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Abid Mehmood

Dr Abid Mehmood

Senior Lecturer in International Planning and Sustainability

School of Geography and Planning

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


My broader expertise is in social innovation for sustainable development and environmental governance. I have research experience in climate change, renewable energy transitions, disaster resilience and social cohesion for local and regional development planning, policy and practice. 

Speaking engagements


  • Invited talk: 'Catalysing sustainable futures beyond SDGs: the importance of socio-technological innovation and education', Catalysing Sustainable Futures in Africa, University of Cape Town, South Africa (27 November 2024)
  • Invited talk: ‘Future challenges and possible directions for sustainable development’, Graduate Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University, Taiwan (18 September 2024)
  • Invited talk: How to foster resilience to environmental change?’, United Nations Association, Cardiff (5 June 2024)
  • Invited talk: ‘Old town regeneration’, Towards the Future: Taoyuan City Development Blueprint International Exchange Forum, Taoyuan, Taiwan (7 March 2024)
  • Invited talk: ‘Urban/Place regeneration’, Real Estate Development Forum, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (1 March 2024)
  • Invited talk: ‘Could science parks foster social innovation?’, Geographies of Governance for Sustainable and Inclusive Socio-technical Transformations, Taiwan-Wales Forum, National Taipei University, Taiwan (29 February 2024)
  • Invited talk: ‘The impact of climate change in growing sustainable societies’, London Interdisciplinary Bioscience Consortium (LIDo) Doctoral Training Programme, University College London, UK (20 February 2024)


News and Blogs



















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I have participated in research and consultancy projects for a range of organisations including Royal Academy of Engineering, DEFRA, ESRC, EPSRC, HEFCW and the European Commission.

