Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray
Professor in Religious and Theological Studies, Head of Islam UK Centre
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research interests
My research focuseses on the social scientific study of religion in public life in Britain, and especially in public institutions. I have conducted extensive research on chaplaincy, especially in prisons and hospitals, since 1994. I am the Founding Director of the Islam-UK Centre, established in 2005, and am committed to research that promotes understanding of Islam and the life of Muslim communities in Britain. In 2013, the Islam-UK Centre delivered Cardiff University's first 'MOOC' (Massive Open Online Course) entited: Muslims in Britain: changes and challenges. This then led to the development of a CPD course for religious education teachers, Discovering Muslims in Britain: for Key Stage 3 - Research - Cardiff University. Since 2009, the Islam-UK Centre has been in receipt of a generous donation that has enabled the establishment and growth of the Jameel Scholarship Programme.
I am currently acting as Principal Investigator, or Co-Investigator, for a number of projects funded by the Jameel Educational Foundation.
- Understanding British Imams - Research - Cardiff University
- Legacies of Learning: from Turath to Transformation - Research - Cardiff University
- Transformational: Converts in British Muslim Life - Research - Cardiff University
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2025. Encountering ethical and other issues when shadowing Muslim chaplains. In: Woodhead, L., Cadman, L. and Graham, N. eds. Messy Methods in Researching Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 135-145.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2024. Setting the agenda in chaplaincy and pastoral care. In: Todd, A. and Smith, G. eds. Future Faith: Public and Practical Theologies for the Contemporary World. London, UK: Routledge, (10.4324/9781003389743-11)
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Schmid, H. and Ali, M. M. 2024. Mapping Muslim chaplaincy: An analytic review of publications between 1989 and 2023. Journal of Muslims in Europe (10.1163/22117954-bja10102)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2024. Chaplaincy and seafarers: Faith at work. Oxford University Press. (10.1093/9780198913290.001.0001)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2023. ‘Overstretched and under-resourced’: the corporate neglect of port welfare services for seafarers. Maritime Policy and Management 50(7), pp. 876-888. (10.1080/03088839.2022.2084788)
- Cadge, W., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2023. The work of port chaplains: views from seafarers served. Journal of Contemporary Religion 38(2), pp. 325-342. (10.1080/13537903.2021.1986311)
- Turgo, N., Cage, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H. and Smith, G. 2023. Relying on the kindness of strangers: Welfare-providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 52(2), pp. 192-217. (10.1177/08912416221092001)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2023. What do the terms 'confessional' and 'non-confessional' mean, and are they helpful? Some social scientific musings. In: Nielsen, J. and Jones, S. eds. Islamic Studies in European Higher Education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 53-68., (10.1515/9781399510875)
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G., Cadge, W., Sampson, H. and Turgo, N. 2023. ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’: the risks and rewards of port chaplaincy. Journal of Beliefs and Values 44(2), pp. 173-187. (10.1080/13617672.2022.2039982)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2021. Religion in multi-ethnic contexts: a multidisciplinary case study of global seafaring. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. 'Sleeping on the job': where qualitative fieldwork meets the sociology of sleep. Qualitative Research 21(2), pp. 145-160. (10.1177/1468794120917050)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. eds. 2021. Leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-03943-742-9)
- Smith, G., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Sampson, H. 2021. A working theology: an evaluation of the popular beliefs of Roman Catholic Filipino seafarers. Practical Theology 14(6), pp. 506-517. (10.1080/1756073X.2021.1951945)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. Keeping Faith: an exploration of Welsh Muslim Identity. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 32(3), pp. 307-328. (10.1080/09596410.2021.1934292)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2020. Learning about Islam and Muslims online: Reflections on the design and delivery of a massive open online course (MOOC) 2014-2019. Teaching Theology and Religion 23(4), pp. 252-264. (10.1111/teth.12568)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. 2020. Introduction: leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. Religions 11(11), article number: 559. (10.3390/rel11110559)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2020. Harmony of the seas?: Work, faith, and religious difference among multinational migrant workers on board cargo ships. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(16), pp. 287-305. (10.1080/01419870.2020.1776362)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2018. From 'closed worlds' to 'open doors': (now) accessing Deobandi darul uloom in Britain. Fieldwork in Religion 13(2), pp. 127-150. (10.1558/firn.35029)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2018. Afterword: Religion in public institutions. Methodological challenges, institutional comparisons, and key variables. Journal of Religion in Europe 11(2-3), pp. 186-194. (10.1163/18748929-01102006)
- Scourfield, J., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2017. Learning to be a Muslim. In: Strhan, A., Parker, S. G. and Ridgely, S. B. eds. The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 123-130.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Arshad, M. 2015. Multifaith working. In: Swift, C., Cobb, M. and Todd, A. eds. A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies: Understanding Spiritual Care in Public Places. Routledge Contemporary Ecclesiology Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 109-122., (10.4324/9781315564784)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Clines, J. 2015. Religious literacy and chaplaincy. In: Dinham, A. and Francis, M. eds. Religious Literacy in policy and practice. Policy Press, pp. 237-256.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2015. The United Kingdom. In: Cesari, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of European Islam. Oxford University Press, pp. 64-103.
- Douglas, G., Sandberg, R., Doe, N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2014. Religious divorce in England and Wales: religious tribunals in action. In: Shah, P., Foblets, M. and Rohe, M. eds. Family, Religion and Law: Cultural encounters in Europe. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 195-208.
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Ali, M. M. and Pattison, S. 2013. Understanding Muslim chaplaincy. Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Scourfield, J. B., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2013. Muslim childhood: religious nurture in a European context. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Scourfield, J. B., Warden, R., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2013. Religious nurture in British Muslim families: implications for social work. International Social Work 56(3), pp. 326-342. (10.1177/0020872812474032)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2013. Accommodating religious divorce in the secular state: A case study analysis. In: Maclean, M. and Eekelaar, J. eds. Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies. Onati International Series in Law and Society Vol. 1. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 185-201.
- Mellor, J. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2013. The early history of migration and settlement of Yemenis in Cardiff, 1939-1970: religion and ethnicity as social capital. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(1), pp. 176-191. (10.1080/01419870.2013.783221)
- Sandberg, R., Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2012. Britain's religious tribunals: 'joint governance' in practice. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33(2), pp. 263-291. (10.1093/ojls/gqs031)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2012. The role of religious tribunals in regulating marriage and divorce. Child and Family Law Quarterly 24(2), pp. 139-157.
- Scourfield, J. B., Taylor, C. M., Moore, G. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. The intergenerational transmission of Islam in England and Wales: evidence from the Citizenship Survey. Sociology 46(1), pp. 91-108. (10.1177/0038038511419189)
- Khan, A., Scourfield, J., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Otri, S. 2012. Reflections on qualitative research with Muslim families. Fieldwork in Religion 7(1), pp. 48-69.
- Ali, M. M. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. Muslim chaplains: working at the interface of 'public' and 'private'. In: Ahmad, W. I. U. and Sardar, Z. eds. Muslims in Britain: Making Social and Political Space. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 84-100.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2011. 'Being there' the experience of shadowing a British Muslim hospital chaplain. Qualitative Research 11(5), pp. 469-486. (10.1177/1468794111413223)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Marriage and Divorce in Religious Courts: A Case Study. Family Law 41, pp. 956-961.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and religious law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and civil law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Bryant, M. 2011. Are British Muslims 'green'? An overview of environmental activism among Muslims in Britain. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 5(3), pp. 284-306.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Mellor, J. 2010. 'Bilād al-Welsh' (Land of the Welsh): Muslims in Cardiff, South Wales: past, present and future. The Muslim World 100(4), pp. 452-475. (10.1111/j.1478-1913.2010.01331.x)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. Muslims in Britain: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. 'The First Registered Mosque in the UK, Cardiff, 1860': the evolution of a myth. Contemporary Islam 4(2), pp. 179-193. (10.1007/s11562-010-0116-9)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. Body-works and fieldwork: Research with British Muslim chaplains. Culture and Religion 11(4), pp. 413-432. (10.1080/14755610.2010.527615)
- Rozario, S. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2007. Genetics, religion and identity: a study of British Bangladeshis (2004-7). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2006. Educating the Ulama: Centres of Islamic Religious Training in Britain. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 17(1), pp. 55-76. (10.1080/09596410500399367)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. 'Sacralising' Sacred Space in Public Institutions: A Case Study of the Prayer Space at the Millennium Dome. Journal of Contemporary Religion 20(3), pp. 357-372. (10.1080/13537900500249921)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. From 'Chapel' to 'Prayer Room': The production, use and politics of sacred space in public institutions. Culture and Religion 6(2), pp. 287-308. (10.1080/01438300500226448)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. Closed Worlds: (Not) Accessing Deobandi Dar ul-Uloom in Britain. Fieldwork in Religion 1(1), pp. 7-33.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2004. The Trouble with 'Inclusion': a case study of the Faith Zone at the Millennium Dome. The Sociological Review 52(4), pp. 459-477. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00491.x)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2003. Nursing, Professionalism and Spirituality. Journal of Contemporary Religion 18(3), pp. 335-349. (10.1080/13537900310001601695)
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Schmid, H. and Ali, M. M. 2024. Mapping Muslim chaplaincy: An analytic review of publications between 1989 and 2023. Journal of Muslims in Europe (10.1163/22117954-bja10102)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2023. ‘Overstretched and under-resourced’: the corporate neglect of port welfare services for seafarers. Maritime Policy and Management 50(7), pp. 876-888. (10.1080/03088839.2022.2084788)
- Cadge, W., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2023. The work of port chaplains: views from seafarers served. Journal of Contemporary Religion 38(2), pp. 325-342. (10.1080/13537903.2021.1986311)
- Turgo, N., Cage, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H. and Smith, G. 2023. Relying on the kindness of strangers: Welfare-providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 52(2), pp. 192-217. (10.1177/08912416221092001)
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G., Cadge, W., Sampson, H. and Turgo, N. 2023. ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’: the risks and rewards of port chaplaincy. Journal of Beliefs and Values 44(2), pp. 173-187. (10.1080/13617672.2022.2039982)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. 'Sleeping on the job': where qualitative fieldwork meets the sociology of sleep. Qualitative Research 21(2), pp. 145-160. (10.1177/1468794120917050)
- Smith, G., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Sampson, H. 2021. A working theology: an evaluation of the popular beliefs of Roman Catholic Filipino seafarers. Practical Theology 14(6), pp. 506-517. (10.1080/1756073X.2021.1951945)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. Keeping Faith: an exploration of Welsh Muslim Identity. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 32(3), pp. 307-328. (10.1080/09596410.2021.1934292)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2020. Learning about Islam and Muslims online: Reflections on the design and delivery of a massive open online course (MOOC) 2014-2019. Teaching Theology and Religion 23(4), pp. 252-264. (10.1111/teth.12568)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. 2020. Introduction: leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. Religions 11(11), article number: 559. (10.3390/rel11110559)
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2020. Harmony of the seas?: Work, faith, and religious difference among multinational migrant workers on board cargo ships. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(16), pp. 287-305. (10.1080/01419870.2020.1776362)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2018. From 'closed worlds' to 'open doors': (now) accessing Deobandi darul uloom in Britain. Fieldwork in Religion 13(2), pp. 127-150. (10.1558/firn.35029)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2018. Afterword: Religion in public institutions. Methodological challenges, institutional comparisons, and key variables. Journal of Religion in Europe 11(2-3), pp. 186-194. (10.1163/18748929-01102006)
- Scourfield, J. B., Warden, R., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2013. Religious nurture in British Muslim families: implications for social work. International Social Work 56(3), pp. 326-342. (10.1177/0020872812474032)
- Mellor, J. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2013. The early history of migration and settlement of Yemenis in Cardiff, 1939-1970: religion and ethnicity as social capital. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(1), pp. 176-191. (10.1080/01419870.2013.783221)
- Sandberg, R., Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2012. Britain's religious tribunals: 'joint governance' in practice. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33(2), pp. 263-291. (10.1093/ojls/gqs031)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2012. The role of religious tribunals in regulating marriage and divorce. Child and Family Law Quarterly 24(2), pp. 139-157.
- Scourfield, J. B., Taylor, C. M., Moore, G. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. The intergenerational transmission of Islam in England and Wales: evidence from the Citizenship Survey. Sociology 46(1), pp. 91-108. (10.1177/0038038511419189)
- Khan, A., Scourfield, J., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Otri, S. 2012. Reflections on qualitative research with Muslim families. Fieldwork in Religion 7(1), pp. 48-69.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2011. 'Being there' the experience of shadowing a British Muslim hospital chaplain. Qualitative Research 11(5), pp. 469-486. (10.1177/1468794111413223)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Marriage and Divorce in Religious Courts: A Case Study. Family Law 41, pp. 956-961.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Bryant, M. 2011. Are British Muslims 'green'? An overview of environmental activism among Muslims in Britain. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 5(3), pp. 284-306.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Mellor, J. 2010. 'Bilād al-Welsh' (Land of the Welsh): Muslims in Cardiff, South Wales: past, present and future. The Muslim World 100(4), pp. 452-475. (10.1111/j.1478-1913.2010.01331.x)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. 'The First Registered Mosque in the UK, Cardiff, 1860': the evolution of a myth. Contemporary Islam 4(2), pp. 179-193. (10.1007/s11562-010-0116-9)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. Body-works and fieldwork: Research with British Muslim chaplains. Culture and Religion 11(4), pp. 413-432. (10.1080/14755610.2010.527615)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2006. Educating the Ulama: Centres of Islamic Religious Training in Britain. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 17(1), pp. 55-76. (10.1080/09596410500399367)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. 'Sacralising' Sacred Space in Public Institutions: A Case Study of the Prayer Space at the Millennium Dome. Journal of Contemporary Religion 20(3), pp. 357-372. (10.1080/13537900500249921)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. From 'Chapel' to 'Prayer Room': The production, use and politics of sacred space in public institutions. Culture and Religion 6(2), pp. 287-308. (10.1080/01438300500226448)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2005. Closed Worlds: (Not) Accessing Deobandi Dar ul-Uloom in Britain. Fieldwork in Religion 1(1), pp. 7-33.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2004. The Trouble with 'Inclusion': a case study of the Faith Zone at the Millennium Dome. The Sociological Review 52(4), pp. 459-477. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00491.x)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2003. Nursing, Professionalism and Spirituality. Journal of Contemporary Religion 18(3), pp. 335-349. (10.1080/13537900310001601695)
Book sections
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2025. Encountering ethical and other issues when shadowing Muslim chaplains. In: Woodhead, L., Cadman, L. and Graham, N. eds. Messy Methods in Researching Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 135-145.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2024. Setting the agenda in chaplaincy and pastoral care. In: Todd, A. and Smith, G. eds. Future Faith: Public and Practical Theologies for the Contemporary World. London, UK: Routledge, (10.4324/9781003389743-11)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2023. What do the terms 'confessional' and 'non-confessional' mean, and are they helpful? Some social scientific musings. In: Nielsen, J. and Jones, S. eds. Islamic Studies in European Higher Education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 53-68., (10.1515/9781399510875)
- Scourfield, J., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2017. Learning to be a Muslim. In: Strhan, A., Parker, S. G. and Ridgely, S. B. eds. The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 123-130.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Arshad, M. 2015. Multifaith working. In: Swift, C., Cobb, M. and Todd, A. eds. A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies: Understanding Spiritual Care in Public Places. Routledge Contemporary Ecclesiology Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 109-122., (10.4324/9781315564784)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Clines, J. 2015. Religious literacy and chaplaincy. In: Dinham, A. and Francis, M. eds. Religious Literacy in policy and practice. Policy Press, pp. 237-256.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2015. The United Kingdom. In: Cesari, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of European Islam. Oxford University Press, pp. 64-103.
- Douglas, G., Sandberg, R., Doe, N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2014. Religious divorce in England and Wales: religious tribunals in action. In: Shah, P., Foblets, M. and Rohe, M. eds. Family, Religion and Law: Cultural encounters in Europe. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 195-208.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2013. Accommodating religious divorce in the secular state: A case study analysis. In: Maclean, M. and Eekelaar, J. eds. Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies. Onati International Series in Law and Society Vol. 1. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 185-201.
- Ali, M. M. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. Muslim chaplains: working at the interface of 'public' and 'private'. In: Ahmad, W. I. U. and Sardar, Z. eds. Muslims in Britain: Making Social and Political Space. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 84-100.
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2024. Chaplaincy and seafarers: Faith at work. Oxford University Press. (10.1093/9780198913290.001.0001)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. eds. 2021. Leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-03943-742-9)
- Gilliat-Ray, S., Ali, M. M. and Pattison, S. 2013. Understanding Muslim chaplaincy. Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Scourfield, J. B., Gilliat-Ray, S., Khan, A. and Otri, S. 2013. Muslim childhood: religious nurture in a European context. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010. Muslims in Britain: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Smith, G. 2021. Religion in multi-ethnic contexts: a multidisciplinary case study of global seafaring. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and religious law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and civil law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Rozario, S. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2007. Genetics, religion and identity: a study of British Bangladeshis (2004-7). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Research interests
Successful research grant applications and projects
2017-2020 - £659,070 as CI – ESRC (with PI - Prof Helen Sampson, SIRC): 'Religion in Multi–ethnic Contexts: the case of global seafaring'
2016-2017 - £31,384 - as CI – GW4 'Accelerator Fund' (with Prof Rob Gleave, Exeter University): Understanding Religion and Law: Muslims, Fatwas and Muftis in the UK'
2009-2011 - £77,76 as CI – AHRC/ESRC (with Prof. G. Douglas): 'Social Cohesion and Civil Law: The Family and Religious Courts'
2009-2010 - £16,000 - as PI – Botanic Gardens Conservation Int.: 'Islamic Gardens in Britain'
2007-2012 - £270, 381 - AS PI - AHRC/ESRC (with Prof. S. Pattison): 'Leadership and Capacity Building in British Muslim Communities: the case of Muslim chaplains'
2007-2010 - £379, 658 - as CI- AHRC/ESRC (with Dr. J. Scourfield): 'Religious Nurture in Muslim Families'
2006-2007 - £13,136 - as PI - Home Office (DCLG): 'Muslims in Britain Research Network Grant'
2002-2005 - £133,250 - as PI – ESRC: 'Genetics, Religion and Identity: Bangladeshi Muslims in Britain'
2002-2003 - £14,934 - as PI - Leverhulme Trust: 'The Training of Imams in Britain'
2002-2003 - £1,470 - AS PI - PRS-LTSN: 'Development of Employability Skills in the Sociology of Religion'
2002-2003 - £1,250 - AS PI - PRS-LTSN: 'Theology and Religious Studies in the University of Wales'
2000 - £2,687 - as PI - Nuffield Foundation: 'Chaplaincy at the Millennium Dome'
2000 - £3,000 - as PI - Sir Halley Stewart Trust: 'The Faith Zone at the Millennium Dome'
1997 - £1,500 - as PI - University of Exeter Research Committee: 'Religion in Higher Education'
1997 - £38,692 - as CI - Leverhulme Trust: 'The Training of Anglican Clergy for Ministry in a Multi-faith Society
1995 - £1,574 - as PI - Nuffield Foundation: 'Chaplaincy in the United States'
