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Ying Liu  BEng & MEng (Chongqing Univ, China), MSc (SMA, NTU), PhD (SMA, NUS)

Professor Ying Liu

BEng & MEng (Chongqing Univ, China), MSc (SMA, NTU), PhD (SMA, NUS)

Professor in Intelligent Manufacturing

Available for postgraduate supervision


Dr. Ying Liu is currently Professor and Chair in Intelligent Manufacturing (from 1st Aug 2021) and the Group Leader for High-value Manufacturing with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, UK.

Before that, he worked as an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore (2010-2013) and with the Department of Industrial Systems and Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2006-2010). He obtained his Bachelor's (1998) and Master's degrees (2001) both in Mechanical Engineering at Chongqing University, China, and his Ph.D. (2006) from the Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology (IMST) program under the Singapore MIT Alliance (SMA) at the National University of Singapore.

His research interests focus primarily on engineering informatics, digital and intelligent (smart) manufacturing, AI and machine learning for engineering, design methodology and process, and advanced ICT in engineering design and manufacturing, in which areas he has published over 160 scholarly articles, one edited book and more than 12 journal special issues. Given his career trajectory, Dr Liu’s research is supported by GRF Hong Kong, MOE Singapore, A*STAR Singapore, EPSRC UK, NSF China, and the industry.

He serves as Associate Editors with ASME JCISE, IEEE T-ASE, the Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (Taylor & Francis), CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (Springer) and Autonomous Intelligent Systems (Springer), and is on the Editorial Board of Advanced Engineering Informatics (Elsevier) and Scientific Reports (Springer Nature).


  1. ** Congratulations to Yuwei. "Making knowledge graphs work for smart manufacturing: Research topics, applications and prospects" has just been published by the Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMS).
  2. Our latest study examining the critical role and function of Machine Learning in the advance of Digital Twin for Predictive Maintenance has just been published by the Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMS).
  3. Congratulations to Dr. Zheyuan Chen and Yuwei on the publication of "A Knowledge Graph-supported Information Fusion Approach for Multi-faceted Conceptual Modeling" by Information Fusion, one of the top Computer Science Journals. 
  4. Our review effort on the Research and Application of Machine Learning for Additive Manufacturing, published by Additive Manufacturing, has been first awarded an ESI Highly Cited Paper, and later a Hot Paper.   
  5. I was recently appointed a Senior Editor of the Journal of Engineering Design (JED) (Taylor & Francis). 
  6. Our research paper titled "Industrial Internet of Learning (IIoL): IIoT based Pervasive Knowledge Network for LPWAN – concept, framework and case studies" was given Best Paper Award 2022 by the CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, TPCI (Springer Nature). This was announced by the EIC of the CCF TPCI during the International Conference on Harmonious Human Machine Environment (CCF HHME 2022). 
  7. Here is our latest effort: the Topical Collection on "Computational Product Design with Artificial Intelligence" with MDPI the journal of Machines. You are welcome to submit your relevant research study for publication. 
  8. AMSec 2022: International Workshop on Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Security, in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2022, November 7-11, 2022, Los Angeles, U.S.
  9. Our latest research effort on the Research and Application of Machine Learning for Additive Manufacturing has been published with Additive Manufacturing. This is an international collaborative effort with academics and researchers from NIST USA, the Univ of Manchester, Georgia Tech, Penn State, and Chongqing University, China. A Share Link is provided by Elsevier for 50 days' free access to the article until 12th Apr 2022. Elsevier has recently offered us Gold OA (4th May 2022). 
  10. CFP: SI on Industrial Knowledge Graph-enabled Cognitive Intelligence-Driven Mass Personalization with Advanced Engineering Informatics. Submission deadline: 31st Jul 2022.
  11. CFP: SI on Recent Advances of AI for Engineering Service and Maintenance with Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Springer Nature. Submission deadline: 1st Apr 2022.
  12. I was recently invited to join Scientific Reports as the inaugural Editorial Board Member of her Mechanical Engineering division.
  13. I was recently invited to speak at Manufacturing Analytics – Webinar 2: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI. A video recording can be found here on YouTube.
  14. Congratulations to my former PhD student Dr Chong Chen who was awarded "2020 Reviewer of the Year" by the ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) in cognition of his outstanding contribution to the journal in terms of the quantity, quality, and turnaround time of reviews completed in the year of 2020!
  15. AMSec 2021: International Workshop on Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Security, in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021, November 14-19, 2021, Seoul, South Korea
  16. CFP: SI on Symbiotic Human-AI Partnership for Next Generation Factories with ASME JCISE (ISSN 1530-9827)
  17. CFPThe 14th IFAC Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Workshop (IMS 2022), March 28-30, 2022, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  18. My next keynote speech: The Global Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Sep 2021 Brussels, Belgium
  19. My next keynote speech: AI for Advanced Manufacturing, Oct 2021 Washington DC
  20. Mr. Zhouyang Ding, a Master student who visited our research group for six months in 2019, has been awarded an ESI Highly Cited Paper for his publication An integrated decision-making method for selecting machine tool guideways considering remanufacturability, (10.1080/0951192X.2018.1550680).
  21. CFP: SS on Advances of Machine Learning for Smart Manufacturing with IEEE CASE 2021
  22. CFP: SS on Advances of Digital Twin for Intelligent Manufacturing with IEEE CASE 2021
  23. CFPASME IDETC/CIE 2021 and the 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) Topics
  24. CFP: SI on Distributed and Sustainable Manufacturing with Sustainability (MDPI, ISSN 2071-1050)






