Projects and grants

  • with Le Jeune and Moghayedi et al. ‘Catalysing Sustainable Futures in Africa: Transforming Engineering and Built Environment Higher Education to Bridge Knowledge and Technological Innovation Gaps’, Royal Academy of Engineering UK, Higher Education Partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa Grant (2024-25)
  • (Principal Investigator) ‘Resilient urban informal economies – a place-based view’, Cardiff University and University of Illinois System Collaboration Fund (2024)
  • with Spinney et al. Geographies of Governance for Sustainable and Inclusive Socio-technical Transformation, ESRC-NSTC Grant (2023-24)
  • (Principal Investigator) 'Resilient Housing Design in Fragile Settings', Royal Academy of Engineering UK, Frontiers Champions Award (2023-24)
  • with Hillbur et al. ‘Employing Theory of Change in research for societal transformation, Institute for Urban Research Seed Grant, Malmö University Sweden (2023)
  • (Principal Investigator) ‘Social innovation for sustainable placemaking: New perspectives in spatial planning, environment, and governance in Brazil, Cardiff University Collaboration Seed Fund (2022-23)
  • with Moghayedi et al. 'Innovative Urban Farm 4 Everyone: Enhancing the sustainability of society in the post-pandemic era', Royal Academy of Engineering UK (2022-23)
  • with Jamal et al. ‘Financial Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship in Ghana, Wales and Saudi Arabia', Innovation for All (2022)
  • with Ahmed et al., ‘Exploring Invisible Diversity in the City of Lights’, British Council, Pakistan-UK Higher Education Links (2022) 
  • (Principal Investigator) ‘Sustainable Pathways for Renewable Energy Transition’, Royal Academy of Engineering UK, Frontiers Champions Award (2021-22)
  • with Marchesi et al., ‘CircuPLAY – a CIRcular CommUnity PLAYful platform’, Innovation for All – Public Engagement Proof‐of‐Concept Fund (2021-22)
  • with Jamal A 'Financial empowerment of women through enterpreneurship in Pakistan', HEFCW-GCRF Network Award (2021)
  • (Principal Investigator) ‘Interplay between density, design, and wellbeing towards developing resilient cities’, Royal Academy of Engineering (2020-21)
  • with Moghayedi A 'Sustainable Innovative Affordable Housing Initiatives (SIAH-I)', Royal Academy of Engineering (2020-21)
  • with Rajendran L ‘Re-visioning Peripheral Geographies: Strategies for resilient urban development in the Global South’, Royal Academy of Engineering (2020-21)
  • with Behzadian K et al ‘Strategic planning of urban water reuse interventions for community resilience’, Royal Academy of Engineering (2020-21)
  • with Matsika et al ‘Inclusive and accessible public transport system for women and PRMs’, Royal Academy of Engineering (2020-21)
  • with Pala A ‘Community Interest Litigation as a tool for sustainable development in Lesotho’. GCRF Facilitation Grant (2020-21)
  • (Principal Investigator) 'Co-producing plans and strategies for community-based climate action’. ESRC/GCRF Impact Acceleration Award (2020)
  • with Pala A ‘Developing the impact of Community Interest Litigation for sustainable development', ESRC/GCRF Impact Acceleration Award (2020)
  • with Swensen G 'Sustainable Adaptation - Resilience in Urban Regeneration'. Research Council of Norway (2019-21)
  • with Brown A and Mackie P ‘Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict Cities: The Role of the Urban Informal Economy’. ESRC-DFID. ES/M008789/1 (2016-19)
  • (Principal Investigator) 'Institutional change for sustainable placemaking'. International Collaboration Seedcorn Fund (2017-18)
  • (Principal Investigator) 'Towards an agenda for sustainable food governance'. Cardiff University – KU Leuven Joint Collaboration Fund (2017)
  • with Rana O ‘Information Models for the "Sharing Economy"’. Cardiff University CUROP grant (2016)
  • with Roep D et al ‘Sustainable Place-Shaping’ SUSPLACE. European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN  (2015-19)
  • with Golubchikov, O., 'Low Carbon Planning, Innovation and Management'. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) DTC Award, co-funded with Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (2015-18)
  • with Jamal, A., 'Making sense of financial consumption for ethnic minorities in Wales'. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) DTC Award (2014-18) in collaboration with Islamic Banking and Finance Centre (IBFC) UK
  • 'Sustainable Urban Regeneration', European Commission Erasmus Intensive Programme (2013-14)
  • with Cullun-Unsworth et al., 'Biodiversity and Food Security: Developing Collaborative Policy for Seagrass Conservation in Turks and Caicos Islands'. Darwin Initiative DEFRA for UK Overseas Territories Challenge Fund, Round 18 (2012-13)
  • (Principal Investigator) International seminar series on Environmental Governance. Cardiff University Graduate College (2011-12)
  • (Principal Investigator) 'Planning Responses to Climate Change in the North East England'. Newcastle University Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Research Fund (2009-10)
  • with Hall et al. 'Adaptation and Resilience in Cities: Analysis and Decision making using Integrated Assessment' ARCADIA. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (2009-10)
  • with Moulaert et al., 'Social Platform on Cities and Social Cohesion' SOCIALPOLIS. European Commission FP7 (2008-10)
  • with Moulaert et al., 'Growing Inequality and Social Innovation: Alternative Knowledge and Practice in Overcoming Social Exclusion in Europe' KATARSIS. European Commission FP6 (2006-09)
  • with Moulaert et al., 'Development Models and Logics of Socioeconomic Organization in Space' – DEMOLOGOS. European Commission FP6 (2004-07)


I have taught for courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students at Cardiff University and at a number of other Universities in the Americas, Asia and Europe. I have provided short courses at Universities in Europe (e.g. KU Leuven) and China (e.g. Beijing Normal University), delivered summer courses in Europe, and developed capacity building programmes and workshops as part of international research projects (e.g. SUSPLACE, SPRET and Res-House). I have also contributed to the international programme evaluations.

Current teaching

At Cardiff University

  • Critical Planning Practice and Research, MSc (Module leader)
  • Planning for Sustainability, MSc (Module leader)
  • Renewable Energy Planning and Development, MSc (Module leader)
  • Space and Place: International Planning Practice, MSc (Module leader)

Previous teaching

At Cardiff University

  • Key Issues in Urban Planning, Year 1 (Module leader), School of Geography and Planning
  • Environmental Policy and Climate Change, MSc (Contributor), School of Geography and Planning
  • Sustainable Development: Concepts, Practices and Challenges, Year 2 (Contributor)
  • Critical Perspectives in Social Science, MSc (Contributor), School of Social Sciences
  • Community, Sustainable Health and Well-being, Professional Doctorate (Contributor), School of Social Sciences
  • Power, Politics, and Policy, Year 2 (Contributor), School of Social Sciences
  • Web and Social Computing, MSc (Contributor), School of Computer Science and Informatics

At Newcastle University (UK)

  • Urban and Regional Planning, MSc (Module leader)
  • Regional Development and Planning in Europe, MSc (Contributor)
  • Spatial Planning Theory and Practice, MSc (Contributor)
  • Linked Research Project, Year 3 (Contributor)
  • European Spatial Planning, Year 3 (Contributor)
  • Planning Frameworks, Year 2 (Contributor)