Postgraduate doctoral students (completed)
- Carl Morris (2009-2012): 'Sounds Islamic: Muslim Music in Britain'
- Abdul-Azim Ahmed (2012 – 2016): 'Sacred Rhythms: an ethnography of a British mosque'
- Riyaz Timol (2012 – 2017): 'Spiritual Wayfarers in a secular age: the Tablighi Jama'at in Modern Britain'
- Asma Khan (2013-2018): 'Beliefs, Choices and Constraints: understanding and explaining the economic inactivity of British Muslim women'
- Jo Bryant (2014-2018): 'The Integration of Minority Faith Groups in Acute Healthcare Chaplaincy'
- Haroon Sidat (2015-2019): 'Formation and Training of British Muslim Scholars'
- Matthew Vince (2015-2018): 'Muslim Identities in Contemporary Britain: the case of Muslim Religious Education Teachers'
- Ayesha Khan (2017 – 2020): 'Sufisticated: Exploring Contemporary Sufism among Young British Muslims'
- Laura Jones (2018 – 2022): Ramadan in the UK: a month of ambiguity'
Education and qualifications
1994 Ph.D. in Religious Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter
1992 M.A. in Interfaith Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter (with Distinction)
1991 B.A. (Joint Hons) Theology & Religious Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter, (First Class)
Career overview
2013-present, Cardiff University, Professor of Religious & Theological Studies
2010 – 2013, Cardiff University, Reader in Religious & Theological Studies
2007 – 2010, Cardiff University, Senior Lecturer in Religious & Theological Studies
2005 – present, Cardiff University, Director, Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK
2004 – 2007, Cardiff University, Lecturer in Religious & Theological Studies
1999 – 2004, Cardiff University, School of Religious and Theological Studies, Cardiff Research Fellow
1998 – University of Exeter, Research Fellow in Sociology
1994 – 1997, University of Warwick, Research Fellow, Department of Sociology and part-time tutor, Institute of Education
Honours and awards
- I was awarded an OBE in 2020 for my work in British Muslim Studies
- Elected as a member of the Learned Society of Wales, 2019
- In March 2006, I was given an 'Award for Excellence' by The Muslim News (the largest circulation national newspaper for British Muslims) for my work in the field of 'Education'.
- Nominee of the 'Muslim Council of Britain', to attend the Queen's Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, 2009 in recognition of my research on Islam and Muslims in Britain
Professional memberships
- Association of Muslim Social Scientists (member of the Advisory Board 1998-2002; member of the Executive Committee 2002-3)
- Member of the editorial board for the international journals Fieldwork in Religion (2005 – present), Contemporary Islam (2009 – present); Journal of Muslims in Europe (2023-)
- Chair of the Advisory Board, 'Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations' (CRER), University of Warwick, 2005 – 2011)
- British Sociological Association 'Sociology of Religion Study Group', Convenor (1997-2000).
- Muslims in Britain Research Network, Co-ordinator (with Professor Jorgen Nielsen, Birmingham University, and Dr Sean McLoughlin, Leeds University), 2003- 2007. Elected as Chair in 2014 for a 3 year term.
- Trustee of 'Cambridge Muslim College' (directed by Abdul Hakim Murad/Tim Winter, University of Cambridge), from 2009-2015
- Higher Education Academy Islamic Studies Network, Advisory Board member (2009 to 2012)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Islamic Foundation, Leicester (from 2011-2013)
- Editorial Board member for Bloomsbury Series 'Islam in the Global West' (2015-)
- Founding Editor, with Yahya Birt and Shamim Miah, of the 'Oxford British Muslim Studies' series (2022-)
- Consultant for the NHS (E) Northern and Yorkshire Chaplains and Pastoral Care Committee document 'A Framework for Spiritual, Faith and Related Pastoral Care', December 1995.