  • Liu, Y., Lu, W. F. and Loh, H. T. 2006. A framework of information and knowledge management for product design and development - A text mini. Presented at: 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 2006, Saint Etienne, France, 17-19 May 2006 Presented at Morel, G., Dolgui, A. and Pereira, C. eds.12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 2006. Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Vol. 12. International Federation of Automatic Control pp. 667-672., (10.3182/20060517-3-FR-2903.00339)
  • Yap, I., Loh, H. T., Shen, L. and Liu, Y. 2006. Topic detection using MFSs. Presented at: 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2006), Annecy, France, 27-30 June 2006 Presented at Ali, M. and Dapoigny, R. eds.Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2006, Annecy, France, June 27-30, 2006. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4031. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer pp. 342-352., (10.1007/11779568_38)


  • Liu, Y., Loh, H. T. and Tor, S. B. 2005. Comparison of extreme learning machine with support vector machine for text classification. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE 2005), Bari, Italy, 22-24 June 2005Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2005, Bari, Italy, June 22-24, 2005. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3533. Berlin: Springer pp. 390-399., (10.1007/11504894_55)


Book sections




Research theme: Mechanics, Materials and Advanced Manufacturing



Supervised Students


Innovative design for smart products in the cyber-physical era

Jian QinCurrentPhD

Human-Machine-Interaction Focused Learning for Collaboration and Adaptability under Industry 4.0

Harley OliffCurrentPhD

Machine Learning Based Product Remaining Useful Life Prediction And Its Application In Predictive Maintenance

Chong ChenCurrentPhD



Product Design and System Integration (Integrated Engineering)


Product Design (MMM and Integrated Engineering, 3rd Year BEng full cohort)


Manufacturing Informatics (MSc)

Dr Liu is the recipient of Teaching of the Year Award (AY2017/18) from the School of Engineering and was nominated for an Enriching Student Life Award three times by students.

Some design final videos from our past students, have fun and enjoy!


Determined to experience different research cultures and pursue his career, Dr Liu joined Cardiff University as a Senior Lecturer with the Institute of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the School of Engineering in July 2013. He obtained his Bachelor and Master both in Mechanical Engineering from Chongqing University, China in 1998 and 2001, and then M.Sc. and PhD from the Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology (IMST) program under the Singapore MIT Alliance (SMA) at Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore in 2002 and 2006 respectively. In Dec 2006, he went to teach with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, first as a Lecturer and then an Assistant Professor. From Aug 2010, Dr Liu joined Mechanical Engineering with the National University of Singapore as an Assistant Professor until his tenure ended in Jun 2013.

Dr Liu’s research interests focus primarily on design informatics, manufacturing informatics, intelligent manufacturing, design methodology and process, product design, ICT in design and manufacturing, intelligent data analytics, information processing and management in conceptual design, engineering design and manufacturing using techniques such as data/text mining, machine learning, information retrieval, computational intelligence, AI and so on for knowledge discovery and management purpose.

In Aug 2009, teamed up with academics from University of Bath UK, Purdue University and Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, Dr Liu had initiated the first special session on Design Informatics (DI) with the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) in San Diego. DI studies the representation, perception, processing, computation, communication, storage, retrieval and reuse of information and knowledge in the general context of design. Largely due to the fast-growing services offered by WWW, Semantic Web and Web 2.0, and the intrinsic complexity of information processing in design -- information and knowledge-intensive activity, DI has emerged as a multidisciplinary research arena that links up various areas like information and communication technology, cognitive science and social science, computer science and artificial intelligence, design study and so on. In 2011 Washington DC, DI was voted to be one of the four permanent topics under the Technical Committee of Systems Engineering, Information and Knowledge Management (SEIKM) with IDETC/CIE starting in IDETC/CIE 2012, Chicago. In the meantime, Dr Liu was elected as the ASME CIE/SEIKM Technical Committee Chair for 2012-2013 and served IDETC 2013 Portland, USA. Furthermore, he was nominated as the Associate Theme Chair of Design Information and Knowledge theme with the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED’13 Seoul Korea, another premier academic conference on engineering design organized by the Design Society.

Given his expertise, Dr Liu’s past research is funded by Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), Ministry of Education Singapore, Singapore A*STAR and the Chinese government, spanning industry sectors from automotive manufacturing, aerospace, energy and offshore, to public transportation, healthcare and hospital authority. Such efforts have made his research work appeared in academic journals and conferences from design and manufacturing, expert system and decision support, to engineering informatics and computer science. Dr Liu is the lead editor for the book “Advances of Computational Intelligence in Industrial Systems” Springer 2008 and has served as guest editors for several special issues with the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Information Systems Frontiers and Advanced Engineering Informatics. He is an Associate Editor of ASME JCISE and the Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (Taylor & Francis) and is on the Editorial Board of Advanced Engineering Informatics (ADVEI), the Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science (JIDPS) and the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL). He also serves as a reviewer of over 30 international journals and has acted as a Program Committee member for over 40 international conferences since 2012.

Professional memberships

He is a professional member with ASME, ACM, IEEE and the Design Society.


My PhD students are in the backgrounds of mechanical/manufacturing/industrial engineering, computer science, automation and control, industrial design, EEE, and lately, materials science and engineering and enterprise management.

Almost 50% of my PhD students are industry-sponsored. Almost every single PhD research study under my direct supervision has a dedicated industrial collaborator so it helps the student to validate his/her original work and demonstrate its effectiveness and value.

Thank you!

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74696
Campuses Queen's Buildings - South Building, Room S1.04, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA