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Joseph Newton   BSc MSc

Mr Joseph Newton


Graduate Tutor

School of Psychology

Tower Building, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT


My research has a primary focus on the effect that social exclusion (being ignored and excluded) has on risk-related decision-making. In particular, we are interested in examining if social exclusion increases susceptibility to risky peer decisions, as well as examining how states of social (dis)connection may lead to changes in reward sensitivity, reward learning, and changes in motivated behaviour. To answer these questions, we are using a combination of experimental techniques that include behavioural testing, computational modelling, as well as colloborative working with other departments. 





I am currently a member of several lab groups that I share research interests with:

  • Social Psychology
  • Human Factors Excellence (HuFEx) Research Group
  • Behavioural Research Group
  • Postgraduate Cardiff Neuroscience Socie


I am a current Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) for year one undergraduates, and am a previous Postgraduate tutor. I have advised second year research projects, as well as having taught and marked work for several classes on topics such as essay writing, statistics, persuasion, biological psychology and individual differences.



  • Aberystwyth University: BSc 
  • Cardiff University: MSc 
  • Purdue University: Visiting Scholar to the lab of distinguished Professor Kipling D. Williams
  • Cardif University: PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant

Academic positions

2020 - 2021: Postgraduate Tutor, Cardiff University

2021 - Present: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Cardiff University

Research themes


  • Cognition
  • Behavioural economics
  • Behavioural neuroscience