At KU Leuven (Belgium)

  • Spatial Planning: Theory and Practice, MSc (Contributor)
  • Socio-economic Development in Space, MSc (Contributor)

Programme evaluation

  • Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges (VLUHR), Belgium



  • PhD, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK
  • Research Masters (DEA) in Regional Development, University of Lille, France.
  • MBA in Management Information Systems, Hamdard University, Pakistan
  • BSc in Geology, Karachi University, Pakistan

Visiting and Honourable Positions

  • Visiting Fellow, Curtin University, Perth, Australia (2019)
  • Visiting Scholar, Renmin University, Beijing, China (2017)
  • Visiting Scholar, Beijing Normal University, China (2016)
  • Visiting Academic, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey (2013-14)
  • Visiting Academic, KTH Stockholm, Sweden (2010-11)
  • Visiting Fellow, Newcastle University, UK (2010-11)
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Naples Federico II, Italy (2009)
  • Visiting Academic, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy (2007-08)
  • Visiting Academic, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece (2004-05)
  • Research Fellow, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Lille, France (2001-02)

Expert and Advisory roles

  • Expert, National Research Foundation, South Africa (since 2022)
  • External Advisor, Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges - VLUHR (since 2018)
  • External Examiner, KU Leuven Belgium, Gran Sasso Science Institute Italy, NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi Pakistan, and University of Cape Town South Africa
  • External Expert Adviser, Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament (since 2014)

Reviewing for Research Councils

  • European Commission
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK
  • Economic and Social Research Council, UK
  • Medical Research Council, UK
  • Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • National Science Centre Poland (NCN)
  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
  • Czech Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Journal reviewing

ArcPlan; disP-The Planning Review; Environment and Planning A; Environmental Politics; Environmental Planning and Management; Environmental Policy and Planning; European Journal of Innovation Management; European Planning Studies; Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning; International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development; Island Studies Journal; Local Environment; Planning Theory; Planning Theory and Practice; Policy and Society; SAGE Open; Social Forces; Studies in Social Justice; Town Planning Review; Journal of Urban Design; Urban Studies.

Professional memberships

  • Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK (since 2007)
  • Innovation Network
  • UN-HABITAT University Network Initiative
  • European Spatial Development & Planning Network
  • Association of Commonwealth Universities' Commonwealth Climate Resilience Network
  • International Network on Social Innovation, Sustainable Development and Territory (INSIST)

Academic positions

  • Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University (since 2023)
  • Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University (2021-23)
  • Senior Research Fellow, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University (2020-21)
  • Research Fellow, Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University (2010-20)
  • Research Associate, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University (2004-10)

Speaking engagements


  • Invited talk: 'How to Make our Cities Resilient?’, International Programme of Urban Governance, National Taipei University, Taiwan (9 November 2023)
  • Invited talk: 'Planning and its Relationship with Sustainable Development’, Graduate Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University, Taiwan (8 November 2023)
  • Keynote talk: 'Experiential Learning in Higher Education: Reflections on Sustainability Education' Yuan Shan Lecture, National Taipei University, Taiwan (7 November 2023)
  • Invited talk: 'Social Innovation for Societal Transformation', IUR Symposium Applying Social Innovation and Theory of Change for Societal Transformation, Institute for Urban Research, Malmö University (25 September 2023)
  • Invited talk: 'Social Innovation as a Transformative Endeavour’, Postgraduate Programme in Economics and Development, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil (8 August 2023)
  • Invited talk: ‘Social Innovation for Sustainable Placemaking’, School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Campinas, Brazil (15 June 2023)
  • Invited talk: ‘Planning for Climate Change’, Cardiff-NTPU Collaborative Lectures SeriesNational Taipei University, Taiwan (31 March 2023)

Committees and reviewing

  • Steering Committee, Community Gateway, Cardiff University (2015-16)


I am interested in supervising PhD researchers in the following areas:

  • Social innovation
  • Global development related challenges
  • Energy transitions
  • Sustainable development and climate change
  • Social and public policy and governance
  • Resilience thinking


Postdoctoral supervision


Current supervision

Xinyi Yu

Xinyi Yu

Research student

Christiana Ekpo

Christiana Ekpo

Research student

Past projects

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76232
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Room 1.76, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA


  • Social Innovation
  • Resilience thinking