- Consultant for the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts document Spiritual Care in the NHS, December 1996
- Consultant for the Diocese of Birmingham (supervision of post-ordination training project)
- Consultant for Religions in the UK - A Multi-Faith Directory, (University of Derby/Inter-Faith Network for the UK)
- Consultant to Lincoln Theological Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Sheffield for a one-year project: 'Responding to Change: Health Care Chaplaincy in the NHS (1999-2000)
- Consultant to Joseph Rowntree funded project, 2004-5
- Consultant to AHRB-funded project, University of Leeds, 2005
- Member of the Home Office Task Force on 'Preventing Extremism' ('Education' working group) (2005)
- In 2005, I was nominated as one of 14 'star' researchers at Cardiff University
- In March 2006, I was given an 'Award for Excellence' by The Muslim News (the largest circulation national newspaper for British Muslims) for my work in the field of 'Education'.
- Member of the Steering Group for the HEFCE project on 'Islam in Universities in England' (The Siddiqui Report) 2007
- Member of the national Advisory Group for the Muslim Faith Leaders Review (Communities and Local Government) 2008-9
- Regular invitations to referee book proposals for academic publishers: SAGE (London), Ashgate (Aldershot), Palgrave-Macmillan (Basingstoke), Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh), Routledge (London)
- Regular invitations to referee for peer review journal articles (Journal of Contemporary Religion, British Journal of Religious Education, Review of Religious Research, Sociology, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences)
- Regular invitations to referee grant proposals for ESRC, AHRC, King's Fund, Nuffield Foundation
- Consultant to the 'Four Generations Project', Somali Integration Society, Cardiff (from 2009)
- Nominee of the 'Muslim Council of Britain', to attend the Queen's Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, 2009 in recognition of my research on Islam and Muslims in Britain
- Contributions to the AHRC/ESRC 'Religion and Society' Programme more widely (e.g. publications arising from the Programme), participation in a doctoral training conference, advising and contributing to other Programme-related events and projects (e.g. workshops in Lancaster, Cambridge University research on University-Community engagement).
- Reviewer of publications for REF 2014 (University of Edinburgh)
- Peer review of major grant application for Danish Council for Independent Research (2015)
- Member of Panel 31 (Theology and Religious Studies) for REF21
- Commission on Islam, Participation and Public Life (Chair: Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC) 2015-17, and Chair of the 'Muslim Leadership' sub-group
Academic positions
Research Fellow in Sociology, University of Exeter, 1998
Research Fellow in Sociology, University of Warwick, 1994-1997
Committees and reviewing
2015-2016, Supporting Excellence Framework Steering Committee (Chair: Prof Elizabeth Treasure, Deputy Vice-Chancellor)
2012-2016, Postgraduate Tutor, Department of Religious & Theological Studies
2011-2014, member of School Senior Management Team, with brief for 'Innovation and Engagement'.
I am interested in supervision of PhD students in the broad field of British Muslim Studies, with particular focus on questions around leadership, mosques, chaplaincy, imams, and other Muslim 'religious professionals'. I also welcome enquiries about research concerning chaplainy more broadly.
Current supervision
Past projects
- Carl Morris (2009-2012): 'Sounds Islamic: Muslim Music in Britain'
- Abdul-Azim Ahmed (2012 – 2016): 'Sacred Rhythms: an ethnography of a British mosque'
- Riyaz Timol (2012 – 2017): 'Spiritual Wayfarers in a secular age: the Tablighi Jama'at in Modern Britain'
- Asma Khan (2013-2018): 'Beliefs, Choices and Constraints: understanding and explaining the economic inactivity of British Muslim women'
- Jo Bryant (2014-2018): 'The Integration of Minority Faith Groups in Acute Healthcare Chaplaincy'
- Haroon Sidat (2015-2019): 'Formation and Training of British Muslim Scholars'
- Matthew Vince (2015-2018): 'Muslim Identities in Contemporary Britain: the case of Muslim Religious Education Teachers'
- Ayesha Khan (2017 – 2020): 'Sufisticated: Exploring Contemporary Sufism among Young British Muslims'
- Laura Jones (2018 – 2022): Ramadan in the UK: a month of ambiguity'
All of my PhD students have passed their viva first time with only 'minor corrections'.
Contact Details
+44 29225 10830
John Percival Building, Floor 5th, Room 5.04, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Islam
- British Muslim Studies
- Chaplaincy Studies