoddwr Gwybodaeth Busnes, Haymarket Media, Llundain
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Canmoliaeth i'n papur ar gyd-ddylunio atebion ML ar gyfer diabetes Math 1, a ddyfarnwyd i'r 5% uchaf o'r papurau gorau a gyflwynwyd i CSCW (2021)
- Canmoliaeth am ein papur ar ddatblygu cydblethiadau iechyd meddwl, a ddyfarnwyd i'r 5% papur gorau gorau a gyflwynwyd i gynhadledd CHI (2020)
- Gwobr Reivewer Eithriadol, Cynhadledd CHIPlay (2015, 2016, 2017)
- Enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobrau Addysgu Dewis Myfyrwyr UCL (2015)
- Gwobr Ulf Aberg am y prosiect myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig gorau yn Ergonomeg a Ffactorau Dynol, Sefydliad Siartredig Ffactorau Dynol ac Ergonomeg (2013)
- Gwobr gyntaf ar y cyd am y prosiect ymchwil gorau, Gwobr Prosiect MSc Orange HCI-E 2011/12 (2012)
- Cystadleuaeth Dylunio Myfyrwyr CHI 2012: "Silka: A Domestic Technology to Mediate the Threshold between Connection and Solitude" (2012)
- Rownd Derfynol, Sefydliad Ffactorau Dynol ac Ergonomeg, Cynhadledd Myfyrwyr 2011: Cystadleuaeth App Symudol (2011)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymdeithas ar gyfer Peiriannau Cyfrifiadura (ACM)
- Grŵp Diddordeb Arbennig ACM ar Ryngweithio Cyfrifiadurol-Dynol (SIGCHI)
- Sefydliad Siartredig Ffactorau Dynol ac Ergonomeg (CIHFE)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Sefydliad Cyfarfodydd Gwyddonol
- 2022: Cadeirydd Trac Rhyngweithio Dynol-Gyfrifiadurol ar gyfer y Gynhadledd Ryngwladol ar Gyfrifiadura Hollbresennol a Deallusrwydd Amgylchynol (UCAmI 2022), Córdoba, Sbaen
- 2019/2020: Cadeirydd Data, cynhadledd CHI 2020; rheoli'r broses gyflwyno; Wedi ymdrin â 4000+ o gyflwyniadau; Honolulu, UDA [canslo cynhadledd oherwydd pandemig COVID-19]
- 2018/2019: Cynorthwy-ydd i Gadeiryddion Rhaglen Dechnegol, cynhadledd CHI 2019; Roedd dyletswyddau'n cynnwys trefnu'r rhaglen gynhadledd ac amserlennu 724 o bapurau yn 23 trac sesiwn cyfochrog; 3,000 o fynychwyr; Glasgow, UK
- 2011 - 2013: Cyd-drefnydd UXCampLondon, "anghynhadledd" ar gyfer UX Designers
Gweithgareddau Adolygu
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid EPSRC (ers 2022)
- Golygydd Cyswllt, International Journal of Human Computer Studies (2021)
- Adolygydd Grant, Cyngor Ymchwil Meddygol (2019)
- Cadeirydd Cyswllt Cynhadledd DIS 2019, 2021
- Cadeirydd Cyswllt ar gyfer trac Gwaith Hwyr-Breaking CHI 2017
- Ers 2014: Adolygiadau papur ar gyfer cyfnodolion (e.e. Journal of Internet Medical Research, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, BMC Psychology
- Ers 2013: Adolygiadau papur ar gyfer trafodion cynhadledd (ee CHI, Interact, CHI Chwarae, DIS, Iechyd Treiddiol, HCI Symudol, IMWUT, Iechyd Digidol)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Myfyrwyr presennol:
Fel goruchwyliwr arweiniol:
- Sunbul Muneeb Ahmad – ymchwilio i'r defnydd o robotiaid cymdeithasol i atal medicaion bwriadol peidio â chydymffurfio ymhlith oedolion hŷn (cyd-oruchwylwyr: Dr Nervo Verdezoto Dias, Dr Carolina Fuentes Toro)
- Rahat Jahangir Rony – ymchwilio wearables cost isel ar gyfer adsefydlu ôl-strôc ym Mangladesh a Chymru wledig (cyd-oruchwylwyr: Dr Nervo Verdezoto Dias, Yr Athro Valerie Sparkes)
Fel cyd-oruchwyliwr:
- Deysi Ortega Roman – ymchwilio i sut y gallwn wella arferion bwydo cyflenwol trwy Dechnolegau Iechyd Digidol ym Mheriw (goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Dr Nervo Verdezoto Dias)
- Jiang Liu – ymchwilio i'r defnydd o weledigaeth gyfrifiadurol a chydnabod symudiadau i gefnogi gweithgarwch corfforol (goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Dr Hantao Liu)
- Teshan Bunwaree – ymchwilio i ddyfodol gwaith a goblygiadau preifatrwydd a goruchafiaeth posibl (goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Dr Sandy Gould)
- Chloe Apsey – archwilio'r cyfleoedd ar gyfer llwyfan TG ar gyfer olrhain amrywiadau hwyliau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r cylch mislif i gefnogi'r diagnosis PMDD (goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Yr Athro Arianna Di Florio)
- Qiqi Huang – defnyddio fNIRS a dysgu peirianyddol i asesu hyfforddiant clywedol a hyfforddiant radiolegydd (goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Dr Hantao Liu)
Cyfleoedd goruchwylio:
Yn gyffredinol, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Technoleg ar gyfer newid behaivour ac arferion iach
- Iechyd digidol
- Technoleg ar gyfer chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff
- Dylunio moesegol
Gweler fy adran ymchwil am fwy o fanylion.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Qiqi Huang
Contact Details
+44 29225 10037
Abacws, Ystafell 2.59, Ffordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4AG